The drug Klimaksan: instructions for use for symptoms of menopause

Climax - a period in which sooner or later every woman will be. Regardless of how such a period will proceed and how it will affect your appearance, it is impossible to get rid of what is destined by nature.

Throughout life, every woman’s body develops towards aging and this is no secret to anyone. Initially, any girl goes through puberty, and then gradually approaches the menopause, in which menopause plays a major role.

At the very first signs and symptoms inherent in menopause, women begin to panic and search for all the ways to stop this process. Why? During this period, aging occurs both externally and internally. Externally, women pay attention to their rapidly aging skin. Internal changes make themselves felt even more.

During menopause, a woman first of all feels hot flashes, increased sweating, and general malaise. During menopause, a global restructuring of the hormonal system occurs. During this period, menstruation stops. Accordingly, this is why aging occurs. The ovaries stop functioning, and the body begins to gradually age.

Of course, women, in an attempt to regain youth, try to do everything possible to stop the aging process. In fact, this is possible. Today, there are many different drugs that help eliminate symptoms that cause discomfort and deterioration in well-being.

Many people have heard about pills that restore youth. In fact, these pills are not all beneficial, and can sometimes cause a number of disturbances in the functioning of the body. You shouldn’t joke with such “youth pills.”

Conventionally, all drugs are divided into hormonal drugs, dietary supplements, and homeopathic drugs. As you know, many women resort to the use of hormonal drugs. The choice is best made with the help of a doctor.

Hormone is what gives life, health and youth. Alas, the wrong action and this component will turn on the opposite, negative side.

Many women regulate their hormonal levels with the help of hormonal medications. No less women prefer to solve problems that arise during the premenopausal period with the help of dietary supplements and homeopathic medicines.

Why are women's opinions divided? Let's look at it:

  1. Firstly , not every woman is ready to take such a risk as taking a hormone.
  2. Secondly , most women are afraid of gaining weight and for some this fear is the main reason.
  3. Thirdly , if you look at a number of side effects, you can be convinced that dietary supplements and homeopathic preparations are more beneficial than the hormone. This does not mean low efficiency. Hormones are effective and are used, of course, in more aggravated situations, when symptoms during the period before menopause interfere with a woman’s basic existence.

The demand for drugs has already become clear and understandable. Indeed, there is such a wide selection of drugs on the pharmaceutical market that women do not even always understand what is best to choose.

Homeopathic medicines are a category of medicines that are no less in demand among women facing the problem of menopause. Non-hormonal drugs do not harm a woman’s health and hormonal system. This is an important fact when choosing a drug.

Klimaxan is a homeopathic drug intended for use during menopause in women. Why should you choose Climaxan among homeopathic preparations? What are the benefits of this drug?

Interaction with other drugs

As a rule, when taking medications, you need to ask in advance whether the components that spray the medications are compatible.
Very often a “conflict” occurs and the effectiveness of the drugs is completely reduced or lost.

It should be noted that the active components can displace each other if, in addition to taking one drug, another is started.

Speaking about the homeopathic drug Klimaxan, no cases of drug incompatibility have been registered.

This opens up complete freedom not only of choice, but also the peace of mind that when taking a homeopath, the effectiveness will remain and will not affect not only your health, but also the use of other medications.


Climaxan is a homeopathic remedy that can relieve the symptoms and manifestations of menopause in mature women. The natural composition relieves irritability well, helps to cope with menopause more easily, eliminates pain, reduces hot flashes and sweating . Doctors recommend the product to those who do not want to use hormonal drugs. Many positive reviews from doctors and patients have made this product very popular.

Storage conditions and periods

When taking medications, it is important to comply with storage conditions and periods. By violating the basic rules for storing the drug, the homeopath may lose its existing functions.

It is extremely important to follow storage rules. To do this, you will need to place the drug in a dark place where light cannot reach. It is worth putting the drug in a place away from children. The temperature must be kept to no more than 25 degrees Celsius.

The shelf life of the homeopath is no more than 3 years from the date of production of the drug.

Instructions for use

Instructions for using the drug, both hormonal and homeopathic, or even related to taking vitamins, are important and necessary for study. Why? Firstly, any drug is individual. Secondly, the duration of use and dosage must be known and agreed with your doctor to achieve the best result.

In tablet form

The dosage of tablets and granules, it should be noted, differs significantly. Granules are not as effective as tablets. To achieve results, it is necessary to completely exceed the consumption of granules.

  1. According to the instructions, Klimaxan should be taken one tablet once twice a day. This is quite enough.
  2. Climaxan in the form of tablets must be kept in the mouth when taken until they are completely dissolved. The tablets must be taken both in the morning and in the evening.
  3. The duration of treatment is from one to two months. If necessary, you can increase the dose of consumption up to four times a day.

In the form of granules

When choosing Klimaxan in granules, you must remember that the dose of consumption differs significantly from the dose of tablets.

