Candles for thrush: list of cheap and effective ones for 2021

Suppositories are the most effective form for local treatment of thrush in women; some can relieve unpleasant symptoms the very next day after use. However, there are also disadvantages - it is impossible to cure thrush with vaginal suppositories alone; you need a complex with tableted antifungal drugs, otherwise the disease quickly becomes chronic.

In addition to vaginal suppositories, there are rectal suppositories that are prescribed to men and women:

  1. In the treatment of dysbiosis and intestinal candidiasis.
  2. For the prevention or treatment of urogenital thrush.

Rectal suppositories contain the same active antifungal substances as vaginal suppositories, the differences are size and shape (slightly smaller), and the presence of a small amount of anesthetic substances (for more comfortable administration). Prescriptions for the treatment of candidiasis in women are made by a gynecologist.

Further in the article - candles for thrush, the cheapest and most effective for 2021. Table with descriptions, prices and reviews.

The best suppositories for thrush: price-quality

Thrush is an extremely unpleasant disease that brings significant discomfort to a woman’s life. Constant itching, burning and pain make it difficult to concentrate on work. You won't be able to relax even on vacation with candidiasis.

This category presents suppositories for thrush, which, according to user voting and expert opinion, have proven to be the most effective. Their high cost is more than compensated by the rapid relief of symptoms and long-lasting results. Positive reviews of these products confirm their pronounced antifungal effect.

Reviews from women

We have selected some reviews from women who used suppositories to treat candidiasis at home in 2021:

  1. Maria . The gynecologist prescribed me the cheapest Clotrimazole suppositories for thrush. They helped well, but the disease had already become chronic and began to remind itself of itself with relapses 3-4 times a year. I know that there are expensive drugs that cure thrush in one go. It is enough to use one suppository and all symptoms disappear. But I can’t afford such funds. The last time the discharge disappeared after 7 days of using Clotrimazole, I also took Fluconazole tablets. Of course, you need to follow your doctor’s recommendations, especially for strong antifungal tablets, since they have many contraindications and negatively affect the kidneys.
  2. Galina . I once had thrush and since then it has become chronic. This means that symptoms return periodically. At first, Zalain helped me - a one-time dose, but it’s expensive. Over time, the fungus became resistant to the drugs. In such conditions, Nystatin came to the rescue. Candles are relatively inexpensive, but effective.
  3. Alice . When symptoms of thrush appear, I use an inexpensive and proven remedy - the drug Nystatin. Suppositories are sold in any pharmacy, are quite affordable and quickly cope with all unpleasant symptoms. Moreover, they are completely safe and do not cause side effects. So, I recommend Nystatin suppositories for thrush to anyone who has similar problems.
  4. Karina . Recently I encountered thrush for the first time; previously this problem had avoided me. I went to the doctor, got tested, and my suspicions were confirmed - they found a fungus. She was treated with Clotrimazole. The doctor recommended several types of drugs, but I chose the most affordable one. I eventually got rid of thrush, although not immediately, but over a period of time.
  5. Anya . During pregnancy, white, curd-like vaginal discharge and continuous itching suddenly appeared. The gynecologist said that this often happens in pregnant women, as immunity decreases, and recommended Zalain suppositories for thrush. It turned out that there was only one suppository in the package, and the medicine was quite expensive. But just one use of the medication helped get rid of all the symptoms, which really surprised me. This is a very effective and powerful remedy; I didn’t think that thrush would be so easy to deal with. Moreover, there were no side effects.

The website recommends that if signs of illness occur, consult a doctor and get competent advice. Only on the basis of appropriate tests and a complete examination is a course of therapy prescribed. We do not recommend choosing medications for the treatment of thrush on your own.

Thrush in women Flucostat - instructions for use Nystatin suppositories Betadine suppositories Oral candidiasis Pimafucin suppositories

The best inexpensive candles for thrush

A recurrence of thrush can be triggered by hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorders, decline of the immune system and taking antibacterial drugs. Inexpensive suppositories for thrush can also be effective in restoring microflora and destroying fungi.

The candles reviewed in this category are the most in demand according to sales. In addition to the obvious advantage - low cost, they quickly relieve itching and burning, which are so annoying with candidiasis. Soon after the administration of suppositories, discharge decreases and pain during urination is relieved.

How to restore beneficial microflora after a fungus

After a full course of treatment, thrush disappears, but the risk of relapse remains. In order to identify the level of dysbiosis, the attending physician, as a rule, examines a smear.

