Liprimar, 10 mg, film-coated tablets, 30 pcs.

Release form of the drug and active substance

The medicine is produced by the manufacturer, Pfizer Corporation, in only one form, namely tablets. The country producing this drug is Germany.

These tablets differ from each other depending on how much of the active ingredient atorvastatin they contain.

There are the following varieties:

  • 80 mg tablets of atorvastatin;
  • at 40 mg;
  • by 20 mg;
  • 10 mg tablets.

As stated earlier, the substance that does most of the work in your body while you are taking this drug is called atorvastatin . In addition to it, Liprimar contains additional substances:

  • Magnesium stearate.
  • Lactose monohydrate.
  • Calcium carbonate.
  • Croscarmellose sodium.
  • Microcrystalline cellulose.
  • Hyprolose.

What do Liprimar tablets look like?

Indications for use of the drug Liprimar

The medicine is mainly used to return the cholesterol levels in your blood to the normal natural balance found in the human body. In this regard, the drug is prescribed by specialists in the following cases described below:

  1. Hypercholesterolemia of the primary type or, according to Fredrickson's classification, type 2a.
  2. Hyperlipidemia, mixed or types 2a and 2b.
  3. Hypertriglyceridemia is endogenous or Fredrickson type 4, which cannot be cured with diet alone.
  4. Disbetalipoproteinemia or type No. 3 according to the classification.
  5. Preventing the occurrence of future diseases of the heart or the vascular system of the body in a patient who does not currently suffer from coronary heart disease, but due to his lifestyle or habits and predispositions, is highly likely to develop it.
  6. Reducing the likelihood of complications such as angina, stroke or myocardial infarction in people suffering from coronary heart disease.


In pharmacies there are drug substitutes with a similar effect and sometimes the same active ingredient. Liprimar's analogues:

  • Atoris is a lipid-lowering drug based on atorvastatin, produced by a Slovenian factory;
  • Liptonorm is an inhibitor of the early stage of cholesterol synthesis, contains atorvastatin;
  • Torvacard - Czech-made tablets for the treatment of hyperlipidemia;
  • Atorvox is a drug against hypercholesterolemia;
  • Tribestan is a tablet for the treatment of impotence that has a hypolipidemic effect for patients with dyslipoproteinemia.

Liprimar or Crestor - which is better?

According to experts, treatment of atherosclerosis should be carried out with original drugs containing statins with proven effectiveness. Both medications under consideration have the same effect, similar active ingredients (atovrastatin and rosuvastatin), which allows them to be interchangeable in the treatment of diseases. Only the doctor knows which one is best for the patient.

Liprimar or Atorvastatin – which is better?

Compared to the original drug, Atorvastatin is a generic (copy). They are similar in composition and concentration of the active substance, but the quality of the raw materials is different. The generic is cheaper, but it has more side effects and contraindications. It is better to give preference to the original drug, especially if the patient’s condition is severe or complicated.

Liprimar - contraindications

There are not many contraindications for this drug, and they are typical for most drugs. These include the following:

  • Drug therapy for minor patients is not allowed, with the exception of the treatment of familial heterozygous hypercholesterolemia in children who have already reached the age of ten years.
  • Hypersensitivity to any of the substances included in the drug.
  • The drug should not be taken by women who are breastfeeding or during pregnancy.
  • Active liver disease.
  • Increased activity of transaminases in the liver, which has arisen for an unknown reason and is more than three times higher than normal.
  • Lactose intolerance.
  • The simultaneous use of Liprimar with fusidic acid and alcohol is not allowed.
  • Lactase deficiency, which is congenital.
  • Particular caution should be taken when prescribing the drug to patients who have a tendency to drink excessively or have suffered from any liver disease in the past.

Instructions for use of the drug Liprimar

Before starting to use the drug, it is necessary to take into account that most doctors recommend trying to eliminate high cholesterol levels in the blood through exercise and diet.

And also treat diseases that could potentially cause hypercholesterolemia. While undergoing treatment with Liprimar, it is extremely important to eat only those foods that either do not contain cholesterol or contain it in very small quantities.

Liprimar - dosages for adults

According to the instructions for use, doctors prescribe this drug to be taken orally. Unlike other medications, in this case you are not bound by meals and therefore can take Liprimar at a time that is most convenient for you.

The dosage of the medicine is selected in the range from ten milligrams to eighty milligrams. The drug is prescribed for use only once a day . In order to choose an effective dose for you, it is necessary to take into account the influence of the following factors:

  • what is your purpose by taking this medicine;
  • how you react to the drug;
  • What was your original LDL cholesterol level?

Even if your doctor did not advise you to donate plasma at least once a month in order to keep the amount of lipids in your plasma under control , take this advice. It is very effective in those moments when you are tormented by doubts whether you need to increase the dosage or not.

