"Infacol" for newborns: instructions for use, composition, reviews

With the birth of a baby, his parents face many problems and worries. The first thing that may bother a newborn baby is cramps and pain in the abdomen. They begin for the simple reason that the baby is born into this world with sterile intestines. Thus, the digestive tract is slowly and gradually colonized by beneficial microorganisms. By about three (for some children - by six) months, this natural process is established, and all sorts of worries disappear.

Currently, there are a lot of different drugs that help overcome discomfort in the stomach. However, not all of them are suitable for children. One of the approved formulations is Infacol for newborns. Instructions for using the drug will be presented to your attention in the article. You will learn the features of using this tool. It is also worth mentioning what kind of consumer reviews the drug “Infacol” has.

Pharmacological properties


The active ingredient in Infacol is a surfactant stable polymethyloxane - simethicone. This is a mixture of silicone oil with particles of hydrophobic SiO2.

Due to the ability to reduce surface tension, viscosity and hydrophobicity, the substance is easily distributed over the surface of various substrates. After taking the suspension, the surface tension of gas bubbles formed in the contents of the stomach and intestinal mucus changes under the influence of simethicone, causing their destruction. The released gases are absorbed by the intestinal wall or excreted during intestinal peristalsis.

Being chemically inert, simethicone removes gas bubbles only physically; the substance does not enter into chemical reactions in the body.


Displaying physiological and chemical inertness, simethicone is not absorbed into the body, does not penetrate the systemic circulation, and after passing through the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is excreted unchanged.

The drug is non-toxic.

Colic in newborns

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Almost every baby suffers from increased gas formation in the first months of life. In some children, this condition persists for more than six months. Don't worry too much. Colic is not dangerous for the baby, but it does create considerable discomfort. Symptomatic treatment involves the use of carminatives, which include the drug "Infacol".

The baby's colic will last exactly as long as normal microflora in the intestines is established. Babies are born with sterile intestines. As it grows, it becomes populated with beneficial bacteria. This is facilitated by established breastfeeding or the use of suitable adapted formulas.

Reviews about Infakol

The opinions of parents who have used the drug to relieve colic in children under 1 year of age are quite diverse and largely contradictory. Some parents describe the suspension as the best medicine available on the market. They claim that it is effective, practically does not cause adverse reactions, is easy to use due to the presence of a pipette, has a pleasant smell, is not absorbed by the body and does not require systematic use. However, according to other reviews, Infacol had no effect at all on the course of the malaise, and in some cases intensified colic and thereby worsened the child’s condition.

Infacol for newborns, instructions

The active substance is simethicone, eliminates bloating and reduces

gas formation in the intestines.
This substance acts on the gas bubble in the intestines, reducing its tension. The drug does not have a systemic effect on the newborn’s body and is excreted along with feces. The drug may cause some side effects such as itching, rash or hives. This drug is white in color, liquid in consistency, tastes pleasant and does not cause antipathy in the baby, as well as addiction to the drug. It is recommended to take the medicine until the third month of life, until digestion normalizes.

The drug contains some substances (hypromelose, orange flavor, methylhydroxybenzoate, propylhydroxybenzoate) that are contraindicated due to individual intolerance to the constituent components.

It is convenient to give Infacol to a child, since a single dose pipette is attached to the bottle.

The drug should be used only if the pediatrician determines that your baby has bloating syndrome and colic in the tummy. Under no circumstances should you overfeed your baby with any medications just because it seems to you that he is bothered by his tummy and gas. Trust the experts, don't experiment.

If your pediatrician recommended Infacol to you, first of all, carefully read the instructions for use of the drug. Although it is considered quite harmless (which is why it can be given to children from a very early period of development), it should not be abused.

If your baby has no contraindications to the use of the drug, you can start giving it to him slowly. The main rule: unless absolutely necessary, you should not give your child medicine. If you are sure that it is colic that is bothering the child, then the use of medication will be justified.

The drug itself is well tolerated by a small organism and almost never causes side effects. Occasionally, allergic reactions may appear in the form of a rash, itchy skin, nervousness, and a general change in the baby’s mood. He may suddenly become capricious and refuse breast milk or formula.

How to give infacol to newborns

Infacol should be given before each feeding, approximately 0.5 ml. in one go. The main component of the drug is simethicone, a substance that reduces gas formation in the baby’s intestines. Infacol is easily excreted from the body along with feces and is not absorbed into the blood. The medicine should be given on its own using a regular teaspoon: no need to dilute it with milk or water.

It must be said that the result will be clearly noticeable only on days 2–3, but you will feel an improvement in the baby’s condition immediately: he will calm down, stop crying, and his appetite will be restored.

Mothers of small children sometimes wait for the appearance of these same childhood colics in the stomach as obligatory symptoms. This should not be done. If you have a baby in your family, this does not mean that you need to purchase Infacol in advance in unlimited quantities and store it at home “just in case of fire.” There is a reasonable limit to everything.

