Tizin xylo bio spray naz doses 0.1% 10ml

Release form

The drug is produced in bottles made of class III hydrolytic brown glass, with a nominal volume of 10 ml. For ease of use, the bottles are equipped with a specialized “pull-off” cap, and in addition, a dosing device.

Tizin Xylo with a concentration of 0.05% of the active substance is designed for approximately 140 doses, and a medicine containing 0.1% xylometazoline - for 70 doses. The drops are a colorless solution that may have a slight characteristic odor.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Drops containing xylometazoline , which is an imidazole , are classified as sympathomimetic drugs. Tizin Xylo has alpha-adrenergic properties and has a vasoconstrictor effect , thereby reducing swelling of the mucous membranes . The drug improves the condition of the mucous membrane, reduces hyperemia , accelerates the discharge of secretions and reduces swelling after a maximum of 10 minutes after use.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Tizin xylo

Pharmacodynamics. An imidazole derivative, xylometazoline, is a sympathomimetic drug with an α-adrenergic type of action. It has a vasoconstrictor effect, which reduces swelling of the mucous membranes. Improvement in nasal breathing due to a decrease in swelling and discharge of the nasal mucosa occurs 5–10 minutes after taking the drug. Pharmacokinetics. When administered intranasally, the adsorbed amount of the drug may be sufficient to cause systemic side effects, for example from the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system. There are no data from pharmacokinetic studies for use in humans.


The drug is not recommended for use when:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • rhinitis of atrophic type;
  • glaucoma.

In addition, Tizin Xylo should not be used while taking MAO inhibitors , as well as medications that affect blood pressure , if there is a risk of surgery in the area of ​​the meninges (even in history). Drops should be used with extreme caution for thyrotoxicosis, hyperplasia, diabetes mellitus, angina pectoris and phechoromocytoma .

Side effects

The following side effects may occur extremely rarely when using Tizin Xylo: burning and irritation of the mucous membranes, hypersecretion, as well as paresthesia and sneezing, hyperemia in hypersensitive patients. , drug-induced rhinitis, insomnia , severe headaches , and depression may develop . In some cases, the use of the drug may be accompanied by visual impairment, tachycardia, increased blood pressure and arrhythmia.

Side effects of the drug Tizin xylo

Respiratory system. Tizin Xylo may cause transient, mild signs of irritation (burning sensation) in the nasal cavity. In some cases, when the effect of the drug decreases, an increase in swelling of the nasal mucosa (reactive hyperemia) may be observed. Long-term and frequent intranasal administration of xylometazoline, as well as its use in high doses, can lead to reactive hyperemia or dryness of the nasal mucosa, as well as reactive congestion (hyperemia, congestion) with signs of drug-induced rhinitis. This effect can be observed even after 5–7 days of treatment and after long-term use and lead to permanent damage to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity with the formation of a scab ( rhinitis sicca ). Nervous system. In rare cases, headache, insomnia or fatigue may occur. The cardiovascular system. With local intranasal use, systemic sympathomimetic effects may be observed: increased heart rate and pulse, as well as increased blood pressure.

Instructions for use Tizin Xylo (Method and dosage)

In accordance with the instructions for the spray, Tizin drops are used intranasally. Spray for children (active compound concentration 0.05%) aged 2 to 6 years is used one dose in each nostril no more than twice a day. Adults, as well as children over 6 years of age, can use the drug at a concentration of 0.1%, one dose in each nostril no more than three times a day.

It is not recommended to take the drug for more than 7 days in a row. Tizin Xylo can be re-prescribed only after several days have passed since the end of the previous course of therapeutic treatment.

In accordance with the instructions for Tizin Xylo Bio, this type of nasal drops is used according to the scheme described above.

Dosage regimen

Adults and children over 6 years of age are prescribed a 0.1% dosed nasal spray, 1 dose in each nasal passage up to 3 times a day. The dose depends on the individual sensitivity of the patient and the clinical effect.

