Seizures in the corners of the mouth. Causes. Treatment. Vitamins necessary for treatment.

How to understand the origin of the jam

To quickly eliminate a jam, it is extremely important to determine its origin. This will significantly reduce the time due to the use of unnecessary ointments or tablets. Of course, it’s hard to do this visually, but certain features have been noticed:

  1. Seizures in the corners of the mouth are often of microbial origin as a result of the proliferation of streptococcus;
  2. Fungal infections are never isolated, spreading to the mucous membranes and surrounding skin;
  3. Streptococcus causes widespread, large seizures, which in most cases are single;
  4. With candidiasis, many small wounds form;
  5. The bacterial jam becomes covered with a crust of contents that flows from its surface;
  6. The fungal infection becomes covered with a white coating that cannot be removed.

Additional measures and prevention

In addition to therapy that eliminates the cause, auxiliary therapy is required to prevent relapses. Vitamin ointments Panthenol and Bepanten, providing the skin with additional pantothenic acid. Vitaon (one of Karavaev’s balms) is a complex complex based on plant substances (essential oils, calendula, fennel, rose hips, pine, chamomile, mint, St. John’s wort, etc.). Vitaon accelerates regeneration processes, inhibits the development of inflammation and has a slight antiseptic effect. Zinc paste creates good protection against excessive evaporation of moisture from the epidermis and protects against re-entry of microorganisms. And of course, you need proper, fortified nutrition. Skin health is primarily affected by a lack of vitamin B2 in food.

Small bumps with moderate inflammation

They are subject to local treatment. After all, in this way it is possible to achieve the highest concentration of active substances in the surface layers of the skin. They are the substrate for the development of seizures under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms (fungi and streptococci).

The following methods have worked well:

  1. Antiseptics. Lubricating areas of the skin and mucous membrane of the lips along with the application of solutions of antiseptics and aniline dyes: brilliant green, fucorcin, stomatidine;
  2. Lotions made from a concentrated solution of oak bark. Has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. Used independently in the initial stages of development of seizures or combined with various ointments for a longer period;
  3. Antibacterial ointments: tetracycline, syntomycin, miramistin. They have a good antimicrobial effect against streptococci. Not suitable for eliminating fungal jams;
  4. Antifungal bases: nystatin, terbizil, lamicon. They act quite quickly. The effect can be noticed after the first application if the jam is caused by a fungal infection;
  5. Combined agents: trimistin, kremgen, triderm. Contains hormonal compounds, antibiotics and antiseptics. Thanks to this, they immediately affect two links in the pathogenesis of seizures - microbes and inflammation.

General principles of use

The ointment should be applied to the spots several times a day, on average 2-3 times. Before applying the drug, it is necessary to clean the wound surface from contamination and treat it with an antiseptic solution. The ointment is applied in a thin layer, covering the entire wound and a small amount of skin around it. To enhance the effect, you should refrain from drinking and eating for half an hour after application.

In case of deep skin damage, it is recommended to make compresses - squeeze out a large amount of ointment onto a sterile gauze napkin and apply it to the wound. In this way, the napkin is kept for half an hour, after which it is removed. There is no need to rinse off any remaining ointment.

It is recommended to begin treatment of angulitis from the first symptoms of its appearance. A long course can contribute to the transition of the disease to a chronic form, which is quite difficult to get rid of. If there are frequent relapses, you should reconsider your diet and pay attention to oral hygiene.

Author: Yulia Khaimanova, dentist, especially for

Extensive or long-term non-healing lesions

The presence of deep or large lesions, which were either not treated at all, or their local therapy did not bring the desired effect, is an indication for more active therapeutic measures. In order for them to take as little time as possible, it is necessary to start with the systemic use of medications. This can be explained by the involvement of the deep layers of the dermis in the pathological process. Naturally, under such conditions, medicinal substances more quickly reach the lesion through the blood. Therefore, taking tablet medications is indicated:

  1. Antibiotics (augmentin, sumamed) - to eliminate streptococcal infection;
  2. Fungicides (antifungals): levorin, nystatin, fluconazole, fucis;
  3. Anti-inflammatory and antihistamines. They will very quickly relieve the painful symptoms of a painful seizure. For such purposes, loratadine, tavegil, and claritin can be used.

The listed systemic measures must be supplemented by local application of the previously listed ointments. In this way, it will be possible to bring the medicinal substances as close as possible to the source of inflammation. Proper combination will eliminate jams in the shortest possible time.

