TOP 10 best ointments for herpes - 2021 rating

Herpes is a viral disease that affects the mucous membranes and skin mainly on the human face, in particular on and around the lips. There is also genital herpes, but this article will talk about the best remedies for herpes specifically on the lips. What does best mean? Indeed, each person’s body is individual and the same cream for herpes on the lips can act differently on different people. That's right.

The phrase “the best medicine against herpes on the lip” means the one that, according to reviews, has proven to be the most effective, safe, fast and affordable. That is, the following criteria were taken into account:

  • efficiency;
  • side effects and contraindications;
  • price.

Based on doctors' reports, patient opinions and sales numbers, a list of the most popular and effective drugs against herpes on the face was compiled.

Healing oils for herpes

Herpes on the lips is a viral disease. To cure it, you need to fight not only its external manifestations, which are visible on the lips, but also the infection inside the body. There are a large number of pharmaceutical ointments and preparations, folk methods that allow you to cope with herpes in a short time.

Essential oils help well in such cases. They are rich in aldehydes and ketones, which have a healing effect. The alcohol content determines the antiviral and bactericidal properties. Essential oils have a good effect on the skin and the body as a whole. Therefore, they can be used in the treatment of many diseases. Most oils have antibacterial and antiseptic effects, but each of them also has its own application characteristics. In addition, the content of nutrients in them is different.

Essential oils have a good aroma. Natural ingredients will make the treatment process not only effective, but also very pleasant. Oils are often used for aromatherapy. A combination of several scents is possible. Both individual essential oils and their mixtures are used to treat herpes. As components of a medicine, they enhance each other's beneficial properties.

Tea tree oil

It is absolutely harmless to the body. Compared to all other oils, the content of active substances and microelements in it is the highest. Tea tree oil has the following properties:

  • antifungal;
  • antiviral;
  • bactericidal;
  • immunostimulating.

It is an effective remedy for treating wounds and cuts. Damaged tissues are restored much faster with the help of tea tree oil, and the pus disappears. The patient's general condition immediately improves. The oil relieves pain and inflammation well. Can be used against skin parasites such as mites.

Tea tree oil has found application not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. It can be applied to hair as a mask. It gives them a healthy look and produces a restorative effect. Tea tree oil is added to various lotions, creams, and ointments.

It is usually used externally. Before applying the oil to the affected areas of the skin, you should find out the body's reaction to the product. They try it on the wrist. If after an hour there is no adverse reaction, you can safely use the treatment.

For herpes, tea tree oil can stop the development of the disease in the early stages. If rashes are already noticeable on the lips, it will dry out the pimples and help them heal. You can burn herpes with undiluted tea tree oil. If there is no irritation, the procedure should be repeated as often as possible. If the use of tea tree oil causes a strong burning sensation, it is better to dilute it with water.

This product is non-toxic, therefore absolutely safe and can be used even in the treatment of herpes in children.

Fir oil

It is also used in folk and traditional medicine to combat various infections. It has a pleasant pine aroma and contains antioxidants and antibacterial components. Fir oil is obtained from special types of wood. It can be used to make mixtures. Together with other oils, it forms aromatic medicines.

Fir oil is used for internal and external use. Thanks to its warming effect, it helps with colds. Fir oil can be used to disinfect and heal wounds. This property was mentioned by ancient Greek doctors. Fir oil strengthens the immune system and relieves irritation of the respiratory tract. It has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system and calms after stress.

Since fir oil is an excellent antiseptic and has a healing effect, it can be used in the treatment of herpes. A couple of days are enough to fight the infection with this remedy. Herpes should be treated with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of fir oil. In this case, tingling and burning sensations are possible. Fir oil is colorless, so it will not be noticeable on the lips.

It must be used carefully, avoiding getting it into the mouth. Treatment with this remedy is not suitable for pregnant women, or people with ulcers or kidney disease.

Sea buckthorn oil

Obtained from the fruit of the tree. Just like berries, it contains large quantities of carotenoids, vitamins and organic acids. Due to this, sea buckthorn oil is used for medicinal and preventive purposes. It is carotenoids that determine the healing and anti-inflammatory effect of sea buckthorn-based products. The vitamin E contained in the oil is beneficial for the skin and cardiovascular system. This remedy helps with flu, sinusitis, ulcers and various burns. In cosmetology, sea buckthorn oil is added to creams and lotions. It improves the appearance of the skin by moisturizing it and increasing elasticity.

