Mistletoe: medicinal properties and contraindications, reviews from doctors

What it looks like and where it grows

White mistletoe (Viscum album) is a perennial evergreen plant from the Mistletoe family. It parasitizes the branches of coniferous and deciduous trees, sending branched roots under their bark.

It has bare green or brownish woody stems up to 1 m long. The leaves of the plant are opposite, leathery, pale green in color and sessile, obtuse at the apex with a solid edge, and fall off in the second year of life. White mistletoe flowers are small, clustered in groups of 3-6 at the ends of the shoots, and yellowish-green in color. The plant blooms in March and April. In August and September it bears fruit - spherical or slightly oblong false berries, white when ripe, with one or two seeds.

White mistletoe is also called goldenfoil or cross grass.

Mistletoe is common in Europe and Transcaucasia, in Asian countries. In Russia you can find it in Altai, the Kaliningrad region and the North Caucasus.

Attention! The fruits of white mistletoe are toxic to humans, but are beneficial in folk medicine.

Description of the plant

White mistletoe is an evergreen perennial, resembling a shrub in its shape. Outwardly, it looks like a ball, up to twenty centimeters in diameter, consisting of long, intertwined branches, green in color, sometimes with a brown tint. They are very fragile. Thick, oval, five-centimeter leaves with a pale green tint grow at the tips.

At the beginning of spring, white mistletoe blooms. Her flowers are yellow-green. At the beginning of autumn, the fruits ripen - these are false berries, about one centimeter in diameter, oblong in shape. Mistletoe seeds are carried by birds. The plants grow quickly; as soon as the seeds penetrate a crack in the tree bark, mistletoe grows from there.

Mistletoe has many other names. Because of its shape it was nicknamed the witch's nest. It is also called oakberry, cross grass, kissing grass, bird hazel, winter seeds.

Composition of mistletoe

A photo of the white mistletoe plant, its properties and benefits are of interest due to the rich composition of the leaves, shoots and other parts. Culture contains:

  • alkaloids;
  • vitamin B4;
  • chlorogenic and caffeic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • mannitol and amatoxins;
  • neuromoderators and triterpenoids;
  • histamines and eleutherosides;
  • ursolic acid;
  • tocopherol;
  • gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Since many substances in the culture are toxic, it must be used with great caution and strictly according to recipes.

White mistletoe benefits asthma and tuberculosis

What heals and medicinal properties of mistletoe herb

The medicinal properties of white mistletoe have been known for many decades. The plant is included in many pharmaceutical preparations. Leaf remedies:

  • help with bleeding;
  • help cure neuralgia;
  • dilate blood vessels and benefit angina pectoris;
  • reduce blood pressure;
  • improve the condition of gout and rheumatism;
  • promote the resorption of abscesses;
  • have an anthelmintic effect;
  • help with painful and heavy menstruation in women;
  • serve as prevention of cancer.

Plant-based products are used for cramps, migraines and dizziness.

Medicinal properties of mistletoe shoots

In folk medicine, not only the green parts of white mistletoe are used, but also its wood. Decoctions and infusions of fresh and dry shoots of the plant bring benefits:

  • for bleeding, wounds and cuts;
  • for nervous disorders and severe stress;
  • for swelling and inflammatory processes in the urinary system;
  • with high blood pressure;
  • for pain in muscles and joints;
  • with weakened immunity.

The shoots are used for epilepsy and cardiovascular disorders. Preparations based on them help with benign tumors of the reproductive system in women.

The healing properties of white mistletoe for weight loss

Decoctions and infusions of white mistletoe have valuable dietary properties. First of all, the plant has a diuretic effect and helps remove excess fluids, toxins and waste from the body. Due to this, weight loss is achieved. In addition, the valuable substances in the plant help maintain healthy muscle mass and are especially beneficial if you combine the use of mistletoe preparations with dietary nutrition and sports exercises.

It is recommended to take herbal infusions on an empty stomach shortly before meals to speed up metabolism. In total, mistletoe for weight loss is consumed no longer than a week and strictly in safe dosages.

White mistletoe should not be used during a mono-diet, it will do more harm than good

What are the benefits of mistletoe herb for men?

White mistletoe is actively used in the treatment of prostatitis and impotence. The plant improves blood supply to the pelvic organs, prevents inflammation and helps cope with existing genitourinary ailments.

