Using Sinuforte for sinusitis is expensive, but is it effective?

Despite the fact that today a large number of medications are advertised that supposedly treat inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, you can only trust a few of them - the most proven and reliable. For example, reviews of Sinufort - both from doctors and from users - show that this remedy really helps stop the inflammatory process and improves the patient’s well-being.

Sinuforte is a medicine that is often used in the treatment of sinusitis.

Composition and description

Many people know that cyclamen juice painlessly removes pus from the maxillary sinuses. This preparation contains the juice of this plant and a solvent. The package also contains a sprayer and nozzle.

The solution for administration into the nasal sinuses is prepared by the patient independently. To do this, the juice is mixed with a solvent. Then it is inserted into the nose using a nozzle. The drug has an anti-edematous, secretolytic effect. The pus quickly dissolves and is removed from the sinuses.

The effect of the medicine lasts for an hour. The active substance has a thinning effect on mucus and a stimulating effect on the trigeminal nerve. As a result, secretion output is stimulated.

Properties of the medicine

Sinuforte is a drug actively used in the treatment of various diseases associated with the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. Most of the composition is represented by plant components, the main of which is cyclamen. More specifically, it is a lyophysilate of the juice of a given plant, produced from its tubers. The other part of the medicine is treated water, that is, a solvent.

Thanks to this organization, the product has unique properties that have a positive effect on the tissues of the body. Among the pharmacological properties, attention should be paid to:

  • secretagogue;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant;
  • secretolytic.

This is why the medicine can be safely called unique in its kind - it simultaneously:

  • relieves swelling;
  • removes secretions from the nostrils;
  • strengthens local immunity.

There are practically no contraindications. All this ensures the appearance of numerous reviews about Sinufort, most of which are positive.

The drug is available in the form of a spray, that is, each package contains a liquid-powder substance from which the medicine is made. That is why this remedy is also called a medicinal complex.

The kit in which the spray is produced contains:

  • a bottle containing a powder solvent;
  • dispenser, which allows you to make use more convenient.

This is what the Sinuforte kit looks like.
The container is made of cardboard and is a white and red box.

As for storage conditions, they are quite standard. It can be stored for five years.

But if the medicine is prepared, it is stored for no longer than two weeks, after which it loses its effectiveness.

Here are the main conditions under which the drug is stored:

  • the place must be protected from direct sunlight and from children;
  • unopened packaging can be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees;
  • if the medicine has already been prepared, storage temperatures should not exceed 8 degrees.

In addition, do not forget to look at the instructions for use of Sinuforte: in many reviews you can see for yourself that only the correct use of the medicine (as well as its correct storage) will allow you to hope for a quick recovery when using it.

Only an otolaryngologist can prescribe the appropriate dosage of Sinuforte and tell you about the required frequency of doses.
The drug presented best helps if mild as well as moderate forms of sinusitis are diagnosed. In addition, it is actively used for preventive purposes, as well as for recovery after severe nasal surgery.

However, only a qualified physician can determine whether this medication is needed or not.

How to treat sinusitis with Sinuforte

Before using the drug, you must open both bottles, with juice and solvent. Then add the solvent to the lyophilisate, put on the sprayer and stir. Then do a control spray into the air. Now you can spray the medicine into your nose while holding your breath.

The drug is used once a day, one spray into each nostril. The course of treatment is a week, but if the medicine is administered every other day, the treatment lasts fourteen days. You can use antibacterial agents in parallel with Sinuforte treatment.

The drug creates a natural drainage effect. It also stimulates blood microcirculation in the sinuses. It does not affect the body, acting only locally.

How does the drug work?

According to doctors' reviews of Sinufort for sinusitis, the main principle of action is associated with irritation of nerve endings by the active substances of the drug, which leads to:

  • increased secretion production;
  • moisturizing dry sinuses;
  • reducing swelling;
  • stopping the inflammatory process;
  • removal of accumulated contents (along with pus);

This effect turns out to be quite long-term: within a couple of hours it acts actively and for about eight hours there is a post-therapeutic effect.

As a result, normal functioning of the nasal mucosa is restored, since the passages are cleaned and ventilated.

Sinuforte helps restore normal breathing through the nose

Another important function of the drug can be considered stimulating local immunity. Thanks to it, the respiratory system is provided with high-quality protection.

Herbal components of natural origin allow this medicine to affect health only in a positive way, without disturbing the natural course of processes.

