St. John's wort tea brewed in a teapot
Beneficial properties and contraindications of herbal tea from St. John's wort
The soul will sing and the body will become healthier if you learn how to brew tea from St. John's wort. Healing decoction
Indications for use Dicaine is a local anesthetic intended for terminal anesthesia. The anesthetic effect develops
Nexium and Omez
NEXIUM is the first and only isomer in the group of proton pump inhibitors
Modern drugs to reduce acidity levels in the treatment of inflammation and ulcers of the stomach, esophagus, duodenum
Vitagamma ampoules: instructions for use, indications, price, reviews, analogues of Vitagamma injections
Vitagamma ampoules: instructions for use, customer reviews and analogues of injections
Release form and composition Indications for use Contraindications Method of use Side effects Special instructions
girl smiling
Beneficial properties of biotin for thick hair, strong nails and beautiful skin
Biotin or vitamin B7 is a water-soluble vitamin that is part of the vitamin B complex -
What are the best ointments for dermatitis: hormonal or non-hormonal, and is there an alternative?
April 5, 2020 Considering what ointments are used for dermatitis, it is worth saying right away that they
Enap n reviews from doctors
Instructions for use of "Enap": at what pressure and what dose to take
Release form Enap tablets are produced containing different amounts of the active ingredient. Enap 2.5 mg
Cortisol, cortisone, 6‑hydroxycortisol and their ratios in urine
Special instructions Use with caution in patients with UC, diverticulitis, recently created anastomosis
Azithromycin Ecomed, 200 mg/5 ml, powder for the preparation of suspension for oral administration, 16.5 g, 1 pc.
Young children get sick often, and, according to statistics, some of the most common diseases in
how it is carried out
Mini-abortion: timing, indications and contraindications, discharge after mini-abortion, complications
The main thing is to have an abortion in the first trimester, since the law in most countries where it is allowed
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