Reviews from doctors about the effectiveness of prescribing Piracetam to children

Piracetam is a synthetic derivative of the neurotransmitter GABA. The drug has undergone dozens of studies around the world and is considered so effective and safe that it can be prescribed to newborns. The medicine improves neural function, which helps eliminate minor brain problems. As evidenced by reviews of the drug Piracetam, it really becomes easier for children to perceive and remember information after completing a course of therapy. Even one injection significantly increases blood flow to the brain, which helps prevent numerous consequences of birth injuries.


Piracetam is a nootropic that protects nerve tissue from harmful effects. It has a good effect on metabolic processes and blood circulation in the brain. The medicine helps to enhance the absorption of glucose by tissues.

After taking the drug, the energy potential of the brain increases. Thanks to this, resistance to oxygen starvation increases. The medication improves memory, the learning process, restores and stabilizes impaired brain functions.

Piracetam is not an antibiotic, but it can be used with this group of medications. The medication is taken before meals. You can take the product for a long period of time. The course is assigned individually.

Piracetam is available in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription. The drug is prescribed during menstruation. Can be used by HIV-infected people. In this case, an increase in dosage will be required.

Piracetam is the only drug that can not only be taken with alcoholic drinks, but is also recommended for alcohol intoxication to prevent brain disorders.

You must be careful when driving. This is due to the third-party reactions that appear. The drug lowers blood pressure.

PIRACETAM (solution)

glasses with ampoules of medicine from Belmedpreparaty.
It says on the box that it is available with a doctor's prescription. Fortunately, no one has ever asked for a prescription for this drug. Indeed, I initially learned about this drug from a neurologist. Fortunately, there are still doctors who prescribe old, proven drugs at affordable prices, and not just very expensive modern drugs with a similar effect.

The price pleased me, but I knew that the drug was always not expensive.

The ampoules with the medicine are large, since one ampoule contains as many as five milliliters.

I think that Piracetam is familiar to everyone who has encountered problems with cerebrovascular accidents. Piracetam is also taken in tablet form as an independent drug, and piracetam is included as an integral part in some tablets to improve cerebral circulation. Piracetam is one of the active elements of the drug Omaron. Of course, it is more convenient to take the medicine in tablets; you can choose something stronger (like Omaron) and with a milder effect, like Biotredin. But sometimes the stomach does not want to accept the pills and begins to rebel in every possible way, and pain in the stomach or pain in the head is not a good choice. My body always tolerates injections well, unlike pills. True, there is one problem with Piracetam. Doctors always say that it is better to inject this medicine intravenously. It is Piracetam that is injected intravenously in our neurological hospital and on an outpatient basis the doctor gives a referral to the treatment room for intravenous injections. I think that the doctors are right in this case; intravenous administration of Piracetam is better. But you don’t always want to stay in the hospital or go to the clinic for injections, and the need to improve the condition of cerebral circulation arises from time to time; it is more convenient to give an injection at home.

That's why I inject Piracetam intramuscularly. Moreover, I give one injection every other day, a total of five injections of Piracetam per course, and in the same course, respectively, every other day I inject nictin and B vitamins. There is an effect, in my opinion there is no difference in effectiveness and there is no dependence on the form of administration of the drug. The injection is not painful, the only thing is that it takes a long time to inject five milliliters, and it is better to inject it slowly so that such a large volume does not form a lump. And to be honest, there are still bumps, but they form from any injections.

The medicine box contains detailed instructions. It contains everything: name, composition, pharmacological properties, method of use, indications and contraindications. Once again I praise the Belarusian manufacturer for informing consumers, all the necessary information is present on the box and in the instructions, there are no complaints. You must read the instructions! And before using the drug for the first time, it is better to consult with a good neurologist.

Piracetam significantly relieves pressure on the ears and headaches (this is how poor circulation feels for me). After a course of injections, the head becomes clear, intelligence improves, and sleep becomes better.

The manufacturer also described the side effects and symptoms of overdose in detail.

A good drug, proven, especially effective in complex therapy. I recommend Piracetam from the Belmedpreparaty company. I have no comments about the drug from this manufacturer; there is nothing to reduce points for. You can safely buy Piracetam from this manufacturer.

Be healthy always and everywhere, thank you everyone for your attention!

Release form and composition

The drug to improve brain function is produced in the following forms:

  1. Pills . Available in 200 mg, 400 mg, 800 mg, 1200 mg. The package can contain 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 90, 100, 120, 150, 160, 180, 200, 240, 300, 360, 480 or 600 pieces.
  2. Capsules . Available in 400 mg doses. The package can contain 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 pieces.
  3. Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration . Produced in the form of a 20% solution. There are 10 ampoules in a box. Also 5 ml. There are 5, 10 or 20 ampoules in a pack.

Can children take Piracetta?

The use of Piracetam is permitted in pediatrics from the neonatal period.
A distinctive feature of nootropic drugs is their relative safety. The lack of toxic effects on the body allows them to be used in the youngest patients. The therapeutic properties of the drug are based on the following effects:

  • Has a beneficial effect on brain metabolism;
  • Improves blood circulation through the cerebral vessels;
  • Promotes nutrition of nerve cells by increasing the breakdown of glucose;
  • Improves blood fluidity;
  • Promotes the enrichment of blood in areas suffering from a lack of blood flow;
  • Protects brain cells from oxygen starvation and the effects of toxins;
  • Improves attention, memory, speech, mental functions.

Another remarkable property of Piracetam is that it does not have a calming and, on the contrary, stimulating effect on the nervous system. This makes it possible to prescribe it to children with both inhibition and hyperactivity.

