Tablets for blood clots in blood vessels: list of effective drugs, description and reviews

Thrombotic pathology of vein damage is considered a dangerous disease and unaesthetic in appearance, because thrombosis is accompanied by heaviness in the lower extremities, causing significant swelling and trophic ulcers. Lack of treatment for thrombosis leads to negative consequences due to the development of the disease. Over time, the lumen of the vessels becomes smaller and blood circulation in the vessels worsens. Today, many medications are known to overcome the disease. It is important to know which anti-thrombosis pills are most effective.

Classification of drugs

Treatment of thrombosis is a combination of the following tasks:

  1. Blood thinning, as well as restoration of continuous microcirculation.
  2. Resorption of blood clots that have already appeared in the veins.
  3. Preventive measures to prevent recurrent thrombosis.
  4. Renewal of lost elasticity and tone of capillaries.

Considering the above, tablets for blood clots on the legs can be divided into several groups:

  1. Anticoagulants are drugs that reduce blood viscosity.
  2. Antiplatelet agents are medicines for clots that stabilize the rheological properties of blood.
  3. Thrombolytics are medications that dissolve blood clots.

How to install

Either the attending physician or the surgeon should tell the patient how to place blood clot traps. The patient must be fully aware of how the procedure will take place and how it will help their illness. At the Yusupov Hospital, specialists inform the patient in advance about all upcoming procedures. The patient receives complete information about the state of his health and can clarify any questions.

The installation of the vena cava filter is performed by an endovascular surgeon. This is a high-tech, minimally invasive operation that requires experience in vascular surgery. The operation is performed using local anesthesia, but the presence of an anesthesiologist is required.

At the beginning of the operation, catheterization of the vein is performed. Next, a vena cava filter is placed in the catheter and moved to a given point. The vena cava filter is in a special capsule at this time. When the clot trap reaches the required position, the capsule is removed. The vena cava filter straightens and grows into the walls of the vein, taking the correct position. The entire procedure is performed under the control of an ultrasound or X-ray machine.

It is very important to choose the correct size of the vena cava filter; it must match the diameter of the selected vein. A vena cava filter that is too small will not be able to anchor itself in the vein and may become dislodged. If the vena cava filter is large, it can damage the vessel walls.

The duration of the entire surgical intervention is on average half an hour. During the procedure, the patient does not experience pain. After the operation, the patient needs rest; bed rest must be observed. He is prescribed a course of antibiotics and medications with heparin.


Anti-blood clot medications designed to dissolve blood clots and also prevent blood clotting. As a rule, they are prescribed for use for a long period.

The most effective anti-blood pills currently are:

  1. "Warfarin".
  2. "Heparin."
  3. "Aspirin".


If the instructions are followed, an overdose develops very rarely, but when using the medicine independently, such cases occur.

The most pronounced symptoms are observed on the skin. The itching intensifies, the rash spreads to large areas of the body, the patient scratches the skin and provokes a worsening of the condition. Additionally, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis occur, the patient’s eyes become watery, and a large amount of clear mucus is released from the nose.

Sometimes general symptoms appear in the form of severe headache, weakness and increased blood pressure. If adverse reactions or symptoms of overdose occur, stop using the medicine and consult a doctor immediately.


A drug for thrombosis that suppresses the effects of blood particles and also increases blood clotting. Intended uses are:

  1. Thrombosis (formation of clots inside capillaries that interfere with the movement of blood through the vessels)
  2. Heart attacks (necrosis of a section of the heart muscle caused by circulatory disorders).
  3. Atrial fibrillation (a pathological condition leading to disturbances in the frequency and contraction of the heart).
  4. Heart operations.

List of contraindications for use:

  1. Liver and kidney diseases.
  2. Varicose veins of the stomach and intestines.
  3. Hemorrhagic strokes (consequences of damage to the right and left side of the brain).
  4. Lesions of the lining of the digestive organs.
  5. Thrombocytopenia.
  6. The first three months and last thirty days of pregnancy.

The cost of the drug varies from 60 to 200 rubles. What anti-blood pills can I still take?

Unconventional methods of treatment

Traditional healers recommend the following effective recipe to get rid of the manifestations of leg thrombosis:

To prepare a tincture for leg thrombosis, take equal proportions of finely chopped Kalanchoe leaves and good quality vodka. The resulting composition is placed in a dark place for 7 days, stirring daily. After this period, the composition is filtered and put in the refrigerator.

