Diazepam: instructions for use of tablets, solution and suppositories
Diazepam is a narcotic drug based on the active ingredient of the same name. A tranquilizer is used in the treatment of: Neuroses
Hand holding a towel
Cervical erosion - symptoms and causes of female illness
Cervical erosion is an inflammatory process that affects epithelial cells, causing vaginal discharge
Heartburn relief tablets Gaviscon
Gaviscon quick help to normalize digestion and heartburn
The drug Gaviscon is part of a group of alginates that interact with gastric juice and form a gel-like
Ferretab drug
Ferretab - instructions for use and indications, dosage, release form and price
Write a review Reviews: 0 Manufacturers: Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH Active ingredients Iron fumarate Folic acid
Cifran drug
Cifran, 500 mg, film-coated tablets, 10 pcs.
Pharmacological action of Tsifran Tsifran belongs to broad-spectrum antimicrobial drugs, the main active ingredient
Hyperhidrosis - description of the disease, causes and treatment methods
Sweating helps a person adapt to high environmental temperatures, and also serves as a regulator of psycho-emotional
How long do people live with acute blood leukemia?
Don't miss the first symptoms of leukemia: signs that should alert you
Leukemia is a malignant lesion of bone marrow tissue that disrupts the functioning of this system, in
Vitamin deficiency as it manifests itself in adults, photo
Vitamin deficiency - causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency
Not enough vitamins. This is the cause of various diseases - from harmless but unpleasant peeling to
Bicillin-5 Bicillin-5 instructions for use
"Bicillin-5": instructions for use, how to dilute, analogues and reviews
Recommendations for use In accordance with the instructions for use of Bicillin-5 (and other types of the drug),
Mumps (mumps disease): what it is, causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention in children and adults
The text is presented for informational purposes only. We strongly urge you not to self-medicate. When
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