The doctor also decides which suppositories can be purchased to restore the microflora, but the following drugs are usually prescribed:

  1. Lactobacterin or Bifidumbacterin, which can quickly regulate the balance of all microorganisms.
  2. Vaginorm S is a drug that normalizes the acid-base environment.
  3. Ecofemin or Vagilak - contain plant components that accelerate the restoration of flora.

If you have time and desire, you can independently prepare vaginal suppositories for candidiasis, which at the same time “rehabilitate” the vaginal mucosa.

See also: list of the best probiotics of 2021.

The best suppositories for thrush during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special period in the life of every representative of the fair sex. Any health problems at this time deserve close attention and immediate treatment. Thrush may appear as the first sign of pregnancy - a kind of reaction to a restructuring of the body, and/or occur periodically throughout 9 months. Not all medications for the fight against candidiasis are acceptable. We will tell you which suppositories are most effective for pregnant women and why in this rating category.

How to cure thrush with Flucostat in 1 day

You can take this medication after it has been prescribed by your doctor. It is important to follow a strict treatment regimen, which is selected individually for each patient. To prevent side effects and overdose, follow your doctor's instructions.

Flucostat (see instructions and reviews from women) is produced in the form of capsules with a dosage of 50 or 150 grams of the active substance. The package contains one capsule.

  1. A mild form of thrush can be treated in 1 day with a 150 mg capsule - a single dose is sufficient.
  2. If the form of the pathology is severe, you need to take two capsules, namely 300 grams. The dosage is divided into two doses, seventy-two hours must pass between them.
  3. Recurrent, chronic form of candidiasis requires a longer course. For this, 3 doses of 150 grams are used, 72 hours apart.
  4. As a preventive measure, take 150 grams once a week for six months.
  5. The use of the drug can be combined with meals.
  6. Swallow the capsule whole, without chewing, with water.
  7. In some cases, combination therapy cannot be avoided.

Side effects are very rare. To avoid overdose, you must take Flucostat as prescribed by your doctor. The medication is not recommended to be taken during pregnancy, since the active component Fluconazole has a detrimental effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Candles for 3 days of treatment

Livarol and ketoconazole

Livarol (price for 5 pieces - 660 rubles, for 10 pieces - 950 rubles).

Contraindications: 1st trimester of pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug; use with caution in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Side effects: itching and hyperemia of the vaginal mucosa, irritation, skin rash, urticaria.

Application: 1 suppository is inserted into the vagina in a lying position, the course of treatment is 3-5 days, for chronic thrush - 10 days. Advantages and disadvantages: positive properties – quick effect, absence of allergic reactions, a confirmed diagnosis is required to prescribe the drug, minus – with long-term use the pathogen becomes resistant to the active substance.


Primafungin (250 rubles for 3 pieces), Pimafucin (250 rubles for 3 pieces, 550 rubles for 6 pieces)

Effect on the health of a pregnant woman and her fetus: the drug is approved for use.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity.

Side effects: mild irritation of the vaginal mucosa.

Application: 1 suppository in the vagina, course of treatment – ​​3-6 days.

Advantages: the drug is not dangerous for use during pregnancy.


Gino-Pevaril (price 550 rubles for 3 pieces with a dosage of 0.15 mg, and 750 rubles for 15 pieces with a dosage of 0.05 mg), Elzhina (550 rubles for 9 pieces), Ifenek

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, 1st trimester of pregnancy (enters the systemic circulation), lactation, use with caution in the 2nd-3rd trimester,

Side effects: hyperemia of the mucous membrane, skin rash, itching.

Application: suppositories of 50 mg in full course for 2 weeks, suppositories of 150 mg are used for 3 days, if the control test is positive, repeat the course of treatment.

Benefits: effective against thrush

special instructions

  1. A medicine such as Zalain is taken well in advance of planning a pregnancy. This is done in order to protect yourself from the occurrence of thrush during pregnancy.
  2. You can start treatment for candidiasis even during menstruation. In this case, it is necessary to choose the drug in the form of a suppository.
  3. Men who suffer from a disease such as thrush are recommended to use the drug in creamy form to treat the genitals and skin.
  4. In the case of suppository therapy, it is recommended not to have sex. After seven days from the date of completion of treatment, sexual intercourse is not contraindicated.

Mechanism of action of the main component

An antifungal agent based on sertoconazole is represented by chemical compounds that have different effects on the cell. Benzothiophene exhibits a fungicidal effect. It consists of perforation of the membranes of spores and mycelium, which causes the death of the organism. The fungistatic effect of imidazole is manifested in the inhibition of ergosterol and inhibition of cell reproduction.