Treatment of allergic angulitis

If the seizure is of an allergic nature, then antihistamines are first prescribed. The generation of the drug does not play a special role here. It’s just that Suprastin (Chloropyramine, 1st generation) causes severe drowsiness and sometimes headache, and its effect may weaken over time (allergic resistance). Whereas Erius (Desloratadine, 3rd generation) not only competitively binds to histamine receptors, but also inhibits the synthesis of histamine itself. And the side effects are much less pronounced. The “golden mean” is Loratadine - a 2nd generation drug that has almost no side effects, is almost as effective as Erius, but is several times cheaper.

In case of severe allergic inflammation, short-term use of hormonal ointments is permissible: Akriderm, Sinaflan, Advantan, Fenistil, etc. However, for children under 12 years of age, hormonal ointments are prescribed only as a last resort. As a softer analogue of hormonal ointments, you can use Vishnevsky's liniment. But not longer than 10 days, and care must be taken to ensure that the child does not accidentally lick off the applied drug. We must remember that there is always a risk of infection joining allergic inflammation. Considering that children often comb out bumps with unwashed hands.

Therapy aimed at accelerating healing of the corners of the mouth

After treating the jam with an antibacterial, antifungal or antiviral drug, it is advisable to treat it with an emollient that will prevent the crust from drying out, which is why cracks most often develop. In addition, some products accelerate tissue regeneration.

After treating the inflamed area with an anti-infective drug, the following products can be applied immediately: “Bepanten”, “D-panthenol”.

As we have already noted, a weakened immune system can allow the appearance and development of seizures. To strengthen the immune system, the use of immunomodulators and vitamin complexes (Aevit, Vitrum, Duovit, Multi-tabs) is prescribed.

A natural remedy that strengthens the immune system is vitamin C (ascorbic acid), the largest amount of which is found in foods such as rose hips, viburnum, raspberries, and lemon.

Among the vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system and rapid healing of seizures, one can highlight vitamins A (retinol), group B (especially B2, PP), C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol).

Lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is one of the common causes of angulitis, so pay attention to taking additional foods. Nuts enriched with this vitamin (peanuts, almonds, walnuts), greens, cabbage, milk, liver, meat, cereals.

Classification of pathology

Cracks can be an independent disease caused by the activity of bacteria and viruses. In this case, doctors divide the pathology into streptococcal, candidomatic and herpetic. But sometimes cracks are only a secondary symptom, indicating the presence of pathologies of internal organs.

Angulitis can occur in an acute form, when all its symptoms are pronounced. If it is not treated for a long time, it becomes chronic, when the symptoms appear weakly, but an increasing number of tissues are involved in the inflammatory process.

What products to supplement your diet with?

You can compensate for B2 deficiency by adding certain foods to your diet. Riboflavin is found in eggs, meat (including poultry), fish, dairy products, and liver.

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Vegetables include spinach, broccoli, and root greens.

What vitamins does the body lack if sticking appears on the lips?
Foods rich in vitamin B2. The picture shows how much it contains per 100 grams of product.

You should know that this vitamin is destroyed in light and at high temperatures. To avoid losing most of the riboflavin in food, do not store it in transparent containers and leave it out of reach of sunlight.

Use of the drug Levomekol

In its effect on the affected skin, Levomekol is similar to D-Panthenol. Levomekol contains substances that are active against gram-positive bacteria, which cause the appearance of angulitis. Levomekol reduces inflammatory processes and fights pathogenic microflora. Its components quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and act as stimulators of recovery processes.

The active antimicrobial effect of Levomekol persists even if purulent processes begin in the areas of infection. How to use: apply the product 2-3 times a day. Improvements occur on the second day after starting use. A specific bitter taste may remain in the mouth. After using Levomekol, you should not drink hot liquid or eat food.

Antimicrobial agent Levomekol

No contraindications for use have been identified. People prone to allergic reactions in rare cases experience skin rashes and slight swelling. If you stop using the drug, the skin reactions will disappear immediately. Levomekol can be used to treat seizures in adults and children. You can purchase the drug at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Application of Vishnevsky ointment

The active ingredients of the product are castor oil, birch tar and xeroform. The ointment relieves inflammation and acts as a good antiseptic. When a small amount of the drug gets on irritated skin, the action of the receptors is activated. This leads to improved blood supply to the affected areas.

Blood circulation stimulates the healing process of the skin and mucous membranes.

When the product is applied to a wound, it is important to be careful: Vishnevsky ointment should not come into contact with the oral mucosa.

Liniment according to Vishnevsky

After using it, you must wash your hands well to avoid getting the healing ingredients into your nose and eyes. If, through negligence, the product gets on the mucous membrane, you need to rinse your mouth with plenty of clean water.

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