For herpes, rashes can be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil. It will speed up the healing process. At first, a slight burning sensation is felt, but soon the discomfort passes. After using this product, there will be no traces of herpes left on the skin of your lips. Despite the fact that sea buckthorn fruits are bright yellow, the oil is colorless. It can be applied not only at home, but others will not notice anything.

However, sea buckthorn oil also has contraindications. Its use should be avoided in case of pancreatitis, liver problems and cholelithiasis.

Safety rules for herpes

The active phase of the herpes virus requires special precautions from the infected person and his relatives both during the illness and after it. Following some simple rules will help you avoid relapse and prevent you from infecting others.

  1. It is better to start treatment before the start of the acute phase. However, it is worth remembering that you cannot use other people’s anti-herpes creams, gels or ointments, as virions may remain on the packaging.
  2. Kissing and any other oral contact with a patient who has severe symptoms is prohibited. The virus is transmitted very easily and quickly this way.
  3. The patient's dishes and other personal items, such as towels or toothbrushes, should become taboo for loved ones.
  4. To stop the painful rash from spreading throughout the body, the patient should not touch the sores or blisters with their hands. After each tactile contact, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap or antibacterial agents. People who wear contact lenses should be especially diligent about hand hygiene before removing or putting in lenses.
  5. After recovery, you need to start boiling all things that came into contact with the affected areas of the epithelium. Be sure to sanitize pillowcases and other bedding, dishes, toothbrushes, and personal towels for the face and body.
  6. Viruses seriously undermine the immune system. Therefore, it is appropriate to take an immunogram and, after consultation with a specialized specialist, begin to restore the defenses of a weakened body.

Propolis for herpes

Propolis is a waste product of bees, which is extracted from hives when collecting honey. It has strong antibactericidal properties. So, in hives, propolis destroys bacteria. Therefore, this substance has long been used for the manufacture of medicines. Propolis-based products are used in traditional medicine, and can be purchased at the pharmacy. However, it is better to cook it yourself.

Most often, propolis is used for respiratory diseases, sore throat, and runny nose. It combines well with other medications, such as antibiotics, so it can act as an additional remedy. Propolis is usually taken orally, but is also suitable for external use. The substance has a bitter taste, but a very pleasant smell.

Propolis tincture for herpes

Used as a complement to other products. It also has a general strengthening effect. A tablespoon of propolis should be infused in alcohol for a week. The medicine must be shaken daily. When the product is ready, you can apply it to areas of skin with herpes. Antimicrobial properties will prevent infection from spreading.

Honey for herpes

Honey – This beneficial substance is known as a sweet and tasty treat. It contains fructose, glucose, a large amount of vitamins and various inorganic acids. honey has a positive effect on the nervous system and digestion, acting as a mild laxative. Due to its calming effect, it is recommended to eat it with tea before bed to ensure sound sleep. honey is useful for colds and coughs. It is added to herbal decoctions for washing wounds. This enhances their healing properties. Compresses and ointments are made from honey.

To prevent herpes, you should eat a spoonful of this tasty product every day. It can be added to warm milk or tea. This will strengthen your immune system. When bubbles have already appeared on the lips, honey is also used for treatment. They need to smear their lips several times a day. This remedy is not only an effective aid for herpes, but also a good mask for the skin. After several procedures, your lips will become very soft. After 2-3 days of treatment with honey, a crust forms at the site of the herpes. If it can be removed painlessly, then you can remove it. But to avoid damaging healthy skin, it is better to wait until traces of herpes go away on their own.

Factors that awaken the herpes virus on the lips

Factors that awaken the herpes virus on the lips

The so-called cold sores are a consequence of the activity of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1 or HSV-1). According to WHO, about 67% of all inhabitants of the globe are carriers of this infection. Symptomatic manifestations do not occur in everyone: a person may be the owner of a strain, but never experience its awakening.

It is impossible to cure herpes: once it enters the body at least once, the virus remains forever in the cells, waiting for favorable conditions to be created for its reproduction. Medicines suppress the activity of the aggressive genome, relieving unpleasant symptoms.

