Wormwood medicinal properties, research on benefits and harms

Wormwood was once very popular, especially among artists, who chose absinthe, an alcohol containing wormwood, anise and fennel, as their favorite drink. Many people today associate wormwood exclusively with absinthe, but this herb has much more benefits than serving only as a raw material for alcohol. And I must say, our great-grandmothers knew about this.

Chemical composition of wormwood

The benefits of wormwood herb are easy to understand if you study the chemical composition of the plant. The green parts, flowers and roots include:

  • phytoncides and saponins;
  • resins and tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • natural acids - succinic and malic;
  • carotene;
  • potassium salts;
  • wormwood essential oil;
  • artabsitin, absinthine and anabsintin are glycosides that give the plant its characteristic bitterness.

The health benefits and harms of wormwood depend on how its qualities are used—the plant can have a health-improving or negative effect.

Using juice and fresh leaves

If desired, you can use wormwood juice and its fresh shoots.

If you hurt yourself, it is better to immediately pick off several stems of a plant with leaves and flowers, rub them with your hands and apply them to the sore spot. This should have an analgesic and antiseptic effect.

Some people prefer to chew the fresh and soft leaves to improve their breath odor.

Wormwood juice has a strong healing effect. For certain ailments, it can also be taken orally, although I strongly advise you to consult your doctor before doing so. In addition, the juice has a pronounced bitter taste and is best diluted with honey.

On our website you can find interesting recipes using wormwood.

What are the benefits of wormwood for the body?

At first glance, the plant looks unsuitable for consumption; its taste is too bitter. However, when properly prepared, it has the following beneficial effects:

  • helps fight inflammation - bacteria, infections, viruses and fungi;
  • has a beneficial effect on digestion - stimulates appetite, improves the flow of bile and the process of breaking down food;
  • heals skin damage and promotes rapid restoration of cells and tissues;
  • effectively cleanses the body - removes toxins, toxic substances and parasites from it;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • stimulates the immune system and helps resist colds;
  • normalizes the condition of blood vessels and equalizes pressure.


The benefits of wormwood for women are undeniable - the properties of the plant help with heavy and painful menstruation, reduce bleeding and eliminate the risk of anemia. Remedies from this herb soothe pain and relieve cycle disruptions, normalize hormonal levels.

The benefit of the plant for the female body is that the antioxidant properties of the herb prevent the development of cancer. Wormwood fights infectious inflammation of the genitourinary area.

Important! The properties of wormwood for women are ambiguous - to regulate the cycle, it is necessary to use the herb during the break between menstruation. The plant should not be taken during menstruation - it will cause harm.


The benefits of wormwood for men are also very great - the plant fights ailments and sexual dysfunctions. The herb helps restore potency, shows a good effect in the treatment of prostatitis, and has a positive effect on libido.

Another useful property of the herb is the ability of wormwood to cause a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages. The plant is also used to eliminate the effects of alcohol poisoning.

Collection and drying

In order to use wormwood in medicinal recipes, it must be properly collected and dried.

Useful properties of wormwood

It is believed that the upper part of the plant (flowers, stems, leaves) and rhizome also have beneficial properties. But most often it is the inflorescences that are used, as well as the youngest, most tender leaves.

The best time to collect flowers is the beginning of their flowering, that is, mid-summer. The May collection of leaves is most valued, because they have not yet become too bitter, and it is recommended to dig up the roots in the fall.

Drying wormwood is no different from drying other useful herbal infusions. The collected raw materials should be carefully laid out in a thin layer in a well-ventilated place where moisture will not reach them. To dry the stems, it is better to tie them into small bunches and hang them from the ceiling.

When the wormwood is dry, place it in cloth bags.

It is believed that a dried plant can be stored for 2 to 3 years.

Fun fact: Artemisia is an important component in the diet of many animals, such as rabbits. Eating this plant allows them to be less susceptible to various diseases and strengthens their body.

How to take wormwood for weight loss

When used carefully, the plant is extremely useful during a diet. The medicinal herb effectively removes toxins from the body, regulates appetite and helps burn fat deposits.

Good results will come from consuming wormwood oil - to prepare it, you need to infuse fresh leaves in olive oil for 10 days. The finished product is filtered and taken shortly before eating, in a large spoon. Teas and herbal decoctions based on the plant also show a beneficial effect.

