Laripront for children: is it possible, description, instructions, reviews

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The medicine has a local anti-inflammatory effect. Lysozyme hydrochloride forms complexes with viruses. It has a detrimental effect on gram-positive bacteria and destroys their cellular structure. It has hemostatic and mucolic effects.

Dequalinium is a strong antiseptic , active against gram-positive and negative bacteria and fungi . Relieves swelling and promotes deeper penetration of active components into the mucous membrane.

The drug acts locally and does not penetrate the systemic circulation.

Laripront - instructions for use, description, reviews from patients and doctors, analogues

Price in the online pharmacy WER.RU: from 233

The drug Laripront is characterized by a wide range of effects on pathogenic flora of various origins. It inhibits the vital activity of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Area of ​​application: dentistry and ENT structures.

Thanks to its diverse effects, the substance is able to eliminate the inflammatory process. When interacting with the virus gene, the drug forms a common complex with it, which inhibits the synthesis and replication of new viruses.

When in contact with fungal forms and microbes, it damages the cellular structure of pathogens.

Elimination of edema has a beneficial effect on the absorption of the active components of the product and suppression of inflammatory processes. As a result of local use of Laripront, the risk of systemic spread of the entire drug through the systemic circulation is reduced.

Therefore, its use is recommended for minors and patients of the older age group. Another important quality that characterizes the drug is its hemostatic and mucolytic effect.

Therefore, there is a decrease in mucus viscosity and a rapid healing process as a result of the formation of the prothrombin effect. Lysozyme, which is part of the product, is considered an enzyme of the hydrolase class.

As an antimicrobial agent, it destroys bacterial cell membranes by hydrolyzing the peptidoglycan of the cell wall. And it is synthesized from the natural product of chicken egg proteins.

At the same time, lysozyme is a nonspecific immune response factor and is secreted by organelles of the pituitary surfaces of the human body. Therefore, being an active component of the drug Laripront, it has a powerful therapeutic effect.

The presence of dequalinium chloride makes it possible to reduce the surface tension of the liquid, which ensures deeper local penetration of the substance into the fibers and rapid restoration of organ functionality.

Despite the promising qualitative characteristics of the drug, its pharmacokinetic mechanism of action has not yet been fully studied. And it is not always clear against what background a person’s well-being improves. Doctors recommend using it as a complex therapy.

Clinical practice has shown the effectiveness and safety of the material when administered not only to small children, but also to women during pregnancy.

Laripront is produced in tablet form in the form of round white products. They are intended for resorption only. Each unit of product contains 11 mg of lysozyme hydrochloride and 0.25 mg of dequalinium chloride.

Additional ingredients are: a compound of magnesium salt and stearic acid, pepper and mint flavoring, enterosorbent - low molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone, anise aromatic essence, sucrose.

The tablets are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces.

The instructions recommend using the chemical for infection of the mucous membranes of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, gums, and pharynx. It is advisable to prescribe it for heavy loads on the ligaments with the development of hoarseness and sore throat.

In addition, the drug is useful in the process of rehabilitation measures after surgical treatment of the throat, for example, after resection of the adenoids, surgery on the tonsils, maxillary sinuses or maxillofacial bones.

This avoids possible secondary infection.

When treating streptococcal pathologies, especially during pregnancy, Laripront is used in combination with other dosage forms, which helps to significantly reduce the total dosage of antibacterial components.

J02.9 Acute inflammation of the larynx of unspecified etiology; J03.9 Acute inflammation of the palatine tonsils; J04 Acute inflammation of the pharynx and trachea; K05 Acute inflammation of the gums and periodontium; K12 Acute inflammation of the pituitary surface of the oral cavity.

The total number of reviews of the use of Laripront indicates a fairly high level of safety of the drug. Most patients tolerate the course of therapy well. But there are rare cases of the development of an allergenic response.

The nature of these reactions resembles specific irritation of the pituitary surfaces of the oral cavity and upper respiratory passages with the development of nettle fever, reminiscent of a mild burn injury. From the dermatological side, the formation of a rash on the skin surface is noticeable.

No precedents for severe allergenic reactions in the form of angioedema or anaphylactic shock have been recorded.

The instructions for use talk about collateral complications, manifested in the form of increased sensitivity to some components that are included in the drug formula. There are no other contraindications to the use of the medication.

Pregnant women are allowed to use the tablets, but only in the initial phase of the disease. Self-medication, both during pregnancy and during lactoformation, is strictly prohibited. The medication must be used under the supervision and control of medical personnel, since only a doctor can determine the optimal dose based on an individual examination.

