How to choose the best pain-relieving ointment: rating of TOP-13 effective remedies for muscle and joint pain
Updated: 01/31/2021 20:43:36 Share: *Review of the best according to the editors of About the selection criteria. The
Indapamide analogues full list
Full list of Indapamide analogues: Arifon, Veroshpiron, Hydrochlorothiazide, Indap and others
About half of the adult population of our country suffers from hypertension. Every patient should be treated and take
Sodium thiopental: instructions for use, contraindications, dose, how to dilute, analogues, reviews
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Sodium thiopental acts as a hypnotic and narcotic. It is used in
Maltofer – replenishing iron deficiency in the baby’s body
Maltofer for iron deficiency anemia: features of using the drug in infancy
The drug maltofer contains iron in the most organic form. Iron molecules almost identical in structure
Paracetamol solution
Instructions for use PARACETAMOL
Composition and release form The medicine is available in the form of a solution for oral administration. He can
Piracetam and Cinnarizin together. Names of medications and how to take them
Nookam (Piracetam+Cinnarizine) (caps. 400mg+25mg No. 60)
Forms of release and composition of the drugs Piracetam and Cinnarizine Both drugs are available in the form
Passambra Edas-306 for children: instructions for use and reviews
Sometimes it can be quite difficult to calm your child down on your own, especially when bedtime approaches. Occasionally a child
Acnecutane 8 and 16 mg
Acnekutan (8 and 16 mg): the truth in the reviews of those treated, instructions for use, price and analogues
Acnekutan tablets are a potent drug from the retinoid group, used in the complex treatment of severe forms
Cytovir-3 powder - instructions for use
"Tsitovir-3" - instructions for medical use
Release form, composition and packaging "Tsitovir-3" The medicine is available in various forms, which are better
a man loses consciousness
Instructions for use Penicillin: description, prices, analogues
The antimicrobial drug belongs to the class of β-lactam antibiotics. The natural source is mushrooms of the genus Penicillium. Main
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