Alpizarin (ointment, tablets): instructions for use
Today almost everyone knows about the herpes virus; it is present in the body of 95% of the world's population
medicine cartef instructions application reviews
The drug "Cortef": instructions for use, indications, contraindications, doses, reviews
Indications for use The use of Cortef is indicated for: Endocrinology: subacute thyroiditis, hypercalcemia due to malignant neoplasms,
Mechanism of action of Enalapril H, recommendations and instructions for use
Enalapril N From the hematopoietic system: infrequently - anemia; rarely - neutropenia, decreased hemoglobin
A drug for restoring intestinal microflora Primadophilus Bifidus
Primadophilus to restore intestinal microflora
Release form and composition of the dietary supplement is available in the following forms: Primadofilus (for adults): capsules 290
"Infacol" for newborns: instructions for use, composition, reviews
With the birth of a baby, his parents face many problems and worries. The first thing that can
Fitoval: vitamins in capsules, shampoo, lotion. Instructions for use, composition, price, reviews
Fitoval: vitamins in capsules, shampoo, lotion. Instructions for use, composition, price, reviews
Manufacturer: Krka (Slovenia) Active ingredients Not specified. See instructions Pharmacological actions Not specified. Cm.
Main effects and mechanisms of action of sehydrin
SEHYDRINE Tablets, enteric-coated, red-brown in color; white tablet core; on a cross section
suprasitin for children
Suprastin for children: instructions for use for allergies (tablets, ampoules), dosage, reviews, analogues, price
Suprastin is given to children with pronounced allergy symptoms. Belongs to the group of rapid antihistamines
Reviews about Augmentin
Augmentin, 125 mg+31.25 mg/5 ml, powder for suspension for oral administration, 11.5 g (100 ml), 1 pc.
The penicillin antibiotic Augmentin is approved for both adults and children. It is prescribed for many
Ongliza, 30 pcs., 5 mg, film-coated tablets
What is the drug Ongliza for? Type 2 diabetes is characterized by reduced sensitivity of pancreatic cells
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