You need to wipe the damaged areas before going to bed for 4 months. The therapeutic effect of using the tincture will increase if it is included in the main therapy of the disease.


The most commonly used anti-blood clotting medicine that can reduce excessive blood clotting and also prevent platelets from sticking together.

Tablets for blood clots should be used by patients suffering from the following diseases:

  1. Atherosclerosis (artery disease that occurs as a result of a malfunction of lipid and protein metabolism and is accompanied by the accumulation of cholesterol).
  2. Angina pectoris (a clinical syndrome characterized by a sensation or feeling of discomfort in the chest).
  3. Infarction (one of the clinical forms of cardiac ischemia, occurring with the development of ischemic necrosis of the myocardium due to absolute or relative insufficiency of its blood supply).
  4. Stroke (an acute disturbance of blood microcirculation in the brain, which provokes damage and death of nerve cells).
  5. Venous thrombosis of various etiologies (formation of a blood clot in the lumen of a vessel, which leads to impaired circulation in this area).

For preventive purposes, the drug is taken in the following dosage - one fourth tablet per day.

The list of prohibited use includes:

  1. Children and adolescents up to twelve years of age.
  2. Predisposition to allergies to acetylsalicylic acid.
  3. Hemophilia (rare hereditary disease).
  4. Bronchial asthma (chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract involving a variety of cellular elements).
  5. Diseases of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
  6. The first and last three months of pregnancy.
  7. Severe liver and kidney diseases.

The price of the drug varies depending on the packaging from 50 to 500 rubles.


The use of NVPS in detecting thrombophlebitis allows you to relieve inflammation and relieve pain. There are NSAIDs in the form of ointments, tablets, and suppositories. In severe cases of the disease, drugs are administered parenterally.

The drugs are not prescribed for individual intolerance, pregnancy, exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, impaired renal or liver function.

Among the most popular drugs for thrombosis in this group:

  • pills containing propionic acid (Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen);
  • Diclofenac and Voltaren, which are derivatives of phenylacetic acid.

Aspirin deserves special attention, used if necessary for the treatment of pregnant women. The medication is approved for use as part of complex therapy. The daily dose for thrombophlebitis is no more than 3 g. Acetylsalicylic acid is not used for bronchial asthma or during lactation.

The above-mentioned substance is the active component of Thrombo ACC tablets, used to prevent the development of thrombophlebitis of the legs.


A medication that stimulates the speed of blood flow through the vessels. Heparin is necessary for prophylactic purposes to prevent blood clots. The drug is available in the form of a solution for injections, and is also included in the structure of many anti-blood clot medications for external use.

The solution can be administered either by drip or injection. Assignments for therapy:

  1. Thrombosis of deep vessels of various etiologies.
  2. Acute thrombophlebitis (thrombosis with inflammation of the vein wall and the formation of a blood clot that closes its lumen).
  3. Mastitis (inflammation of breast tissue).
  4. Extensive hematomas (accumulation of blood due to closed or open injuries to organs with rupture of blood vessels).

It is used for hemodialysis, as well as for washing intravenous catheters. The following conditions are considered prohibitions on administration:

  1. Tendency to bleed.
  2. Hemorrhagic strokes (consequences of damage to the right and left side of the brain).
  3. Period of menstruation.
  4. "Interesting position" of a woman.
  5. Breastfeeding period.
  6. Childbirth (the natural process that ends pregnancy and involves the expulsion of the fetus and placenta from the uterus).
  7. Damage to the gastric mucosa.

The cost of the medicine is 400 rubles.


Medicines that strengthen venous walls, stimulate blood flow and lymph outflow, improve tissue microcirculation, and reduce inflammatory reactions.

Therapeutic effect

The drugs in question are capable of thinning the blood, dissolving blood clots, and restoring the elasticity of affected vessels. The active use of phlebotonics allows one to avoid surgical procedures.


The use of medications is prohibited in the following cases:

  • in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, heart;
  • detection of neoplasms;
  • detection of individual intolerance.

The use of medications in the treatment of thrombophlebitis in lactating women and patients carrying a child is permitted under the supervision of a physician.

