Prostatilen suppositories: composition, properties, dosage, indications, side effects
Prostatilen suppositories: dosage, composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications
19980 Author of the article Evgeniy Nikolaevich Konoplev Reading time: 6 minutes AA According to statistics
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Nonoxynol - description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews
Spermicides are a fairly wide group of chemical compounds that have the ability to destroy sperm. During the last
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Release form Monopril is white, round, biconvex, odorless tablets, scored with
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Aqualor Baby: instructions for use (drops, spray, soft shower for the nose and throat for children), reviews, analogues, price
Photo: Aqualor Baby is a drug based on sea water. He
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What does Aquamaris spray help with: instructions for use
Aqua Maris drops are a legendary drug that established the culture of using sea water for medicinal purposes.
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Perfectil for hair: when to use and reviews from doctors
hair » All women dream of thick, long and healthy hair. Unfortunately, there is
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The formation of skin diseases very often disrupts the normal course of human life. Besides the unpleasant appearance,
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There are restrictions during pregnancy. There are restrictions on breastfeeding. There are restrictions for children.
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Effervescent tablets Antigrippin - at what age can they be given to children?
Pharmacological authorities Pharmacodynamics. Combination drug. Paracetamol is analgesic and antipyretic, relieves headaches
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Crinon gel (vaginal tube. 90 mg/dose 1.125 g pack. combo. No. 15)
"Krinon" is a gestagenic agent used in gynecology. This medicine is actively used in relation to
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