Decoctions and infusions from the leaves and shoots of the culture have strengthening properties. Proper use of mistletoe helps increase immunity and overall stamina, which is in demand for men experiencing heavy physical and emotional stress.


The Mistletoe genus includes about 70 plant species. All of them belong to the order Santaloceae, the overwhelming majority of which are semi- or complete parasites.

Mistletoe: medicinal properties and contraindications for weight loss and diabetes. Tincture recipe, herbal infusion

Dicotyledonous mistletoe is classified as a semi-parasite because it only feeds on the host tree and has an autonomous mechanism of photosynthesis.

Methods of preparation and use

Traditional medicine prepares strong tinctures and aqueous medicines based on white mistletoe. Both types of drugs have a strong therapeutic effect and require careful use.

How to prepare mistletoe tincture with vodka

You can make a tincture of white mistletoe for inflammatory processes in the body. Recipe:

  1. The shoots and leaves of the plant are crushed in a volume of 100 g.
  2. Pour the raw material with 500 ml of high-quality vodka.
  3. Close the vessel and put it in a cool, dark place for two weeks.
  4. From time to time, remove the container to shake thoroughly.

The finished strained product is consumed 40 drops three times a day. It is best to take the drug shortly before meals.

Advice! You can use mistletoe vodka tincture to disinfect cuts and inflammations.

Treatment with white mistletoe tincture is carried out for up to three weeks in a row.

Mistletoe infusion

An aqueous infusion of white mistletoe is used for tumors and intestinal disorders, epilepsy and tuberculosis. Recipe for making the product:

  1. Measure out 1.5 small spoons of dry herb from the plant.
  2. Pour 250 ml of fresh boiling water.
  3. Cover with a lid and leave for an hour.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth.

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The infusion is taken three times a day, two small spoons on an empty stomach. When heated, the product is also used for rinsing during inflammatory processes in the throat and mouth.

White mistletoe infusion is good for hypertension and migraines caused by vascular spasms

Decoction, tea

In the treatment of epilepsy and neurological diseases, a decoction of white mistletoe has a good effect. Traditional medicine offers the following recipe:

  1. The dry grass of the plant is crushed in a volume of 10 g.
  2. Pour a glass of liquid and place on the stove.
  3. After boiling, boil for another 1-2 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and leave covered for half an hour.

The strained decoction is taken 5 ml three times a day. Drinking it is also useful for chronic fatigue and decreased reproductive functions in men and women.

Tea made from white mistletoe branches is good for atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and hormonal imbalances. It is prepared in a “cold” way:

  1. Pour 5 g of crushed shoots into a glass container.
  2. Pour in 250 ml of cold water.
  3. Leave the product to infuse for ten hours.

Strained tea is consumed in a glass three times a day for a maximum of three weeks.

White mistletoe tea, prepared in cold water, retains vitamins and acids in full


The beneficial properties of white mistletoe can be applied externally. A healing ointment is prepared to treat skin for wounds, purulent inflammations and burns. The recipe looks like this:

  1. Measure out six large spoons of dry mistletoe leaves.
  2. Pour in 50 ml of olive oil.
  3. Place the vessel in a shaded place for a month, removing it from time to time to mix the raw materials.
  4. After the expiration date, filter the oil and add 50 ml of lanolin to it.
  5. Heat the mass in a water bath until smooth.
  6. Add 15 g of ripe mashed mistletoe berries and mix again.

The product must be stored in the refrigerator. The ointment is used to treat injuries and inflamed areas; it disinfects tissue, accelerates healing and softens the skin.

Instead of lanolin for mistletoe ointment, you can use Vaseline or another fat base


Homeopathic white mistletoe essence is available for purchase in pharmacies. A concentrated preparation based on shoots and leaves of the plant is prescribed mainly for hypertension and arrhythmia, as well as for bleeding and female gynecological ailments.

The essence is usually consumed 5-7 drops per small spoon of water. The product should be taken on an empty stomach.

Mistletoe essence will be more beneficial if you do not swallow it immediately, but keep it in your mouth for a while

The use of mistletoe in folk medicine

White mistletoe preparations are highly valued in the treatment of reproductive diseases. They are also used to improve the condition of hypertension and digestive disorders.

