Iodomarin during pregnancy - instructions for expectant mothers

Composition and release form


Pills1 table
potassium iodide131 mcg
(which corresponds to 100 mcg of iodine)
excipients: lactose monohydrate; magnesium carbonate basic light; gelatin; carboxymethyl starch sodium salt; highly dispersed silicon dioxide; magnesium stearate

in glass bottles of 50 or 100 pcs.; 1 bottle in a cardboard box.


Pills1 table
potassium iodide262 mcg
(which corresponds to 200 mcg of iodine)
excipients: lactose monohydrate; magnesium carbonate basic light; gelatin; carboxymethyl starch sodium salt; highly dispersed silicon dioxide; magnesium stearate

in a blister pack 25 pcs.; in a cardboard box 2 or 4 packages.

Iodomarin when planning pregnancy

If we take into account the beneficial properties, then “Iodomarin” for the expectant mother allows you to prevent the occurrence of many diseases in advance. The medication is taken only on the recommendation of a doctor, which eliminates the possibility of causing harm. You should start taking Iodomarin several months before conception.

This drug is prescribed to women in areas where there is iodine deficiency. Iodomarin is also necessary for people with thyroid disorders. The dosage and course of treatment are prescribed only by the attending physician.

After pregnancy has occurred, the prescribed dosage is increased, as the need for iodine will increase.

Attention! Some women continue to take Iodomarin after childbirth with the permission of their doctor.

Side effects

When used prophylactically at any age, as well as when used therapeutically in newborns, children and adolescents, as a rule, no side effects are observed. In rare cases, constant use of the drug can lead to the development of “iodism”, which can be manifested by a metallic taste in the mouth, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes (runny nose, conjunctivitis, bronchitis), “iodine fever”, “iodine acne”. Extremely rare - Quincke's edema, exfoliative dermatitis. When using the drug at a dose of more than 150 mcg/day, latent hyperthyroidism can become manifest. When using doses from 300 to 1000 mcg/day, the development of hyperthyroidism is possible (especially in elderly patients suffering from goiter for a long period, in the presence of nodular or diffuse toxic goiter).

Instructions for use of Iodomarin for children

The benefits of Iodomarin for children and adults are enormous, since the drug helps prevent many diseases, but we should not forget about possible harm. The course of treatment depends entirely on the type and complexity of the disease; for the purpose of prevention, Iodomarin is drunk for several years.

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Before you start giving the drug to your child, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician to find out the side effects and contraindications, as it can cause harm to health. Since the drug is produced in tablets, before giving it to a child, it must first be dissolved; the properties of the drug are not lost.

If “Iodomarin” is used to treat goiter in a newborn, then the course of treatment should not exceed 4 weeks, otherwise there will be no benefit from using the drug, but only harm. The optimal time to take the medicine is after a meal.

Children from 3 to 14 years old are recommended to drink from 50 to 100 mcg (1-2 tablets) per day.

Advice! It is best to take medications in the morning. This is due to the fact that “Iodomarin” has an invigorating effect, as a result of which it will be quite difficult to fall asleep.

Directions for use and doses

Inside, after meals, with a sufficient amount of liquid. For the prevention of goiter: adults and adolescent children - 100–200 mcg/day; newborns and children - 50–100 mcg/day; during pregnancy and breastfeeding - 200 mcg/day.

Prevention of goiter relapse after surgery for goiter or after the end of drug treatment of goiter with thyroid hormone preparations: 100–200 mcg/day.

Prophylactic use of the drug should be carried out for several years, often throughout life.

Treatment of goiter: adults under 45 years old - 300–500 mcg/day; newborns, children and adolescents - 100–200 mcg/day; course of treatment for newborns - 2–4 weeks; in children, adolescents and adults - 6–12 months or more (as decided by the attending physician).

How to take iodomarin correctly?

How to take Iodomarin

The required daily dose of iodine for an adult is 200 mcg, which is contained in each Iodomarin 200 tablet. The required dose for children is 100 mcg, which is why the drug Iodomarin 100 is produced for them.

You should not take iodomarin for hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, except in cases when it is caused by iodine deficiency, during treatment with radioactive iodine and thyreostatics, if a tumor of the thyroid gland is suspected, or in old age. The simultaneous use of iodomarin and lithium preparations can contribute to the formation of goiter. Taking iodomarin and other iodine preparations increases the risk of goiter formation, and combined use with potassium-sparing diuretics causes an increase in the level of potassium in the blood, as a result, heart rhythm disturbances are possible.

Reviews from doctors

Many gynecologists prescribe Iodomarin during pregnancy because of its beneficial properties. The dosage is usually prescribed only after the patient has undergone tests and they have been carefully studied by the doctor. After childbirth, the amount of iodine consumed in the body of a nursing woman increases. Often it is not enough to consume foods containing iodine, and there is a need for medications. In this case, Iodomarin is prescribed for breastfeeding.

Iodomarin is also used by endocrinologists. During life, iodine accumulates in the thyroid gland, and due to deficiency, metabolism is disrupted.

