Emoxipin solution for injection 30 mg/ml 5 ml ampoule No. 5

Solution for use in ophthalmology. Used to treat and strengthen blood vessels in the eyes for hemorrhages, retinopathy, diseases of the circulatory system, glaucoma, cataracts, retinal pathologies and other disorders.

Available in the form of ophthalmic 1% drops, packaged in sterile plastic bottles of 5 ml.

The drug is produced in Russia, “Enzyme FSUE in Moscow and others.


One ampoule contains 1 milliliter of solution, which contains 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine hydrochloride ( emoxipine ). Ampoules are used to administer Emoxipine intramuscularly or intravenously.
Emoxipin 1, which is used in ophthalmology, has a similar composition of the active substance, but differs in the form of release: the ampoules are replaced by more convenient bottles with dispensers at the end, which allows you to measure exactly one drop of the substance for each eye.

Contraindications and side effects

There is only one strict contraindication - pregnancy and breastfeeding. For children under 18 years of age, Emoxipine is prescribed by a doctor if necessary. There are cases of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, then it is replaced with another medicine with a similar effect.

Emoxipin is sometimes prescribed to young children, including infants: there is no children's analogue of the medicine, but diseases characteristic of adults also occur in babies.

According to reviews from doctors and patients, after using drops the following may occur:

  • pain in the head or in the heart area;
  • overexcitement or apathy;
  • high blood pressure - more common when Emoxipine is administered intramuscularly or intravenously;
  • skin rash.

The symptoms are unpleasant, but short-term and do not harm health.

The sensations after instillation are also not always comfortable: itching, burning, redness of the eyes, tearing are common accompanying effects of using Emoxipin. If you are a woman, wash off cosmetics before instillation or apply them after the procedure. If you wear contact lenses, put them on 20-30 minutes after applying the drops.

Side effect.

Side effects pass quickly and usually do not even require discontinuation of the drug.

pharmachologic effect

Emoxipine (INN - Emoxipine) is an angioprotector that reduces the level of permeability of vascular walls by accelerating free radical processes; the drug is also an antioxidant and antihypoxic agent . Emoxipine will reduce the level of blood viscosity, the permeability of vascular walls and the tendency to develop hemorrhages. In addition, the active ingredients of the drug will increase the level of cyclic nucleotides in brain tissue and blood platelets.

The fibrinolytic activity of the drug is manifested in the fact that in the case of an acute period of a heart attack , the drug is able to dilate the coronary vessels, thereby limiting the developing focus of necrosis . Also, the conduction and contractility of the heart will be improved.

As an ophthalmic substance, Emoxipin has retinoprotective properties; it protects the retina from the action of high-intensity light rays. Emoxipin drops will help resolve intraocular hemorrhages and improve microcirculation in the eye.

Drug analogues

Analogs of a drug can be considered in two aspects: drugs with a similar active ingredient or drugs that have the most similar effect. The first group includes:

Emoxybel. The drug is produced in Belarus. The concentration of the active substance is similar to -1%, therefore, all aspects of administration are the same as for Emoxipine; Emoxy optic. Available in two packaging options - 5 and 10 ml; Emoxipin-AKOS; Methylethylpyridonol-Eskom.

Drops of Oftan-Katachrom (used for the prevention and treatment of cataracts of various origins), Taufon (prescribed for retinal diseases, corneal injuries, open-angle glaucoma and cataracts of various origins), Khrustalin (main indication - cataracts) have a similar effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Positive effect on blood coagulation : by reducing the overall coagulation index and reducing the process of platelet aggregation, the drug prolongs blood clotting time. Under the influence of the drug, the membranes of cells and blood vessels are stabilized, red blood cells increase their resistance to hemolysis and potential mechanical injuries.

Effective inhibition of free radical oxidation of lipids contained in biomembranes. Increased activity of enzymes responsible for antioxidant function. Able to have a lipid-lowering effect by reducing the synthesis of triglycerides.

Taking Emoxipine can reduce the manifestations of cerebral hemodysfunction . Has a positive effect on the resistance of the cerebral cortex to ischemia and hypoxia . Corrects autonomic dysfunctions in cases of cerebrovascular accident.

