Antral - instructions, indications, composition, method of application

Antral is an effective remedy against hepatitis in acute and chronic forms and liver cirrhosis. It has a prolonged anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic effect, and has an immunocorrective effect.


The use of the drug reduces the damaging effects of various toxic substances on liver cells, activates restoration processes in hepatocytes, and normalizes liver function and its structure.

Pharmacological authorities


Antral® belongs to the group of hepatoprotective drugs. Effective in treated acute and chronic hepatitis of various origins, liver cirrhosis, relieves changes in asthenovegetative disorders, decreases appetite, sleep, changes dyspeptic symptoms. During a course of administration, the drug normalizes bilirubin, γ-globulins, cholesterol in the blood, prothrombin index, transaminase activity (ALT and AST) and blood phosphatase. Antralyu® vlastiva prolonged anti-inflammatory, analgesic action. Based on the results of clinical research, it was established that Antral® in the treatment of acute, acute and chronic liver damage with various xenobiotics and their combinations reduces the influx of hepatotoxins, active ization of reparative processes in hepatocytes and practical normalization of indicators of the structural and functional state of the liver. The drug inhibits the process of lipid peroxidation in the blood and tissues, supports the activity of antioxidant systems in the body, and stabilizes the structure of the liver and hepatocyte membranes. As a completely harmless pharmacological agent, Antral® does not disrupt the functions of organs and systems of the body, which have daily cumulative power, immunotoxic, mestoirritant, allergenic, ulcerogenic, embryonic toxic, teratogenic.


The maximum accumulation of the drug in the blood is observed after 3-4 years, the administration period is 4-5 years. The drug is excreted through excretion and feces.


Average price in Russia

Patients living in Russia can purchase the drug for 250 rubles (the price is indicated for a pack of 30 tablets weighing 0.1 grams).

Average cost in Ukraine

For residents of Ukraine, Antral costs an average of 70-75 hryvnia. The cost depends on the pharmacy chain and the city in which it is located.

Did you know that the most common disease of the 21st century is liver disease? Find out more about liver disease: - How to recognize the first signs of hepatitis and effectively cope with the disease? — An interesting article about liver cirrhosis, you will learn about the history of the disease and its prevalence in the world. — Pain or discomfort in the right hypochondrium? Perhaps it's hepatosis! Find out how it can be cured.


Antral® indications for adults and children for treatment: acute and chronic hepatitis of various origins (viral, alcoholic, medicinal, toxic); fatty degeneration and cirrhosis of the liver; ignition illnesses of the ruminant fur, spleen, and subslug; postcholecystectomy syndrome (after the removal of ruminant moth). To prevent liver disease from the negative effects of toxins of various etiologies: nutritional toxins, drugs, chemotherapy, exchange therapy.


Reviews about the drug are mostly good. People write that Antral restores liver function (and the effectiveness of therapy increases if you follow the diet and doctor’s recommendations). Many speak positively about the convenient form of release.

As for medical reviews about the drug, they allow you to get a complete picture of the therapeutic abilities, disadvantages and advantages of this drug.

Practicing gastroenterologists, therapists and hepatologists are attracted by the wide possibilities and positive results of treating liver disorders with the help of Antral. The drug is also highly effective in the treatment of chronic and acute forms of hepatitis of various etiologies.

According to doctors, the patients’ condition quickly improved, the sensations of bitterness in the mouth, heaviness and pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium disappeared. At the same time, the liver decreased in size, the symptoms of jaundice and nausea disappeared.

Features of good stagnation

It is recommended to take Antral® 20-30 weeks after eating, with sufficient water or milk.

Suspension during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

In connection with stagnation, the drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

This is due to the fluidity of the reaction during treatment with vehicles or other mechanisms.

There is a lot of data available, and operators of folding mechanisms must ensure that the development of fouling occurs.

special instructions

Impact on driving vehicles and operating machinery

No negative effects were identified.

Pregnancy and lactation

Antral is not prescribed during lactation and pregnancy.

Use in childhood

It is allowed to prescribe the drug to children from four years of age.

For impaired renal function

Impaired kidney function is a contraindication for taking the drug.