Despite the fact that reviews regarding the use of the drug are only positive, this does not mean that you can prescribe treatment for yourself, since there is a high probability of causing harm to your health, and not, as originally planned, benefit.

Some doctors note that patients express a desire to use Iodomarin for weight loss, thinking that due to its properties the drug will help to lose excess weight. In fact, you can't lose weight with medications. The medicine improves metabolism, but you can only lose weight if you eat right and exercise.

Iodomarin price, where to buy

The price of Iodomarin 100 in Russian pharmacies is about 145 rubles for package No. 100, the price of Iodomarin 200 is about 215 rubles for package No. 100 and about 135 rubles for package No. 50.

How much does Yodomarin cost in Ukraine?

You can buy Iodomarin 100 No. 100 for an average of 70-77 UAH, the cost of Iodomarin 200 is from 58 UAH (for package No. 50)

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Iodomarin 100 tablets 0.1 mg 100 pcs. Menarini-Von Heyden/Berlin Chemie
    134 rub. order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Iodomarin (tab. 200 µg No. 50) Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini

    125 rub. order

  • Iodomarin (tab. 200 µg No. 100) Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini

    RUB 201 order

  • Iodomarin (tab. 100 µg No. 100) Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini

    132 RUR order

show more


  • Iodomarin 100 mg No. 100 tablets Menarine von Heyden GmbH/ Berlin Chemi AG (Menarine Group), Nimechchina/Nimechchina
    107 UAH.order
  • Iodomarin 200 mg No. 50 tablets Menarini von Heyden GmbH/ Berlin Chemi AG (Menarini Group), Nimecchina/Nimecchina

    107 UAH order


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Overdose symptoms and side effects

Overdose symptoms:

  1. Vomit.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. Abdominal pain.
  4. Appearance of brown color on mucous membranes.
  5. Dehydration.
  6. Shock.
  7. Esophageal stenosis.

Side effects:

  1. Increased salivation.
  2. Tearing.
  3. Hives.
  4. Increased body temperature.
  5. The appearance of acne on the body.
  6. Hemorrhages into the skin.
  7. The appearance of a runny nose, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, etc.

Pharmacological properties


Iodine is a vital trace element that is a component of the thyroid hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Thyroid hormones are involved in the development of all organs and systems, in the regulation of metabolic processes in the body: they are responsible for the exchange of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and energy in the body, regulate the activity of the brain, the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the reproductive and mammary glands, as well as the growth and child development.

Iodine deficiency is especially dangerous for children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women.

Is it possible to drink Yodomarin during pregnancy?

"Iodomarin" during pregnancy only brings benefits to the body. With a lack of iodine, the functioning of the heart and nervous system is disrupted, and the immune system deteriorates.

Iodine deficiency causes irritability, memory deteriorates, performance decreases several times, and pain appears in the head area.

During pregnancy, the need for iodine only increases, which is why doctors prescribe Iodomarin. This drug allows the expectant mother and child to avoid many diseases.

In the early stages

In the early stages of pregnancy, Iodomarin is beneficial for the woman, since the fetus does not yet have a thyroid gland, and its condition is completely dependent on the mother’s hormones.

In the 1st trimester, organs begin to form. If there is a lack of iodine, this process will be disrupted. This most severely affects the fetal brain, which leads to serious diseases.

The use of iodine can reduce the likelihood of miscarriage and stop the development of the child. It is necessary to prepare the body for bearing a fetus in advance, so Iodomarin should be taken 6 months before planning a pregnancy.

In the later stages

The body needs iodine throughout pregnancy and even during breastfeeding. If this element is in short supply in the body, hypoxia may begin. In the last term, the child is actively growing and his skeleton begins to form.

Thus, the development of the child depends entirely on the amount of iodine in the mother’s body. It is also worth understanding that the lack of this element affects the amount of breast milk, in some cases the milk disappears completely.

To which patients and why do doctors prescribe iodomarin?

Photo 1Why do we even need iodine?
Most people associate this word with dark brown, very dirty liquid in tiny pharmaceutical bottles. Application – treatment of small wounds, “mesh”, rinsing – it seems that’s all. In fact, the body needs iodine extremely . Example: Without this element, the thyroid gland will not be able to produce two of the three hormones it produces. These compounds, triiodothyronine and tetraiodothyronine (aka T3 and T4), control our metabolic processes.

If there are not enough hormones, your metabolism will slow down . Adults begin to look worse, lose mental and physical activity, and risk becoming infertile. In children, the situation is even worse: they can be catastrophically retarded in growth and/or development.

A doctor may prescribe iodine for the following main reasons:

  • the patient has a deficiency of this element;
  • prevention of iodine deficiency is necessary (for example, in unfavorable areas);
  • we are talking about the expectant mother, whose thyroid gland provides hormones for the main part of the pregnancy not only to the woman, but also to her embryo/fetus;
  • It is necessary to ensure hormonal balance for a breastfeeding patient.

