Vitamins for the eyes (in drops and with lutein) – which are the best?

Pharmacological properties

The product Lutein-complex is a new generation biological supplement, including free lutein, dried blueberry extract, vitamins A, C, E, taurine and β-carotene, as well as trace elements: selenium, copper, zinc.

The components included in its composition can provide effective protection of the visual system by enhancing the antioxidant effect, which improves and stabilizes visual functions.

Lutein tends to accumulate in the lens and central region of the retina (macula), where it is partially synthesized into zeaxanthin. The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin become a light filter and protect the main structures of the eye from the particularly aggressive, blue spectrum of daylight. They are considered the most significant antioxidants that can neutralize the effects of free radicals, preventing retinal damage leading to lens clouding.

Dry extract of blueberries Stimulates the processes of microcirculation, blood flow and metabolism at the cellular level. Contains anthocyanins, which take part in restoring reserves of the light-sensitive pigment rhodopsin, thus improving the adaptation of the eyes to different degrees of illumination and enhancing visual acuity in the twilight.

Taurine An amino acid involved in the transmission of photosignals, which can stimulate the regeneration and metabolism of tissues of the visual system. Helps normalize the function of cell membranes and activate energy metabolism processes.

Beta-carotene Otherwise called provitamin A. One molecule of beta-carotene gives rise to two molecules of vitamin A, which increases the protective properties of the human body.

Vitamin A Can improve color perception and rejuvenate cell populations. It plays a major role in redox reactions and the synthesis of elements vital for the eye.

Vitamin E Accelerates the processes of regeneration of damaged cells, participating in tissue respiration and other important processes of tissue metabolism. Prevents capillary fragility and permeability.

Vitamin C Participates in the process of restoration of visual pigments, normalizes the permeability of vascular walls.

Zinc Accumulates in the retina, iris, and choroid of the eye. Makes it possible to maintain the required level of vitamin A, takes part in the production of protein molecules.

Copper The main element of some enzymes. The lack of this element leads to fragility of blood vessels and hemorrhages into the eye cavity.

Selenium Microelement-antioxidant. Being an integral part of glutathione peroxidase, it largely determines the activity of this enzyme. Takes part in the system of protecting intracellular tissue structures from the adverse effects of reactive oxygen species.

The drug Lutein-complex includes the carotenoid lutein in a patented active free form, which is produced from natural raw materials. The unique microencapsulation technology "Actiliz" from the Swiss company DSM Nutritional Products ensures high bioavailability of the product and preservation of lutein throughout the entire shelf life of the tablets.

Release form and composition

The drug is available in the form of tablets in a dose of 500 mg, containing:

  • 2 mg lutein (from natural plant source);
  • 130 mg standardized blueberry extract;
  • 100 mg vitamin C;
  • 60 mg taurine;
  • 15 mg natural vitamin E;
  • 5 mg zinc;
  • 1.3 mg beta-carotene;
  • 0.5 mg copper;
  • 15 mcg selenium;
  • 1100 IU vitamin A.

They also produce tablets Lutein complex for children in a dose of 250 mg, containing:

  • 1 mg lutein;
  • 0.25 mg zeaxanthin;
  • 30 mg vitamin C;
  • 4 mg anthocyanins;
  • 4 mg vitamin E;
  • 3 mg zinc;
  • 50 mcg taurine;
  • 0.7 mg lycopene;
  • 250 mcg/g vitamin A.

Indications for use

Lutein complex is an additional source of essential microelements and can be used:

  • People over 50 years of age to prevent the onset of age-related changes in the internal environments of the eye, including the retina and lens.
  • For myopic people to prevent complications of the disease.
  • Active users of computer equipment.
  • For chronic eye fatigue syndrome.
  • With prolonged exposure to high-intensity lighting on the organ of vision (welding, spotlights).
  • Athletes during training and competitions (windsurfing, alpine skiing), to prevent exposure of the eyes to light rays reflected from water or snow surfaces.
  • Persons living in areas of high insolation.

Directions for use and dosage

The drug is taken orally with water during meals.

Lutein complex, according to the instructions, is prescribed 1 tablet once a day. If necessary, the dosage is increased to 3 tablets.

For the purpose of prevention, the dietary supplement is taken in 2-month courses twice a year, in all other cases - according to indications. There are no restrictions on the duration of use of the drug.

Lutein complex for children is prescribed:

  • 2 tablets per day - children 7-10 years old;
  • 3 tables each per day for children 11 years and older.

The duration of prophylactic use is 1-2 months, the recommended number of courses per year is 2. And although there are no restrictions on the duration of use for this drug, in other cases the use of Lutein complex is recommended only as prescribed by a doctor - in the specified dosage and for a certain period.


This dietary supplement has no structural analogues. The following drugs are similar in their mechanism of action and belong to the same pharmacological group: ActiVin Life, Antiox, Antioxyfit, Antip, Aronodikvertin, Atheroklefit, Bon Si, Bonisan, Brain Complex, Vsesil, Garlevit, Gotu Kola, Grinton, Vigilance, Inflaminat, Candi- Trim, Capilar, Kledist, Kudesan, Lekor, Leptonic, Leptoprotect, Lysivit-S, Litolysin, Lohelan, Long Life, Margali, Milk Thistle, Morinda, Oxin, Oxytex, Oculist, Persiphen, Pollinat, Pulmosin, Revenol, Ricolin, Sevitin, Synergin, Stimmunal, Stomak, Strix forte, Tomatol, Fitalgin, Fitokvertin, Flavoprimum, Essentsil-E, etc.

general information

The drug is made on the basis of carotenoids of natural origin. This is not a medicine, but a biologically active food supplement.

