Ubiquinone Compositum: instructions for use and reviews
Synonyms: Ubichinon compositum Homeopathic combination drug Ubiquinon compositum was created and produced by a company from Germany
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Ben Gay is an effective drug that enhances metabolic processes in problem tissues
Ben Gay ointment (cream): instructions for use, review and reviews
However, in some patients, inflammation occurs against the background of exacerbation of autoimmune processes, or in the context of
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Release form, packaging and composition of the drug Clinical-pharmacological group Pharmaco-therapeutic group Pharmacological action Indications
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Ketorol Ketorol belongs to the NSAID group of drugs and has a pronounced analgesic effect. Main operating
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© Author: Z. Nelli Vladimirovna, laboratory diagnostics doctor at the Research Institute of Transfusiology and Medical Biotechnology, specially
Visin analogues are cheaper, domestic substitutes. Prices, reviews
Cheap analogue of Visine. “Visine pure tear”: a cheap analogue
Visin Classic eye drops contain tetrizoline hydrochloride. Used for eye irritations, including
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Citronella essential oil - benefits and methods of use
Chemical properties Citral is an acyclic aldehyde of the monoterpene series. Has two isomers. Occurs in nature
Choleretic foods. Products that normalize metabolism in the body.
Nicodin is a drug from the group of choleretic agents.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics Nicodin is a choleretic agent. Has choleretic, cholekinetic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties
Gerovital instructions reviews
Instructions for use of Gerovital: indications, contraindications, analogues
The composition of 100 grams of elixir includes: 450 mg – ascorbic acid; 25 mg – lactate
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