It should be noted that while taking the herb in the first few days of the diet, hunger may increase. You can suppress it by drinking at least 2 liters of water per day - your appetite will soon return to normal. In total, you should continue to take the plant for no more than 2 weeks, otherwise the body will be harmed.

We prepare it ourselves

Wormwood is collected at the beginning of flowering, when it contains the highest concentration of essential oils. At a later date, the medicinal value of the plant decreases, and the flowers become brown rather than yellow.

Dry wormwood

  • Where to collect: you need to choose ecological areas away from industrial facilities and roads. The starting material must be clean, because the collected wormwood is not washed. Firstly, it may lose its properties, and secondly, it will be difficult to dry it properly.
  • What time: in sunny, clear weather, not in the early hours, but wait until the dew dries.
  • What to collect: cut off the flowering tops 20-25 cm without thickened, rough stems. You can harvest only the leaves of the plant without petioles, but this must be done before flowering. Place into baskets loosely, not tightly.
  • How to dry: do not delay the process, otherwise the collected raw materials will turn brown. Distribute it in a thin layer on cloth or paper in a well-ventilated place, away from sunlight, stirring occasionally. The dried raw material consists of gray-green leaves and thin brittle stems with flowers with a spicy wormwood aroma. Store in an airtight container for 1-2 years.

In the absence of contraindications and moderate use, this amazing wormwood herb deserves great attention as a healing drink for improving health.

Traditional medicine recipes based on wormwood

In order for the medicinal properties of bitter wormwood to be fully revealed, it is necessary to adhere to proven recipes. There are several basic plant-based healing remedies.

Alcohol tincture of wormwood

The beneficial properties of wormwood are clearly manifested in alcohol tincture. It is very simple to make - you need to pour fresh or dry leaves with strong alcohol in a ratio of 5 to 1 and leave in a glass container for 2 weeks. Keep the bottle with tincture away from sunlight.

The finished strained product is taken only 25 drops before meals; the medicine helps with inflammation and stomach ailments, with anemia and even with oncology.

Wormwood tea

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Wormwood tea is beneficial; it can be consumed for weight loss and stomach problems, to calm the nerves and as a remedy for insomnia. Preparing the drink is simple: pour boiling water over a teaspoon of wormwood and leave for about 20 minutes.

For tea to be as effective as possible, you should drink it three times a day, 5 sips.

We recommend reading: Mint tea: beneficial properties and contraindications, how to make

Artemisia juice

The properties of wormwood juice are beneficial in cases of bile outflow disorders and gastric problems. To obtain it, you need to thoroughly chop and squeeze fresh grass through cheesecloth, more precisely, all the green parts of the plant except the root.

You need to drink healthy juice three times a day, just 1 large spoon. Considering the bitter taste of the plant, the juice can be sweetened with natural honey, there will be no harm, and the benefits will be even greater.

Wormwood decoction

For gastritis, intestinal disorders, respiratory diseases and other ailments, a decoction of wormwood is beneficial. To prepare it you need:

  • grind the dry leaves of the medicinal plant in the amount of 2 large spoons;
  • pour a glass of boiling water into an enamel container;
  • Boil for 3 minutes over medium heat, then cool the drink and strain it through cheesecloth.

The finished broth is topped up with a glass of cold boiled water and drunk three times a day, several sips.

Baths with wormwood

For joint ailments and skin diseases, baths with wormwood are of great benefit. The valuable properties of the medicinal herb have a beneficial effect on irritation and inflammation, and help relieve pain.

To prepare the bath, you need to pour 500 g of wormwood raw material with water and boil for about a quarter of an hour. The cooled broth should be poured into the prepared bath and lie in it for no more than 20 minutes. The water temperature should be a maximum of 37 °C - a bath that is too hot will cause harm.

Foot baths with wormwood

For fungal diseases, healthy mini foot baths with the addition of wormwood help very well. It is necessary to brew 100 g of the plant in 2 liters of boiled water, leave for half an hour, and then keep your feet in the healing decoction for 15 minutes. The temperature of the liquid should be about 45 °C. In addition to fungus, the procedure eliminates the symptoms of arthritis and excessive sweating of the feet.

Wormwood oil

Wormwood oil is often used for external use - it is used to lubricate healing burns and sore joints, bruises, and to rub for ARVI and bronchitis. You can prepare the product at home - add olive oil to the wormwood and leave it covered for 2 weeks.