Thus, for those mothers who are very worried about the health of their baby, there is now a reasonable solution: the children's drug Infacol. It does not have any adverse effect and is effective enough to overcome the existing problem of colic in the tummy.

Reviews about the composition

Consumers report that it is very convenient to give the drug to newborn babies using a measuring syringe. Other parents say that they draw the medication into the included pipette. You can do what is convenient for you.

Doctors say that the medicine is easily tolerated by children due to its pleasant taste. Kids drink the sweet suspension with great pleasure. In the stomach and intestines, the described medicine breaks down gas bubbles and gently removes them from the body. Parents say that with regular use, their babies’ colic completely goes away and their stool improves.

Remember that even before using such safe drugs, you should always consult your pediatrician. If necessary, additional tests are taken. Good health to you!

Analogues of the drug

Infacol has analogs that are similar in composition and medicinal properties. Analogues include:

  1. Espumisan.
  2. Kuplaton.
  3. Disflatil.
  4. Colikid.

Espumisan is prescribed to infants to relieve pain in the abdominal area and remove excess gas bubbles from the intestines. There are contraindications: intestinal obstruction. There were no side effects other than an individual allergic reaction.

Kuplaton has the same medicinal properties as Infacol. Prescribed for bloating and childhood flatulence. There are contraindications; consultation with a pediatrician is required before use.

The drug Disflatil relieves a newborn from bloating and excessive gas formation. The active substance is simethicone, which collapses gas bubbles in the child’s intestines. There are contraindications, and side effects may occur in the form of an individual allergic reaction. Before use, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

Colikid normalizes gas exchange in the intestines and helps restore the balance of intestinal microflora. The active and auxiliary substances included in the drug eliminate bloating. There are contraindications for use; the medicine is recommended to be used under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Infacol: composition, indications, dosage, side effects

The active ingredient of this medicine is simethicone. Excipients included in the suspension: sodium saccharin, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, orange flavor, methyl parahydroxybenzoate E218, propyl parahydroxybenzoate E216, purified water.

Infacol is available in the form of a suspension (40 mg/ml).


Infacol is a medicine to relieve bloating. Simethicone, which is part of the composition, reduces the surface tension of the bubbles in the intestinal lumen, promoting their fusion and destruction, resulting in the release of gas, which is then excreted naturally. Simethicone does not interact with enzymes or microorganisms, is not absorbed, and does not affect digestion.

The medicine is intended for use in pediatric practice. It is prescribed to infants for the symptomatic treatment of spasms of intestinal smooth muscles and colic, which are caused by the accumulation of gas bubbles in the intestinal lumen.


Infacol should not be used:

  • with intestinal obstruction;
  • for obstructive diseases of the digestive tract;
  • if you are allergic to any of the components (see package insert);
  • in case of intolerance to auxiliary components (see package insert).

Directions for use and doses

The drug Infacol is intended for oral administration (orally through the mouth). It is not recommended to dilute the suspension.

Children under one year of age are given 20 mg (0.5 ml) of suspension before feeding; if necessary, the dose of the medicine can be increased to 40 mg (1 ml). The maximum therapeutic effect appears 2-3 days after the start of use of the suspension.

The duration of treatment with this drug depends on the severity of symptoms of increased gas formation and individual characteristics. If necessary, this drug can be used for a long period.


There are no data on cases of overdose with this medicine. The components of the drug are not absorbed from the surface of the intestine, and therefore an overdose does not develop.

If the dose of medication is significantly exceeded, you should consult your doctor.

Side effects

Side effects from the use of the drug have not been established. A laxative effect may be observed. Allergic reactions to additional components are possible, manifested in the form of a rash on the skin, redness, and urticaria.

There is a possibility of developing severe allergies: Quincke's edema (rapidly developing swelling of the face or part of it, eyes, lips, larynx with breathing problems), anaphylactic shock (severe itching of the skin, quickly spreading over the skin, a sharp drop in blood pressure, vomiting, loose stools, swelling larynx, noisy and labored breathing, pale or bluish skin, sharp narrowing of the bronchi and larynx, leading to acute difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, disruption of vital organs).

Storage conditions and periods

The drug Infacol must be stored and transported in original packaging under temperature control (15–25°C), no direct exposure to sunlight, and low humidity.

The maximum shelf life of capsules is indicated on the packaging (two years). The suspension should not be used after the expiration date.

Parents should ensure the safety of children and limit their access to the medicine.

What it is?

The drug "Infacol" is a suspension for oral administration. The medicine is available in volumes of 50, 75 and 100 milliliters. The liquid is packaged in a dark container with a pipette on the lid.

The composition of the drug "Infacol" is quite safe. The main component is simethicone. It is he who has a direct effect on the child’s digestive tract. In addition to the main substance, the drug also contains additional components. These are flavorings, sugars, purified water and so on. All of them complement the drug to one degree or another.

