Metronidazole: instructions, composition, indications, action, reviews and prices
Metronidazole is prescribed to treat diseases caused by bacteria and protozoa. The mechanism of action of the product is based
Loperamide hydrochloride – description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews
Write a review Reviews: 0 Manufacturers: Vasudha Pharma Chem Limited, Quimica Sintetica Active ingredients Loperamide
Nolicin is a drug aimed at destroying microbes in the urinary tract and for the prevention of diarrhea
Effect of the drug Nolitsin for urinary tract infections
Nolitsin is a drug aimed at destroying microbes in the urinary tract and preventing diarrhea.
Parenteral administration of the drug Eufillina
"Eufillin": reviews. "Eufillin": indications for use
In what cases is a drip with aminophylline prescribed? Parenteral administration of aminophylline is indicated in cases of: Cupping
packaging and tube of Gepatrombin G ointment
Gepatrombin G ointment for hemorrhoids, varicose veins and inflammatory processes
Hepatrombin G is one of the popular and effective drugs for the treatment of proctological pathologies. He
"Azithromycin" for children: instructions for use, reviews
Young children get sick often, and, according to statistics, some of the most common diseases in
Vitamin B6. Benefits for the body, products, drugs in ampoules. Instructions for use, products containing, tablets, injections. Indications
Vitamin B6. Benefits for the body, products, drugs in ampoules. Instructions for use, products containing, tablets, injections. Indications
Vitamin B6 is one of the B vitamins. It is one of the most essential
Trigan-D side effects
Instructions for use of Trigana-D and what does the drug help with?
Prohibited during pregnancy Prohibited during breastfeeding Prohibited for children Restrictions for older people
Indications for use and instructions for use of calcium gluconate tablets for adults and children
With the onset of warm spring days, we feel the results of cold weather, lack of sunlight and inadequate
Bromhexine Berlin-Chemie
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics The drug Bromhexine is characterized by secretolytic (mucolytic) and expectorant properties, from which
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