Child with a pill in his hand
Visanne tablets - treatment of uterine endometriosis, expert reviews
Pharmacodynamics The active substance of Visanne, micronized dienogest, has antiandrogenic activity, which is approximately a third of the activity
Visine pure tear
Visine "Pure Tear" Instructions for use, analogues and reviews
Photo: Visine pure tear is a symptomatic treatment and prophylactic agent for treating the eyes, helping to cope with
Phenamine - a medical drug or a psychoactive substance?
Drug interactions When Phenamine is used in combination with certain drugs/substances, the following effects may develop: drugs,
Diclonate P
Diclonat P
Release form and composition solution for intravenous (i.v.) and intramuscular (i.m.) administration: transparent, with
Vitagerpavac - instructions for use
Say goodbye to herpes with Vitagerpavac vaccine
Indications for use According to the instructions, Vitagerpavac is intended for the prevention of herpes simplex virus and the prevention
Composition and use of dextrose, glucose
Pharmacological properties The drug has metabolic and detoxification effects. Pharmacodynamics The drug is an isotonic
Ideal ointment for wound healing: which one will help?
Deep damage to the skin may leave an unsightly scar that is difficult to treat. Therefore it is best
Nettle tea: beneficial properties, brewing, reviews
Nettles (Urtica dioica) are a common sight in backyards and gardens, although
Volvit instructions for use
"Volvit": instructions for use, reviews, composition, manufacturer, analogues
So, today we have to find out what the drug “Volvit” is. Instructions for its use
Morenazal: instructions for use
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Morenasal is an isotonic sterile solution of natural sea salt diluted in
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