Genital herpes, which affects the genitals, is caused by a different strain, HSV-2. However, upon contact with the affected mucous membrane, both types of virus can provoke the appearance of vesicular wounds in areas unusual for them: HSV-1 can be activated in the intimate area, and HSV-2 can cause rashes on the lips.

After the initial infection and subsequent apparent recovery, the virus lurks in the neurons of the ternary nerve. But, as soon as the body’s immune system weakens, HSV-1 makes itself felt again. Among the factors contributing to the active reproduction of the virus are the following:

  • general weakening of the immune system due to a long course of any disease or taking immunosuppressive drugs;
  • injuries and burns of the skin or mucous membranes;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • excessive exposure to the sun or solarium;
  • serious stress;
  • increased physical or mental stress;
  • cosmetic or surgical interventions, including dental procedures;
  • presence of other infections;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • abnormal cold or heat;
  • hormonal imbalance due to medications, pregnancy;
  • critical days for women.

In any of the above cases, the body needs to be supported: try to rest more, watch your diet, take vitamins and dietary supplements, and avoid stressful situations.

Ginger for herpes

Ginger rhizomes are used for food and for making medicines and medicinal tinctures. It tastes bitter, but that is why many people add it to some dishes and teas to add piquancy. Ginger has a specific, but very pleasant aroma. Fatty acids, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, phosphorus are just some of the beneficial substances and microelements that the plant’s rhizomes are rich in.

Ginger is good for the digestive system. It is recommended to be used for disorders and loss of appetite. Ginger tea is used to prevent colds and infections, such as herpes. You can drink it every day. Cut the ginger rhizome into small pieces and add to black tea. The result is an aromatic drink with an original taste.

For herpes, you can thinly slice ginger, grind it in your hands to release the juice, and apply it to your lips. This procedure is accompanied by a burning sensation, so keep the compress for 10-15 minutes. Then take a break of several hours and repeat. Although this treatment is uncomfortable, it will quickly clear up the infection. The main thing is to notice the appearance of swelling on the lips in time and apply a piece of ginger root to the sore spot.

Where does herpes come from?

So why does a rash appear if the virus has been latent for a long time? Dormant HSV becomes active if the immune system is reduced and cannot protect the body.

This happens in the following cases:

  1. Chronic fatigue and stress.
  2. Hypothermia and acute respiratory diseases. Herpes often appears during colds.
  3. Hypovitaminosis is a lack of vitamins.
  4. Hormonal disorders.
  5. Any serious illness that leads to exhaustion of the body and loss of immunity.

Labial herpes often occurs in people prone to allergies. Any weakening of the body, including those caused by drinking alcohol and smoking, can lead to activation of HSV. Another factor that provokes the development of rashes is skin diseases and skin damage. In men, herpes often appears in places where shaving cuts occur.

In women, rashes can be caused by periods and hormonal disorders.

Methods of infection:

  1. Airborne. The infection is transmitted by air flow from a person with a rash.
  2. Contact. In contact with the patient and the objects he used.
  3. Intrauterine. During pregnancy, an infected woman passes the virus to her fetus.

In most cases, infection can be caused by non-compliance with hygiene rules by the sick person and his environment.

Lemon for herpes

Lemon, one of the most acidic citruses, is a source of vitamins, beneficial acids and phytoncides. Due to its sour taste, few people can eat it in slices. But lemon serves as an excellent addition to drinks; desserts and jam are made from it. The juice is used in the treatment of viral diseases, dropsy, tuberculosis. In spring, lemon is recommended to be consumed to support weakened immunity. This is also an opportunity to replenish the lack of vitamins in the body. Tea with lemon and honey is an excellent remedy for colds and flu.

Nutrients are contained not only in the juice and pulp, but also in the peel of the fruit. The inside of it can be applied to herpes on the lips. Fresh pulp also has a good effect. Use a slice of lemon to wipe the sore spot with herpes several times a day. You can lubricate your lips with lemon juice. If the swelling is barely noticeable, it means that herpes is just beginning to develop. In this case, you need to wipe your lips with a slice of lemon immediately. Repeat the procedure several times within half an hour. When fresh lemon is not available, essential oil will do. They can also be used to wipe the area of ​​herpes formation. Lemon oil has a mild antiviral effect.

What are the types of antiherpetic drugs?

