Vitamin A: physical and chemical properties, where it is found, use for joints

Foods rich in vitamin A:

Most products contain it in the form of provitamins - inactive compounds that are “activated” after entering the human body. Provitamins include carotenoids (the most valuable is beta-carotene). Carotenoids are yellow, orange or red in color and are found in plant foods. In this regard, it is always easy to “find out” which foods are rich in provitamin A. These are carrots, pumpkin, peaches, strawberries, tomatoes, melon and much more. “Real” vitamin A, retinol, is found in animal products. There is a lot of it in the liver; it is also present in some quantities in egg yolks, milk, cottage cheese, and cheese.

A balanced diet usually contains a sufficient amount of vitamin A. In summer, its intake occurs mainly from plant sources, in winter - from animals. However, since the latter “dosage” of vitamin A is smaller, in the cold season people often become prone to developing hypovitaminosis.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Vitamin A is widely used in dental practice. Indications for use in this case are the following: epithelization of the hole after tooth extraction, healing of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oral cavity, reduction of dry mucous membranes, periodontal disease, periodontitis, etc. Vitamin A is prescribed both liquid (i.e. in oil) and in the form of dragees , and even intramuscularly in the form of an injection solution.

Vitamin A and preparations based on it are used as medicine in a complex therapeutic program for ulcerative and chronic inflammation of the intestines and stomach, for hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, and respiratory diseases. As an ointment, or rather in its composition, retinol is used to heal the skin after burns and frostbite. In general, in dermatology, retinol is used for dermatoses, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, seborrhea, acne, furunculosis, urticaria, nail disease and other cases.

Expert opinion

Vitamins are very effective for treating joints and muscles. For leg pain caused by a lack of collagen, complex therapy with retinol is also prescribed. After all, it is of great importance in the synthesis of this substance. As soon as the deficiency of this protein compound is compensated, the risk of fractures will decrease, bone tissue density will increase, osteoporosis will progress, and connective tissue pathologies will worsen.

Vascular surgeon, phlebologist

Osipova Ekaterina Yakovlevna

Today, a healthy lifestyle is extremely popular; many people go to the gym and do various types of exercise. Therefore, a large number of people have a question: when they feel pain and cramp in their leg muscles after the training process, what vitamins should they take? Vitamin A will help with leg cramps, both with varicose veins and in this situation.

Retinol and its synthetic derivatives are also actively used in cosmetology. Their effect on the skin is as follows:

  • antioxidant effect – slowing down cell aging;
  • stimulation of elastin and collagen production;
  • peeling effect;
  • increasing skin resistance to negative external influences (for example, sun rays or frost);
  • strengthening the structure of the skin;
  • acceleration of microcirculation.

Cosmetic creams containing vitamin A are very popular. They are used for the face and body. Such products can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetics store, or you can make them yourself, because there are absolutely simple recipes. In order to prepare a cream for feet and heels, you will need calendula (ointment) and vitamin A. These two ingredients are mixed in proportions 1:2, the resulting cream is stored in the refrigerator. Apply it 1-2 times a week to the foot area, special attention should be paid to the heels and nail plates. The heels will become softer, the cracks will heal, and the nails will become healthier, as they will receive the necessary vitamin charge.

Side effects of vitamin A: itching

Absorption of vitamin A from food

Attention! Pregnancy is NOT a condition that significantly increases the need for this substance. It does not increase to such an extent that it is necessary to take it in additional large quantities. Vitamin A in the diet and in complexes for pregnant women will be more than enough. If you create an “overdose,” especially in the early stages of pregnancy, this threatens the appearance of malformations in the fetus. Be careful!

About a third of provitamin A is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract from plant sources. To increase its absorption, it is recommended to consume fatty foods along with plant foods rich in carotenoids. For example, it is advisable to add a little sunflower or olive oil to carrot juice. Animal sources supply the vitamin in a form that is almost completely absorbed.

Physico-chemical properties of retinol

The vitamin A group includes the following substances:

  • retinol;
  • retinal;
  • retinoic acid;
  • retinol palmitate;
  • retinol acetate.

All forms are found in animal products. In its pure form, retinol is unstable, so the main form is esters. After oxidation, A-aldehyde and retinoic acid are formed in the body. Retinoids do not dissolve in water and disintegrate under the influence of oxygen and ultraviolet radiation.

