Instructions for the use of Vitaon for runny nose and sinusitis for children and adults
In 90% of cases, viral and colds are accompanied by rhinitis. Its symptoms are nasal congestion,
Instructions for use of the drug Valparin and reviews about it
Has restrictions during pregnancy Prohibited during breastfeeding Has restrictions for children Has restrictions
action of arbidol
Arbidol for children. Reviews, instructions for use, dosage, analogues, price
A virus differs from a bacterium in its structure. It includes: DNA or RNA of the cell; protein shell,
TOP 6 best drugs with vitamin E: main components, purpose, features of administration, price
Products from the Aevit line help preserve beauty and youth - capsules for oral administration, gel/cream
Mistletoe: medicinal properties and contraindications, reviews from doctors
What does mistletoe (Viscum album) look like and where does it grow?
Loperamide for children
Instructions for use of the drug Loperamide for children
Author of the article: Tironova Inna Igorevna Gastroenterologist, therapist Experience 15 years Professional skills: Colon hydrotherapy, treatment of diseases
Gynecol Evalar instructions for use
"Ginekol", "Evalar": instructions for use
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics Dietary supplement, source of flavonoids, arbutin (in one tablet of flavonoids
Action of Kipferon
How do Kipferon suppositories work and in what cases are they effective?
Viral diseases of any location must be treated with appropriate medications. Interferon helps the body cope best.
Macmiror complex - description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews
Write a review Reviews: 0 Manufacturers: Poli Industria Chimica SpA Active ingredients Nystatin Nifuratel Class
Instructions for use of the drug Pergoveris
Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Pergoveris is a combined hormonal
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