Description and instructions for the drug Infacol

Infacol is a drug that relieves colic in infants. It is registered in Ukraine, where it is distributed. However, this medicine has analogues available in Russia - these are Espumisan, Bobotik, and so on. The active substance of Infacol is simethicone. The effect this drug has is purely physical. Gas bubbles, under the influence of Infacol, merge, become larger and are easier to remove from the intestines. This drug is suitable for use in infants precisely because it does not penetrate into the blood, does not affect the body in any way, and is excreted unchanged.

Infacol is used for:

Colic and spasmodic pain in infants and small children.

The release form of Infacol is a suspension. It is not recommended to dilute it, that is, mix it with liquid food or drink. The instructions for the drug Infacol prescribe it to be given to infants before feeding (as many times as the patient feeds). The standard dose is half a milliliter. It can be increased only as prescribed by a doctor. Treatment usually brings relief on the second or third day.

Infacol is contraindicated for:

His intolerance;

This drug is not prescribed to adult patients.

Contraindications of the drug

The instructions for the drug contain information that all its components are completely safe for the baby. The drug can be used from the first days of a baby’s life. You should take into account the fact that each child has his own unique body.

That is why the drug has a number of contraindications for use:

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  • The use of the drug should be discontinued if there is hypersensitivity to one of the components included in the composition.
  • Diagnosed diseases of the stomach or intestines. In this case, the need and advisability of taking it is assessed by the attending physician.
  • The drug should not be used to treat infants with diabetes mellitus. It contains glucose.
  • Premature babies should also not be given the drug without consulting their doctor.
  • The product cannot be used by adults because it will not help them fight the disease.

Before using Infacol, you must consult your doctor. Newborns have a very sensitive body, so any component can cause harm to it. It is not always possible to predict a baby’s reaction to the use of a new drug.

Recommendations for eliminating colic

You can get rid of unpleasant symptoms not only with the help of carminatives. There are several other methods for safely eliminating colic:

  • The child is placed on his stomach, this strengthens his muscles and accelerates the natural removal of gases.
  • After eating, the baby is held upright for 15 minutes so that he regurgitates excess air.
  • It is recommended to walk outside more often, hold the child in your arms or carry the child in a sling. Read about why you need a sling and how to choose one in the article at the link.
  • During an attack, the baby's abdomen is massaged; for this, the palm is made with gentle movements in a clockwise direction.
  • Use the child’s legs to perform the “bicycle” exercise or simply gently press the knees to the stomach and then straighten them. A special ball is also used for exercises.
  • It is important to follow feeding technique so that the baby does not swallow air while eating.
  • A nursing mother must follow a diet and avoid gas-forming foods.
  • The child should grow up in a calm environment so that he cries less and excess air does not penetrate the digestive tract.

If you follow these rules, the risk of colic will decrease several times.
And if the baby still cries and presses his legs to his stomach, then you should consult a doctor who will make a diagnosis and prescribe a carminative drug, for example, Infacol for newborns. An effective and safe medicine will help the child survive this difficult period. And parents must strictly follow the dosage and other doctor’s recommendations. Subscribe to our VKontakte group

Features of good stagnation

Do not take Infacol without consulting a doctor if the child is undergoing treatment for thyroid disease.

Methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 218) and propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 216), which are supplied by Infacol, may cause allergic reactions (possibly intensified).

If the symptoms do not go away, you need to go to the doctor.

Suspension during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Don't get stuck.

This is due to the fluidity of the reaction during treatment with vehicles or other mechanisms.

Don't get stuck.

When is medication prescribed to children?

What does the summary say about the drug "Infacol" for newborns? The instructions indicate that the medication has its own indications. Its work is determined by its composition. The drug affects the gastrointestinal tract of the baby. Indications for the use of the drug in newborns are the following situations:

  • swallowing large amounts of air during feeding;
  • cramps and painful sensations in the abdomen, manifested by anxiety and poor sleep;
  • Frequent crying of the baby with tucking in the legs and so on.

The instructions for use about the drug "Infacol" say that it can also be used for preventive purposes. In this case, the medication will prevent the development of the problem in advance.

How and in what doses to use Infacol


The drug is administered orally.


Infacol is given to newborns before each feeding.


The dosage is prescribed by the doctor on an individual basis (usually the minimum dose is 0.5 ml of suspension for a child in the first month of life).


For older children, the dose is increased to 1 ml if necessary.

Infacol can be taken with water or milk, but diluting the drug is not recommended. Some relief of symptoms becomes noticeable already on the first day of using the drug, but the medicine has its maximum effect 2-3 days after the start of use.

Infacol is a symptomatic medicine, so the duration of use depends on the condition of the baby. For the same reason, painful attacks may resume when infacol is discontinued in newborns under 3 months of age.

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