For what cough and how to take Rengalin correctly

Characteristics of the drug

Rengalin is a homeopathic medicine used as an antitussive and expectorant. The effect is achieved as a result of the action of active antibody metabolites on histamine receptors. Used to treat respiratory tract pathologies accompanied by coughs of various types. In addition to the antitussive effect, Rengalin reduces swelling, pain, allergic symptoms and inflammation. The tablets are not addictive.



This drug does not have an exact copy in composition. However, there are medications with similar effects:

  • Neo-Codion is an antitussive agent based on a soluble form of camphor. It affects the opiate receptors of that part of the nervous system, the structures of which are located outside the brain and spinal cord, and reduces the severity of forced expiration.
  • Bronchicum is a herbal medicine that has an expectorant effect. Rengalin and an analogue are often prescribed together.
  • Codelac is a drug that has an antitussive effect due to the presence of licorice root, thermopsis, sodium bicarbonate and methylmorphine in its composition.
  • Redol is a medicine containing salbumatol and dextromethorphan, which allow achieving an additional bronchodilator effect.
  • Bronholitin (syrup) is a medicine that contains ephedrine and basil camphor oil, which gives this drug an additional antimicrobial and bronchodilator effect.

rengalin analogues

  • Sinekod is a medicine in the form of drops and sweet syrup; it can be used by infants from 2 months.
  • Glaucine is a drug with a targeted, central mechanism of action. It suppresses the cough center. But you need to know that it also causes a peripheral block of vascular receptors, because of this, blood pressure may fall (lower).
  • Acetylcysteine ​​- the medication has a pronounced mucolytic effect. Used in the presence of thick and difficult to excrete sputum. It is able to suppress the production of nonspecific protective factors of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. It has antioxidant protection because it contains silver ions.
  • Prospan is a drug with mucolytic, bronchospasmolytic and secretolytic effects. It quickly relieves bronchospasms, thins sputum, promotes the activation of drainage function, restores blood circulation in the lungs, relieves irritation, and strengthens the immunity of the respiratory tract. The medication can be used from the first days of the disease until final recovery. The product is available in several forms, which allows it to be prescribed to young children.

Read more:

  1. Sinekod syrup will help with cough
  2. Sinekod drops - instructions for use
  3. Prospan syrup for use in children and adults
  4. Prospan drops for oral administration and inhalation

Composition of the drug

Rengalin contains three types of antibodies: to histamine, morphine and bradykinin in an amount of 0.006 mg, as well as excipients:

  • magnesium salt of stearic acid;
  • food grade silicon dioxide;
  • citric acid;
  • isomaltite;
  • sodium cyclamate (sweetener);
  • microcrystalline cellulose fibers.


General description of the drug: its composition, price

About the drug "Rengalin", the instructions for use say that the medication has a bronchodilator and antitussive effect. It may also have an anti-inflammatory effect. The product is available in the form of tablets or lozenges for resorption. The main active components of the drug include a complex of antibodies - to bradykinin, histamine and morphine. The excipients include saccharins, magnesium stearate, citric acid and other components.

The cough medicine "Rengalin" is available in 20 tablets in one package. The cost of one pack of medicine is approximately 180-200 rubles. You can purchase the product at any pharmacy chain without a prescription.

rengalin composition

Release form and packaging

The drug Rengalin is available in two convenient dosage forms: syrup and tablets. Syrup - in a dark glass or plastic bottle of 100 ml, with the manufacturer’s branded label. The syrup has a slightly viscous consistency and translucent color.

Tablets - white or yellowish in color, flat-cylindrical in shape in a blister and cardboard packaging. The number of tablets in a blister is 10, 20 or 50 pieces. Label and packaging design may vary depending on the region of production. Available without a prescription.



How much Rengalin costs can be found on the official websites of pharmacies; its average cost is 250 rubles. You can buy the drug in an online store at a lower price than what is available in regular retail chains. Cough medicine Rengalin is one of the most affordable in its segment. The online store offers the opportunity to order delivery of the drug to your home at a convenient time using the catalog. You can look at reviews of the store on specialized forums.

