Immune support for nursing mothers: features of taking Derinat during breastfeeding

Indications for use

Derinat is prescribed:

  1. for the treatment of ARVI;
  2. colds;
  3. mouth diseases;
  4. nasopharynx;
  5. circulatory system;
  6. eye.

This drug has 2 dosage forms: drops and a solution for intramuscular administration. The composition of these forms is the same, the difference lies in the concentration of the components.

Derinat is used in combination with other drugs for the treatment of chronic airborne infections in children and adults.

The drug should be instilled at the first sign of a runny nose ; it stimulates the immune system against viruses and bacteria, which will significantly reduce the severity and duration of the disease.

Derinat is not a cure for sinusitis, but it can be prescribed to people prone to it. For adenoids, the use of this drug also occurs; it is prescribed as a stimulation of the nasopharynx immune system.

It is also used for preventive purposes, especially for people who spend most of their time in large crowds of people, as well as during periods of a high percentage of ARVI and other diseases.


Derinat is a domestic immunomodulatory agent that affects cellular and humoral defense factors. The name "derinat" is derived from the active substance of the drug - sodium deoxyribonucleate (DNA-Na). At the end of the 60s of the last century, scientists from the Institute of Biophysics of the USSR Ministry of Health began a large-scale study of the radioprotective properties of DNA-Na. The milt of salmon fish was used as a raw material for the production of this substance. Over several decades, a solid evidence base was accumulated and in 1996 Derinat was officially registered as a medicine. Clinical studies of the drug were conducted in a variety of directions. A large number of works have been devoted to the use of derinat in pediatrics, in particular for the treatment of frequent acute respiratory infections against the background of suppressed immunity. To date, solid experience has been accumulated in using the drug in otorhinolaryngological, gynecological, urological, ophthalmological, dermatological, surgical, cardiological, gastroenterological and oncological practice. Special attention should be paid to the use of derinat for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI in frequently ill children. One of the most important tasks in the treatment of such patients is to increase the general nonspecific reactivity of the body, which is successfully accomplished with immunomodulator drugs and, in particular, Derinat, the effectiveness of which is based on a combination of immunomodulatory, antihypoxic, regenerative and antioxidant properties. The drug has a beneficial effect on general and local immunity and helps remove the infectious agent at the initial stage of its entry into the body. Derinat reduces the risk of acute respiratory viral infection during periods of epidemic trouble, which is due to the normalization of immune parameters responsible for antiviral protection.

The drug has a positive effect on the immune defense factors of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, regulates the secretion of lysozyme and immunoglobulin, protects epithelial cells and improves the barrier protective functions of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx, and also normalizes the content of immunoglobulins in the blood, which promotes recovery and helps not to get sick in further. Derinat can be combined with most drugs, which is even welcome, because allows you to more effectively prevent the chronicization of the pathological process. Thus, the drug potentiates the therapeutic effect of antibacterial drugs, while simultaneously neutralizing their side effects by reducing the dose and eliminating the possibility of unjustified prescription of “extra” drugs. The immunomodulatory effect of derinat is associated with its ability to stimulate B lymphocytes and T helper cells, optimizing the immune response to viral, bacterial and fungal antigens. In addition, the drug activates the course of reparative and regenerative processes, regulates hematopoiesis, promotes the implementation of its drainage and detoxification function by the lymphatic system, and desensitizes cells to the damaging effects of radio and chemotherapy.

Derinat is quickly absorbed from the injection site when administered intramuscularly and is distributed through the lymph flow into organs and tissues. DNA-Na has a high affinity for hematopoietic organs and actively participates in metabolic processes inside cells. The highest concentration of the active substance of the drug is observed in the bone marrow, thymus gland, lymph nodes and spleen. After intramuscular administration, the peak concentration of derinat is reached after 5 hours. The drug is excreted mainly in urine and to a lesser extent in feces.

Contraindications and side effects

It is forbidden to use Derinat if you have hypersensitivity to its components. Pregnant and lactating women are allowed to use Derinat under the strict supervision of a specialist . It is used to treat diseases in infants, but also under the supervision of a pediatrician.

The instructions for this medicine indicate that it has no side effects. However, cases have been identified where, after injections, a person’s nervous excitability or body temperature increased, and insomnia occurred. This is why you should consult your doctor before using medications.

Application abroad

Over the years of use in the Russian Federation, clinical trials of Derinat have been conducted, which have proven the effectiveness and high safety of the drug.
However, foreign experts are in no hurry to recognize our drugs. And this trend, unfortunately, applies not only to Derinat, but also to many other products. European and American scientists have not conducted studies on the effectiveness of DNA salt. Nevertheless, Derinat was registered in some neighboring countries, in particular, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Georgia.

It is difficult to say what causes such a wary attitude of pharmaceutical corporations towards Russian medicines. But the reality is that most domestic immunomodulators, including Derinat solution, still remain unrecognized by foreign pharmaceuticals and medicine. And, undoubtedly, this fact does not in any way increase confidence in our means.

Therefore, it is so important to try to understand the qualities of Derinat and form an opinion about the drug based not on reviews from neighbors, but on research results.