When the oil absorbs the medicinal properties of wormwood, you will need to strain it, pour it into another vessel and put it in the refrigerator for storage.


I rub my joints for rheumatism with wormwood tincture from the pharmacy. The pain is especially troubling before rain, for this you don’t even need to listen to the forecast. I rub the medicine in the morning and evening, I do this for 10 days, then take a break for ten days. It was better than it was before, I even had difficulty walking. In the summer I make my own tincture, collect wormwood and pour it with vodka, but it still runs out before spring.

Anastasia Petrovna, Moscow

The doctor recommended that I drink wormwood tincture to calm my nerves. There are such situations at work where you want the best, but it turns out as always. I came home earlier - there was not enough room for everyone, both my wife and daughter. I’ve been drinking the pharmacy tincture for two weeks now, it’s even surprising that I’m taking it more calmly, but then I need a break, that’s what the doctor said. I don’t know, I’ll probably have to take something else.

Anatoly Orel

I have fatty liver hepatosis, the doctor advised me to take a decoction of wormwood, which I have been doing for 18 days. There were no symptoms, they were discovered on an ultrasound, so I can’t say anything about the help of wormwood, but I’ll go for an examination, then it will become clearer.

Svetlana, 38 years old

Originally posted 2018-01-09 07:10:46.

How to use wormwood for medicinal purposes

You can drink wormwood with benefit only in small dosages and according to reliable recipes. In this case, the body will not suffer harm from consuming the plant, and the symptoms of the disease will actually subside.

For colds and coughs

When coughing and cold symptoms are best helped by the properties of wormwood tincture - the product effectively warms the body and fights infections. For medicinal purposes, it is necessary to take 3 teaspoons of tincture for 3 days, and it is advisable to dilute the product with water.

To prevent colds and coughs, wormwood infusion works well - the herb should be boiled over a fire or a water bath for about a quarter of an hour. Take it according to the same scheme - for several days, diluting a teaspoon of decoction in a glass of water.

For insomnia

The beneficial properties of the plant calm the nervous system and help improve sleep. To forget about insomnia, it is recommended to use wormwood oil. Fresh herbs are infused in a closed container in olive oil for 24 hours, filtered, and then taken 6 drops of oil with a lump of sugar shortly before bedtime.

For diarrhea

The medicinal plant has strengthening properties, so it can stop diarrhea. To get rid of diarrhea, you need to pour a teaspoon of herb with a glass of water and boil for about 10 minutes. The useful strained product is drunk warm every 3 hours, no more than 20 drops.

From parasites

Wormwood is an excellent mild anthelmintic. It is usually used as part of medicinal preparations. In particular, the following recipe works effectively:

  • wormwood, clove powder and flax seeds are mixed in equal volumes;
  • grind the raw materials and mix them properly;
  • a teaspoon of the resulting mixture is poured into a glass of carrot juice;
  • Drink a glass of the product in the morning and evening.

You need to take this useful collection throughout the week. Wormwood works well against adult parasites, and additional ingredients have a supportive effect, reliably eliminating helminth eggs.

For gastritis and stomach ulcers

If you are careful, you can use bitter wormwood even for gastritis and peptic ulcers. The herb reduces stomach acidity and relieves irritation, improves appetite and helps eliminate toxins.

For gastritis, the following herbal collection is beneficial:

  • wormwood is mixed in equal volumes with peppermint, yarrow and chamomile;
  • the raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for about an hour;
  • The product is drunk hot once a day.

For peptic ulcers, the recipe changes slightly:

  • 2 large spoons of wormwood are mixed with 3 large spoons of dill seeds, add 1 spoon each of rose hips, flax seeds, calendula and chamomile flowers;
  • the raw material is mixed with 7 large spoons of yarrow and 4 spoons of St. John's wort;
  • all components are crushed, and then measure out 2 large spoons and brew with boiling water;
  • The product is steamed for about 10 minutes, and then infused for another 45 minutes.

We recommend reading: Rosehip infusion: benefits and harms, how to prepare

You need to drink this healthy infusion three times a day, 5 sips each, and do this on an empty stomach.

To cleanse the liver

The anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties of the herb are used to treat the liver. The benefit of cleansing the body with wormwood is that the plant takes the load off the liver and gives it strength to recover. Usually a decoction is used - 10 g of dry herb is poured with a glass of boiling water and the medicine is steamed for another 20 minutes.

