Application of Discus Compositum injections and reviews of the drug

  • October 17, 2018
  • Rheumatology
  • Anatoly Ivanov

If dystrophic changes in the structure of the musculoskeletal system predominate, experts strongly advise using the homeopathic remedy “Discus Compositum”, produced in the form of a solution in ampoules intended for injections. The drug is effective, has few side effects, and cases of overdose are completely excluded. Before purchasing ampoules, you must consult your local physician. Those who have never given injections before should study the detailed instructions on this matter.

discus compositum

Due to the fact that Discus Compositum is a homeopathic medicine, it may not be monitored as carefully as other medications. Before use, you should carefully inspect the ampoules with the medicine.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

The medicine has no absolute contraindications. The possibility of using Discus compositum is considered individually in each case.

Contraindications to the drug

The drug is not prescribed for patients with hypersensitivity to individual components in the composition, as well as for children and adolescents. In some cases, the drug is prescribed at an early age under the supervision of a doctor.

Side effects can be observed in the early period of treatment. The use of a homeopathic remedy contributes to the exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease, which is the norm. Gradually the condition returns to normal.

Adverse reactions include allergies and increased salivation. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor and stop treatment.

An overdose of the drug is possible if the instructions specified by the attending physician are not followed. Symptoms will include severe adverse reactions. Treatment involves symptomatic therapy.


The drug is a homeopathic complex remedy. The effect of the drug maximizes the functioning of the body's defense mechanisms and improves material metabolism. In addition, the medicine normalizes the body if it has functional disorders. The substances that underlie the action of the drug are of animal, mineral, and natural origin. The product has several useful properties: detoxifying, metabolic, detoxifying, regenerating, sedative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

Such a multifaceted effect is useful for the patient not only for intensive treatment, but also as an effective prevention.

The instructions for use for Discus Compositum are very detailed.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

Latin name: Discus compositum . Being a homeopathy drug, Discus Compositum does not fight a specific disease, suppressing the symptoms, but acts on the cause of the disease using the safest possible methods. Encourages the body to find and independently eliminate damaging factors that cause inflammatory processes and pathological changes in the components of the joint. As follows from the instructions, the complex composition helps to provide a multifaceted therapeutic effect:

  • anti-inflammatory – pain, heat in the area of ​​edema disappears, inflammation is relieved. This is achieved by simulating an inflammatory reaction - the active components of the drug cause dilation of blood vessels, blood flow to the painful area and active migration of leukocytes from the peripheral blood. In response, the body activates the synthesis of powerful natural anti-inflammatory agents;
  • regenerating – damaged or lost cells and tissues are restored, the progression of degenerative processes stops, bone density increases, and previously lost mobility of the elements of the spinal column returns;
  • analgesic – pain impulses are neutralized;
  • antispasmodic – aching and sharp pains are eliminated, incl. persistent, caused by involuntary contraction of muscle fibers, spasms of isolated muscles or entire muscle groups;
  • trophic – slow or depleted metabolism necessary to maintain the integrity of tissue structures is normalized. Adequate nutrition is ensured: oxygen supply to muscle cells, digestion, absorption of lipids and regulation of water-salt balance;
  • sedative – irritability and emotional stress are reduced, the onset of natural sleep is facilitated;
  • detoxification – tissues are cleansed of toxic deposits: toxins, accumulated decay products, harmful toxic and unnecessary substances.

back and spine pain


Active components: Discus intervertebralis suis D8 22 µl, Acidum ascorbicum D6 22 µl, Thiaminum hydrochloricum D6 22 µl, Natrium riboflavinum phoshporicum D6 22 µl, Pyridoxinum hydrochloricum ( Pyridoxinum hydrochloricum D6 22 µl, Nicotinamidum D6 22 µl, Funiculus umbilicalis suis D10 22 µl, Cartilago suis D822 µl, Medulla ossis suis D1 0 22 µl, Embryo totalis suis (Embryo totalis suis) D10 22 µl, Suprarenalis glandula suis (Suprarenalis glandula suis) D10 22 µl, Pulsatilla pratensis (Pulsatilla pratensis) D6 22 µl, Hydrargyrum oxydatum rubrum (Hydrargyrum oxydatum rubrum) D10 22 µl, Sulfur D28 22 µl, Cimicifuga racemosa D4 22 µl, Ledum palustre D4 22 µl, Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium D3 22 µl, Citrullus colocynthis D4 22 µl, Secale corn utum (Sekale cornutum) D6 22 µl, Argentum metallicum D10 22 µl, Zincum metallicum D10 22 µl, Cuprum aceticum D6 22 µl, Aesculus hippocastanum D6 22 µl, Medorrhinum D18 2 2 µl, Ranunculus bulbosus D4 22 µl, Ammonium chloratum D8 22 µl, Cinchona pubescens D4 22 µl, Kalium carbonicum D6 22 µl, Sepia officinalis D10 22 µl, Acidum picrinicum D6 22 µl, Berberis vulgaris D4 22 µl, Acidum silicicum D6 22 µl, Calcium phosphoricum D10 22 µl, Acidum DL-alpha-liponicum alpha liponicum) D8 22 µl, Natrium diethyloxalaceticum (Natrium diethyloxalaceticum) D6 22 µl, Nadidum (Nadidum) D6 22 µl, Coenzym A (Coenzyme A) D10 22 µl.
Auxiliary components: water for injection, sodium chloride to establish isotonia.

Price and analogues

There are no complete analogues of the drug today. To choose a different medicine, you should consult your doctor.

Drugs such as:

Analogues of the drug

  • Traumeel S;
  • Chondrotek;
  • Artra;
  • Goal T;
  • Alflutop.

Many drugs with similar effects are classified as chondroprotectors. They also require a long course of treatment to achieve a therapeutic effect.

The price of Discus Compositum injections starts from 800 rubles for 5 ampoules, and for 100 pieces you will have to pay about 14,500 rubles. Medicine in individual packaging costs more - from 1200 rubles.

Homeopathic remedies are safe and effective, but using them without a doctor's permission is dangerous. The possibility of treatment with Discus Compositum should be clarified by a specialist after undergoing an examination.

How the drug works

The therapeutic effect of Discus compositum injections is determined by the components included in their composition - mainly plant and animal products, as well as their metabolic products, metals and various mineral compounds. Small doses of these substances are used for treatment. It is believed that low concentrations in healthy people cause symptoms similar to the manifestations of the disease in patients requiring treatment.

Once in the patient’s body, after 1-2 injections the drug causes an exacerbation of symptoms and at the same time acts as a signal, forcing the body to react. Thus, homeopathic injections stimulate the human body’s defenses and activate internal reserves. They work as an intelligent tool for searching for “weak spots” and launching processes of natural normalization of detected violations in various parts of the functional system. The result of the action of Discus Compositum is the weakening and disappearance of signs of the disease, strengthening the body as a whole.

The speed of action of the drug varies from half an hour to 40 hours. The result in the form of relief of symptoms can occur immediately or after several months, and is expressed by a decrease in the frequency of exacerbations. The effectiveness of Discus compositum depends on several indicators:

  • characteristics of a specific clinical case;
  • the amount of chemicals absorbed during life - the fewer medications the patient has consumed, the faster and more effectively the homeopathic treatment will work;
  • physiological characteristics of the patient, severity of the condition, presence of chronic diseases;
  • immunity strength;
  • qualifications of the doctor and the correctness and validity of prescribing this type of medicine.

injection with medicine

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