Among the carotenoids, the most important is β-carotene, there are more than 500 of them. They have a pale yellow color, which gives them a plant pigment. Thermal processing of products somewhat affects the content of provitamin A (up to 30% is lost). There is more loss from prolonged storage in air.

For almost 100 years, artificial drugs have been produced that are immediately absorbed by the body, without requiring transformation by the liver from β-carotene. They are specially given stability by adding air-absorbing antioxidants to oil solutions.

Biological role of vitamin A

The functions of vitamin A in the body are:

• Participates in the formation of the visual pigment rhodopsin, which is responsible for twilight vision • Promotes the normal production of tear fluid, ensures the optimal condition of the cornea and conjunctiva, that is, it is largely responsible for eye health • Participates in the regenerative processes of all tissues, plays an important role in the renewal of skin structures and prevention of its premature aging • Protects the liver, helps it perform its functions more effectively • Takes part in the body’s immune defense against various infections.

Hypervitaminosis with retinol

The following phenomena occur in the body from excess retinoids:

  • the liver enlarges;
  • stomach, joints, headache;
  • gastrointestinal upset, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting;
  • peeling, itchy skin;
  • hair fall out.

Retinol supplements should be taken as directed by your doctor. Doses must correspond to gender and age.

Signs of vitamin A deficiency

Hemeralopia, or “night blindness,” is often cited as the main symptom of vitamin A deficiency. But in the modern world it can be found very rarely. This disease develops with a critical lack of retinol, and it is difficult to achieve even with the most meager diet.

Much more common is less severe hypovitaminosis, which is manifested by the symptoms listed below and requires additional use of vitamin A.

So, signs of deficiency:

• Dryness, flaking of the skin, tendency to early appearance of wrinkles • Dry eye syndrome, decreased vision, especially noticeable in poor lighting • Increased incidence of infectious processes, weakened immunity.

Interaction with other drugs

Retinoids should be taken with caution if a person is sick and is being treated with other medications. Some acne medications, birth control pills, and blood thinners are detrimental to vitamin A. The simultaneous use of drugs with retinol and alcohol kills the liver. Long-term use of tetracyclines and vitamin A provokes hypertension. Glucocorticoids are antagonists to retinol. Mineral oil, which is taken as a laxative, dissolves retinol - it is not absorbed by the body.

Other drugs improve its absorption: vitamins E, B4, zinc.

Signs of excess vitamin A

Its excess content is just as difficult to achieve as its extreme deficiency. About 50 years ago, scientists talked about cases of hypervitaminosis A in northern residents who ate bear meat: the liver of a polar bear has a huge content of vitamin A. People with hypervitaminosis experienced severe disorders of the digestive and nervous systems.

This is impossible for modern people. However, in the literature there are descriptions of several cases of excess provitamin A - carotene. This is possible in people who, in an effort to help their health and get high dosages of vitamin A, consume large quantities of carrot juice daily.

In the body, excess vitamin A and carotene are stored in adipose tissue and accumulate in the dermis of the skin; People with an “overdose” of carotenoids have a yellowish skin color, especially intense on the palms and soles. If they refuse further “vitamin therapy,” their skin color returns to normal within a few weeks.

Daily requirement

The daily requirement is influenced by age and gender.

In Russia, the standards indicated in the table have been adopted:

GroupAge, yearsDose per day, mcg
InfantsUp to 1 year400
Children1-3 years450
Men and women11-181000
18 and older900

Some categories need additional doses: people experiencing severe physical exertion, working at monitors for a long time, after stress, etc.

Why does vitamin A deficiency occur?

The causes of vitamin deficiency are the following factors:

1. Poor quality products. If carrots or tomatoes are “overloaded” with nitrates, and the eggs you bought belong to category C3 (long-stored, the smallest and cheapest), then you will not get enough vitamin A from such food. The better and higher quality the products, the more benefits they contain. It is a fact.

2. Diseases of the digestive system. Among modern people, a large number suffer from gastritis, colitis, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal problems. In all these conditions, the absorption of nutritional components, including vitamin A, deteriorates. This creates a need for additional vitamin A. In order for food to be beneficial, you need to carefully monitor the health of the digestive organs.

3. Incorrect diet. Excessive passion for semi-finished products and fast food, cooking food several days in advance, with long-term storage and frequent reheating - all this creates the preconditions for the formation of vitamin A deficiency. Eat fresh, varied homemade dishes to always get enough vitamins.

Why is it useful for varicose veins?