Emoxipine has a clear cardioprotective effect. The cardiovascular system will be protected in case of ischemic myocardial damage : the medicine blocks its spread, also dilating the coronary vessels.

As eye drops, Emoxipin protects the retina from potential damage due to exposure to high-intensity light rays. In addition, thanks to the drug, it is possible to resolve hemorrhages inside the eye.


In the case of intravenous administration of a dose of 10 mg per 1 kg of patient weight, a very low half-elimination rate of the drug . Elimination constant - 0.041 min; apparent volume of distribution - 5.2 l; total clearance rate is 214.8 ml per minute.

metabolism occurs .

The pharmacokinetics of Emoxipine may vary depending on the patient's condition. For example, in the case of a pathological condition of coronary occlusion , the rate at which the drug is eliminated will be reduced, making it more bioavailable.

In the case of retrobulbar administration of Emoxipine, the active ingredients of the drug appear in the blood almost immediately, a consistently high level remains for two hours, and 24 hours after administration, the trace of administration is practically completely absent in the blood. A certain concentration of the drug remains in the eye tissues.


Emoxipin drops are an effective drug for the treatment of many eye diseases.

They are prescribed if:

  • myopia progresses;
  • an operation to remove glaucoma was performed on the eyes and retinal detachment is observed;
  • cataracts have formed;
  • there is a hemorrhage inside the eye - it can be a consequence of injury or disease (atherosclerosis, tumor, fragility of blood vessels);
  • due to diabetes mellitus, vision began to rapidly deteriorate - in order to avoid complete loss;
  • the patient uses soft contact lenses - the drops stimulate blood circulation and relieve irritation;
  • a burn of the cornea occurred - solar or after cauterization of tissues with a laser;
  • A thrombus has formed - a blood clot in a vessel of the eyeball.

The drug is effective not only for treating the eyes. In solution form, it is used for myocardial infarction, aneurysm, stroke, skin diseases or acute blood loss.

Indications for use of Emoxipin

Indications for use as eye drops are:

  • intraocular hemorrhages;
  • thrombosis in the central retinal vein and its branches;
  • glaucoma;
  • protection of the retina after laser coagulation and high-intensity light (in case of sun and laser burns).

Indications for the use of Emoxipin injections:

  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • complicated myopathy;
  • central chorioretinal dystrophies.

Emoxipin injections are also used in cases of chronic and acute cerebral circulatory disorders , if the cause of these disorders is hemorrhagic and ischemic disorders. If necessary, the drug can be administered either as an intramuscular injection or as an intravenous injection in ampoules.

Emoxipin's analogs

The pharmaceutical industry produces analogues of Emoxipine drops, which differ in release form and price, but with the main similar active ingredient with the maximum similar effect:

  • Emoxipin Akos
    - prescribed for complicated myopia, hemorrhages in the eyeball, available in tightly sealed glass tubes with a volume of 5 ml.
  • Emoxy-Optic
    is intended to protect the cornea when wearing contact lenses, eye injuries and burns.
  • Emoxibel
    is prescribed for injuries to the cornea of ​​the eyes, during the rehabilitation period after surgery on the visual apparatus, and for elderly people after a stroke.
  • Vixipin
    is used for eye injuries and inflammatory processes in the cornea.
  • Cardioxipin
    has a protective function of the retina from high activity light, eliminates circulatory disorders in the vessels of the retina.
  • Methylethylpyridinol
    has a protective effect on the retina and blood vessels and is used in the treatment of visual defects (myopia).

The treating ophthalmologist selects the optimal drug individually based on the diagnosis, the patient’s age, the presence of contraindications, and individual tolerance to the drug.

Instructions for use of Emoxipin (Method and dosage)

Instructions for Emoxipin - eye drops

In the case of retrobulbar administration of the drug, a one percent solution in a dosage of 0.5 ml is administered once a day for 10–15 days. If the medicine is administered subconjunctivally and parabulbarly, then 0.2 to 0.5 ml of the drug is administered once a day for 10–30 days.