Once in the body, the drug begins to act after 30 minutes, reaching its maximum concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid after 6 hours. It is distributed evenly throughout all organs, penetrates the blood-brain barrier (between neurons and blood). Partially accumulates in the cells of the cerebral cortex. It is excreted from the body unchanged by the kidneys.

Side effects

After taking a memory drug, reactions such as:

  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • increased excitability;
  • anxiety;
  • confusion;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hyperthermia;
  • asthenia;
  • hives;
  • rashes.

If third-party effects occur, you should see a specialist. A dosage reduction may be necessary. In some cases, it is necessary to stop taking the drug.

Side effects

Some children may experience side effects while taking the drug:

  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • the appearance of irritability;
  • hand tremors, anxiety;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • weakness;
  • convulsions;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach ache;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • skin itching;
  • restlessness;
  • belching;
  • regurgitation in babies;
  • bloating;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weight gain due to metabolic disorders (excess fats and carbohydrates in the diet).

The risk of such a reaction is more common in infants, since injections to the newborn are usually used to block the negative effects of postpartum brain damage.

This type of administration exhibits the most pronounced and strong effect, which is why when recommending a therapeutic course, the pediatrician advises starting with minimal dosages.

Important! If a child develops such unpleasant symptoms, you need to inform your doctor about them so that he can change the medicine or further reduce its dose.

Instructions for use and dosage (adults, elderly, during pregnancy and lactation, children)

In children over 8 years of age, the drug is used as part of the complete cure of dyslexia. Also widely used for cortical myoclonus and sickle cell anemia.

The daily dosage of the drug for adults is 30-160 mg per kilogram of body weight. Use twice a day. The dosage can be increased to three times a day.

Piracetam is also administered intravenously, very slowly. At first, use 2000-4000 mg per day. Afterwards, the dosage is promptly adjusted to 6000 mg per day. As soon as an improvement in a person’s condition is observed, the medication begins to be taken orally.

Terms of sale and storage

To purchase piracetam in pharmacies, you need a prescription prescribed by a pediatrician, pediatric neurologist or other specialist. The cost of the medicine depends on the manufacturer and packaging, although it is usually not expensive.

It is recommended to store the medicine at normal room temperature, placing it in a place inaccessible to small children. Typically, the shelf life for Piracetam is indicated by manufacturers; it depends on the form of release and is 2–3 years. The age of the drug should be monitored, since it is unacceptable to use expired medication on a child.

Comparison of drugs

There are several decent effective drugs that are prescribed for the same indications.

Piracetam or Glycine

Glycine is related to amino acids. This amino acid takes an active part in metabolic processes that are observed in the spinal cord and brain. The drug normalizes blood flow and improves thinking. When combining drugs, the effect is enhanced.

The range of application of the first drug is wider. It can be used even with dementia. The combined use of two means improves the process of perception and memorization of information material. But it is imperative to strictly follow the indicated treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. As for the price, the cost is within the same limits.

Piracetam or Actovegin

It is difficult to make a choice which drug is best to take. Both drugs can improve the patient's condition. It is possible to take two drugs at the same time, but only after consultation with your doctor. The complex is successfully used to treat children with cerebral palsy. The nootropic composition of the first goes well with the properties of the second medication.

The described drugs have a positive effect on humoral immunity. This is reflected in the improvement of the condition. Piracetam is dangerous for pregnant women. Therefore, when carrying a fetus, you should choose Actovegin. You should not self-medicate and spontaneously prescribe medications. But the price of the second medicine is too high.

Operating principle

Piracetam prescribed to infants has the following effects:

  • Neurotrophic. The drug enhances the absorption of glucose by brain cells, especially the cerebral cortex, which triggers the process of activating oxidation in the exchange of ATP, the main source of energy in neurons.
  • Neuroprotective. Thanks to the activation of the ATP exchange cycle, proteins and protective phospholipids are produced, which quickly neutralize all free radicals inside the blood and brain cells. This normalizes the fluidity of membranes in cells, their permeability, and reduces the process of fat peroxidation in cell membranes.
  • Vascular. Due to its mild antiplatelet effect, piracetam in the body of infants reduces the viscosity of the blood substance, increases the mobility and elasticity of red blood cells, and relieves vascular spasms without the development of hypotension. General pediatric hemodynamics do not change after administration of the drug, although in case of significant circulatory disorders the drug must be used carefully.

Sometimes parents ask their pediatrician why piracetam is prescribed to children? For babies after one year of age, this medication is recommended to solve problems with the central nervous system, improve cognitive and cognitive function, strengthen memory and concentration, improve the psycho-emotional background, and stimulate intellectual abilities.

Customer Reviews

Irina Morenko, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

“I have vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is accompanied by poor blood circulation to the brain. This makes itself felt because I feel bad, my memory has deteriorated and become absent-minded. I underwent an examination, after which I was prescribed a drug. I was satisfied with the result. The effect was not noticed immediately, but at the end of the therapy I managed to feel like a human being.”

Evgeny Ilyin, Moscow

“It was with the help of this means that I managed to close the session. Brain activity improves and general condition improves. Just drink according to the instructions. There were no side effects."

Interaction with other drugs

Pediatricians do not recommend combining Piracetam with hormonal substitutes for substances produced by the thyroid gland. The drug provokes an accelerated production of natural hormones, which causes an oversaturation effect: tremors, irritability, anxiety, sleep disturbance. Piracetam can enhance the effect of neuroleptics, anticoagulants and psychostimulants.

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