Then the product must be left covered for about half an hour and strained. Take the decoction 5-6 sips before meals, three times a day.

To increase potency

To get rid of male problems, you can brew a teaspoon of wormwood in a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. The finished strained product is divided into 3-4 servings; they should be taken throughout the day, diluting the medicine with water.

In total, the course of therapy lasts no more than 1.5 months; the beneficial herb in too large quantities is harmful.

For the treatment of fibroids

Wormwood is actively used in gynecology, in particular, for the treatment of benign tumors of the uterus. For fibroids, it is recommended to pour 2 large spoons of wormwood raw materials with 500 ml of alcohol and leave in the dark for about 10 days.

The benefits of wormwood for female diseases will appear if you take this infusion one teaspoon twice a day. This should be done simultaneously with meals, and the entire treatment should be continued for no more than 2 weeks.

For hemorrhoids

The medicinal properties of wormwood are highly valued in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Alcohol tincture of wormwood is taken 12 drops twice a day - the product must be diluted in a large spoon of water.

Useful enemas with a decoction of wormwood also help; to prepare them, 4 large spoons of the herb are boiled in 1 liter of boiling water for 5 minutes. The product is infused for 6 hours under the lid, and then used daily as directed until the disease subsides.

For herpes

If you brew a teaspoon of wormwood in a glass of boiling water and leave it covered for a quarter of an hour, the remedy will help get rid of herpes on the lips faster. You need to take the medicine orally, a few drops three times a day.

You can make lotions with the decoction - soak a cotton swab in the medicinal product and apply it to the sore spot for a short time.

For warts and papillomas

The healing properties of wormwood help improve skin condition. A teaspoon of dry collection is brewed in a glass of boiling water, left for 15 minutes and drunk on an empty stomach three times a day; this therapy allows you to get rid of warts.

As for papillomas, to combat them, plant seeds are infused in olive oil for 3 days. When the healthy oil is ready, you will need to strain it and drink 5 drops 4 times a day.

For toothache

For diseases of the teeth and gums, rinsing with wormwood is used - you need to pour hot water over several leaves of the plant and wait until the product infuses and cools. You need to rinse your mouth several times a day; the healing herb will quickly relieve inflammation and pain.

For oncology

The healing properties of wormwood for oncology are widely known - the plant inhibits the growth of malignant tumors. The dry root of the plant needs to be crushed, pour the resulting powder in a volume of 2 large spoons with boiling water and cook for 10 minutes over low heat. After this, the remedy is infused under the lid for several hours, the herb is strained out and the decoction is taken three times a day, 2 large spoons.

Attention! Cancer treatment should be carried out according to doctor's prescriptions - wormwood can only act as an auxiliary remedy, otherwise it will only cause harm.

For joint pain

Wormwood baths are good for rheumatism and arthritis - boil a bunch of wormwood in 5 liters of water, and then add the decoction to the prepared water. You need to take a healthy bath for no more than 15 minutes, it is important to monitor its temperature - 37 ° C will be enough.

Wormwood also helps fight joint ailments when used internally - you need to steep a teaspoon of the plant in a glass of boiling water for an hour, and then drink 1 large spoon on a full stomach.

Treatment of alcoholism

The benefit of bitter wormwood for the human body is that the plant helps to get rid of alcohol addiction. The following drink is usually prepared:

  • wormwood and thyme are mixed in equal parts;
  • 2 large spoons of the mixture are poured into a glass of hot water, and then put on fire;
  • bring to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes.

When the broth has cooled, you will need to strain it, and take a couple of large spoons of the product with food, three times a day.

Is it possible for children

Wormwood is contraindicated for children. But if the child has a severe cough, with the permission of the pediatrician, a water-based herbal remedy can be prepared for the child. Alcohol infusions are strictly prohibited.

Antitussive wormwood decoction


  • wormwood - 1.5 tsp;
  • water - 500 ml.


  1. Place the grass in a small bowl and add warm water.
  2. Place in a water bath and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce heat to low and cover with a lid.
  4. Simmer for 15 minutes, cool.
  5. We filter.
  6. Add the required amount of boiled water to a volume of 0.5 liters.

Children are given 1 tsp of wormwood to drink. means 20 minutes before meals.

The use of wormwood in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of wormwood can not only cure ailments, but also improve your appearance. Wormwood helps maintain youth and attractiveness as it cares for both skin and hair.

