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At any stage and location of hemorrhoids, the modern antibacterial agent Proctosan for hemorrhoids is effective
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Vitamin A: physical and chemical properties, where it is found, use for joints
Foods rich in vitamin A: Most foods contain it in the form of provitamins -
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Pharmacological properties of the drug Konvulex syrup for children Pharmacodynamics. Sodium valproate increases GABA content in
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Release form and composition Dosage forms of release: Solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration: colorless,
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Pharmacological action Torsemide is a “loop” diuretic. The main mechanism of action of the drug is due to the reversible binding of torsemide
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Papaverine is an antispasmodic drug that is actively used to reduce the contractile function of smooth muscles.
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What kind of drug is Diosmin + Hesperidin tablets used in complex treatment for chronic and
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How to take Aspecard 75 for blood thinning: instructions for use
What kind of drug is Aspecard tablets - a derivative of acetylsalicylic acid. Has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and
Medicinal properties and contraindications of aloe injections intramuscularly and subcutaneously in gynecology and ophthalmology
Aloe extract is used as an injection solution and is indicated for the treatment of many diseases. Solution systemically
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List of diseases and list of human diseases from A to Z
The list of symptoms characteristic of coronavirus gradually continues to be supplemented with new ones. In addition to the most common ones, researchers have discovered
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