"Clonazepam": instructions for use, indications, dosage, side effects
September 16, 2020 Other drugs Elena Volodina “Clonazepam” - INN (international nonproprietary name) of the drug
The drug stimulates the functioning of the gallbladder, reduces the secretion of toxic acids and improves immunity.
Urdoxa - a modern medicine
Instructions The medicine box contains an insert with important information containing data
tryptophan evalar instructions
"Tryptophan" from "Evalar": reviews, indications, instructions, composition, analogues
The life of a modern person is associated with instability of the emotional state. Due to stress, general health worsens,
What does the antibiotic Cefazolin help with and instructions for use of the drug in adults
Photo: zhivika.ru Photo: evacsgo.ru Photo: slide-share.ru Photo: yandex.ru Cefazolin is an antibiotic of the cephalosporin group
Photo 1
Treatment of erectile dysfunction with Cialis – how to take the drug correctly?
Many men in Russia have certain problems with potency. Cialis was specially created
Laxative for pregnant women
How long does it take for Bisacodyl to work and how to take this medicine correctly
Laxatives are a type of medicine that is usually used in cases where
Bisacodyl, contraindications
How long does it take for Bisacodyl to work and how to take this medicine correctly
Instructions for use of Bisacodyl (Method and dosage) For those who take Bisacodyl tablets, instructions
Girl drinking tea
Antigrippin - instructions for use of effervescent tablets and powder
Good day, dear readers! Today we will analyze the drug antigrippin and its composition.
Stoptussin tablets
Stoptussin - instructions for use. Stoptussin cough tablets, syrup and drops for children and adults
Composition, release form Guaifenesin (Guaiphenesinum) and butamirate dihydrocitrate (Butamirati dihydrocitras) are two active ingredients
Magnerot: how to take tablets
The effect of therapy with Magnerot on cardialgia in postmenopausal women
Magnesium is one of the important and irreplaceable elements for the human body. Medicine Magnerot
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