List of drugs

In the list of the most popular representatives of the described group:

  1. Detralex, prescribed to lactating and pregnant women. Normalizes vascular hemodynamics. Positively affects the lymphatic system. It is eliminated from the body 22 hours after consumption. Detralex for thrombophlebitis is used as a prophylactic and auxiliary agent.
  2. Troxerutin is a bioflavonoid drug that reduces the permeability of vein walls. The effectiveness of the drug is enhanced when taken with vitamin C.
  3. Troxevasin is a drug that relieves swelling and increases vascular tone.
  4. Mildronate. Has a cardioprotective effect.
  5. Phlebodia - eliminates the obstructed outflow of venous blood in the legs, has anti-inflammatory properties.

To prevent varicose veins, the phlebotonic Escusan is used, produced in the form of tablets, ointments, gels, and drops. The medication prevents vascular fragility.

"Trombo Ass"

Blood clot and blood thinner tablets are used to prevent the following diseases:

  1. Strokes.
  2. Heart attacks.
  3. Angina pectoris (pain in the heart area caused by insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle).
  4. For deep vein thrombosis.
  5. In the postoperative period to prevent thrombosis.

Prohibited for use under the following conditions:

  1. Age up to eighteen years.
  2. Hemorrhagic diathesis.
  3. Bleeding (outflow of blood beyond the vascular bed or heart into the environment (external bleeding), into the body cavity or the lumen of a hollow organ).
  4. The first and last three months of pregnancy.
  5. Lactation (the process of accumulation and excretion of milk in humans and mammals).
  6. Diseases of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

The price of medicine varies from 40 to 150 rubles.


The mechanism of action of drugs of this type is based on normalizing blood composition and eliminating swelling of venous tissues.

Among the most effective:

  1. Pentoxifylline, administered orally and parenterally. Improves microcirculation, dilutes the biological environment.
  2. Escin. The medicine reduces the permeability of the walls of tubular formations and minimizes the fragility of blood vessels.
  3. Piricarbate ointment, which stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  4. Calcium dobesilate, which restores the natural state of damaged veins.

The drugs are contraindicated during lactation, pregnancy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and heart, and hypersensitivity.


Reduces the speed of the process of combining platelets, reducing their adhesion and the formation of blood clots. Used to prevent thrombus formation during ischemia, as well as heart attacks and atrial fibrillation.

Prohibitions on the use of medicine:

  1. Allergic reaction.
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Tendency to bleed.
  4. Under twelve years of age.

The cost of the drug varies from 400 to 700 rubles.

Algorithm for correct injection

To achieve the desired result, the administration procedure must be carried out correctly.

The scheme involves step-by-step implementation of the following actions:

  1. Thorough hand washing with soap and subsequent treatment with an antiseptic solution, such as alcohol. If the patient performs the procedure independently, he must also perform everything in this sequence.
  2. After this, the nurse prepares a syringe and an ampoule with medicine or opens a ready-made syringe with the required dosage of the medicine. Many anticoagulants are packaged in glass syringes with a needle.
  3. The next step is to treat the skin twice with alcohol.
  4. After treatment, the nurse takes a fold of skin on the abdomen with two fingers of one hand. The distance from the navel should be at least 4 cm, and it is better to take the fold slightly below the navel, and not above.

    An injection in the stomach to thin the blood is injected into the subcutaneous tissue!

  5. It is into the fold that a thin small needle is inserted about 2/3 of the way.
  6. After this, the required amount of solution is slowly introduced.
  7. The next step is to remove the needle from the skin and apply an alcohol cotton swab for disinfection.

After this, a dry cotton pad is applied to the puncture area, which is left until the bleeding stops completely. If the patient independently performs the manipulation at home, the order of all stages does not change, which will avoid complications and achieve maximum therapeutic effect.


Inhibits platelet activity, prolonging the prothrombin period, and prevents the formation of blood clots.

The prescriptions for therapy are:

  1. Thrombosis.
  2. Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery (blockage of the pulmonary artery or its branches by blood clots, which often form in the large veins of the lower extremities or pelvis).
  3. Prevention of vascular blockage in atrial fibrillation.
  4. Arterial hypertension (persistent increase in blood pressure from one hundred and forty to ninety millimeters of mercury and above).
  5. Heart diseases.
  6. Diabetes.

The drug is effective for preventing thrombosis after prosthetic replacement of leg joints. Contraindications for use are:

  1. Allergic reactions (pathological conditions arising as a result of the body's hypersensitivity to allergens penetrating from outside and characterized by the sudden development of localized or generalized allergic reactions).
  2. Bleeding.
  3. Damage to the liver and kidneys.
  4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  5. Age less than eighteen years.

