Acyclovir for sore throat: instructions for use, indications and contraindications

In this article we will look at how to use Acyclovir for sore throat.

Damage to the mucous membranes of the tonsils can occur under the influence of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. In each of these cases, a pathology called tonsillitis develops. People call this disease angina. However, therapy will be different in all cases. This medication is recommended for the treatment of viral infections. "Acyclovir" for herpetic sore throat will be effective. If the inflammation is caused by fungi or bacteria, the use of the medicine will be inappropriate. Purulent sore throat, for example, cannot be treated with it; this requires antibacterial medications.

Sore throat of viral origin is no less common than bacterial one. It can be caused by influenza, herpes, Coxsackie, and ECHO viruses.

Transmission of the pathogen occurs by airborne droplets (for example, during sneezing, coughing, talking, etc.), however, the fecal-oral route of transmission is also allowed, which, however, occurs less frequently. With the fecal-oral route of infection, it occurs through dirty hands, pacifiers, food, toys, etc. And finally, among the possible routes of infection is the contact route of transmission, which implies infection through nasopharyngeal discharge.

The main natural reservoir is the virus carrier and the sick person (infection through animals occurs somewhat less frequently). Convalescents (recovering patients) can also be considered as a source of infection, which is explained by the fact that they secrete the virus for several more weeks (usually 3-4).

The effectiveness of Acyclovir for angina

If primary symptoms of a sore throat occur, the origin of the pathology should be determined as soon as possible - whether it was caused by viruses or bacteria. Treatment will depend on the type of pathogen. "Acyclovir" is a representative of the group of antiviral drugs. Therefore, its use for the treatment of bacterial tonsillitis is unjustified. On the contrary, antibiotic drugs for sore throat of viral origin will not give any result.

As a rule, doctors do not spend time on the diagnostic smear required for bacterial culture: the wait for the test results is quite long, and therapy must begin immediately (despite the fact that such a diagnosis is the best option for prescribing optimal and effective therapy). Many experts are guided by two principles. The first is the simultaneous administration of Acyclovir (or another antiviral drug) and an antibiotic drug. This approach is considered not entirely correct, since the patient’s body experiences a strong additional drug load. Another principle is a careful study of symptoms. The specialist is trying to understand the origin of sore throat based on clinical symptoms. For example, if a patient has a fever, enlarged tonsils and lymph nodes, a sore throat, but no runny nose or cough, then it is most likely a viral sore throat. Additionally, a red rash and sores on the tonsils may indicate viral tonsillitis.

With sore throat of bacterial origin, temperature is also present, but it is insignificant. In addition, there is a change in voice, cough and runny nose. In addition, microbial damage is usually accompanied by the appearance of white plaque on the tonsils, and the lymph nodes are of normal size.

This approach to determining the genesis of the pathology is acceptable, but there are situations when the disease proceeds atypically: in this case it is very difficult to guess the pathogen.

Taking into account the above, we can come to the conclusion that the only accurate method for determining the etiology of the disease is bacterial culture and laboratory diagnosis.

Herpes sore throat - what kind of disease is it?

The infectious disease herpes sore throat has some features:

  • Caused by the enterovirus pathogen Coxsackie is a group of 30 active enteroviruses that multiply in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • After the virus penetrates the body, rapid multiplication occurs , when microorganisms reach the required quantity, the disease begins to manifest symptoms;
  • A person infected with the virus can be a carrier for a long time and infect healthy people;
  • The disease can manifest itself with various symptoms , which tend to increase sharply;
  • Symptoms appear not only in the throat area , but also on the patient’s palms and soles;
  • The disease is spread by airborne droplets and by introducing the virus through dirty hands into the oral cavity.

Most often, patients aged 5 to 10 years are exposed to this type of disease; it is during this period that the child has weaker immunity and begins to come into close contact with the external environment.

Indications for use of the medication for tonsillitis

The use of Acyclovir for viral tonsillitis promotes rapid recovery of the patient, reduces the risk of the spread of pathological lesions and the development of complications. It also helps reduce sore throat if tonsillitis is in the acute stage.

The use of Acyclovir for herpes sore throat in children and adults also allows one to obtain an immunostimulating effect (which is aimed at stimulating the body’s protective responses to the penetration of a viral agent).

In addition to viral tonsillitis, Acyclovir can be used to eliminate other lesions caused by herpes simplex, herpes zoster, as well as to prevent viral pathologies in patients with reduced immunity.

How can you get infected?