Ease of use, the absence of serious side effects and contraindications have ensured the drug Laripront is highly popular among the population. The method of use involves dissolving the tablet, for which it is recommended to hold it in the mouth for some time until completely dissolved.

Take one tablet before meals with an interval of four hours. The frequency of administration is 3-4 times a day. At the moment of resorption, it is forbidden to take any liquid or solid food. After dissolving the tablet, it is not recommended to drink water or eat for half an hour. Otherwise, the therapeutic effect will be zero.

Before taking the product for the first time, you should carefully study the instructions. It has been established that the introduction of the active components of the drug does not have a negative effect on the ability to drive vehicles or perform other complex manipulations. All psychomotor reactions and ability to concentrate remain at an optimal level.

Due to the gentle action of the chemical material, it is approved for sale in retail pharmacies without providing a prescription form.

Based on clinical practice and laboratory studies on animals, it has been established that the tablets are neutral when interacting with all types of drugs. This allows it to be used in complex therapy. Sometimes the substance helps reduce the dosage of particularly aggressive drugs, such as antibiotics and others.

The main effect of Laripront is local, which prevents it from entering the systemic circulation. Thanks to this, the likelihood of an overdose is minimal and the possibility of it even in small children is practically excluded.

However, you should not overuse large amounts of the substance. It is recommended to adhere to the instructions provided in the annotation. Violation of the rules can lead to the development of allergenic reactions in the form of nettle fever, skin hyperemia, and itching.

There are no reliable documented facts of overdose in the official medical literature.

Today, the following drugs are manufactured, which basically have the same chemical formula with the drug in question Laripront: Epidel, Alor, Abisol. Also, these pharmaceuticals are identical in their mechanism of action on pathological processes. The synonymous drug Lizobact has distinctive structural characteristics. It contains pyridoxine and lysozyme hydrochloride.

But the form of its release and use is similar to all the drugs presented above. It can be prescribed to children over 3 years of age. The negative properties of Lyzobact are: overpriced in comparison with similar pharmaceuticals, the risk of developing allergies up to Quincke's edema and increased exposure to antibacterial agents.

Their combined use is contraindicated.

The pharmaceutical product is allowed to be sold without a doctor's prescription.

It is recommended to keep Laripront in a dry and cool place for no longer than 3 years from the date of manufacture.


Laripront's analogs

Level 4 ATC code matches: Falimint


Strepsils Plus



Theraflu LAR

Hexoral Tabs








Lugol's solution with glycerin


Stopangin 2A


Septolete Neo

The closest analogues: Hexaliz, Lizobakt, Alorom, Decathylene, Abisol, Apizartron, Epidel .

Laripront or Lizobact - which is better?

Unlike Laripront, its analogue has a slightly different set of active ingredients. It can be safely taken by pregnant and lactating women. It can be difficult to find the drug in a pharmacy; its cost is not much different from the original. Judging by the reviews, both products are effective and quite effective.

"LARIPRONT": price, instructions for use, analogues and doctor's review of the drug

The Egyptian drug Laripront, the price of which is about 190-200 rubles, operates on the basis of two active components:

  1. lysozyme hydrochloride is a white powdery substance of natural origin; produced from chicken egg white and has antibacterial, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory pharmacological effects;
  2. dequalinium chloride is an antiseptic in the form of a white powder, which is a product of a biquaternary ammonium compound, which has a local bacteriostatic antibacterial and fungicidal effect.

The drug is available in the form of round tablets intended for resorption. Sold in cardboard boxes of 2 plastic blisters, each blister contains 10 pills.

How does it affect the body? (Pharmacodynamics)

The multicomponent composition of the drug determines its anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, antiviral and antimicrobial effect. The medicine has a local effect on the pharynx, larynx and oral cavity.

Lysozyme hydrochloride, being an enzyme of a group of hydrolases, destroys the membranes of gram-positive bacterial cells by hydrolysis.

In addition, it has moderate anti-inflammatory, mucolytic and hemostatic effects. It has high absorption, reaching high concentrations in the gastrointestinal tract after one and a half hours after administration.

Dequalinium chloride belongs to the group of potent antiseptics. Active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, viruses and fungi. Additionally, it relieves swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane, and also has a weak hemostatic effect.

"LARIPRONT" indications for use:

Lozenges are prescribed for the treatment of:

  • pharyngitis (acute and chronic);
  • laryngitis (acute and chronic);
  • tonsillitis (acute and chronic, agranulocytic tonsillitis);
  • periodontitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • oral thrush;
  • as well as before and after surgical intervention on the pharynx or oral cavity.