When potency weakens

For decreased libido in men, mistletoe tincture is recommended for use. The remedy is done as follows:

  1. Grind 200 g of dry shoots of the plant and pour in 200 ml of medical alcohol 70%.
  2. For a week, remove the container in a place protected from sunlight.
  3. Strain when ready.

The recipe for white mistletoe tincture advises taking the drug three times a day for two weeks. A single dosage is 20 drops.

Advice! If the results of therapy are unsatisfactory, after a month's break the treatment can be repeated.

For hemorrhoids

The astringent properties of white mistletoe help to cope with hemorrhoidal bleeding and relieve inflammation. The plant is used to prepare sitz baths, and the solution is made as follows:

  1. In an enamel container, bring 1 liter of water to a boil.
  2. Add 60 g of dry white mistletoe.
  3. Heat the product over medium heat for five minutes.
  4. Remove from the stove and keep covered for another 20 minutes.

The resulting broth is filtered to remove sediment, and then poured into a convenient shallow basin. Take a bath with a temperature of no more than 37 °C for 10-15 minutes.

Use sitz baths with mistletoe infusion for hemorrhoids every evening for ten days in a row.

For eczema

Instructions for use of white mistletoe recommend using a decoction of the plant for inflammatory skin diseases. The product relieves exacerbations and softens the epidermis, and also prevents the development of infections. The recipe for preparing the drug is as follows:

  1. 50 g of dry shoots and leaf plates of the plant are thoroughly crushed.
  2. Pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave covered for half an hour.
  3. Place the bowl with the infusion on low heat and add 250 g of sea salt.
  4. While heating slowly, stir until the grains are completely dissolved, without allowing the product to boil.

The finished broth should be cooled to a warm state and a clean cloth should be moistened in it, and then wipe the affected areas of the skin or apply a compress. The product can be used up to four times per day; the drug is prepared anew every day.

For fibroids

White mistletoe helps in the treatment of benign tumors of the reproductive system in women. Usually, for fibroids, the following preparation is prepared:

  1. Dry mistletoe and shepherd's purse herbs are mixed 20 g each.
  2. Add a similar amount of birdweed.
  3. Measure out 15 g of the mixture and pour a glass of hot water.
  4. Bring to a boil and simmer for three minutes.

The finished product must be cooled and filtered. Take 125 ml of decoction on an empty stomach twice a day, and continue use for two weeks in total.

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For hypertension

White mistletoe is considered one of the best remedies for reducing blood pressure. The following infusion has a good effect:

  1. The dry plant is crushed and 5 g is measured.
  2. Pour a glass of hot water over the herb and leave it covered for eight hours.
  3. Strain through cheesecloth.

The resulting infusion must be divided into three equal parts. It is consumed shortly before meals, and therapy is continued for three weeks.

For bleeding

Treatment with mistletoe is carried out for uterine and other bleeding. The tincture is most often used, and it is prepared as follows:

  1. 25 g of dry shoots are ground to a powder.
  2. Pour 100 ml of good vodka into the raw material.
  3. Place the vessel in a dark place for five days.
  4. After the expiration date, filter.

You need to take the product three times a day in between meals. Drink 30 drops of the tincture, after dissolving it in a small amount of water.

In total, treatment with mistletoe tincture is recommended to continue for up to two weeks, followed by a break.

For rheumatism

For rheumatism and arthritis, inflammation and pain in the joints are well relieved by water infusion. The cooking recipe looks like this:

  1. Dry shoots and grass of the plant are crushed to a powder state.
  2. Measure out 60 g of raw material and pour in 1 liter of warm liquid.
  3. Boil over low heat for five minutes, and then leave for another half hour.

In the strained preparation, you need to moisten a cotton cloth and apply it to the sore spot. The compress is secured with a warm bandage on top and left for 1.5-2 hours.

For swelling

The diuretic properties of white mistletoe not only help reduce blood pressure, but also remove excess fluid from the body. The remedy is prepared as follows:

  1. The dried plant is ground into powder and 5 g is measured.
  2. Pour the raw material into a glass of hot water in a thermos and leave it overnight.
  3. In the morning, filter through cheesecloth.

You need to drink 30 ml three times a day on an empty stomach. Therapy is continued for up to three months in a row.