Herpes sore throat refers to a type of disease that is contagious and can be transmitted after a person is infected and during the progression of the disease.

You can become infected with herpes sore throat in the following ways:

  • Airborne - this type of disease occurs especially often in childhood when visiting kindergartens and schools;
  • By household means - through contact with contaminated objects that an infected person had previously been in contact with or by shaking hands;
  • Through feces - if the necessary hygiene and processing of vegetables and fruits are not observed before consumption;

However, experts note that the most common methods of infection are airborne droplets, especially if it is necessary to visit public places during an exacerbation of sore throat.

For purulent sore throat

So, will Acyclovir help with purulent tonsillitis?

As already noted, tonsillitis can develop due to a viral or microbial infection. If we talk about purulent sore throat, then it is of microbial origin. It is usually caused by “pyogenic staphylococcus”, somewhat less commonly by “Neicheria”, “Haemophilus influenzae”, “staphylococcus”. These microorganisms are exclusively bacterial flora, on which the drug will not have any effect. "Acyclovir" for purulent tonsillitis will be ineffective; therapy should be carried out using antibacterial agents. It is carried out in a course after the pathogen has been identified and the degree of its sensitivity to antibiotic medications has been determined.

Prevention of disease occurrence

Compliance with prevention methods can reduce the likelihood of the formation of such a type of disease as herpes sore throat:

  • Avoid prolonged stay in public places during the period of exacerbation of infection;
  • Maintain hand hygiene;
  • Process vegetables and fruits before consumption;
  • Avoid hypothermia;
  • Saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals to strengthen the protective functions of the immune system;
  • Avoid stressful situations;
  • In summer, avoid large amounts of ice-cold foods and drinks;
  • Use a contrast shower, which helps strengthen the body;
  • Ensure proper rest.

Daily walks in the fresh air are of great importance; it is recommended to walk for 20 minutes before going to bed.

Dosage forms

Currently, several different forms of Acyclovir are sold in pharmacies - an ointment intended for external use, eye ointment, tablets, lyophilisate, from which an injection solution for intravenous administration is prepared:

  1. The tablets are white in color and contain 0.2 g of active ingredient.
  2. The ointment used externally has a concentration of 5%. It is packaged in aluminum tubes with a volume of 5 or 10 grams. For sore throat, this ointment is used to lubricate affected tonsils. Typically therapy takes 5-10 days.
  3. The lyophilisate is packaged in bottles, the volume of which can be 250, 500, 1000 mg. It is used to make an injection solution.

Before choosing the dosage form of the drug required for treatment, the specialist assesses the patient’s condition. For example, if a sore throat is treated on an outpatient basis, it would be advisable to use ointments and tablets.

When a sore throat is characterized by a severe course and the likelihood of complications is high, the patient is indicated for inpatient treatment. In this case, a lyophilisate is usually used.

Many pharmaceutical companies produce “Acyclovir” for herpes sore throat in children and adults, so it may have a double name. The second part indicates the manufacturer. The most common brands are: “Belmed”, “ZhFF”, “Belupo”, “Vishfa”, “Farmak”, “Astrapharm”, “Stada”, “Darnitsa”, “Akrikhin”.

Herpes sore throat in adults

The manifestation of herpes sore throat occurs most often as a result of weakened immunity after suffering from other types of diseases. Most often it appears as ulcers in the mouth and throat.

Causes of the disease

The disease tends to occur for the following reasons:

  • Transmission of diseases such as flu, colds;
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene and simple food handling rules;
  • Close contact with an infected person , sharing utensils;
  • Prolonged stressful situations , which weaken the immune system, provoke the penetration of the virus into the body;
  • Hypothermia and sudden temperature changes.

Also, the cause of the development of herpes sore throat can be long-term treatment with medications that negatively affect the state of the immune system and lead to a decrease in the body’s natural protective barrier.

Symptoms of the disease

The disease can manifest itself with various symptoms, the intensity depends on the course of the disease:

  • High body temperature;
  • Weakness;
  • Inflammation spreads to the entire oral cavity, especially the throat area;
  • The appearance of bubbles with clear liquid in the oral cavity, turning into small ulcers;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Pain while eating.

Unpleasant symptoms can spread to the entire neck area and be transmitted to the hearing organs.

Chronology of the course

Herpes sore throat most often occurs over several periods, and is characterized by the following features:

  • The infection enters the oral cavity and settles on the walls of the throat;
  • The infection penetrates the mucous membrane of the digestive organs;
  • Within 2 - 10 days, microbes multiply rapidly , which leads to the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease;
  • After several days of illness, a person may feel relief , however, the symptoms appear with greater intensity, and the second period of exacerbation of the disease begins.