Release form Price
Rengalin, lozenges 10 pcs. 94 rub.
Rengalin, lozenges 20 pcs. 184 rub.
Rengalin, lozenges 50 pcs. 375 rub.
Rengalin oral solution 100 ml, pack. 224 rub.

pharmachologic effect

The active components (antibodies) that make up Rengalin stimulate the regulatory effects of their own bioactive compounds on receptors located in the bronchi and lungs. As a result of this influence, an antitussive therapeutic effect is achieved.

In addition, this drug relaxes the muscles of the bronchi and helps reduce pain and swelling of the tissues of the lower respiratory tract.

Unlike medications that have a central antitussive effect, Rengalin does not cause addiction or drug dependence, and does not depress breathing.

The drug is absorbed into the blood through the intestinal wall. The amount of the active substance of the drug is tiny, so it is not possible to study pharmacokinetics, elimination time and bioavailability using available means.

How it works and after what time the effect of the drug is noticeable

The cough medicine has several positive effects:

  • relieves inflammation in the respiratory tract;
  • reduces swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • reduces the duration and intensity of coughing;
  • suppresses attacks in the evening and at night.

Rengalin should be taken with caution and not earlier than three years of age

Edema in the mucous membrane is reduced due to the anti-exudative effect. The antispasmodic effect helps relieve spasms.

A dry cough appears due to irritation of the cough center in the brain and causes pain. The medicine helps by inhibiting and suppressing pain impulses and the central parts of the cough reflex. The drug not only does not depress respiratory function, but also does not cause addiction and does not have a sedative effect on the nervous system.

A dry cough goes away within 3-4 days, a wet cough after 10 days if taken regularly. A positive result from the medicine is noted already on the first day of use, and recovery is observed by the end of the second - beginning of the third day.

Indications for use

Rengalin is prescribed for inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory system, accompanied by cough and bronchospasm, as well as for ARVI and allergic manifestations of the upper respiratory tract:

Rengalin is indicated for all types of bronchitis

Rengalin is indicated for all types of bronchitis

Instructions for use of Rengalin

The procedure for taking Rengalin for cough is determined by the attending physician individually for each case, and depending on the nature of the course of the disease, complications and taking into account the use of additional medications.

Tablets - adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 1-2 tablets 3 times a day after meals. If necessary, it is permissible to increase the number of doses up to 4–6 times a day. The tablet should be kept in the mouth until it is completely dissolved.

Syrup is a children's form of the drug, recommended for children of preschool and primary school age. Since it is difficult for them to dissolve the tablet, they chew it or swallow it, which negatively affects the effectiveness of the drug.

The dosage of a single and daily dose is prescribed by a doctor, but should not be less than 20 ml per day. If there are no special instructions, the syrup is used 2 times a day after meals. Children's Rengalin is recommended as the main treatment for ARVI symptoms. Rengalin is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age.

Rengalin analogues and substitutes are cheaper

The drug Rengalin has no analogues. In modern pharmacy there is practically no medicine with identical active ingredients. However, there is a list of drugs that have similar effects and indications. These include the following drugs:

  • Terpincode;
  • Alex-Plus;
  • Glycodin;
  • Codelac-Phyto;
  • Conderfin;
  • Cofanol;
  • Codemixt.

There are also cheaper substitutes. In pharmacies without a prescription you can buy analogs that are cheaper than Rengalin, such as:

  • Libexin;
  • Altemix;
  • Bronkhin;
  • Kodesan IC.

The drugs presented may differ in prices and release forms from the drug Rengalin. Before using analogues, you should consult your doctor.

Before taking the drug, be sure to read the instructions for use of Rengalin. Eliminate possible allergic reactions from the body. Pay close attention to the dosage and duration of the course of taking the medication, and avoid overdose. If the drug is prescribed to pregnant or lactating mothers, it is necessary to check with your doctor about the need for this therapy and possible consequences.

It is important to remember that any treatment will be more effective if an examination is carried out before therapy. Self-medication is strictly prohibited; you must consult a qualified specialist.

special instructions

Patients suffering from diabetes mellitus should be treated with Rengalin with caution. In 1 tsp. the drug contains 0.3 g. maltitol, which requires insulin for metabolism. But it is worth noting the fact that insulin is needed in minute quantities, due to the slow hydrolysis and absorption of maltitol into the gastrointestinal tract. The medication Rengalin does not have a negative effect on concentration and the ability to control various mechanisms, including vehicles.