Most people, having discovered the symptoms of a sore on their lips, begin to use the first anti-herpes ointment they come across - as a rule, advertised on television, the Internet and friends, or, at best, recommended by a pharmacist from a pharmacy. What happens as a result? Herpes goes away, and after a couple of weeks, with the slightest unfavorable factors, it returns again. Why is this happening?

Because viral diseases need to be treated comprehensively, and not just eliminate their local symptoms. We can disappoint supporters of newfangled antiviral drugs - they are not effective. Despite the development of modern medicine, doctors have not yet learned how to effectively and efficiently fight viruses. All that can be done is to support the body itself so that it destroys pathogenic bodies on its own. Therefore, medications from the following groups are used to treat herpes:

  • Ointment for herpes on the lips based on Acyclovir and other similar substances.
  • Herpes tablets for internal use.
  • Vitamin complexes and immunomodulators.

It should be repeated once again: a virus, if it is already present in the human body, cannot be destroyed. It penetrates the nerve endings and can quietly remain there for a long time in a state of rest. The virus begins to activate only if favorable conditions are created - for example, a person becomes hypothermic, or a sharp drop in immunity occurs. That is why you will need to choose the right ointment, but also tablets in combination with a vitamin complex.

Cloves for herpes

For many, cloves are just an aromatic seasoning. However, it also has other beneficial properties. Cloves are known for their analgesic and antimicrobial effects. It helps cope with diarrhea and improves digestion. Decoctions are prepared from cloves, which are used in folk medicine and even oil. With its help it is easy to get rid of bad breath. Cloves are used to treat toothache, vision problems, arthrosis, and arthritis. The oil obtained from it accelerates the healing of wounds and is used in cosmetology for the manufacture of creams, perfumes, and balms.

The aromatic spice can be a good preventative against herpes. To protect the body from the development of this unpleasant infection, it is enough to chew several pieces of cloves daily. Its taste is quite pleasant. Eating cloves prevents the development of herpes for a long time. Drinks with added spice are also beneficial. However, this remedy is not recommended for use for ulcers, hypertension and gastritis, as well as for pregnant women and young children.

Earwax from herpes

Earwax contains sulfur and silicon. The presence of these substances has a positive effect on skin tissue and mucous membranes. They are necessarily included in medications to reduce swelling and inflammatory reactions. Therefore, earwax, promoting epithelization, helps get rid of herpes rashes on the lips. However, treatment with this remedy should be started at the first signs of the disease. It may be ineffective for advanced herpes.

To some, the use of earwax may seem unaesthetic, but this remedy will come to the rescue at any time and anywhere when there are no medications at hand. It is enough to apply a small amount of this substance to the herpes and do not wash it off for a while. This method has no contraindications. Using earwax is much safer and healthier than using chemicals. It can and even should be combined with other means. After all, herpes is a viral infection, so it requires deep treatment.

Immunomodulator "Viferon"

This is a modern antiviral drug with a pronounced immunomodulatory effect. "Viferon" is available in the form of ointments and suppositories. Thanks to the interferon contained in the drug, the phagocytic activity of neutrophils at the site of inflammation increases.

Viferon ointment is used for types 1 and 2 herpetic infections, as well as in the complex treatment of influenza in children after one year of age. It is better to start treatment at the first signs of the disease: itching, burning, redness of the skin. It is recommended to apply the ointment to the affected area 3-4 times a day for 5-7 days.

The average price of Viferon is 400 rubles.

Soda for herpes

Another very simple remedy used to get rid of many diseases is baking soda. The main advantages of this treatment method are the availability of the main ingredient. For treatment you will need to prepare a soda solution.

First of all, you should boil some water. 100-200 ml will be enough. Add a tablespoon of baking soda to boiling water. Once it dissolves, it is good to move the product and you can use it to treat herpes. There are several application options. You can moisten a napkin or cotton pad in the solution and apply it to the sore spot. At the same time, you need to be patient. After all, the procedure should be repeated constantly until the solution cools down. As a result, a film of baking soda will remain on your lips. It needs to be left for a while. A simplified option: moisten a spoon in the solution and apply it to the sore spot, or simply sprinkle soda on the herpes.

This method cannot be called pleasant, but it is very effective. A compress of soda solution causes discomfort and mild pain. But to achieve quick results, you need to be patient a little.