With timely treatment, the occurrence of an exacerbation of the disease can most often be avoided and herpes sore throat does not last long.


Acyclovir is a synthetic analogue of purine nucleoside that has inhibitory activity against human herpes viruses, namely herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, herpes zoster, and varicella zoster virus.

Acyclovir is characterized by highly selective inhibitory activity against these infectious agents. In uninfected cells, thymidine kinase (an enzyme substance) does not consider acyclovir as a substrate, therefore the toxic effect on cells is minimal. However, thymidine kinase, encoded in viral cells, interacts with acyclovir, transforming it into acyclovir monophosphate. This substance is an analogue of a nucleoside, which is subsequently gradually converted into diphosphate and triphosphate. It is the triphosphate of acyclovir that interacts with the DNA polymerase of the virus immediately after penetration into the DNA of the virus. The result of these processes is blocking the synthesis of the viral DNA chain.

Contraindications for use

According to the instructions for use of Acyclovir, it should not be used for angina if the patient has an increased sensitivity to the substances in the medication, as well as to similar antiviral agents (Ganciclovir, Valacyclovir, and others).

It is highly not recommended to use the drug during the lactation period, for the treatment of patients under 3 years of age.

You should be careful when using the medicine in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Senile age.
  3. Dehydration.
  4. Kidney failure.
  5. Neurological disorders.
  6. Cases of neurological reactions in response to therapy with cytotoxic drugs.

The use of Acyclovir tablets for adults and children for bacterial tonsillitis is inappropriate and unwise.

Possible complications

With timely treatment, complications of herpes sore throat are practically not observed.

However, experts note the risk of the following types:

  • Nephritis;
  • Encephalitis;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Damage to internal organs;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Damage to the heart muscles.

Complications of tonsillitis can cause additional types of diseases, which negatively affects the patient’s well-being and can further contribute to the occurrence of chronic types of infection.

Negative Impacts

When treating viral tonsillitis with Acyclovir, side symptoms develop infrequently. However, such a possibility exists. Most often the following undesirable symptoms develop:

  1. Increased fatigue.
  2. Lower back pain.
  3. Photosensitivity, rashes, itching.
  4. Jaundice.
  5. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea.
  6. Drowsiness, convulsions, hand tremors, irritability, dizziness, headache.
  7. Allergic response.
  8. Thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, anemia.

These negative symptoms are transient and disappear after completion of the therapeutic course. In addition, their development is usually associated with the fact that the patient has renal failure or other underlying pathologies.

What is the dosage of Acyclovir for angina in children and adults?

Use of medication

Tablets "Acyclovir", if it is used for the treatment of viral sore throat, should be taken immediately after eating. You should drink plenty of water. The treating specialist should coordinate dosing. In standard situations, adult patients are recommended to take 200-400 mg five times a day, that is, every 4 hours. The duration of therapy is 1 week.

In patients with impaired renal function, the dose and mode of use should be adjusted by monitoring creatinine clearance and taking into account the type of viral infection. In cases where sore throat is provoked by the herpes simplex virus, and creatinine clearance is less than 10 ml/min, the total daily dosage of the drug should be reduced to 400 mg in two doses.

It is recommended to use the ointment for treating the throat up to 6 times a day, with equal intervals between uses. The ointment should be used to treat the tonsils. It is important to begin treating the tonsils at the earliest stages of pathology development. Treatment should be continued until the blisters heal. On average, this period is 5-10 days.

How to use Acyclovir for sore throat in children?

How to distinguish herpes sore throat from other diseases?

The disease has a large number of symptoms that are typical for other types of infectious diseases.

However, there are some features that are unique to herpes sore throat:

  • The presence of small blisters in the oral cavity , which can turn into small ulcers. The formations may contain clear or cloudy liquid, depending on the characteristics of the disease. The appearance of bubbles most often appears on the palate and throat, and in rare cases they are also observed under the tongue;
  • Stomach upset - the virus most often causes diarrhea and nausea;
  • The appearance of blisters on the palms and soles - such distinctive symptoms are unique to herpes sore throat.

Also, in rare cases, the rash can affect the lips and face, however, such formations do not contain fluid and most often appear in the form of small spots.

Use in children's therapy

Tonsillitis of viral etiology in pediatric patients can provoke the development of such a dangerous pathology as false croup. This condition is accompanied by the development of laryngeal edema, narrowing of the lumen, and the occurrence of suffocation. To prevent the development of complications, therapeutic intervention should begin as early as possible. The dosage of Acyclovir for angina must be strictly observed.