Rengalin dosage regimen
Rengalin dosage regimen

At what age can you give it to children and how to do it?

Rengalin is prescribed to children over 3 years of age in the form of a solution, because it is difficult to explain to a child the need for complete resorption of the tablets.

Important Notes for Parents

Rengalin tablets should not be taken until 3 years of age.

Rengalin for children is prescribed by a doctor, because the dosage is selected individually in each particular case. The child is given a suspension of 5-10 ml, which approximately corresponds to 1-2 tsp, 2-4 times a day, unless your pediatrician has prescribed a different regimen.

Reception during pregnancy and lactation

This medication can be used for the prevention and treatment of respiratory pathologies in pregnant and lactating women. Pharmacists position Rengalin as a safe drug that does not have a toxic effect on the fetus and does not in any way affect the course of pregnancy. There were also no negative manifestations in children during breastfeeding.

Rengalin can be used to treat respiratory pathologies in pregnant and lactating women
Rengalin can be used to treat respiratory pathologies in pregnant and lactating women

Review Reviews

Alexandra, 22 years old, Moscow: “I got a cold again and after that I suffered from a wet cough for a long time. To be honest, I even began to fear and suspect terrible pneumonia. After the examination, the doctor said that there was no inflammation, and it was simply a lingering cough, so he recommended Rengalin tablets. We were pleased with the pleasant taste of the medicine and its effectiveness. I stopped coughing after 3 days of taking it.”

Olga, 39 years old, St. Petersburg: “The Rengalin solution was prescribed by a pediatrician when a child (age 5 years old) fell ill. The inexpensive and effective drug pleased me with its taste. I noticed improvements in the child the next day. We were treated with the solution for 1 week, but the son stopped coughing on the fifth day. The product has virtually no side effects. To enhance its effectiveness, you should hold the liquid in your throat for a while and then swallow it.”

Andrey, 26 years old, Nizhny Novgorod: “The doctor diagnosed an allergic cough. Not every medicine can cope with such a disease. The doctor prescribed another drug, but after consulting with the pharmacist, he decided to buy Rengalin solution. I did not regret that I bought the medicine on the advice of the pharmacy worker. Took 3 times a day, 1 tsp. I was treated for a week."

Drug interactions

There are no cases of incompatibility of Rengalin with other drugs. It combines well with medications from other areas of action, as well as with its analogues. Rengalin does not affect metabolism, the action of other drugs, or the process of removing them from the body. Interacting well with them, Rengalin successfully fulfills its function.

No incompatibility of Rengalin with other drugs has been recorded.
No incompatibility of Rengalin with other drugs has been recorded.

Drug interactions with other drugs, side effects and overdose

The drug is compatible with other medications, so it is allowed to be used as part of the general treatment of colds and flu. The drug does not reduce the effectiveness of antibacterial and antiviral agents, which allows it to be used very effectively to eliminate one of the unpleasant symptoms of a cold - cough.

more about rengalinchik

It is interesting that, in addition to individual negative consequences due to hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, no other negative consequences were identified - provided that the patient strictly adheres to the course of treatment and recommended dosages. In particular cases, negative consequences can manifest themselves in the form of allergies to components: the appearance of rashes, redness, itching of the skin, loss of balance, nausea, etc.

If the medication is taken in doses greater than recommended, the following symptoms appear:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal discomfort - a feeling of fullness or pressure throughout the abdomen;
  • heartburn or belching.

The occurrence of these symptoms due to an overdose is associated with the presence of substances such as maltitol and glycerin in the tablets and solution. Their excess in the body can lead to digestive tract disorders. Signs of overdose may not be indicated in the annotation.

Therapy when taking medication in doses greater than recommended can only be symptomatic. If nausea or vomiting occurs , for example, Latran is prescribed; for diarrhea, Enterobene, etc.

Rengalin overdose

If the recommended dose is repeatedly exceeded for any reason, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and indigestion may occur. If undesirable consequences occur, you must take activated charcoal and immediately consult a doctor to adjust the treatment.