Recommendations for use

Derinat is used topically and internally . They rinse the mouth, drop them into the nose, eyes, make compresses, and gynecological irrigations. You need to be careful when using this drug. It is advisable to drip it immediately after feeding, and also monitor the baby’s reaction.

If the mother notices any changes in the child’s behavior, the use of Derinat should be stopped. The dosage and frequency of administration are prescribed by the doctor, and the nursing mother must strictly adhere to them.

In what form can it be used?

Experts recommend that nursing mothers use Derinat in the form of drops. This is due to the fact that the concentration of components in the drops is lower, which means the risk to the baby will be minimal. The use of Derinat by mothers in the form of injections is prohibited, since the effect of the components on the child’s body during feeding has not been fully studied.

Dosage for mother and baby

As indicated in the instructions for the drug, Derinat can be used by babies from the first days of life , while observing the following dosage:

  • babies under 1 month – 1-2 drops in the nasal sinuses 2-3 times a day;
  • from 1 month to a year, 3-4 drops per nostril;
  • for children under 2 years of age, the dosage is 0.5 ml;
  • for a child whose age is from 2 to 11 years, the dosage is calculated by multiplying 0.5 ml by his age.

The dosage for treating a runny nose in a nursing mother is 2 to 3 drops into the nasal passage several times a day, usually every hour.

This drug is also used for preventive purposes, instilling 1 drop into the nostril for 7-14 days during periods of private illnesses and epidemics.

Derinat: composition and release forms

We have already mentioned that Derinat contains the sodium salt of deoxyribonucleic acid. There are two forms of release of the drug:

  • Derinat solution for injection 1.5% in 5 ml ampoules;
  • Derinat solution for local and external use 0.25% in bottles or dropper bottles of 10 ml;
  • Eye drops Derinat 0.25% sterile solution.

The drug solution is a colorless liquid that should not contain foreign inclusions.


Derinat is used internally and externally, the solution is dripped into the eyes, nose, rinsed with it in the mouth, and made compresses. It can be used for patients of any age category.

Rinsing is done for diseases of the oral cavity (one bottle is enough for 2 procedures). Take the drug 5 times in 24 hours. The duration of treatment is from 7 to 10 days.

For chronic genital infections, the solution is administered intravaginally, the cervix is ​​irrigated or a tampon soaked in liquid is inserted. Use 5 ml of solution for 1 procedure, repeat twice for 2 weeks.

Use the solution to irrigate the rectum in the following dosage - from 16 to 40 ml of liquid per time. The therapeutic course lasts from 5 to 10 days. Administer the drug by enema.

To restore the skin or mucous membranes, a bandage moistened with a solution is applied to the damaged areas, repeat frequency is three times. Indications for application: necrosis of the skin or internal membranes, slowly healing wounds, trophic ulcers. The list of indications can be supplemented with thermal damage and gangrene.

As the instructions say, Derinat is used to prevent ARVI in the following dosage - 2 drops in each nostril two or three times. Treatment in this case lasts from 7 to 14 days.

Use the solution for colds in the following dosage - 2 to 3 drops in each nostril at intervals of 60–90 minutes. When the cold symptoms disappear, follow the dosage – 2 drops three times for 30 days.

Use drops for rhinitis and sinusitis in the following dosage: from 3 to 5 drops in each nostril four or five times. The therapeutic course for a runny nose is 7–14 days.

As the instructions say, the solution is administered intramuscularly for ischemia, peptic ulcers, tuberculosis, and acute inflammation. The dosage is determined by the doctor for each patient individually.

Description of the medicine

Derinat is an innovative drug from the Russian company Technomedservice, which has no analogues either among domestic or imported drugs.
Its active ingredient sodium deoxyribonucleate has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and other properties. The manufacturer produces two forms of Derinat:

injection solution; form for external or local (on mucous membranes) use.

In pharmacies you can find Derinat packaging in the form of a dropper bottle and with a nozzle for irrigating the throat and nose.

Inhalations with Derinat: help with respiratory diseases

The experience of using Derinat as a solution for inhalation is of great interest to therapists and pediatricians.
It is known that the inhalation route of drug administration has many advantages over the oral and even sometimes injection routes. Modern nebulizers allow you to quickly and effectively carry out the procedure at home. Nebulizer therapy with Derinat allows you to:

— increase the active surface of the drug;

— quickly and effectively deliver the medicine to all parts of the upper respiratory tract.

For example, the rate of absorption of drugs administered by inhalation is 20 times higher than with conventional internal use.

Given the high effectiveness of nebulizer therapy, scientists studied the use of Derinat as a solution for inhalation. Studies have proven that after inhalation treatment with Derinat:

— the likelihood of complications and severity of the disease is reduced by more than 2.5 times;

- the need to use other medications is reduced. In particular, in 54% of children with bronchial asthma, against the background of inhalations with Derinat, it was possible to reduce the dose of glucocorticosteroids, and in 20% the hormones were completely discontinued.

In addition, 74% of patients had a decrease in antibody titer to persistent infections.

Derinat solution for inhalation therapy is used for:

- treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract: influenza, ARVI, rhinitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia;

- prevention and treatment of complications of chronic respiratory diseases, including COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as well as bronchial asthma.

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