The drug should not be used for more than 5 days unless the doctor recommends a different duration of treatment. After completion of therapy, the drug can be re-administered only after a few days.

For chronic rhinitis, the drug can only be used under the supervision of a doctor, taking into account the risk of developing atrophy of the nasal mucosa.

Rules for using the drug

Remove the protective cap. Before first use, press the spray nozzle several times until a uniform cloud of “fog” appears. The bottle is ready for further use.

When using, press 1 time. Inhale the drug through the nose. If possible, keep the spray bottle vertical. Do not spray horizontally or downwards. After use, close the bottle with a cap.


It should be noted that an overdose of the drug can only occur if the recommendations for the use and dosage of the drops are not followed. In such cases, patients may experience symptoms such as: spasms, drowsiness, nausea, febrile states, fluctuations in body temperature, apnea, vomiting and dilated pupils, bradycardia, tachycardia, pulmonary edema, hypotension, arrhythmia, cardiac arrest or collapse, respiratory disorders and mental state, coma.

Overdose of the drug Tizin xylo, symptoms and treatment

Symptoms of intoxication Overdose of the drug or accidental oral administration can lead to mydriasis, nausea, vomiting, cyanosis, fever, cramps, tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmia, circulatory collapse (vascular insufficiency), cardiac arrest, hypertension, pulmonary edema, respiratory dysfunction, mental impairment . In addition, the following symptoms may also be observed: depression of central nervous system functions, accompanied by drowsiness, decreased body temperature, bradycardia, shock-like hypotension, apnea and coma. Treatment of intoxication: Taking activated carbon, gastric lavage, oxygen therapy, mechanical ventilation. To reduce blood pressure in adults, it is necessary to slowly administer 5 mg of phentolamine in physiological solution intravenously or take 100 mg orally. Taking vasoconstrictors is contraindicated. If necessary, treatment with antipyretics or anticonvulsants should be prescribed.

special instructions

Drops should be taken under medical supervision for chronic rhinitis. The drug contains a preservative such as benzalkonium chloride , which can cause allergic reactions. When used correctly, the drops do not affect the ability to drive a car or potentially dangerous units and mechanisms, however, with prolonged use, Tizin Xylo can have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system of the body.

pharmachologic effect

Vasoconstrictor drug for local use in ENT practice. Xylometazoline (imidazole derivative) is an alpha-adrenergic agonist that constricts the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa, eliminating swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane. Facilitates nasal breathing during rhinitis. Hyaluronic acid, which is part of the drug, has a moisturizing effect when used in nasal medications due to its ability to maintain mucous membranes in a hydrated state and creates optimal conditions for regenerative processes.

The action usually develops within 5-10 minutes.


Level 4 ATX code matches:
Xymelin Eco





Nazivin Sensitive for children





For the nose

Lazolvan Rino



Eucazoline Aqua


Grippostad Reno



Nazol Advance

Brizolin, For the nose, Galazolin, Nazolin, Influrin, Xylometazoline, Xylen, Xymelin, Hippostad Rhino, Asterisk NOZ, Farmazolin, Olint, Nosolin, Otrivin, Rinorus, Snoop, Espazolin, Rhinonorm, Sanorin-Xylo, Rinomaris, Tizin Xylo BIO, Evkazolin AQUA.

Tizin Xylo price, where to buy

The price of the spray depends primarily on the form of release of the nasal drops. As a rule, the average price of Tizin Xylo Bio (10 ml bottle) does not exceed 100 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


  • Tizin Xylo 0.05% 10 ml spray Famar Orleans, France
    55 UAH order
  • Tizin Xylo 0.05% 10 ml drops Famar Orleans, France

    55 UAH order

  • Tizin Xylo 0.1% 10 ml drops Famar Orleans, France

    57 UAH order

  • Tizin Xylo 0.1% 10 ml spray Famar Orleans, France

    54 UAH order

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