In case of overdose, symptoms such as nausea may occur.
In case of overdose, symptoms such as nausea may occur.

Side effects

Side effects may occur due to:

Side effects may occur due to individual drug intolerance

  • hypersensitivity to antibodies caused by long-term use of the drug;
  • negative effects of the components of the drug on the body;
  • individual intolerance.

The nature and severity of side effects depend on the general state of health, the individual characteristics of the body and the presence of other diseases. If negative consequences occur, the dose of Rengalin used should be reduced to the minimum level at which the therapeutic effect continues to be present and the side symptoms disappear.

Nonspecific side effects of tablets include:

  • allergic reaction, including allergic dermatitis;
  • laryngo- or bronchospasm;
  • dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting);
  • itching in the groin and axillary area;
  • feeling of weakness and drowsiness (most often in children);
  • Quincke's edema.

Main contraindications

contraindications to rengalin solution for cough

According to the annotation, the main contraindication is individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug (both main and excipients). This can be found out if allergic reactions occur during previous use or if negative consequences appear from similar components in other medicines.

In addition, Rengalin is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age and in patients who suffer from type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus. In the second case, use is possible only after consultation with your doctor and subject to regular monitoring of blood glucose levels. Restrictions on use by children under 3 years of age are due to the fact that there is not enough information about the safety of the drug for this age group.

Conditions and recommended storage periods

The drug should be stored at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees, in a dark and dry place, away from direct sunlight. For safety reasons, the storage location should be out of reach of children.

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children.
The drug should be stored out of the reach of children.

Mechanism of action

The drug reduces the activation of the cough center located on the upper part of the medulla oblongata and inhibits all parts of the reflex. Stops the transmission of pain impulses, the release of pain mediators, by partially blocking the pain centers of the brain at the moment the reflex occurs, due to which it provides additional analgesia. The effects of the drug are similar to those of narcotic analgesics; it does not cause drug dependence and does not completely suppress the respiratory centers.

The entire process of action of the drug occurs gradually, the result of taking the drug can be noticed a few days after starting to take the drug. The reason for the slow action is due to the low concentration of the active component in the drug and the high resistance of the central nervous system to external influences. If immediate assistance is necessary, drugs containing antibodies to opioid substances are used.

Analogues of the drug

The main analogue of Rengalin is Neo-Kodion, a cough medicine with the active ingredient camphosulfonate. But it is almost twice as expensive as Rengalin.

Another analogue is the herbal medicine Bronchicum, its active ingredient is menthol, thyme extract. In addition to eliminating cough, it reduces sore throat. The combined use of Rengalin and Bronchicum allows you to achieve a rapid therapeutic effect.

The list of other similar drugs is as follows:

In general, patients speak positively about the effect of the drug Rengalin. They claim that this drug quickly and effectively relieves both productive and non-productive coughs. Moreover, Rengalin tablets eliminate not only this symptom, but also the very cause of the disease.


It has been experimentally shown that the components of the drug modify the activity of the ligand-receptor interaction of endogenous regulators with the corresponding receptors: antibodies to morphine - with opiate receptors; antibodies to histamine - with H1-histamine receptors; antibodies to bradykinin - with B1 bradykinin receptors; in this case, the combined use of the components leads to an increase in the antitussive effect.

In addition to the antitussive effect, the complex drug, due to its constituent components, has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antiallergic, antispasmodic (antibodies to histamine, antibodies to bradykinin) and analgesic effects (antibodies to morphine).

The complex drug Rengalin, due to modification of histamine-dependent activation of H1 receptors and bradykinin-dependent activation of B1 receptors, selectively reduces the excitability of the cough center of the medulla oblongata and inhibits the central parts of the cough reflex. By inhibiting pain sensitivity centers in the thalamus, it blocks the transmission of pain impulses to the cerebral cortex. Inhibits the flow of pain impulses from the periphery due to a decrease in the release of tissue and plasma algogens (including histamine, bradykinin, PG).

Facilitates the manifestations of acute pharyngitis, laryngitis and bronchitis, reduces bronchospasm.

Relieves systemic and local symptoms of allergic reactions by influencing the synthesis and release of histamine and bradykinin from mast cells.

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