According to the instructions for use, Laripront lozenges are contraindicated in cases of individual intolerance to the components included in their composition.

Side effects

The manifestation of side effects in the form of mild allergic reactions is observed as a result of violation of the rules of administration or with increased sensitivity to the composition of the drug.

"LARIPRONT" (lozenges): instructions for use

The drug can be taken by adults and children aged 4-5 years. If indicated, it is necessary half an hour before meals:

  1. put the pill in your mouth under your tongue;
  2. dissolve without changing its position until completely dissolved;
  3. It is not recommended to drink or eat food 30 minutes before your appointment;
  4. To achieve the desired result and depending on the severity of the symptoms, repeat the procedure after 2-3 hours.

Combined use with other drugs is recommended only as directed by a doctor.

Instructions for use for children:

In accordance with the instructions for use of Laripront for children, the same procedure for administration is provided, but only as prescribed by the pediatrician. If side effects occur, you should consult a doctor.

"LARIPRONT": price

The drug is sold without a prescription. The price for Laripront is determined taking into account the characteristics of the sales region and the size of the pharmaceutical chain's markup. The cost of 20 tablets is about:

  • RU – 195 rubles;
  • Europharm – 230 rubles;
  • Dialogue – 197 rubles;
  • IFC Pharmacy – 265 rubles;
  • Maksavit – 209 rubles;
  • Pharmacy – 254 rubles.

"LARIPRONT": analogues

Direct analogues of the active substance include medicines containing lysozyme:

As an alternative, you can also use medications of a similar release form and similar indications for use. This list can include:

Laripront or Lizobact - which is better?

Both drugs are partially similar in composition: both contain lysozyme hydrochloride, which has a pronounced antibacterial effect. Both tablets are approved for pregnant and nursing mothers and are safe for children.

Perhaps the only significant difference is a small difference in price - Lizobakt will cost a little more.

In most cases, the decision to prescribe is made by the therapist, based on the medical history and individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

"LARIPRONT": reviews

After suffering from severe pneumonia, I began to catch colds very often, especially my throat. I tried all kinds of rinses, drank decoctions of natural herbs... Not only did it not help, but sometimes it worsened the condition.

At my next appointment with an ENT specialist, I was diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis and prescribed Laripront. A good effective antiseptic, as it turned out. After taking it, the pain and irritation of the throat mucosa subsided, breathing became easier, and it became much easier.

So I recommend it.

In the first trimester of pregnancy I caught a very bad cold. It all started with a runny nose and by the evening my throat was already very sore, it was painful to swallow. The therapist prescribed Laripront and rinsing the nasopharynx with sea water (she recommended Aquamaris as an alternative).

Before this, I always bought Lizobact in such cases, but in comparison with Laripront it is more expensive, but, as practice has shown, the effect is the same. I took it all day, following the instructions, and the next morning my condition improved significantly.

They relieve pain well and can be taken even by children.

Doctor's review:

Great drug! I prescribe it in combination for ENT diseases; they also help with periodontal inflammation. Quite a quick effect, can be taken during pregnancy, pleasant taste, quite affordable.

Regarding which is better - laripront or lysobact, I will say that I don’t see much difference, unless the cost of the first one is cheaper.

Among the minuses, I would like to note that the dosage regimen is not very convenient (if the instructions say it is necessary to use it frequently, many patients forget to do this as soon as they notice the first signs of improvement), dyspeptic disorders and allergic reactions are also possible. And so, I recommend it.


Laripront price, where to buy

The price of Laripront is approximately 140 rubles for 20 tablets.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Laripront tablets for rassas.
    20 pcs Oktober Pharma S.A.E. RUB 219 order

Can it be given to children?

Laripront is a drug that has only a local effect on the body. It is not absorbed into the blood, so it is practically safe for children of any age. Only taking an excessive dose of the drug can harm a child’s health.

It is available without a prescription, but it should be given to children only as prescribed by the attending physician. Do not self-medicate, as the effect of the drug can cause irreversible processes in your child’s body if he has an individual intolerance to the medicinal components included in Laripront.

Type of drug

Use of the drug. Indications

The indications are the same for both adults and children. The difference is mainly in the contraindications that apply to pregnant women. Laripront is used for the prevention of:

  • Colds.
  • Sore throat and hoarseness.
  • Postoperative period of the jaw.
  • Postoperative period of tonsils.
  • Maxillary sinuses from infection.
  • Laripront is used for the prevention and treatment of:
  • Periodontitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Stomatitis - including candidiasis.
  • Sore throats.
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