If it is necessary to protect the retina, the drug is administered retrobulbarly in a dosage of 0.5 ml per day and one hour before laser coagulation. The course depends on the degree of burns received during laser coagulation; in most cases, retrobulbar drops are used once a day for two to ten days.

Instructions for Emoxipin - solution for injection

In cardiology and neurology, the drug is mainly used intravenously using a dropper, at a rate of 20–40 drops per minute. The dose of the drug is 20-30 ml of a three percent solution. Droppers can be placed one to three times a day for 5–15 days. The duration of treatment directly depends on the type of patient’s disease. At the end of the drips, they switch to intramuscular injections of the drug: 3-5 ml of a 3% solution are administered 2-3 times a day. The course of intramuscular administration ranges from 10 to 30 days.

Emoxipine is not produced in tablet form, so you cannot take Emoxipine tablets, because they simply do not exist.


Emoxipin eye drops are a potent medicine. It is not recommended to use it without consulting an ophthalmologist. Carefully study its characteristics before starting treatment.

Best before date

The expiration date of Emoxipin is indicated on the packaging. It must be used within two years after manufacture. Open containers cannot be stored for longer than 1 month. It does not matter where to store the drug - in the refrigerator or in a medicine cabinet in the closet. Low temperatures do not allow extending the shelf life of Emoxipin.

Before using the drug, you need to find out its expiration date. An expired product is not only useless, it can cause severe discomfort and lead to worsening of the disease.

A little discomfort immediately after use is acceptable. If symptoms do not disappear for more than an hour, you should immediately consult a doctor. The use of this drug must be stopped.

To avoid getting yourself into trouble, do not buy medicine with an erased or poorly printed expiration date. This drug may be expired. Opened or damaged packaging may also indicate a low-quality product.

How to store

The drug is resistant to direct sunlight and moisture. It should be stored in a dry room or cabinet at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

There are a lot of analogues of Emoxipin sold in pharmacies. A number of them contain the same active substance. Others have a similar area of ​​influence, but they contain a different active substance.

Emoxipine can be safely replaced with Emoxibel, Emoxi-Optic, Khrustalin, Methylethylpyridonol-Eskom, Taufon, Quinax or Katachrom.

Conditions for storing the drug in pharmacies and clinics

In pharmacies and hospitals, Emoxipin is stored in closed cabinets, where the sun's rays do not reach. The temperature of the room in which the drug is stored is about 10-15 °C. A slightly higher temperature is allowed, but not more than 25 °C.

Disposal of the medicine occurs if the shelf life of the drug has expired, the storage temperature has been violated, or the packaging has been damaged. If the color or other characteristics of the drug do not correspond to the norm, it must also be thrown away.

Before destroying the remains of the expired medicine, it can be stored in special sealed bags or boxes. Disposing of Emoxipin with household waste is strictly prohibited. This drug belongs to group B, hazardous substances. To destroy it, it must be disinfected. Autoclaves and microwave ovens serve this purpose.

Autoclaves disinfect waste with steam heated to 100°C. A microwave oven heats raw materials using microwaves. In such an installation, the contents are heated to 140°C.

Many treatment centers have their own disposal machines. But hospitals often turn to recycling centers. They specialize in the disposal of hazardous waste using a suitable, safe method.

Application area

Emoxipine is used to treat moderate eye diseases. The medicine helps with problems with the blood vessels of the eyes and oxygen starvation of the eye. It is available without a prescription, but be sure to consult your doctor before using it. The drug is potent.

Available in the form of drops in a bottle with a pipette or dropper cap. The glass containers in which the drops are sold are packed in a cardboard box. Package volume 5 ml.

The active substance, a 1% solution of methyl ethyl pyridonol, soothes the eyes and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

The drug is prescribed for diabetes with eye complications, for the prevention and treatment of burns of the cornea, glaucoma, and myopia. The product helps improve blood circulation in the eyes when using contact lenses daily and working in bright light. Allows you to shorten the rehabilitation period after eye surgery.

Despite its positive qualities, Emoxipine is a toxic drug. It should be used with caution: store properly and not use after the expiration date. Following all the recommendations will help you maintain your health and get a healthy, clear look.