If you are diagnosed with primary type hypercholesterolemia, then, as a rule, doctors prescribe a dose to eliminate it, which usually does not exceed ten milligrams per day. Do not expect an immediate effect from the drug; it appears in most people after an average of fourteen days .

You will see maximum results no earlier than twenty-eight days. If you complete the full course of Liprimar therapy, the positive effects on your body will last for a long period of time.

If you suffer from familial homozygous hypercholesterolemia, then doctors usually immediately prescribe a maximum dosage of eighty milligrams of the drug. As a result of the studies, it was revealed that LDL cholesterol decreases by the end of treatment in the range from eighteen to forty-five percent of the original level.

The use of medication for familial heterozygous hypercholesterolemia must begin with the very minimum dosage of ten milligrams . To choose the right dose, you need to periodically, at least once a month, evaluate the concentration of lipids contained in your plasma, and based on this data, make a decision to increase or decrease the amount of the drug consumed.

If the course of the disease is unfavorable, you can increase the dosage to the maximum possible, namely eighty milligrams. In order to prevent heart or vascular diseases in the future, it is necessary to adhere to a dosage of ten milligrams per day. During therapy, it is necessary to monitor the level of LDL cholesterol in your blood.

Liprimar - dosages for children

Please note that the use of the drug is not allowed for children who are under ten years of age at the time of starting treatment. It is now known for certain that

Liprimar helps young patients in the treatment of a disease such as familial heterozygous hypercholesterolemia .

As a rule, the initial dosage of the drug is ten milligrams , which can be further increased to twenty milligrams.

Due to the fact that little information has now been accumulated on how the child’s body behaves at dosages of Liprimar exceeding twenty milligrams per day, it is not recommended to exceed this dose in order to avoid the occurrence of unpredictable complications.

Interaction with other drugs

During therapy, the likelihood of myopia increases when prescribed in combination with Liprimar with cyclosporine, fibrates, nicotinic acid in hypolipidemic dosages (more than 1 g per day) or inhibitors of the CYP3A4 isoenzyme (for example, erythromycin, clarithromycin, antimycotics that are azole derivatives). When prescribing such combinations, it is necessary to monitor the patient's well-being after starting treatment and when increasing the dosage.

Atorvastatin and its metabolites are substrates of the transport protein OATP1B1. Therefore, inhibitors of this protein (for example, cyclosporine) may increase the bioavailability of atorvastatin.

When atorvastatin is prescribed in combination with fibrates or ezetimibe, the risk of adverse reactions, including rhabdomyolysis, increases.

If this combination is unavoidable, then the dosage should be reduced and the effect of therapy should be carefully monitored.

The following medications and drinks increase the level of atorvastatin in the blood:

  • erythromycin at a dosage of 500 mg 4 times a day;
  • clarithromycin at a dosage of 500 mg 2 times a day;
  • inhibitors of CYP3A4, HIV and hepatitis C protease;
  • diltiazem at a dosage of 240 mg (when prescribed with atorvastatin at a dosage of 40 mg);
  • grapefruit juice, if consumed more than 1.2 liters per day.

When prescribing atorvastatin at a dosage of 20-40 mg in combination with itraconazole at a dosage of 200 mg, it leads to an increase in the AUC value of Liprimar.

Inducers of the cytochrome CYP3A4 isoenzyme reduce the level of atorvastatin in the blood.

If you need to take rifampicin during therapy, it is recommended to take it in combination with Liprimar. If you take atorvastatin after finishing antibiotic therapy, the concentration of the statin decreases significantly.

Antacids containing magnesium and aluminum hydroxide reduce the plasma level of atorvastatin, but the degree of reduction in con-cholesterol does not change.

With the parallel administration of colestipol, the plasma level of atorvastatin decreased, but the lipid-lowering effect of this combination was superior to that of each drug individually.

When using digoxin in combination with atorvastatin at a daily dosage of 80 mg, the level of cardiac glycoside increases, which requires clinical monitoring.

When atorvastatin was co-administered with hormonal contraceptives containing norethisterone and ethinyl estradiol, a significant increase in the AUC of the contraceptives was observed. This must be taken into account when choosing oral contraceptives while taking Liprimar.

When atorvastatin is prescribed in combination with coumarin anticoagulants, an increase in prothrombin time is observed in the first 4 days of treatment; after 15 days this indicator returns to normal.

When Liprimar is prescribed in combination with colchicine, the risk of myopathy increases.

When prescribed while taking the statin fusidic acid, rhabdomyolysis may occur. Therefore, this combination is undesirable; atorvastatin therapy should be discontinued throughout the entire course of fusidic acid and resumed a week after its completion. In severe cases, when it is impossible to do without taking these drugs, the doctor can prescribe them in combination, but you need to constantly monitor the patient’s well-being. Seek immediate medical attention if signs of myasthenia gravis, tenderness, or pain are observed, especially if accompanied by fever.