The price of the drug ranges from 800-2500 rubles.

Antiplatelet agents

The group of antiplatelet agents includes medical products used both for the prevention of thrombophlebitis of the legs and for the relief of diseases in the postoperative period.

Mechanism of action

The drugs prevent the ability of blood cells to form blood clots. They have a systemic effect on the body.

A number of experts declare the advisability of using antiplatelet medications in the treatment of arterial diseases and the low effectiveness of the described drugs in the treatment of venous thrombosis.


The list of antiplatelet agents is quite wide. The following medications are most often prescribed:

  • Dipyridamole, used to prevent thromboembolism after surgery;
  • Clopidogrel, prescribed mainly in combination with Aspirin;
  • Prasugrel, used in the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus.

Medicines are not recommended for use by patients with stomach ulcers. High blood pressure and allergic reactions are also contraindications.


These are medications that eliminate clots that are already present. They are produced in the form of injection solutions, which must be administered directly to the area where the clot is localized.

When using drugs to eliminate blood clots, there is a risk of bleeding, so they should only be used in a hospital setting under the supervision of a medical specialist.

Use during pregnancy

Blood thinners are prescribed for the treatment of pregnant women only in emergency cases: the drugs can cause bleeding and complicate labor.

Taking medications for thrombophlebitis in pregnant women is carried out under medical supervision and is accompanied by regular studies of the degree of coagulation of biological fluid.

In the therapy of expectant mothers, the drug Detralex is mainly used, which is distinguished by the presence of a minimal list of side effects.

A favorable prognosis for the disease can only be ensured by high-quality treatment. A timely examination by a phlebologist and compliance with medical recommendations will allow you to avoid surgical intervention.


Drug treatment for thrombosis is considered the main and mandatory element of combination therapy. The drug for thrombosis in the capillaries is able to restore good blood flow in organs and tissues, and also prevent the re-formation of clots.

Tablets for blood clots in capillaries are needed to cleanse them and stabilize blood microcirculation. Thrombosis is considered a natural process in the human body, which is necessary to protect against blood loss when a vessel is damaged.

But it happens that blood clots form when this is not necessary. They interfere with the flow of blood flow, thereby creating a life-threatening situation for the patient. Modern medications can break up existing clots and prevent new clots from forming. You should take tablets to resolve blood clots on time to prevent negative consequences.

Types of catchers

The use of clot traps (vasa filters) was proposed more than 40 years ago. Implantation of filters into the lumen of the inferior vena cava was a complex surgical operation, which was accompanied by many complications. The methods of modern medicine have significantly simplified the method of installing the filter and reduced the likelihood of negative phenomena.

Vein clot traps are miniature wire devices that are shaped like an umbrella, nest, or hourglass. The blood clot trap must be made of corrosion-resistant material. It reliably and effectively traps blood clots and ensures stable blood flow. The blood clot trap is easy to install and has good retention. If necessary, it can be removed from the blood vessel.

Blood clot traps are made from high-quality steel, titanium, or nickel-titanium alloy (nitinol). Their surface is covered with a heparin-saturated membrane.

The vena cava filter is selected individually for each person. The size of the patient’s vena cava and the characteristics of his body are taken into account. Vava filters are placed in special containers in which they are delivered to the installation point using a guide. Next, the container is removed and the trap is fixed. Also, the vena cava filter may have special antennae, with the help of which it is fixed in the vein.

There are two main types of vena cava filters: permanent and temporary. A permanent one is established for life and cannot be withdrawn or replaced. The permanent vena cava filter is fixed in the vein using special spikes that secure it tightly to the wall. A temporary (removable) vena cava filter is placed in the vein for a short period of time and then must be removed. Its design does not provide built-in fasteners (tendrils or spikes), but is secured using a conductor that is attached under the skin. A guidewire is required for future removal of the vena cava filter.

Precautionary measures

When self-administering medication, you should follow all the rules to prevent complications. It is necessary to know the exact dosage. On many bottles it is indicated per 1 ml, but not all patients pay attention to this, believing that the dose is indicated for the whole bottle.

In addition, during treatment with anticoagulants, a blood test is taken from the patient daily to determine the amount of clotting factors if he is in the hospital. This is not possible at home, so experts do not recommend self-administration of the medication subcutaneously.