For patients under one year of age, therapy is prescribed using rectal suppositories (such drugs as Genferon Light, Viferon are effective).

You can use the ointment to treat the throat from the age of four. The tableted medicine "Acyclovir" for angina in children should be used in accordance with the following regimens:

  1. Children 1-2 years old - 100 mg five times a day. Duration of therapy – 5 days.
  2. Children 2-5 years old - 200 mg four times a day.
  3. Children 6 years and older - four times a day.

The duration of therapy is determined by the pediatrician, who assesses the dynamics of the child’s recovery.

What else do you need to know when treating a sore throat with Acyclovir?

Lyophilisate: instructions for use

Intravenous administration is prescribed to patients over the age of 12 years with a dosage of 10 mg per kilogram of weight. The medication is administered every 8 hours for an hour. In this case, the daily dosage of the drug cannot be more than 30 mg per kilogram of the patient’s body weight.

To combat pathologies associated with the development of HSV, patients with weak immunity are prescribed Acyclovir Sandoz, Acri and other forms with a dosage of 5-10 mg. The course of treatment is a week.

The duration of treatment for complicated genital herpes in adults is 5 days. 5 mg/kg of the patient's body weight is administered intravenously.

To treat non-inflammatory brain pathologies of herpetic etiology, a 10-day course of intravenous administration of the drug, 10 mg per kilogram of the patient’s weight, is prescribed.

For the treatment of herpes zoster, a weekly course of intravenous administration is prescribed at a dosage of 10 mg per 1 kg of the patient’s weight. The drug is administered every 8 hours.

Before determining the daily dose of the drug for patients with chronic renal failure, it is necessary to take tests to determine creatinine clearance. Based on diagnostic data, the dosage and interval between intravenous administration procedures are determined.


The antiviral agent is not completely absorbed in the digestive tract. There are clinical cases where patients accidentally took about 20 grams of the drug, and no toxic effects were noted. Repeated accidental administration of an increased dose of Acyclovir led to the following negative symptoms in patients, indicating intoxication:

  1. Impaired consciousness, headache.
  2. Vomiting, attacks of nausea.

Intravascular overdose leads to an increase in creatinine and urea nitrogen in the blood plasma: the patient begins to develop renal failure. In this case, the nervous system responds with the development of convulsions, agitation, disturbances of consciousness, and the occurrence of a coma.

Treatment of intoxication should be carried out in a hospital setting after assessing the severity of poisoning. It is recommended to immediately perform gastric lavage and prescribe symptomatic medications to the patient. The active substances of Acyclovir are easily eliminated; therefore, in cases of confirmed intoxication, it is advisable to use hemodialysis.

Interaction with other pharmacological agents

"Acyclovir" for angina in adults and children can be taken without fear of possible drug interactions: clinical practice has no information that such interactions have occurred.

The active substance is excreted mainly unchanged by the kidneys. Because of this, there is a possibility that any medications characterized by a similar elimination principle can affect the serum concentration of Acyclovir.

Parallel use with immunosuppressive pharmaceuticals can also increase the concentration of the active component in the blood serum. However, adjustments to therapeutic regimens and dosage regimens are not required in these cases.

Analogues of the drug

For the treatment of sore throat of viral origin, synonyms for “Acyclovir” can also be used. The most popular complete analogues of the drug are: “Atsik”, “Virolex”, “Atsigerpin”, “Biocyclovir”, “Acivir”, “Geviran”, “Gerpevir”, “Zovirax”, “Gerpetad”, “Medovir”, “Provirsan” .

In addition, in certain situations, the use of similar drugs (having a different composition, but having a similar therapeutic effect) is allowed. The most popular are: “Familar”, “Tsimeven”, “Ribapeg”, “Famvir”, “Ribamidil”, “Trivorin”, “Minaker”, “Ribavirin”, “Vatsirex”, “Ribavin”, “Valcyte”, “Rebetol” ", "Valacyclovir", "Vero-Ribavirin", "Arviron", "Valtrex".

The local form of "Acyclovir" (ointment) can be replaced with "Epigen", "Erazaban", "Helepin-D", "Lomagerpan", "Fladex", "Oxolin", "Condilin", "Fenistil Pentsivir", "Imiquimod", " Devirs", "Gossypol", "Vartek", "Giporamin", "Bonafton", "Gerpferon", "Alpizarin".

