A relative of peroxide - hydroperite in tablets and solution

Composition and release form

Hydroperite is produced in the form of white tablets with small crystalline inclusions. The active component of the drug is urea peroxide. It is produced by a chemical reaction of urea and hydrogen peroxide. Each tablet contains 1.5 mg of this substance.

This product should be stored in a cool and dark place. Under the influence of light and heat, the substance loses its aseptic qualities. If all storage rules are followed, Hydroperit is suitable for use for 2 years.

The tablets are packaged in packs of 6 or 8 pieces.

A relative of peroxide - hydroperite in tablets and solution

Hi all!

I continue the “peroxide” topic started in the article about hydrogen peroxide, and today I want to talk about one of its interesting forms of existence, which we rarely encounter - hydroperite.

general information

Hydroperite tablets are hard white, weighing 1.5 g each. When dissolved in water, they give a salty-bitter taste (use inside is strictly prohibited!).

The base of the tablet is the substance urea, to which peroxide is added.

If you are interested in the formula of hydroperite, then most often it is written like this: CO (NH2) 2•H2O2. This substance is a so-called clathrate - that is, a compound in whose crystal lattice, or rather in its voids, molecules of hydrogen peroxide are included.

Why is hydrogen peroxide produced, in addition to solution, also in tablets? If you read my article about peroxide, you saw information that this substance is very unstable, especially when heated and exposed to light. It immediately begins to decompose with the release of oxygen, which can lead to dire consequences if there are flammable or explosive substances nearby.

This problem does not arise with hydroperite. This substance is much more resistant to external factors, it is easier to transport, it takes up less space, and is lighter in weight. peroxide content in it can reach 35%. Compare with a 100 ml bottle of ordinary pharmacy peroxide, its weight and the space it occupies, considering that here the concentration of the substance we need is only 3%.

You can buy hydroperite at a pharmacy; it is usually sold in packages of 6-8 tablets and is inexpensive. More precisely, it was worth it. I haven’t bought it for a long time, and then it suddenly suddenly disappeared from our pharmacies. Recently I ran around the whole city in search, but found only a few and almost three times more expensive than it was a year ago. Very shocked.

How to prepare solutions of different concentrations

Hydroperite tablets are more convenient and versatile to use. Depending on the volume of water in which you dissolve them, you can prepare solutions of different concentrations.

For example, to obtain a 3% solution, it is enough to dissolve 1 tablet in 1 tablespoon of water (approximately 10-15 ml).

If you need a solution for rinsing your mouth or throat, then take a glass of water, preferably warm. This will give you a concentration of about 0.25%, which will not leave any burns in your throat or mouth.

The main thing is not to delay rinsing, use the solution immediately, since in the light and in warm water peroxide gradually breaks down and loses its medicinal bactericidal properties.

Please note that hydroperite tablets dissolve quite slowly in water, especially cold water. Therefore, it is better to crush them first, for example, by wrapping them in a plastic bag and tapping it with a hammer.

The method, of course, is barbaric, but not everyone has a mortar and pestle at home, but I think everyone has a hammer.

And for dissolution it is better to take warm or even hot water, since the dissolution reaction occurs with the absorption of heat, the solution will cool down quite quickly.

For experiments on obtaining foam, you need a fairly concentrated solution, so you need to take 10 tablets per 100 ml of water for the experiment to be successful.

Use in everyday life

Hydroperite is used in almost the same way as hydrogen peroxide. Most often - as a disinfectant.

If you want to do wet cleaning of your home at the same time as disinfection, dissolve five hydroperite tablets in five liters of water. Wipe dishes, tables, refrigerators and other hard surfaces with this solution.

You can dissolve 1 tablet in a tablespoon of water and add a few drops of the resulting solution to the cleaning product. This way you will get both a cleaning and a bactericidal effect at the same time.

I guess I’ll finish with hydroperite here.

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who responded to my request in the recent newsletter and article. I will be enrolling my son in first grade this year.

The past two weeks have been collecting all the necessary documents. We went through a speech therapist and a quest called “medical examination.” A real test of patience. We collected all the necessary information and made a portfolio.

Today we finally took the documents to school, wrote an application, filled out a form and received an invitation to an interview on May 26th.

I've been on vacation for four weeks now and, to be honest, I squeal from time to time and want to go to work. I've done so much in these weeks! We celebrated Nauryz, went with our son to the School of Young Cooks and the Smart Museum, and one of these days we are going to the dolphinarium.