The health of the vascular system depends on many factors, and to a large extent on normal metabolism and proper nutrition. When taking preventive measures and for a speedy recovery, it is important to receive all the necessary vitamins. What vitamin directly strengthens blood vessels and is necessary for leg cramps at night? What vitamins are most beneficial for blood, capillaries and blood vessels from the soles of the feet to the groin fold? To prevent varicose veins, with existing varicose veins, with thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities and other complications, the following vitamins that strengthen blood vessels must be present in a person’s diet: A, B, C, D, E, K and P.

The benefits of vitamin A in the treatment of varicose veins

Treatment of varicose veins exclusively with vitamins is ineffective, despite all their usefulness and importance. As a rule, vitamins are added to the main treatment. A therapeutic diet will also be selected as part of the therapeutic program.

Expert opinion

A competent specialist will indicate which foods must be consumed in a balanced diet in order to receive beneficial substances to strengthen the blood vessels and capillaries of the lower extremities. The therapeutic diet will include products containing the above vitamins in maximum quantities, as well as other useful substances and microelements necessary to strengthen the walls of the veins and increase the elasticity of blood vessels, including in the legs.

Vascular surgeon, phlebologist

Osipova Ekaterina Yakovlevna

Retinol, like all useful substances for the veins and blood vessels of the legs for varicose veins or its prevention, has positive reviews. This is a vitamin that strengthens the walls of blood vessels, protecting them from deposits of low-density lipoproteins, which allows the vessels to pass blood well. Vitamins of group A are effective against swelling and cramps in the leg muscles. The regenerating function of retinol allows it to be used as part of complex therapy for healing trophic ulcers even at the stage of complications of varicose veins.

Vitamin A

Help in combating the manifestations of varicose veins of the lower extremities can also be obtained through external use. Thus, vitamins for the blood vessels of the legs are contained in creams, ointments, emulsions, etc. “NORMAVEN®” leg cream with vitamins A, C, E and nine other natural ingredients acts in four directions: toning, pain relief, has an anti-inflammatory effect and improves appearance. This product, containing vitamins, in particular vitamin A, will create the necessary conditions for cholesterol-free vessels to ensure normal blood circulation and prevent stagnation of blood in the veins.


Vitamins A and E are indispensable for the beauty of the skin of the feet. Thanks to their interaction, the skin becomes more hydrated and elastic, less inflamed and smooth.

Due to the antioxidant properties of vitamins, skin cells are protected from damage by free radicals. To achieve maximum effect, the cream can be used in combination with products from the series: “NORMAVEN®” foot spray.

General importance of vitamins for humans

These substances take an active part in many processes that affect the functioning of the body. One of their main purposes is to participate in metabolism and create optimal conditions for the normal course of physiological processes.

But if any vitamins are missing, this leads to vitamin deficiency. To prevent this from happening, you need to take various supplements. They can also be obtained from food. But every vitamin has an antivitamin that reduces the activity of a biologically active substance. This nuance must be taken into account when planning your diet.

Instructions for use of retinol

Vitamin A, produced in oil, is taken in accordance with the prescription of the attending physician. Used topically and internally.

How to drink correctly

Oil with concentrated retinol is taken fifteen minutes after meals. Pre-apply to black bread. The reception is divided into two parts - morning and evening. For prevention, one drop is enough for adults; for therapeutic purposes, from fifty to one hundred thousand units of the drug are used. The content in a 3.44% solution per single dose should not exceed 0.5 milliliters. According to the instructions, the maximum daily dose for adults is one milliliter.

External use

A concentrated liquid preparation is used for thermal damage to the skin, high or low temperature. According to the instructions, apply to damaged skin five times a day. Retinol is applied to a gauze pad and applied to the wound. Treatment continues until a scar surface forms. According to reviews, healing with a small degree of damage is more successful.

Where to order vitamins with delivery

A large selection of vitamins is presented in our network of online pharmacies “Your No. 1”. There are both mono and multivitamin complexes available. All supplements are of high quality, so they are a good addition to vitamins of natural origin.

In the online pharmacy “Your No. 1” you can quickly place your order. To do this, you need to go through a simple procedure for registering your personal account. Then add the required items to your cart. And choose delivery to one of our branches. Delivery is possible in Moscow and Odintsovo. You can find out how much vitamin preparations cost from the catalogue.

The phone number is also listed on our website. By calling it, you can also place an order and clarify delivery conditions or information about the product.

If the product you need is out of stock, you have the opportunity to pre-order. When it arrives at the warehouse, our employees will inform you about it.

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