Many people believe that it is better to administer the drug intramuscularly. This method is not prohibited, but the best effect is achieved precisely when injected into the skin of the abdomen. It is strictly contraindicated to use tableted anticoagulants when treating with a solution. The use of any drug from this group must be agreed with a doctor.

Why does the blood become thick?

Prolonged dehydration of the body will negatively affect the thickness of the blood. Dehydration is a consequence of nutritional disorders, chronic vitamin deficiency, insufficient fluid intake, bad habits, stress and diseases of the digestive system.

Drinking alcohol causes severe dehydration of the body, as well as poisoning by the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol. The blood becomes thicker, which is the basis for the development of diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Smoking also contributes to pathological changes occurring in blood vessels, increasing the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Eating low-quality and unhealthy foods, as well as daily stress, contribute to blood thickening and increase the risk of blood clots. Enzyme deficiency aggravates disturbances in digestive processes and leads to an increase in blood viscosity.

Fruits and vegetables to thin the blood

The menu should include fresh vegetables and fruits. Preference should be given to apples, cabbage, cucumbers, and tomatoes. It is best to eat meat less often, and fish more often. During pregnancy, you should avoid ginger and bay leaves, as these products can cause premature placental abruption and even lead to miscarriage.

All homeopathic medicines are prohibited during pregnancy.

As for greens, you need them, but in small quantities. You should eat often, but in small portions. Vegetable salads must be seasoned with vegetable oils. Pickles, fish, and vegetables help make the menu more varied. If a pregnant woman has any questions about menu planning, she should ask them either her doctor or a professional nutritionist.

All products that affect the quality of the blood have an effect on other organs, so they need to be selected correctly. It is important to remember the compatibility of various components of dishes, their compatibility.

Foods that thin the blood

Eating blood thinning foods cannot be a complete alternative to taking medications prescribed by a doctor. However, provided that a person does not suffer from serious illnesses, but is only concerned about his own health, he should pay attention to blood thinning products. This is especially true for people who have a hereditary predisposition to problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Product group The product's name Mechanism of action
Vegetables Canned and fresh tomatoes. Cabbage, regardless of its variety. Beet. Bell pepper. Regular inclusion of these vegetables in the menu can improve the quality of the blood, will help thin it and resist the formation of blood clots.
Fruits Pomegranates (they should be eaten with caution, as they help increase hemoglobin levels). Grapefruit, lemon, orange. Any apples. Peaches and apricots. Nectarines. The improvement in the chemical composition of the blood occurs due to the fact that fruits contain many vitamins and acids.
Juices Any freshly pressed juices. They can be prepared based on fruits, berries or vegetables. The juice must be fresh, not prepared in factory conditions. Juices from packages purchased in a store do not contain the same range of useful substances that freshly squeezed drinks will contain.
Berries Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, currants, cranberries. Eating fresh berries thins the blood. If you use frozen raw materials or jam for this purpose, you will not be able to achieve the desired effect. Chokeberry will thicken the blood.
Bee products Honey and propolis They have a positive effect on the quality of blood, help increase the elasticity and strength of the vascular wall.
Vegetable oils Olive oil, linseed oil, sunflower seed oil, sea buckthorn oil. All vegetable oils help fight atherosclerosis, as they reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. The exception is corn oil.
Seasonings and spices Garlic, ginger, cinnamon, horseradish, hot pepper pods, apple cider vinegar. Eating these foods helps restore the integrity of damaged red blood cells and enhances the flow of blood in the body.
Beverages Plain water, mineral water with magnesium, green tea, rooibos, hibiscus, chicory, herbal infusions. In order for your blood to have normal viscosity, you must drink enough water. If fluid enters the body in small volumes, the blood will be thick. It is worth taking into account that drinks such as coffee, black tea and industrial juices are not able to normalize the water balance in the body. Therefore, you should not count on them as assistants in the fight against high blood viscosity.

Sour fruits and berries, as well as juice prepared from them, help thin the blood. An important condition for achieving the desired effect is preparing drinks before direct consumption. Store-bought juices are not used to thin the blood, as they contain a lot of sugar and chemical components. People suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis and other lesions of the digestive system should not drink juice.

The table shows only the main groups of products that are aimed at thinning the blood. In fact, their list is much more extensive. However, it is the listed product set that allows you to achieve maximum effect.

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