There are no problems with the preparation of the medicine, that is, with its preparation for use. The order of preparatory actions is as follows:

  • All components of the drug are removed from the packaging box.
  • The solvent is mixed with the powder in the bottle.
  • The mixture is thoroughly shaken after the dispenser is screwed onto the bottle.
  • First you should do a couple of test injections to the side.
  • Then you can use the product.

Direct application requires compliance with the following rules:

  • The head should be positioned vertically.
  • The dispenser should be pressed against the nostril.
  • Two presses are enough (for an adult, while one is enough for a child) on each nostril.

Two presses contain approximately 1.5 milligrams of the active substance, which is quite enough to achieve a therapeutic effect.

One or two uses will not help cope with the disease. However, completing the entire therapeutic course and strictly following medical instructions will allow you to overcome sinusitis over time.

Lyophysilate of cyclomen juice is the main component of this medicine.
In particular, it is recommended to take it every other day for two weeks. If you do this more often, there is a high risk of side effects.

Who should not take the drug

There are contraindications for the use of the drug:

  • children under five years of age;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • high blood pressure;
  • nasal polyps;
  • sinus cysts;
  • rhinosinusitis;
  • allergic rhinosinusopathy.

If you have hypertension of the first degree, you should consult a doctor before use.

Benefits of the spray

Why do users choose Sinufort for sinusitis, sinusitis and other sinusitis, leaving the most positive reviews about this drug?

This drug really has a lot of advantages:

  • Firstly, it has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, the ability to cope with swelling and the removal of purulent contents. You yourself understand the relationship: as soon as the pus is removed from the sinuses, the swelling will subside.
  • Secondly, incredible performance. The first positive results can be achieved after the initial application procedures, that is, the nose is cleared of mucus, and breathing is normalized.
  • Thirdly, timely treatment with this spray helps prevent complications of the inflammatory process and avoid the need for surgical intervention when all other treatment options for sinusitis are ineffective.
  • Fourthly, the duration of action of the medicine. It is active in the first two hours and then continues to produce a therapeutic effect for another eight hours. During this time, it is possible to get rid of all tormenting symptoms.
  • Fifthly, it is impossible not to note the cost-effectiveness of the described drug, since one package is enough to complete the full treatment course.
  • Sixth, simply amazing performance and versatility. In addition to sinusitis, the medication is actively used in the treatment of rhinitis and other sinusitis.
  • Seventhly, an important quality is the safety provided by the natural composition of the medicine. There may be side effects, but their number is minimal. There are also very few contraindications. In general, most patients have normal tolerance to this spray.
  • Eighth, affordable price. The medicine certainly cannot be called cheap, but considering how effective it can be in treating inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, this price can be called quite reasonable.

The main thing is that before using Sinuforte, carefully read the instructions for use, read user reviews, and compare all this with what is prescribed by your doctor. Of course, there are cases when, based on the characteristics of the body, certain medications do not have any therapeutic effect on a particular person. However, as practice shows, problems of this kind usually do not arise when using this medication.

Using Sinuforte in the treatment of sinusitis will speed up recovery.
Children can also be prescribed this remedy, if, of course, they are already five years old. Moreover, in this case it is necessary to be even more careful about the appropriate dosage, time of administration and duration of treatment.

Side effects

Sometimes side effects occur when using the drug:

  • facial redness;
  • burning in the nose;
  • increased salivation;
  • migraine;
  • pinkish discharge from the nose.

If the medicine gets into the eyes, inflammation of the conjunctiva may develop.

If a rash or shortness of breath appears while using the product, you should stop taking it and seek medical help.

Features of application

It is necessary to know the features of using the presented drug in order to achieve a therapeutic effect:

  • The exact dosage of the medicine must be observed: the fact that the drug is in the form of a spray makes its use convenient. If these were drops, maintaining the dosage would be much more difficult.
  • Two injections into each nostril are enough if we are talking about an adult and one injection for a child.
  • Do not take the medicine under any circumstances if there are contraindications or if severe adverse reactions are observed. Do not forget to look at the instructions before using Sinuforte spray: reviews indicate that only correct use is the key to a speedy recovery.

The rules for using Sinuforte should be taken seriously

Analogues of the drug "Sinuforte"

The drug does not have an exact analogue in composition. But there are drugs similar in action to it.

Here is a list of similar tools:

  • Otrivin;
  • Aqualor;
  • Xylene;
  • Galazolin;
  • Tizin;
  • Rhinonorm;
  • For nose;
  • Dr. Theiss Nazolin;
  • Xymelin;
  • Xylobene;
  • Histimet;
  • Eucazoline Aqua;
  • Asterisk NOZ.

The cheapest of them, of course, is Zvezdochka NOZ.

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