In case of liver dysfunction

Antral is used for the treatment and prevention of liver pathologies.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Antral is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Video on the topic: Ukrainian advertising Antral

Method of congestion and dosage

Antral® is administered internally and taken 3 times per dose:

– adults and children over 10 years of age – 200 mg per dose; for liver cirrhosis: in the first week of treatment – ​​400 mg per dose, then over 2-3 weeks – 200 mg per dose;

– children aged 4-10 years (including those with liver cirrhosis) – 100 mg per dose.

The severity of the treatment depends on the nature and severity of the illness. The average treatment course is 3-4 years. Repeat the treatment course after 3-4 years.

Children. The drug should not be administered to children under 4 years of age.

Side effects

In general, patients tolerate Antral therapy well, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

At the same time, a number of side effects may occur, such as:

  • dizziness, loss of consciousness, weakness;
  • rashes, itching, urticaria and other allergic manifestations;
  • diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, indigestion.

As a rule, the listed adverse reactions disappear immediately after discontinuation of the drug.


Exceeding the prescribed dosage may provoke an increase in existing negative symptoms. If you are hypersensitive to the medication, the risk of developing an allergic reaction increases. The intensity of side effects depends on the level of overdose and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Overdose may be accompanied by the following conditions:

  • Before using the drug Antral, be sure to consult with your doctor.
    dizziness, general weakness of the body and loss of consciousness;

  • diarrhea of ​​varying intensity;
  • symptoms of urticaria in the form of skin rashes accompanied by itching;
  • attacks of nausea and signs of indigestion;
  • pain in the digestive system;
  • increased symptoms of an existing disease.


It is forbidden to take Antral:

  • people who are allergic to components included in the medication;
  • children under 4 years of age;
  • for diseases of the renal apparatus (especially with a decrease in the excretory capacity of the kidneys).

During pregnancy

Antral is not prescribed to women carrying and breastfeeding a child.

Do you think that it is impossible to cure severe liver diseases?

Have you tried many methods, but nothing helps? And you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you good health! Have you even thought about surgery and using toxic drugs that are advertised? This is understandable, because you are already tormented by symptoms such as:

  • pain and heaviness in the right side;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • yellowish or grayish skin tone;
  • yellowish tint to the whites of the eyes;
  • darkening of urine color and diarrhea.

And this is not a complete list of possible symptoms of liver disease... Therefore, no matter how “terrifying” the disease may seem to you, you cannot delay its treatment.

Therefore, we recommend that you read Elena’s story about how you can restore your liver without expensive procedures and in the shortest possible time... Read more>>>

Helpful information!

Many of our readers actively use a well-known technique based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva, to treat and cleanse the liver. We recommend that you check it out. Read more >>

Our readers recommend Our regular reader recommended an effective method! New discovery! Scientists have discovered the best remedy for cleansing the liver. 5 years of research!!! Self-treatment at home! After carefully reviewing it, we decided to offer it to your attention.

Do you think that it is impossible to cure severe liver diseases?

Have you tried many methods, but nothing helps? And you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you good health! Have you even thought about surgery and using toxic drugs that are advertised? This is understandable, because you are already tormented by symptoms such as:

  • pain and heaviness in the right side;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • yellowish or grayish skin tone;
  • yellowish tint to the whites of the eyes;
  • darkening of urine color and diarrhea.

And this is not a complete list of possible symptoms of liver disease... Therefore, no matter how “terrifying” the disease may seem to you, you cannot delay its treatment.

Therefore, we recommend that you read Elena’s story about how you can restore your liver without expensive procedures and in the shortest possible time...


REMEMBER! The liver can be treated simply!

Any doctor will offer you a number of methods for treating the liver, from trivial and ineffective to radical: you can regularly undergo a course of pill therapy, returning every six months; you can trust folk remedies and believe in miracles; go for an operation... But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? Read the article and find out how to quickly get rid of liver diseases in just a couple of weeks!


ADVICE! A simple liver cleanse can rejuvenate the body in a few days and give you an additional 15 years of life - a very interesting bonus to learn the secret... Read more >>>

Cirrosis is not a death sentence! Many of our readers are happy about the changes after defeating liver diseases! The only effective remedy against cirrhosis, hepatosis and other liver diseases has become a natural remedy: brew 2 tablespoons at night...