Therefore, the drug provides a wide range of activity against many types of fungal flora, as well as some bacteria, and prevents the occurrence of relapse of infection. Thanks to two components, the resistance of microorganisms to the drug is reduced.


Medicine "Zalain"

A topical medicine, an imidazole derivative of benzithifene, counteracts a variety of fungal microorganisms. Vaginal antifungal suppositories contain 300 milligrams of the active ingredient serconazole. “Zalain” has the following characteristics:

  • produces antibacterial, fungicidal, fungistatic effects;
  • relieves women from inflammatory infections of the vaginal mucosa.

antimicrobial and antifungal suppositories for women

Antifungal suppositories are characterized by noticeable effectiveness. The problem can be dealt with by administering the suppository once. If necessary, treatment should be repeated after a week. When prescribing a drug, the doctor takes into account the following properties:

  • side symptoms: burning and itching at the injection site, dermatitis;
  • contraindications: allergies to the composition and hypersensitivity;
  • special instructions: during pregnancy they are used under the supervision of a gynecologist; sexual intercourse is prohibited for a week after the procedure;
  • cost - one suppository can be purchased for 490 rubles.

What other antifungal suppositories are effective in gynecology?


Every drug has an analogue. Zalain is no exception. Very often, patients cannot find the necessary drug or the price is not affordable, then drug analogues come to the rescue.

The following medications are similar to Zalain:

  • Kandibene;
  • Nizoral;
  • Bifonazole;
  • Dermazol;
  • Mikospor.






These drugs are produced on the basis of clotrimazole, ketoconazole, bifonazole. These components are the basis for antifungal drugs, which allow you to get rid of fungal diseases and achieve the effect of treatment.

Proper Use

The main requirements for using vaginal suppositories are as follows:

  1. It is better to introduce suppositories at night, so that you don’t have to get up later;
  2. Suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis should be inserted deep into the vagina;
  3. To avoid leaks, protect your underwear with a pad;
  4. During treatment you will have to completely abandon sexual contacts;
  5. A course of treatment for vaginal thrush should be completed by both the female representative and her sexual partner;
  6. When treating candidiasis, do not use underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  7. When treating candidiasis, avoid alcohol, spicy and salty foods;
  8. Do not combine suppository therapy with other medications unless prescribed by a specialist.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you follow the above tips, you can get the best therapeutic result, quickly get rid of thrush and prevent a possible relapse of the disease.

Treatment of pregnant women with suppositories

During pregnancy, the expectant mother's body undergoes changes in preparation for motherhood, and the amount of hormones also changes. At this time, the woman’s immune system deteriorates and many chronic ailments worsen, including frequent recurrences of candidiasis.

During this time, many medications are prohibited because they can harm the developing fetus by interfering with proper formation. Particular care should be taken when treating in the first three months of pregnancy. Although there are suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis, which can be used even in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. These medications include:

  1. Zalain;
  2. Natamycin;
  3. Pimafucin;
  4. McMiror;
  5. Primafungin.




At the end of the first trimester, after mandatory consultation with a specialist, the following antifungal medications may be prescribed:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Nystatin;
  • Rumizol;
  • Gyno-Pevaril;
  • Terzhinan.

Suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis during the lactation period are selected so that the active ingredient does not penetrate into mother's milk. These are suppositories that are characterized by low systemic absorption: Pimafucin, Zalain, Macmiror and others. The main thing is that they must be prescribed by a doctor.

Why does the disease form?

The formation of the disease is provoked by Candida fungi. The majority of female representatives are carriers of this fungus. With favorable microflora in the mouth, intestines or vagina, the fungus does not appear and is completely harmless. If the slightest disturbance in the balance of defense occurs, the fungus actively spreads throughout the body.

Factors affecting the development of candidiasis in females are as follows:

  • Stressful condition, nervous breakdown;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Eating low quality foods;
  • Diabetes;
  • Treatment with antibiotics;
  • Carrying a child;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Chronic diseases.

Stressful state

Decreased immunity


Treatment with antibiotics

Possible side effects

Zalain suppositories can provoke the development of such side effects as:

  • The appearance of burning and burning sensations. This side effect goes away on its own and does not require special treatment or any medical intervention. This side effect is not a reason to stop treatment with the drug.
  • Allergic reaction. Most often, treatment with this drug is tolerated easily and quickly.
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