Normally, the uterus has the shape of an inverted pear. If there is a sag at the bottom of the genital organ,
What is kelp? This is an algae that lives in the seas. A lot of it grows along
If you are worried about miscarriage at 8 weeks, the first symptoms you may notice are:
3106 Author of the article Evgeniy Nikolaevich Konoplev Reading time: 6 minutes AA Drug Vitaprost
Pharmacological action The active ingredient of the drug Vinoxin mv 30mg – Vincamine is of plant origin (alkaloid
Ofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug. The drug belongs to fluoroquinlones, so first
Every woman has a menstrual cycle in her life. The first menstruation begins in girls aged
Indications for use Vilprafen is a suspension for children that can be used for the following indications:
1 Oxial View 2 Systane View 3 Visine classic View Eyes are not easy
Release form and composition Biozyme is produced in the following forms: Enteric-coated tablets: round,