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Antral is a unique drug because it has no substitutes with the same composition. If necessary, Antral can be replaced with an analogue with a similar mechanism of action - these are the following drugs:

  • Galstena;
  • Gepabene;
  • Hepa-mertz;
  • Geparsil;
  • Hepaforte;
  • Heptox;
  • Hypoglisil;
  • Glutargin;
  • Glutarsol;
  • Dalmaxin;
  • Darsil;
  • Karsil;
  • Larnamin;
  • Legalon;
  • Lesfal;
  • Livenziale;
  • Livolin Forte;
  • Odeston;
  • Ornitox;
  • Prohepar;
  • Strait;
  • Silibor;
  • Silimarol;
  • Simepar;
  • Phosphogliv;
  • Phospholip;
  • Enerliv;
  • Essentiale Forte N.

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use of Antral, the price and reviews of drugs with similar effects do not apply. It is important to consult a doctor and not change the drug yourself.

Antral's analogs


The drug is compatible with choleretic and antibacterial agents, vitamins detoxification agents .

The combination of Antral with steroid hormones and cytostatics does not affect the effectiveness of the latter.

When taking the medication, you can reduce the dose of corticosteroids by 50-70%, and there will be no decrease in the effectiveness of therapy.


Antral is prescribed to patients of all age groups if they have:

  • For the treatment of acute viral, toxic, drug-induced, allergic and alcoholic hepatitis;
  • For the treatment of chronic hepatitis;
  • With cirrhosis of the liver;
  • For the treatment of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • For fatty liver;
  • After cholecystectomy;
  • For prophylaxis during chemotherapy and radiation therapy;
  • In case of poisoning;
  • Conditions after acute viral hepatitis.

Indications for use Antral

The use of Antral is also possible to prevent the negative effects of chemotherapy drugs on liver cells during radiation therapy, long-term treatment with antibiotics, and in case of poisoning with low-quality food, alcohol and toxic substances.

Recommendations for use

The instructions for Antral are required to be studied before taking the drug, even if the dosage is prescribed by a doctor. This is necessary in order to know the side effects and not confuse them with symptoms of diseases, and also to consult a doctor in time if they occur.

The use of the drug should be under the supervision of a physician. The dosage of the drug is calculated individually, taking into account the patient’s age and diagnosis. The course of treatment averages from 21 to 28 days. In severe forms of the disease, a second course is prescribed 30 days after completion of the previous one.

Standard dosage of medicine
Children from 4 to 10 years old0.1g
Adults and children over 10 years old0.2g

The medicine should be taken half an hour after meals. Take Antral only with boiled water. Otherwise, the drug may react with the liquid consumed, resulting in a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug.

Pharmacological properties

Antral is a drug from the group of hepatoprotectors, has a pronounced preventive and therapeutic effect in acute and chronic hepatitis of various natures, liver cirrhosis, reduces the symptoms of asthenovegetative and dyspeptic syndrome, helps normalize sleep and appetite.

Course use of the drug helps reduce the level of bilirubin, the activity of blood enzymes alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase, normalize gamma globulins, and the prothrombin index.

Antral instructions and frequently asked questions

Medical warehouse for special purposes

dyucha speech:

1 tablet of Mist Antral® at pererahuvanni on dry rechovina 100 mg (0.1 g) or 200 mg (0.2 g);

additional speeches:

important magnesium carbonate, potato starch, crospovidone, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, polysorbate, anhydrous silica, calcium stearate, Opadry II 85 G18490 white, Opadry II 85 G25557 red.

Medicine form: Tablets, coated.

Round tablets with a biconvex surface, covered with a dark red color coating.

Name and location of the vibrator

PJSC "Farmak"

Ukraine, 04080, m. Kiev, st. Frunze, 63.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Hepatoprotective drugs. ATS code A05B A.