For information .
Iodomarin is not a hormonal drug. There is also a misconception that this remedy has some kind of radiation activity. In fact, we are talking about another drug (iodine-131), which is used for radiological studies or in the treatment of serious thyroid diseases. Instructions for taking iodomarin are included in each package of the product. Some of the information in it is understandable only to doctors. But there is also a lot of important information for the person taking the drug: for example, about overdose and side effects.

Although a prescription is not required to purchase iodomarin, it should be purchased only if the drug is prescribed by a doctor.
For people prone to self-medication, such a restriction sometimes seems unnecessary. For example, feeling constant fatigue, a person concludes: “I definitely don’t have enough iodine.” Meanwhile, it’s enough just to adjust your daily routine. Important ! Iodine-containing drugs are prescribed only by doctors and only after confirmation of a deficiency of this element. There are diseases with mild symptoms or difficult to diagnose, for which the use of such medications is strictly prohibited.

About the importance of Yoda

The human endocrine system is not able to perform its functions without iodine. It is necessary for the production of sufficient amounts of hormones that affect the entire body and its systems. The thyroid gland is directly related to metabolism, the functioning of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems.

Lack of iodine affects a person’s performance, emotional state and appearance. What symptoms can prove that a person is experiencing iodine deficiency?

  • Drowsiness, fatigue.
  • Apathy, indifference to what is happening around.
  • Dull and dry skin, brittle nails and hair.
  • Problems with concentration and attention, decreased level of intelligence.

Unfortunately, such problems occur in 56% of the European population. The situation is even worse in iodine-deficient areas, where food is not fortified with minerals.

There are a majority of such areas in our country. In addition, residents of Russia rarely eat seaweed, and prefer to fry fish from the salt seas, destroying the iodine in it.

Few people buy iodized salt in the store instead of regular table salt. That is why WHO recommends the use of iodine in the form of a drug for all age groups of people, from infants to older people.

Iodine is especially necessary for pregnant women. The need for this substance increases, since over the course of 9 months the expectant mother’s own iodine reserves participate in the formation of the small organism. But a woman’s compensatory capabilities are not unlimited, so sooner or later she runs the risk of suffering from iodine deficiency and endangering the baby.

That is why almost all pregnancy specialists recommend starting to take Iodomarin to replenish iodine reserves from the first trimester.

Who is at risk?

A shortage of this essential element is observed in many regions of the country among people of different ages. Therefore, experts have developed regimens for the prophylactic administration of iodine-containing drugs, which should be used for the entire child population, as well as all those who live in disadvantaged areas where the content of this element in food is minimal. But first of all, prevention should be carried out in risk groups.

The main risk groups include:

  1. newborns fed artificial formulas not fortified with iodine;
  2. children aged 1-4 years who do not consume iodine-containing products and do not take special medications, since they are simply not produced for this age;
  3. children of kindergarten and primary school age who experience constant stress, are often ill, are lagging behind in neuropsychic and physical development, and have low performance at school;
  4. children who have relatives suffering from endemic goiter, as well as children after a course of treatment for this disease;
  5. teenagers 11-18 years old who need an increased amount of iodine, since adolescence is a period of complex hormonal changes in the body.

In addition, people who are forced to live in areas contaminated with radioactive elements need prevention. In this case, the iodine supplied with the drug prevents radioactive iodine from entering the body.

Which is better: Iodomarin or Yodaktiv

Often, doctors can prescribe one of the drugs: “Iodomarin” or “Iodaktiv”. These drugs are very similar, have the same properties, the available dosage is 100 and 200 mcg. It is impossible to say unequivocally that one drug is worse and another is better, or that one drug will cause harm and another will do good.

You can often hear that “Iodaktiv” is classified as a dietary supplement, and “Iodomarin” is referred to as a medicine. It is worth considering that the content of substances and beneficial properties are the same in both cases.

The difference lies in the manufacturer and cost of the drug. Often doctors themselves suggest choosing a drug from the proposed options.

Advice! It is not recommended to use Iodomarin if THT is elevated. This is due to the fact that iodine increases THT levels and harm to health is inevitable.

Useful video

Everything you need to know before taking Iodomarin - contraindications and side effects, dosage and other recommendations:

The drug Iodomarin is prescribed for therapeutic and preventive treatment for diseases of the thyroid gland. The drug has proven itself positively, but in some cases, its use may be accompanied by side effects from various body systems. Therefore, Iodomarin (like other pharmaceutical drugs) should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist who, if necessary, can change drug therapy - prescribe an analogue or adjust the dosage.

special instructions

It should be taken into account that during drug therapy in patients with renal failure, hyperkalemia may develop. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to exclude the presence of hyperthyroidism or nodular toxic goiter in the patient, as well as a history of these diseases. If there is a predisposition to autoimmune thyroid diseases, the formation of antibodies to thyroid peroxidase is possible. Saturation of the thyroid gland with iodine can prevent the accumulation of radioactive iodine used for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. In this regard, it is not recommended to take the drug before carrying out activities using radioactive iodine.

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