Esperal for alcoholism: coding and side effects
"Esperal" is a toxic drug used in narcology to treat patients suffering from alcohol addiction.
Glucose: method of application and benefits
Glucose - description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews
The drug Glucose is a very necessary remedy for many patients. First of all, medication is needed
iodoxide suppositories
The effectiveness of using the drug Iodoxide in the treatment of exo- and endocervicitis of various etiologies
November 5, 2019 Obstetrics and gynecology Maria Serdyukova In gynecology to combat fungal infections
Instructions for use of the drug Dalneva - at what pressure and how to take it correctly?
Brief information about the drug Blood pressure medication Dalneva is a combination drug belonging to the pharmacological
Aerosol "A-Par": instructions, reviews, application and composition
Aerosol A-Par is an insecticidal, anti-pediculosis, antiparasitic and anti-scabies agent. It is intended for disinfection
Vesticap - description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews
Write a review Reviews: 0 Manufacturers: Ozone (Russia) Active ingredients Betahistine Class of diseases Vertebrobasilar syndrome
Diphenhydramine for children
"Diphenhydramine": what helps, instructions for use
Diphenhydramine is a strong antihistamine, used mainly as a component of the lytic mixture,
medicinal product
Instructions for use FEMOSTON® 1/5 CONTI (FEMOSTON® 1/5 CONTI)
Menopause is an integral part of the life of every representative of the fair half of humanity. These are natural processes of age
The main active ingredient is metronidazole
Rosamet cream: instructions for use, what it helps with, prices in pharmacies, analogues and reviews
Rozamet ointment is a medicinal product indicated for the treatment of dermatological diseases, symptoms of pathology
Fosfomycin in a spoon
Fosfomycin - instructions for use, indications, release form, side effects, analogues and price
Release form and composition The drug is available in powder form for the preparation of a solution for administration
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