Antral® belongs to the group of hepatoprotective drugs. Effective in treated acute and chronic hepatitis of various origins, liver cirrhosis, relieves changes in asthenovegetative disorders, decreases appetite, sleep, changes dyspeptic symptoms. During a course of administration, the drug normalizes bilirubin, γ-globulins, cholesterol in the blood, prothrombin index, transaminase activity (ALT and AST) and blood phosphatase. Antralyu® vlastiva prolonged anti-inflammatory, analgesic action. Based on the results of clinical research, it was established that Antral® in the treatment of acute, acute and chronic liver damage with various xenobiotics and their combinations reduces the influx of hepatotoxins, active ization of reparative processes in hepatocytes and practical normalization of indicators of the structural and functional state of the liver. The drug inhibits the process of lipid peroxidation in the blood and tissues, supports the activity of antioxidant systems in the body, and stabilizes the structure of the liver and hepatocyte membranes. As a completely harmless pharmacological agent, Antral® does not disrupt the functions of organs and systems of the body, which have daily cumulative power, immunotoxic, mestoirritant, allergenic, ulcerogenic, embryonic toxic, teratogenic.

The maximum accumulation of the drug in the blood is observed after 3-4 years, the administration period is 4-5 years. The drug is excreted through excretion and feces.

Indications for stagnation

Antral® indications for adults and children for treatment: acute and chronic hepatitis of various origins (viral, alcoholic, medicinal, toxic); fatty degeneration and cirrhosis of the liver; ignition illnesses of the ruminant fur, spleen, and subslug; postcholecystectomy syndrome (after the removal of ruminant moth). To prevent liver disease from the negative effects of toxins of various etiologies: nutritional toxins, drugs, chemotherapy, exchange therapy.


Individual sensitivity to the components of the drug is increased.

Damage to the visible function of the eyes.

Particularly guarded

It is recommended to take Antral® 20-30 weeks after eating, with sufficient water or milk.

Suspension during pregnancy or breastfeeding

In connection with stagnation, the drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

This is due to the fluidity of the reaction during treatment with vehicles or robots with other mechanisms.

There is a lot of data available, and operators of folding mechanisms must ensure that the development of fouling occurs.


The drug is not suitable for children under 4 years of age.

Method of congestion and dosage

Antral® is administered internally 3 times a day:

– adults and children over 10 years of age – 200 mg per dose; for liver cirrhosis: in the first week of treatment – ​​400 mg per dose, then over 2-3 weeks – 200 mg per dose;

– children aged 4-10 years (including those with liver cirrhosis) – 100 mg per dose.

The severity of the treatment depends on the nature and severity of the illness. The average treatment course is 3-4 years. Repeat the treatment course after 3-4 years.


In case of overdose, it is possible that adverse reactions may occur and intensify.

In case of episodic ingestion of large doses of the drug, rinse the drainage tube and (if necessary) carry out symptomatic treatment.

Side effects

The drug Zagalom is well tolerated by patients. In some cases, when taking Antral®, you may experience weakness, confusion, dyspeptic symptoms, fatigue, abdominal pain, diarrhea, which will go away after taking the drug.

Allergic reactions,

including skin bleaching, kropivyanka, angioneurotic swelling, blackening and itching of the skin.

Interactions with other medicinal drugs and other types of interactions

Antral® is a combination of antibacterial, detoxifying, antipyretic, and vitamin preparations, which allows it to be included in the complex of medical therapy. In case of one-hour treatment in patients with liver cirrosis, Antral® does not interfere with the activity of steroidal and cytostatic drugs; a change (up to 50-70%) of the previously administered dose of steroids is allowed without further reducing the effectiveness of treatment.

Term of attachment 3 rocks.

Do not pack the drug after completing the terms of reference indicated on the package.

Umovi sberіgannya

Keep the product in a light place at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Packaging 10 tablets per blister. 3 blisters per pack.

Category of release Without prescription.


It is important to remember that all the rules for taking Antral for the liver, which are described in the instructions, must be strictly followed. This will help avoid side effects and various complications.

Only the attending physician should prescribe any medicine, and self-medication is a dangerous and incorrect method of therapy!

We recommend that you go to the hospital on time, undergo the prescribed examination, and then be treated as the specialist advises, without changing the treatment regimen or taking medications. Respond to any alarm signals from your body! You can ask our doctor questions, share problems, ask for advice. Let's fight illnesses together!

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