Causes of osteochondropathy, types and stages of the pathological process
Osteochondropathy is provoked by excessive loads and frequent injuries (playing professional sports, etc.). Modern research
Argolife instructions for use for children
Argolife for adenoids in children. Instructions for using the drug
Argolife is a liquid antiseptic preparation containing silver colloids. Like
Abdominal pain
Dolichosigma of the intestine: what it is, symptoms and treatment in adults and children
The digestive system is one of the most important structures of the body, thanks to which a person receives the necessary
Inulin - benefits and harms, instructions for use
Cocculin during pregnancy In the early stages of pregnancy, symptoms of toxicosis are manifested by functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Often
Spazmex tablets
Buscopan - description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews
Release form and composition: sugar-coated tablets: round, biconvex, white, almost without
Review of birth control pills Triquilar - reviews from doctors and patients
Pharmacological properties of the drug Triquilar The contraceptive effect of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) is based on the interaction of various
What is salpingoophoritis, how does it manifest and how is it treated?
Salpingo-oophoritis. What is it, chronic, bilateral, acute. Causes, symptoms and treatment in women
Salpingoophoritis is a disease otherwise called adnexitis. The disease is one of the most common
Ambroxol. Instructions for use for children
Ambroxol solution for oral administration and inhalation 7.5 mg/ml 4 ml 10 fl reneval
The release form of Ambroxol (the instructions for use provide concise information about a number of release forms) is selected
Painful ovulation. Causes, symptoms, pain relief, treatment and prevention
Painful ovulation. Causes, symptoms, pain relief, treatment and prevention
Approximately 25% of women of reproductive age are characterized by sensitive ovulation (ovulatory syndrome). They are capable enough
Glycised – instructions for use, analogues, composition, indications
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Glycine is an aminoacetic acid, usually found in almost all tissues of the body,
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