Another drug from the group of interferons. The drug is released in the form of a gel. It has immunomodulatory, antiviral and bacteriostatic effects. "Infagel" is indicated for a number of infectious diseases, including exacerbation of herpesvirus and candidiasis, as well as chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis and other sexually transmitted infections. Infagel is also effective against papillomavirus. Used to prevent influenza and ARVI.

For the treatment of herpes, Infagel is applied to the affected area twice a day for 4 days. If necessary, the course can be extended until the regeneration of the affected integument begins.

The tightening of the skin that is felt after using the product is not a side effect. Thus, a film is formed on the site of inflammation, protecting it from bacteria. The cost in pharmacies is about 150 rubles.

Salt for herpes

Along with soda, ordinary salt is also used against herpes. It has many beneficial properties, which is why it has long been used in folk medicine. For example, salt can relieve asthma attacks and help fight stress. Therefore, it is important to include it in your diet. Salt plays an important role in regulating blood circulation and is also involved in the production of energy in the cells of the body. It is recommended to add it in moderation to food for people with diabetes. Salt helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. It is believed that it can even be used to prevent cancer.

If you have herpes, you can sprinkle salt on your lips after moisturizing them. After 10-20 minutes, the compress should be washed off and the sore spot should be smeared with balm or moisturizer. It will speed up the healing of skin areas affected by herpes and prevent the infection from spreading. You can not only apply salt to the wounds, but also put a pinch in your mouth. Ideally, it is better to take sea salt for treatment, but regular table salt has the same amount of useful elements.

On the subject: other folk remedies for herpes

Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment has the following effects on the skin:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • drying.

Due to these properties, it is used to treat dermatitis, eczema, prickly heat, healing wounds and scratches, ulcers and herpes. Zinc ointment has virtually no contraindications and rarely causes an allergic reaction. In adolescence, dermatologists recommend it as an effective remedy for acne. In addition, zinc ointment whitens the skin. With its help you can get rid of freckles. This product protects against ultraviolet rays and relieves inflammation well.

Concerns often arise as to whether such an ointment is harmful. But zinc is a useful trace element, and its share that enters the blood this way is very small. For herpes, zinc ointment should be applied briefly, but often. It acts on the virus, getting rid of lesions on the skin, and stops the development of infection. At the pharmacy you can purchase drugs that contain zinc ointment along with other components. By enhancing each other’s action, they help get rid of the infection even faster.

Apple cider vinegar for herpes

Apple cider vinegar is used not only in the preparation of various dishes and marinades, but also for the treatment of diseases in medicine. It relieves heat well and allows you to lower the temperature. Tinctures are made from apple cider vinegar. Its positive effect on digestion is also noted. Vinegar is good for colds. Gargle with its solution to clear phlegm and relieve redness. Apple cider vinegar contains a lot of potassium, which is important for the human nervous system.

They can be used to treat a sore spot with herpes. Moreover, making compresses on open wounds is not recommended. You should start making lotions as soon as swelling appears on your lips. You can drink apple cider vinegar to strengthen your immune system. This is the main condition for effectively combating an infection such as herpes. 1-2 teaspoons should be diluted in water and drunk. You can gradually increase the amount of apple cider vinegar to 5 tablespoons. This remedy should be taken in the morning before breakfast.

Laundry soap for herpes

Laundry soap is a useful household product. It has antibacterial properties and cleanses the skin well. However, dermatologists do not recommend using laundry soap frequently. Although it works well against bacteria and impurities, this product destroys the skin's protective barrier.

But in folk medicine, laundry soap has found another use. It helps cope with inflammatory processes. It is recommended to wash with laundry soap for gynecological problems. It is also effective against prickly heat and thrush. The antiviral effect allows you to use laundry soap to treat herpes. But this method is effective for newly appearing bubbles on the lips.

In this case, you need to take yellow-brown soap, which has a specific smell. Today, stores often sell white soap, which is not much different from regular soap. A cotton swab needs to be wetted, then soaped and applied to the sore spot. If you start treating herpes on time, after repeating several procedures there will be nothing left on the lips, and the infection will go away.


This active substance in the composition of oxolinic ointment locally affects the area of ​​​​the skin affected by herpes. It does not cause allergies and is non-toxic. It is eliminated from the body naturally within 24 hours and is practically not absorbed into the blood.