Table 1 – General information

NameLutein complex
CompoundLutein, blueberry extract, taurine, vitamin A, C, E, beta-carotene, zinc, selenium, copper
A countryRussia

Lutein complex tab. 570mg n30

from 320 ₽


Reviews from patients and doctors

Anastasia, accountant:

“At work I’m always on the computer, and in the evening I check my son’s homework. Six months ago, I began to notice that after 8 pm my eyes turned red, hurt, and the mucous membranes became dry. After trying to blink or massage the eyes, tearing began. The ophthalmologist prescribed me Lutein-complex. The doctor warned that this is a dietary supplement, and the effect will only be after a course of treatment. After a few weeks of use, the redness and dryness disappeared. And after 2 months, eye fatigue disappeared as if by hand! A pack of 90 tablets is more affordable. I bought Lutein-complex for children for my child because it’s an effective drug!”

Evgeniy, programmer:

“I was diagnosed with myopia at school, and from then on the vision in my right eye began to deteriorate significantly. He underwent surgery - laser coagulation of the retina. Recovery went poorly. By the evening there were crazy pains in the eye, lacrimation. The ophthalmologists shrugged their shoulders, everything was normal, the operation went well. The drops didn't help. It was unbearable to work. In general, an absolutely hopeless situation! Somehow I came across a review about Lutein Forte on the Internet. After the first week of taking it, the pain began to go away, although I took 3 tablets a day! This means that the eye still lacked some vitamins! The drug really helps."

Lyudmila Nikolaevna, ophthalmologist:

“Lutein complex contains all the substances necessary for the eye. A dose of 2 grams covers the daily requirement of the eyes for lutein. Only 20% of the required amount comes from food. Lack of pigment leads to myopia, macular degeneration, and vascular sclerosis. The benefits of the Lutein complex have been proven by clinical trials in domestic research centers. And prescribing the product to my patients every day, I see the effect and have no doubt about its effectiveness.”

In what cases should you take the drug?

Lutein complex is used to prevent eye diseases. List of main risk factors for vision loss:

  • Your job involves eye strain during the day and bright light.
  • In the evening, the eyeballs and temples hurt, and there is a feeling of “sand” in the eyes.
  • You find yourself squinting often.
  • Blood relatives have vision problems.
  • You are experiencing progressive deterioration in your visual function.
  • You are a fan of sports associated with bright sunlight (for example, mountaineering).

Lutein complex is part of complex treatment in the following cases:

  • retinal dystrophy of various origins;
  • myopia;
  • retinopathy in arterial hypertension;
  • diabetic microangiopathy;
  • age-related changes in the vitreous body, retina, lens;
  • postoperative period after eye surgery.

Indications are determined by a doctor, so before starting use, seek advice from a specialist.

Contraindications, side effects

According to the instructions, the drug is prohibited for use:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • people with individual intolerance to components.

An allergic reaction is manifested by difficulty breathing, digestive disorders or skin irritations: peeling, inflammation, itching. If these symptoms occur, you should stop taking vitamins and take one antihistamine tablet.


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Lutein complex

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Based on customer reviews, we identified the main advantages of the drugs. It turned out that the complex not only relieves eye fatigue, improves sharpness and twilight vision, but also:

  • reduces photosensitivity;
  • prevents dryness, burning, redness, headache;
  • maintains the normal state of the visual apparatus.

Analogues of Lutein, list of drugs

There are no complete analogues of Lutein complex in pharmacies, but there are preparations containing lutein that are similar in action and composition. List of drugs:

  1. Blueberry Forte,
  3. Okuwait Lutein,
  4. Anthocyanin Forte,
  5. Nutrof Total,
  6. Complivit Oftalmo.

Important - instructions for use of Lutein complex, price and reviews do not apply to analogues and cannot be used as a guide to the use of drugs of similar composition or action. All therapeutic prescriptions must be made by a doctor. When replacing Lutein complex with an analogue, it is important to consult a specialist; you may need to change the course of therapy, dosages, etc. Do not self-medicate!

Price and where to buy

You can buy eye vitamins at a pharmacy or online store.

The supplement is sold at an affordable price on the Zdravcity website:

Lutein complex tab. 570mg n30

from 320 ₽


Table 3 – Prices for dietary supplements

Pharmacy namePrice for 30 tablets, rub.
asna.ru233 (the promotion is valid only under one condition - the order must be placed in an amount of 3 thousand rubles or more)

Side effects

A large number of reviews from patients who took Lutein Complex or gave it to their children indicate that this biologically active supplement is well tolerated and does not have side effects if the recommended dosages are followed. This fact is confirmed by doctors, because In clinical practice, no cases of any serious side effects of the drug have been reported. In extremely rare cases - in the presence of hypersensitivity or intolerance to one or another component of the dietary supplement - allergic reactions are possible.

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