For facial skin

First of all, the medicinal plant effectively helps to cope with acne and cleanse the skin of the face. For example, the following lotion for oily skin is popular:

  • 1 teaspoon of wormwood infusion is mixed with 300 ml of mineral water;
  • add 20 drops of almond oil;
  • mix thoroughly in a small bottle.

Wipe your face with the resulting product twice a day, after washing your face. The lotion eliminates irritation and acne, helps remove blackheads and regulate oil production.

For hair

The benefits of wormwood for hair are expressed in the fact that the herb prevents hair loss. The dry plant should be brewed in hot water in proportions of 1 to 10, then left for about an hour and strained thoroughly. They wash their hair with this decoction for a whole month - this should be done every other day.

Wormwood will effectively strengthen the roots and give strength to the curls. But after the course of treatment, you will have to take a break from using wormwood for 3 weeks so that the body does not suffer harm.

Description of the plant

Wormwood is the most common type of plant, and it can always be purchased in dried form at the pharmacy.
This wildly growing perennial up to 130 cm high is found literally everywhere and is considered a weed. The silvery tint of the leaves with a specific smell and unusually bitter taste will prevent wormwood from being confused with other herbs.

The plant has long, erect stems, slightly branched at the top, and silky. The leaves are carved, with a grayish tint of green. Wormwood blooms in mid-summer in July - early August, with small, inconspicuous yellow flowers. Due to the high concentration of essential oil secreted by the leaves, it emits a strong, specific aroma.

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Characteristics and composition

Wormwood is a compositae plant of the Asteraceae family. It has 400 different species (common or Chernobyl, Austrian, tsitvarnaya, tree, etc.), but wormwood has the most powerful medicinal properties. It is used in official and folk medicine. Pharmaceutical preparations (dry herbs, powder, drops, extracts and essential oils) from this plant are popular today. The beneficial properties of wormwood allow it to be used internally and externally, taking into account the doctor’s recommendations, instructions and contraindications.

This herb is recognized as the most bitter plant on the planet. Glycosides give it a specific taste and bitterness, which have the property of increasing appetite, improving digestion, and facilitating the absorption of food.

Resinous substances, which the plant is rich in, strengthen the cells of the body, phytoncides successfully fight bacteria and harmful fungi. Carotene and flavonoids are well-known antioxidants that counteract radiation, oncology and cell aging. This herb also contains essential oil, malic, succinic and ascorbic acids, tannins and other useful elements.

Features and types of plants

In addition to its specific smell, which cannot be confused with anything else, wormwood also has a bitter taste. Who among us did not taste its leaves in childhood?

Meanwhile, traditional medicine considers this plant an excellent assistant for treating the stomach and intestines, as well as for digestive problems.

We should not forget that the effect of wormwood is quite strong, almost toxic. Uncontrolled use of this herb will inevitably cause side effects such as nausea, abdominal pain and fainting.


To prevent this from happening, I advise you to carefully read the recommendations for its use and consult your doctor.

Perhaps not everyone knows, but this plant has several hundred species. The most commonly used in pharmaceuticals is bitter (white) wormwood, while the average person is most often familiar with wormwood.

Among other types of herbs, the most valuable from a medicinal point of view include the following:

  1. Tsitvarnaya - grows in Central Asia and is used for the production of essential oil, as well as deworming remedies.
  2. Common (black or Chernobyl) is the most common species, considered a weed. The pharmaceutical industry uses it little, but it has found application in folk medicine. Chernobyl improves digestion and helps with nervous disorders.
  3. Gmelina is a medicinal species characteristic of the Far East and has a tree-like stem.
  4. Crimean and Caucasian - these low-growing species grow in the Crimea and the Caucasus, have gray leaves.
  5. Steppe is a perennial herb with green leaves and reddish flowers, growing mainly in fields and steppes. Healing creams and medicines for epilepsy are made from it.
  6. Stone and mountain - these species grow mainly in China and the Far East, famous for their antipyretic and diuretic properties.
  7. Lemon (tall, blue) - this variety of wormwood has been valued since ancient times for its healing properties: it is even popularly called “God’s tree.” It is not as bitter as regular wormwood and can be used in cooking. In addition, it contains a large amount of essential oil. If earlier the tree of God was used to protect the home from evil spirits, then in our time it is regularly used as an ornamental plant for country gardens and vegetable gardens.