Source: https://kidschemistry.ru/kak-primenyat-v-bytu-i-rastvoryat-tabletki-gidroperita.html

The effect of the drug on the body

If you apply a solution of Hydroperite to a wound, its active substance begins to interact with the enzymes of the human body. Oxygen is released, which is accompanied by the formation of foam. This helps disinfect skin lesions. In addition, Hydroperit is able to slightly stop bleeding. The disinfectant effect of the drug is similar to hydrogen peroxide. When treating wounds, the product is not absorbed into the blood.

Large amounts of Hydroperite can burn the skin. Sometimes the drug is used to absorb unpleasant odors. The product also has a depigmenting effect and is used to bleach hair.

Precautionary measures

Hydroperit has no special contraindications. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy, lactation, or for hypersensitivity. The drug should always be used with caution by people prone to allergies. Itching, burning, discomfort are clear signs that you should stop using the drug.

Advice! Before use, it is better to do an allergy test. To do this, apply a small amount of the mixture to the skin of the arm near the outer bend of the elbow. If there is any irritation, use should be discontinued.

Contraindications and side effects

Local treatment with Hydroperit solution is not carried out if a person is hypersensitive to the effects of urea and hydrogen peroxide. This is expressed in the appearance of deep ulcers on the skin or mucous membranes after treatment with the drug . But this phenomenon is observed very rarely.

The use of Hydroperite for disinfection of deep and extensive wounds is unacceptable. If it comes into contact with the wound area, a short-term burning sensation may occur. Some patients are allergic to this drug.

If you gargle with Hydroperite too often, the taste buds on your tongue may grow and enlarge.

To avoid side effects, you must strictly observe the proportions of the solution . If the gargle or wound treatment is too concentrated, there is a risk of getting a burn. If a high concentration solution accidentally gets on your skin, you should rinse the burned area with water as soon as possible.

Care must be taken with Hydroperit solution. This remedy has a burning effect and is far from harmless. Under no circumstances should the composition come into contact with the eyes. This can lead to partial loss of vision due to corneal burns. It is also very dangerous if the solution gets inside, as there is a high risk of burning the mucous membranes . In such cases, emergency medical attention is required.

Hydroperite for gargling with sore throat

Hydrogen peroxide is a simple and affordable remedy widely used in medicine. Gargling with hydrogen peroxide for a sore throat has an antibacterial effect and helps relieve sore throat. What is the effectiveness of the drug, what are the contraindications for use and how to make a rinse solution?


Hydrogen peroxide is the simplest peroxide, with the chemical formula H2O2. It is a colorless, tasteless and odorless liquid that easily dissolves in water and other liquids.

In the chemical industry, peroxide is used as a solvent and oxidizing agent, in medical institutions it is used to disinfect devices, and in folk medicine - as an antiseptic that can be either applied to the skin or consumed orally (not in pure form, but in solution).

When it comes into contact with inflamed tonsils, the drug has the following effect:

  • saturates tissues with oxygen, due to which the tonsils are cleansed from mucus, blood and pus;
  • accelerates metabolic processes and blood circulation;
  • stimulates local immunity and increases throat resistance to infections;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds;
  • Hydrogen peroxide for sore throat has an antibacterial and antimicrobial effect;
  • disinfects and disinfects the throat.

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide is used not only for sore throat, but also successfully fights against such throat diseases as: pharyngitis, stomatitis, ARVI, as well as follicular (clinical form of the disease), catarrhal (initial form of sore throat) and lacunar (purulent) sore throat.

How to prepare a rinse solution

Do not gargle with hydrogen peroxide in its pure form, as it can burn the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. To rinse with a solution, it must first be diluted with water (the proportions are indicated below).

In order to prepare the mixture for rinsing, you need to dilute 1 tbsp in 100 ml of warm water. spoon of hydrogen peroxide and mix thoroughly with a spoon.

For rinsing, you can also use tableted peroxide: hydroperite. In order to prepare a mixture for rinsing with hydroperite, you need to dissolve 1 tablet of the drug in 200 ml of warm water.

Important! In order for the treatment to be beneficial and not harmful, the rinse preparation is purchased exclusively at the pharmacy. Before purchasing, be sure to look at the production date and make sure that the drug has not expired.

How to rinse

Hydrogen peroxide is used as a concomitant treatment method and does not replace medication prescribed by a doctor. Stages of the procedure:

  1. Preparation . Before the first procedure, the throat must be rinsed with a solution of boric acid. In order to prepare the solution, you need to dilute 1 tsp of boric acid in 200 ml. warm water.
  2. Cooking . Prepare a fresh solution in compliance with the required proportions. To prepare it, you must use warm water (not cold or hot).
  3. Execution of the procedure . It is necessary to gargle for 3 minutes, not swallowing, but spitting out the liquid after each stage of rinsing. Due to the fact that the solution cannot be swallowed, this method of treatment is contraindicated in small children who do not spit, but simply swallow the contents.
  4. Completing the procedure . In order to wash away the remainder of the substance from the tonsils and prevent irritation of the mucous membrane, after performing the procedure it is necessary to gargle with chamomile infusion or water with salt.

