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Angiovitis. Instructions for use, composition of vitamins. Price, analogues
Most often, people consider vitamins as an optional element in their daily diet. Many refer to drugs
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Endometriosis is a serious disease that requires complex treatment, including hormonal medications. One
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In the modern world, there is an opinion that any medical drug, fighting one problem, creates
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History of appearance and use in medicine Tramal and tramadol appeared in the early 60s.
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Functional disruptions in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system are accompanied by spasms of smooth muscle muscles. She happens to be
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How to drink vitamins correctly, complete radiance, what is the interval between courses
Surely you already know that there is such a complex as “Complivit Radiance”. Reviews about it
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Tsitovir-3: who should not take it, analogues of the drug
During the season of viral diseases, many are looking for immunomodulators and antiviral drugs, because no one can get sick
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How to take Qlaira contraceptives (Bayer) and do they help with endometriosis?
Menopause is a concept familiar to every female representative, which means the onset of the period when childbearing
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Carbamazepine tablets: what they help with, instructions for use
About how to take Carbamazepine tablets, what they help with and for what diagnoses
Indinol Forto. Reviews of women who took the drug, composition, analogues
Indinol Forto. Reviews of women who took the drug, composition, analogues
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Indinol Forto is a universal hyperplastic corrector of various pathological processes in
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