venous insufficiency
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The drug is intended for parenteral use; it belongs to the clinical-pharmacological group of drugs that improve recovery
how to take sputum for analysis
Sputum analysis: types, preparation, step-by-step actions, interpretation, norm, examples
Sputum is a pathological secretion of the lungs and respiratory tract (bronchi, trachea, larynx), which is separated
Tables (diets) according to Pevzner. Table, characteristics, recommendations
Therapeutic diets from A to Z: table numbering according to Pevzner and a new system of standard diets
Numbering of canteen diets If a patient has two diseases at once and both require a canteen
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"Panavir" - throat spray: instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews
Panavir is a herbal medicine used to treat most viral diseases. Has antiviral
Intrauterine device - learn more about this type of contraception
Types of intrauterine devices Mechanism of action How to place an intrauterine device Removal of a contraceptive Complications Indications for
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Meridia (Meridia) diet pills. Instructions for use, price
The pharmaceutical industry produces various medications that help reduce excess weight. One of the most famous
With hypovolemia, circulating blood volume decreases
Hypovolemia: mechanisms of development, clinical picture, degrees, emergency care and treatment
Hypovolemia is a pathological condition manifested by a decrease in circulating blood volume, in some cases accompanied by a violation
We use the healing properties of the herb aconite for our health
Aconite or fighter is a plant that is covered in myths and legends. In some of them
Glycine-BIO Pharmaplant - description and instructions for use
Glycine-Bio is a drug from the category of improving metabolism in the brain. Available as sublingual tablets
Tingling in the chest: causes, diagnosis and treatment
5 / 5 (6 votes) The human chest contains many organs,
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