  1. To obtain the same effect and volume of the homeopath as when taking a tablet, you need to drink five granules. As you can see, the difference is still significant.
  2. When taken, the granules must be placed under the tongue and dissolved until completely dissolved.
  3. When taking granules, you need to take Climaxan twice a day, five granules.
  4. The course of treatment lasts from one to two months. If necessary, in the same way as in the case of taking tablets, it is allowed to increase the dose of consumption up to 4 times a day.

For uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are the most common neoplasm that occurs in women undergoing menopause.
Having such a disease and being in the menopause stage is quite difficult and not all women can do it.

Doctors did not impose any restrictions or prohibitions on this drug.

It is quite acceptable for a homeopath to take such a medicine if it really makes you feel better and you feel its true therapeutic effect.

Therapeutic effect

The therapeutic action is aimed at:

  • Elimination of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia caused by hormonal imbalance. Climaxan is able to relieve vegetative-vascular disorders, providing, above all, peace of mind and pain relief for women.
  • Provides a sedative effect on women. This is extremely important, especially during menopause. The calming effect will help a woman normalize not only her mood, but also her overall well-being. After all, as you know, in the body of any person, not just women, everything is interconnected.
  • An active component that has an effect at the molecular level. The impact is carried out on the most important structures - those responsible for the production of hormones.

Features of use

Homeopathic medicines are usually well tolerated, and Climaxan is no exception. It has minimal contraindications. This, of course, is an allergy to any component of the product. The lactose contained in the tablets makes it impossible for women with lactose intolerance or galactosemia to use the drug, and the sugar in the tablets is contraindicated for diabetics.

Basically, the medicine is well tolerated and does not cause any negative consequences. Mild hives, itching and slight swelling of the face are sometimes possible.

It is not recommended to use the product during pregnancy or breastfeeding - but this option is unlikely, because the drug is used for mature and elderly women.

There is not a single proven case of drug incompatibility of Climaxan with other drugs. It does not affect concentration and vasomotor reactions, allowing you to safely operate machines and mechanisms that require increased concentration. There is also no danger of overdose. It is, of course, possible that food poisoning is caused by additional components of Climaxan - lactose or magnesium stearate. To neutralize manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract, it is enough to take some sorbent such as Polyphepan or activated carbon.

The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of release, storage conditions are at temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius.

Indications for use

Of course, before you start taking not only medications, but also homeopaths, you need to inquire about what indications for use the manufacturer has indicated.

Of course, a homeopathic remedy is not a hormone or a medicine, but still, you need to know about the intricacies.
Indications for use are:

  • increased sweating;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • frequent and unexpected hot flashes, causing discomfort and irritation;
  • increased heart rate;
  • disruption of the heart.

There are indeed many reasons to start taking Climaxan.


Undoubtedly, any medicine, supplement and vitamins have similar preparations. As a rule, drug analogues are similar in therapeutic effect, composition, and effectiveness.

For what purpose are analogues produced and for what reason can analogues be preferred? The thing is that not every woman can afford to purchase the necessary drug, or it happens that the drug is not available at all in the pharmacy, and not everyone has the time to spend looking for it.

In such cases, it is important to purchase similar drugs.

Analogues of Climaxan are:

  • Klimadinon;
  • Qi-Clim.


Such preparations are also based on plant components that act as active additives.

Herbal components are the basis of the drug and have a maximum therapeutic effect, the role of which is important and necessary for normalizing the hormonal state of a woman, as well as eliminating symptoms: headaches, malaise, sudden mood swings, frequent hot flashes, as well as increased sweating.


Of course, homeopathic remedies do not have as serious consequences as hormonal ones. This does not mean that you should not be interested in the contraindications defined by the manufacturer.

Trying to ensure the effect of taking medications and supplements, women often forget to ask about important points, such as contraindications.

The contraindications include the following:

  • the drug is prohibited for children and men;
  • bearing a fetus;
  • allergic reaction to the components included in the drug;
  • in the diagnosis of tumors dependent on the hormonal system.

Side effects

As with any drug or supplement, there are a number of side effects that you should be aware of ahead of time.

The manufacturer identifies the following number of side effects:

  • bowel dysfunction;
  • epigastric discomfort;
  • vomit;
  • headache.

Of course, if you notice symptoms similar to side effects, you must stop taking the homeopath.

Climaxan or Qi-clim?

As noted a little earlier, Klimaksan and Qi-klim are similar in composition and the active component that fills the drugs.

Black cohosh extract acts as an active substance that has a therapeutic effect. Klimaxan and Qi-klim are identical in composition and therapeutic effect. Many people are wondering what is better to choose: Qi-Clim or Klimaksan?

Of course, when choosing one between such drugs, it is necessary to make a choice, taking into account the depth of the situation.

Qi-Klim Klimaksan
If the symptoms manifest themselves in a large volume, then it is better to choose Qi-Klim.
This homeopath contains a higher concentration of black cohosh extract, which has a therapeutic effect. By its nature, Cyclim still refers to biologically active additives, the use of which is best used in complex therapy.
In the drug Klimaxan, the concentration of black cohosh extract is contained in a smaller volume.

As practice shows, according to reviews from doctors, women rate these two drugs at the same level.

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