Diazepam is a narcotic drug based on the active ingredient of the same name. A tranquilizer is used in the treatment of: Neuroses
Cervical erosion is an inflammatory process that affects epithelial cells, causing vaginal discharge
The drug Gaviscon is part of a group of alginates that interact with gastric juice and form a gel-like
Write a review Reviews: 0 Manufacturers: Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH Active ingredients Iron fumarate Folic acid
Pharmacological action of Tsifran Tsifran belongs to broad-spectrum antimicrobial drugs, the main active ingredient
Sweating helps a person adapt to high environmental temperatures, and also serves as a regulator of psycho-emotional
Leukemia is a malignant lesion of bone marrow tissue that disrupts the functioning of this system, in
Not enough vitamins. This is the cause of various diseases - from harmless but unpleasant peeling to
Recommendations for use In accordance with the instructions for use of Bicillin-5 (and other types of the drug),
The text is presented for informational purposes only. We strongly urge you not to self-medicate. When