The procedure is repeated 4-5 times a day, for a week, and each time a new rinse solution should be made.

If you follow all the recommendations of the attending physician and all stages of the procedure, the sore throat will subside after the first rinse, and the symptoms of sore throat will subside already on the second day of using the solution.

If the patient is worried not only about the throat, but also about ear pain and nasal congestion, this solution (in appropriate proportions) can be instilled into the ears and nose, but only after prior consultation with a doctor.

If the patient has lacunar (purulent) tonsillitis, in addition to rinsing, the tonsils can be treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, applying it to a cotton swab and wiping the tonsils.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed as an additional treatment for ENT organs for the following diseases:

  • With superficial damage to the tonsils (catarrhal tonsillitis);
  • Inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa (pharyngitis);
  • With a purulent process in the tonsils (lacunar and follicular tonsillitis);
  • To prevent complications from acute respiratory infections.

In any case, the drug should be prescribed by a doctor; if he prescribes hydrogen peroxide as an additional treatment, then this remedy is suitable for the treatment of a specific disease.

How to prepare a solution for treatment?

To make a composition for treating wounds, you will need 200 ml of water (1 glass) and 4 tablets of the drug. Hydroperite is immersed in water and completely dissolved.

To gargle, use a less concentrated solution - 1 tablet per glass of water. These proportions should not be exceeded.

For treatment purposes, you should use only a fresh solution of Hydroperit tablets . Instructions for use indicate the inadmissibility of storing the prepared composition.

Hydroperite is easily soluble. Boiled water is used to prepare the composition. You can pre-grind the tablets for better dissolution.

After local treatment of a wound with Hydroperit, sealed bandages should not be applied.

Important nuances

Lightening with hydroperide has its own subtleties that should be taken into account to preserve the beauty and health of curls.

Lifeless and damaged strands cannot be treated with a chemical composition, this will only worsen the situation. In this case, it is better to use a decoction of chamomile, natural lemon juice (not citric acid, since it has a different composition), and honey. These products have restorative and brightening properties.

Also consider the following nuances:

  • You can get the desired result after the first use of peroxide only on naturally light hair. If they are dark, you will have to repeat the procedure several times.
  • To enhance the effect, add ammonia to the solution, but not more than 5 drops per 200 ml, otherwise you will damage the strands.
  • Before lightening, do a test - treat the least noticeable strand with the solution, wait 30 minutes, and rinse with warm water. If you are satisfied with the result, you can begin processing the entire head of hair.
  • If you were unable to get the desired shade the first time, you can perform 4-6 procedures at intervals of 5 days so that your hair has time to recover from the effects of chemicals.
  • After the procedure, it is advisable to walk in the sun for 20-30 minutes to consolidate the result.
  • On dark strands after lightening, a red or copper tint may appear; use shampoo with a purple pigment to neutralize it.

Interaction with other substances

Hydroperite is not a stable compound. It easily interacts with other substances and loses its antiseptic properties. Urea peroxide can be destroyed under the influence of the following factors:

  • contact with complex radicals, alkalis, metal compounds;
  • light;
  • high air temperature.

If other local medications are used together with Hydroperit, the drug slightly enhances their absorption by skin cells.

Price and analogues of the drug

Almost any pharmacy sells Hydroperit tablets without a prescription. Prices for the drug are extremely low - from 12 to 45 rubles.

The closest analogue of Hydroperite in terms of active substance is Hydrogen Peroxide. Their chemical composition is very similar. People are often interested in the question: is it possible to make a solution of Hydrogen Peroxide from Hydroperite tablets? You can answer that this is impossible, since it is impossible to remove urea from the drug. However, you can prepare a composition similar to a 3% Peroxide solution by dissolving 6 Hydroperite tablets in 90 ml of water.

You can replace Hydroperit with means of similar aseptic action . Such drugs include:

  • Miramistin;
  • Vocadine;
  • Antiangin;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Kerasal.

Removing unwanted hair

To get rid of unnecessary and unsightly body hair, you need to prepare a special composition based on “Hydroperite”. Please note that removal may not take 2-3 applications, but much more. After all, you will need to completely “burn” your hair.

Prepare 3 tablets of “Hydroperit” (15%) and ten milliliters of water. Mix the ingredients.

Apply the mixture to the desired area of ​​skin. After the product has dried, it can be washed off. The procedure is repeated every two days until you get a positive result.

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