Author's rating Author of the article Shutofedova Ksenia Yurievna General practitioner Articles written 578 About the author U
When the reproductive function of the female body begins to fade, a radical hormonal change occurs, which gradually causes
Diseases of the small intestine can be diagnosed in people of any age. Pathologies in young children
Coronavirus without symptoms Asymptomatic patients are considered patients who have SARS-CoV-2 detected in smears, but
Scleroderma is a rare systemic disease characterized by thickening, hardening of the skin and connective tissue. Distinguish
Swelling in the ankles not only disrupts the aesthetics of beautiful female legs, it may be the first
Palpitations - a feeling that the heart is beating too quickly or is beating too hard - a reason
Retropharyngeal abscess is often one of the complications of nasopharyngeal diseases if this is not stopped in time
Release form and composition Sulsen forte is produced in the form of the following care products
Lactacyd is a whole series of products for feminine intimate hygiene. They are created for