Oxolinic ointment is cheap; on the lips with herpes, it dries out the blisters after the first use. The product relieves itching and burning, localizes the virus, preventing its further spread. Creates a protective film on the skin, preventing bacteria from penetrating. It can be used both as the main treatment and as part of complex therapy. The course of treatment varies from several days to several weeks.

The product should not be used by pregnant and nursing mothers. Contraindicated for children under three years of age. Most reviews about oxolinic ointment for herpes are positive - it is an effective, affordable drug. Many people use it as a prophylaxis during flu outbreaks, applying it to the inside of the wings of the nose before going outside.

Zovirax - ointment

The drug Zovirax is used to treat infectious skin diseases. So, it is prescribed for chickenpox and various types of herpes. This drug is based on acyclovir. This substance is similar in structure to guanine. Once in the body, it begins to actively influence the virus.

The course of treatment with Zovirax ointment for herpes is 3-4 days. During this time, the blisters on the lips disappear and the wounds heal. Zovirax should be applied up to 5 times a day. The drug is used without a doctor's prescription, but the body may have different reactions to it.

In some cases, the ointment causes itching and burning. Irritation may occur in affected areas of the skin and even contact dermatitis may develop. Individual intolerance to certain components included in the medicine is possible. It is better to first apply a small amount of ointment to the back of the wrist and observe the body’s reaction to the drug. If irritation does occur when using Zovirax, you should replace it with a similar drug or use folk remedies to combat herpes.

Advantages and disadvantages of ointment treatment

Preparations in the form of ointments or creams have the following advantages:

  • prevent the spread of infection to healthy areas of the skin;
  • penetrate directly into the affected areas of the skin, providing a local therapeutic effect;
  • can be used in combination with other drugs (for example, tablets);
  • practically do not cause side effects;
  • effective even in advanced stages of herpes virus infection;
  • simple and easy to use.

There is only one minus (or drawback) in this case - medicinal ointments eliminate the symptoms, but not the disease itself.
Therefore, patients often experience relapses. But an integrated approach will help improve the effectiveness of therapy. Note! The herpes virus cannot be completely destroyed and some part of it will still remain in the body, accompanying a person throughout his life and periodically appearing in the form of a rash.

Acyclovir - ointment

The action of Acyclovir ointment is based on the formation of special DNA cells that help fight viruses in the body. First of all, the drug stops the development of infection. It is recommended to use Acyclovir for herpes and rashes. A crust forms on the skin, thanks to which pathogenic bacteria do not enter the wounds, and it heals faster. The ointment helps relieve pain and has an immunostimulating effect. This property is especially important when fighting herpes. Using the drug, you can not only cure existing blisters on the skin, but also prevent the appearance of new rashes.

The ointment is easy to purchase at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, and adverse reactions rarely occur, however, there are a number of contraindications. Acyclovir should not be used in the treatment of skin diseases if vomiting, diarrhea, or fatigue occurs. The ointment can be used by both pregnant and lactating women.

The course of treatment for herpes with Acyclovir is usually at least 5 days. You can smear the bubbles on your lips 5-6 times a day at regular intervals. After use, a crust forms on the skin. You should stop using the ointment when the herpes wounds have completely healed. However, if the infection does not go away within 10 days, you need to try another remedy. Although Acyclovir usually copes with herpes much faster and the use of other drugs is not required.

Author of the article:

Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna |
Herbalist Education: Diploma in General Medicine and Therapy received from the University named after N.I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Herbal Medicine at the Moscow People's Friendship University (2008). Our authors

"Fenistil Pentsivir"

Penciclovir is considered an even more effective active ingredient for the treatment of herpetic rashes. It can significantly speed up the process of disappearance of wounds. Additional substances contained in preparations based on it (paraffin and Vaseline oil) protect the skin from drying out and scarring of wounds.

"Fenistil Pentsivir" is effective at any stage of exacerbation of herpes. It, like Acyclovir, damages the DNA of the virus, but remains inside the cell a little longer - up to 12 hours, which increases the effectiveness of the drug. The product must be used every two hours. After just four days, the rash completely disappears. "Fenistil Pencivir" is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, and children under 12 years of age.

The price in Russia ranges from 320-380 rubles.

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