It should be noted that each of these drugs is intended for the treatment of viral tonsillitis, for example, herpetic sore throat. For bacterial tonsillitis, these remedies will be ineffective. In addition, each of these medications has specific contraindications and can provoke the development of side symptoms. Therefore, it is extremely important to consult with your doctor about the possibility of changing the medication.

Reviews of "Acyclovir" for sore throat

Most of the reviews left by patients who have had experience using Acyclovir in the treatment of angina are positive and indicate the high effectiveness of the medication. The main point is the timely initiation of therapy at the initial symptoms of the inflammation process. This approach allows you to prevent the development of complications, shorten the duration of the pathological process, and quickly weaken and stop the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms. The main thing is to adhere to the dosage of Acyclovir prescribed by your doctor for herpes sore throat.

Many experts recommend the additional use of other medications during Acyclovir therapy to ensure a comprehensive effect on the pathology:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that can accelerate the relief of inflammation and relieve pain (Nimesil, Ibuprofen and the like).
  2. Mucolytic pharmaceuticals designed to eliminate irritation of tissues and mucous membranes.
  3. Antihistamines that help relieve swelling in the throat.

Throughout the entire therapeutic course, you should observe bed rest, drink fortified warm drinks, for example, rosehip infusion, tea with lemon. It is prohibited to use compresses to warm the throat: in case of a viral infection, such an effect can only complicate the situation.

With a comprehensive approach to the problem, the disease is cured quite quickly, and the medications described above can reduce the severity of clinical symptoms. At the same time, “Acyclovir” for angina in adults and children allows for a targeted effect directly on the pathogen.

Treatment of herpes sore throat using traditional medicine methods

The use of traditional treatment can reduce the unpleasant symptoms of pain and swelling of the throat and block further progression of the disease herpes sore throat.

The use of traditional medicine methods requires long-term use; for cases with acute symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to combine drug treatment with traditional methods.

For adults

For adults, it is recommended to use the following traditional medicine methods:

  • Beetroot juice has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. You need to wash one small beet and grate it on a coarse grater. Pour the resulting slurry with two liters of water and leave for 3-4 hours. Strain and use as a rinse twice a day. The course of treatment is up to 5 days;
  • A decoction of mother and mother of sneeze and eucalyptus eliminates germs and reduces inflammation in the oral cavity. Mix dry grass in equal proportions and add a liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes, then leave until completely cool. Strain and gargle three times a day. Duration of treatment until the complete disappearance of unpleasant symptoms;
  • Iodine and soda - used to heal ulcers and have an antibacterial effect on the throat. In a glass of warm water you need to add two drops of iodine and half a teaspoon of soda. Place well, rinse twice a day;
  • Propolis solution - mix a liquid propolis solution in equal quantities with water, rinse twice a day until the unpleasant symptoms completely disappear.

During the period of treatment of herpes sore throat, it is recommended to drink large quantities of rosehip decoction and raspberry tea as tea. Such drinks have a large amount of vitamins and tend to eliminate the virus that causes the disease.

For children

In childhood, it is recommended to use the following methods of traditional treatment:

  • Warm milk reduces unpleasant symptoms and improves the swallowing process. Add a tablespoon of melted butter to a glass of warm milk and baking soda on the tip of a knife. Stir and drink milk before bed. Do not use if a child has an upset stomach. Duration of treatment up to 5 days;
  • Rosehip decoction is used to eliminate inflammation and pain symptoms, and has the property of reducing swelling. Mix rose hips and chamomile flowers in equal proportions. Pour in water and bring to a boil. Strain the resulting broth and give the child 3-4 times a day, half a glass. Can be used from the age of 1 year. Duration of treatment until the disease is completely eliminated;
  • Aloe and honey - used to relieve inflammation and provide an antibacterial effect on the oral cavity. Cut the aloe leaf and put it in the refrigerator for a day. Grind the plant and pour warm boiled water for two hours. Strain the resulting liquid and add liquid honey at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of liquid. Rinse with the resulting solution 3 times a day before meals. Appointed from the age of 4 years. Duration of treatment is up to 10 days;
  • Vinegar solution - used for cases where herpes sore throat is accompanied by high fever. It is necessary to mix water and vinegar in proportions of 3:1, wipe the resulting liquid with the hands, feet and back of the child. Used for cases of urgent need. Appointed from the age of 2 years.

Before starting to use traditional medicine methods, it is recommended to conduct a test for the child’s individual sensitivity. If there are any side symptoms, the use of traditional treatment methods is prohibited.

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