How wormwood is used in cooking

Wormwood is a rather unusual but useful seasoning. In large quantities it will be harmful, but in small dosages it can be found in meat and fish dishes. In minimal quantities, the herb gives products an original tart taste, and, in addition, promotes the rapid digestion of heavy foods.

Wormwood greens are used in the production of liqueurs - pepper vodka and chartreuse. Wormwood absinthe is very famous, despite the fact that currently its production in Europe is officially prohibited.

Side effects

I have already mentioned that wormwood, for all its medicinal properties, can be toxic. You need to take its dosage very seriously, because it can cause such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • allergic itching;
  • stomach pain;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • in extreme cases, fainting and hallucinations.

If you are treating with wormwood-based products, remember:

  1. The duration of taking this drug and dosage should be agreed with your doctor.
  2. It is not recommended to use wormwood products for more than two weeks.
  3. Do not use wormwood medicinal products to treat children under 12 years of age.
  4. If you notice an undesirable reaction from your body or your health worsens, consult your doctor immediately.

Contraindications to the use of wormwood

To ensure that wormwood does not cause harm to health, you need to know about its strict contraindications. They are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age under 14 years;
  • allergy to components in the herb;
  • anemia and a tendency to form blood clots;
  • internal bleeding and diseases of the stomach and intestines in the acute phase;
  • gastritis with decreased secretion of stomach acid;
  • severe nervous and mental disorders.

Possible harm

Despite the many beneficial properties, the use of wormwood can be harmful to health.

When taken (especially in large volumes), the following may be observed:

  1. Increased blood clotting . The herb increases platelet coagulation and, as a result, the risk of blood clots. If you have had a stroke or heart attack in the past, the plant is contraindicated.
  2. Poisoning . Consuming a large amount of wormwood at once (more than 100 grams of dry raw material) can cause sleep disturbances, nausea, diarrhea (diarrhea), convulsions, hallucinations and any mental disorders.
  3. Increased uterine tone . Taking wormwood by pregnant women (especially in the early stages - in the first trimester) can lead to premature termination of pregnancy (miscarriage) or uterine bleeding.
  4. Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) . The plant causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive system, which can lead to a period of exacerbation of pathologies such as gastritis, duodenitis, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. It is even possible to develop irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  5. Allergy . Allergopathologies caused by taking wormwood usually occur in a severe form (angioedema, anaphylactic shock).

Wormwood is also prohibited for use during breastfeeding. The active components of the plant penetrate into milk and can harm the baby.

Thus, wormwood has the following contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to individual components of the plant;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
  • any blood clotting disorders accompanied by hypercoagulation.

Wormwood has a number of side effects. Before starting regular use, you must seek the support of a doctor.

What is this?

Wormwood extract, accordingly, is produced from the herbaceous part of the plant of the same name. It is quite unpretentious and has a specific smell. In Russia you can find it everywhere: on personal plots, along roads, on the lawns of residential areas, in meadows, abandoned agricultural fields.

The plant also has a brother - common wormwood. Bitter differs from it in the soft silvery fluff that covers the leaves and stems of the plant. It can reach a height of 50 or 200 cm. It all depends on the soil where wormwood grows.

The flowers of the plant are yellow, located on short branches. gather in small panicles. By the end of summer, small brown fruits with seeds ripen.

wormwood extract uses

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  • Available drugs

    In folk medicine, wormwood has been used since ancient times due to a whole list of healing properties. Leaves, stems, inflorescences, and roots of the plant are used to make various preparations. The following funds are available:

    1. Powders (ground herbaceous part).
    2. Liquid extracts of wormwood annual, bitter.
    3. Alcohol tinctures.
    4. Water infusions.
    5. Homemade decoctions.
    6. Ointments.
    7. Essential oils.

    Such products are prepared for both external and internal use. They are used to make lotions, compresses, rubbing, and rinsing solutions.

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  • Further treatment

    The main goal of complex therapy after wormwood poisoning is the complete removal of toxic substances from the body. Treatment of this type of intoxication is carried out in the toxicology department.

    Stages of treatment:

    • Dialysis. This procedure allows you to cleanse the blood of toxic substances using a special device. Dialysis is prescribed for severe wormwood poisoning.
    • Intravenous administration of glucose, saline.
    • Taking B vitamins.
    • Diet food.

    The success of treatment directly depends on the degree of intoxication of the body with wormwood toxins and how quickly first aid was provided.

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