In case of overdose of the drug, side effects may appear or increase. In case of an overdose of the drug or its analogues, blood pressure , excessive agitation or drowsiness , pain in the cardiac region, headache, nausea , and abdominal discomfort may appear. Blood clotting may be impaired.

Treatment of an overdose of Emoxipine and Emoxipine analogues consists of discontinuing the drug and carrying out symptomatic therapy procedures if necessary.


Emoxipin is a highly effective modern remedy. Its only drawback is severe local irritation when used. People facing serious ophthalmological diseases leave extremely positive reviews about Emoxipin, because they strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and, due to the seriousness of the problem, clearly understand the need for treatment. If the drug is used for the treatment of minor ophthalmological disorders, then reviews of the drops will not be so positive: the fact is that not every person is ready to put up with temporary unpleasant burning sensations after taking the drug.

Reviews from doctors about eye drops are extremely positive. The drug copes with its task perfectly, although it causes temporary discomfort in patients.

Emoxipin injections effectively counteract the effects of strokes and heart attacks in many patients around the world. Also, taking the drug helps to reduce various manifestations of neurological disorders in a short period of time. It is logical that such a positive experience of use is reflected in positive reviews from both patients and doctors.

Reviews from doctors and patients

Pavlovsky Konstantin Igorevich, 45 years old, ophthalmic surgeon:

I prescribe Emoxipine to patients in the postoperative period after penetrating keratoplasty, lens replacement and other interventions. The drug accelerates regeneration processes, shortens the recovery period, improves local blood flow, and prevents thrombus formation.

Vanina Olga Egorovna, 48 years old, ophthalmologist:

In my practice, there have been cases where a course of treatment with Emoxipin saved patients from seemingly inevitable surgery, is very effective against traumatic eye injuries (wounds, burns, hemorrhages), and helps slow down degenerative processes in myopia and diabetes. Can be used for prophylactic purposes - to reduce irritation from laser radiation during operations on the lens or coagulation of the retina.

Andrey, 27 years old, athlete:

I had an eye injury, with the formation of an internal hematoma. He underwent complex treatment, including the use of Emoxipin. Everything resolved after 10 days, blurred vision appeared for a short time, then it went away. The drug helped me, the only unpleasant thing is its burning sensation when instilled, such discomfort lasts for about 5-10 seconds.

Emoxipin price, where to buy

You can buy Emoxipin in Kyiv without any problems: the drug or its analogues can be found in almost every pharmacy. But the cost may vary slightly depending on the pharmacy, however, almost all eye drops in Ukraine, and other drugs, vary in price. This depends not only on the pharmacy’s markup on the drug, but also on the place of its production, production batch, etc.

The average price of Emoxipin 1% eye drops in a 5 ml bottle fluctuates on the market around 60 UAH. A package of five ampoules of 1 ml of one percent Emoxipin No. 10 will cost about 50 UAH in a pharmacy.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Emoxipine solution for in.
    1% 1ml 10 pcs. Federal State Unitary Enterprise Moscow Endocrine Plant RUB 275 order
  • Emoxipin eye drops 1% fl. 5mlEnzyme LLC

    RUB 205 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Emoxipin (amp. 1% 1ml No. 10) Moscow Endocrine Plant

    RUB 293 order

  • Emoxipin (vial 1% 5ml No. 1 (cap.)) Enzyme LLC

    RUB 211 order

show more


  • Emoxipin 1% 1 ml No. 10 injection solution AT "Lekhim-Kharkiv", Ukraine
    138 UAH.order


  • Emoxipin ampoule Emoxipin solution d/in. 1% No. 10 Ukraine, Lekhim-Kharkov CJSC

    166 UAH order

show more


The highly effective drug has a relatively low cost. This is explained by the fact that Emoxipin was developed by Russian biologists, chemists and pharmacists.

You can find out how much the drug costs on the Internet, notes ObaGlaza. The cost of eye drops is approximately 200-250 rubles, and the price of a three percent solution for injection fluctuates around 180-210 rubles. Each pharmacy sets prices independently, so they may differ from those given by us.

If you have a prescription, you can purchase the medicine in pharmacies. The instructions for use tell you exactly how Emoxipin eye drops should be used.

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