Attention! An infusion of the plant can be used to remove salts from joints due to gout.

Application in cosmetology

Indications for the use of white mistletoe affect not only the medical, but also the cosmetological sphere. The plant has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, namely:

  • cleanses pores and helps get rid of blackheads and pimples;
  • eliminates inflammation and irritation;
  • slows down aging and smoothes out the first wrinkles;
  • restores water balance in tissues and makes the epidermis more elastic.

Infusions and decoctions of the plant are used to wipe problem areas and are used in homemade masks. In addition, the products are suitable for rinsing hair. With their help, you can get rid of itching and flaking of the scalp, eliminate dandruff and add volume to your curls.

Helpful information

There are few evergreen plants in Europe, so the flexible branches of the plant have long been used to decorate the home at Christmas. Although previously it was used for pagan rituals, and the Christian Church for a long time prohibited its use. It is believed that the beautiful tradition of kissing under mistletoe branches also has pagan roots.

Traditional uses of mistletoe

The fact is that among the Druids and Scandinavians this plant was considered a symbol of peace, next to which you should lay down your weapons and hug. In the end, what difference does it make where the tradition comes from? The main thing is that it improves mood and helps young couples improve relationships. They also make glue from berry juice to catch small birds.

Contraindications to the use of white mistletoe

The benefits and harms of white mistletoe depend on the characteristics of the body. You should not take plant-based products:

  • with asthenia;
  • with hypotension;
  • for kidney and gallstones;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in case of malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • for individual allergies.

When using the plant, it is important to adhere to safe dosages and remember the toxic components in the herb and berries. If nausea, diarrhea, dizziness and migraines develop while consuming white mistletoe, you should immediately stop taking the medications and consult a doctor.

Collection and preparation

The shoots and leaves of the medicinal plant are harvested in late autumn or winter. Mistletoe is removed entirely from the branches of the trees on which it grows, and the necessary parts are cut off from it on the ground.

For medical use, it is recommended to collect thin branches no more than 20 cm in length and small healthy leaves. For long-term storage, the workpieces are dried in a warm room with good ventilation, and then poured into paper bags or glass containers. Raw materials should be stored in a dark cabinet with low humidity.

Subject to storage conditions, white mistletoe retains its valuable properties for up to three years.

Usage history

Mistletoe is surrounded by a huge number of legends; from ancient times it was considered a magical gift of nature and was highly valued. In ancient legends, Mistletoe is called the “golden branch”. And the Druid traditions prescribed cutting off Mistletoe branches exclusively with a golden knife or sickle. The Druids believed that Mistletoe, growing on sacred oak trees, had exceptional properties - it was very rare, and its collection was a real holiday with ritual ceremonies and sacrifices. The Druids called Mistletoe “the one that heals everything,” and they believed that the drink from this plant was a universal antidote.

Mistletoe was believed to have secret energy that resists evil forces. Amulets were woven from bush branches and worn by women to ensure prosperity in the family, as well as for successful procreation. Mistletoe was also considered a universal master key, capable of opening doors.

In the Scandinavian countries it was believed that meeting enemies under the tree on which Mistletoe grows obliges them to lay down their arms. The branches of White Mistletoe, hung on the house, were a symbol of peace, promised hospitality, and also protected the owners of the house from lightning and thunder, and did not allow evil otherworldly forces into the home. Mistletoe shoots were placed in babies' cradle to prevent evil witches from kidnapping them. The British gave Mistletoe to cows after calving. A branch of Mistletoe placed on the threshold of a house in Australia is designed to protect owners from nightmares. The indigenous people of Japan also believed that Mistletoe healed all ailments and buried it in the ground when sowing to obtain a rich harvest.

To this day, in some regions of Europe, the tradition of weaving Christmas wreaths and home decorations from Mistletoe branches has been preserved; they are believed to attract good luck and give fertility. This wreath is kept in the house until next Christmas - for good luck, and then replaced with a new one.

Evidence of the use of Mistletoe for medicinal purposes is already found in the works of Pliny. He described it as a remedy for epileptic seizures and dizziness. In the Middle Ages, Mistletoe began to be valued as an effective remedy for healing wounds, abscesses and ulcerative skin lesions; there is evidence of the use of Mistletoe as a means to stop bleeding.

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