Special conditions for taking the drug Liprimar

If you suffer from liver failure, then a high concentration of atorvastatin in your blood is unacceptable, so you need to take tests that will show the level of ALT and AST activity in your body.

Based on this, the doctor will select the optimal dosage for you. If your kidneys have impaired normal functioning, then do not worry, because Liprimar does not have a negative effect on them .

The same should be said for elderly patients, since the medicine is equally effective for both the older generation and younger people.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the minimum dosage , namely ten milligrams of the drug per day, if you are taking the following medications at the same time as Liprimar:

  • Tipranavir;
  • Telaprevir;
  • Cyclosporine.

Liprimar: side effects

When conducting studies, the vast majority of patients did not find any complications from taking the drug, or they quickly passed without causing significant discomfort to the person.

The nervous system of people taking the drug usually reacted as follows: sometimes short-term memory loss , disturbances in taste perception and dizziness appeared, and in most cases there was pain in the head.

The effect of Liprimar on the psyche was manifested in the fact that people who took it sometimes experienced insomnia or had nightmares.

Side effects in relation to the sensory organs when undergoing treatment with the drug are quite rare, however, it has been found that patients periodically experience a veil before their eyes and they hear noise and ringing in the ears .

allergic reactions in many cases , so if you often have allergies or do not have a strong enough immune system, you may need to avoid using Liprimar.

The drug has a very strong effect on muscles and bones; the list of side effects includes the following:

  • Arthralgia.
  • Back pain.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Pain in the arms or legs.
  • Myalgia.
  • The appearance of swelling in the joints.

The drug significantly affects the skin and tissues located directly under the skin. So, while taking Liprimar, the patient may experience itching, alopecia or urticaria . Side effects such as toxic epidermal necrolysis and angioedema occur extremely rarely.

As for the digestive system, it reacts to treatment with Liprimar as follows: the patient begins to have diarrhea or, conversely, constipation, sometimes he feels sick, and a large amount of gases form in his intestines. In rare cases, severe abdominal pain, vomiting and continuous belching occur.

Other side effects that cannot be classified into any group include:

  1. Fever.
  2. Pain in the chest area.
  3. Excessive fatigue and weakness.
  4. Asthenic syndrome.
  5. The appearance of edema.
  6. General malaise.

How to treat an overdose of Liprimar

There is currently no antidote that effectively neutralizes the negative consequences of excessive use of the drug Liprimar, so experts advise adhering to general recommendations, namely:

  • rinse the victim’s stomach with plenty of water;
  • give activated carbon depending on the weight and the number of Liprimar tablets taken, if you know the quantity;
  • contact a medical institution for qualified help or call a team of doctors working in an ambulance.

Upon arrival at a medical facility, ask doctors to liver function tests

Liprimar: price

Since the manufacturer of the drug is the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, the prices for the drugs they produce are much higher than the products of little-known pharmaceutical companies.

Thus, the average cost of a pack of thirty tablets containing ten milligrams of atorvastatin each fluctuates around seven hundred or eight hundred rubles .

The same package, but containing eighty milligrams of atorvastatin in each tablet, will cost in the range from one thousand two hundred to one thousand five hundred rubles .

As for drug packages of one hundred tablets, for example, the price of Liprimar with an active substance content of ten milligrams will fluctuate around one thousand eight hundred rubles, and with an active substance content of twenty milligrams - around two and a half thousand rubles .

What is the price

Approximate prices for Liprimar of different dosages:

Dose, mgTablets in a pack, pcs.Average price in pharmacies, rub.

Prices for analogues of the drug are several times lower. Atorvastatin 20 mg, produced in Eastern Europe, will cost about 400 rubles per month. Russian generics are even cheaper - from 140 rubles. for the same dosage.

Liprimar - reviews

I've never written reviews before. But now I can’t help but tell my story, maybe it will help someone find a path to salvation and healing.

I worked in chemical production all my life, so I took care of my health, however, 2 years ago I still had to go to a cardiologist. Shortness of breath and weakness were tormenting. And now you have coronary heart disease. I was terribly upset at first, but there was nothing to do, I had to move on with my life somehow. The doctor prescribed a diet and said that I should limit alcohol and take Liprimar.

I took it for two years and am very pleased with the results. I used to be constantly afraid of a heart attack, I would fall asleep and think about how it might happen to me in a dream. But now the symptoms of IHD have disappeared, as has my fear. This is probably due not only to Liprimar, but also to following a diet and healthy habits.

Thank God that my heart has such a reliable protector!
Vasily, 48 years old. Saint Petersburg.

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