Review of medications for worms in humans - all anthelmintic drugs

Medicines for parasites in humans - anti-worm tablets are usually made on the basis of the following compounds: ethanolamine; salicylamide; pyrazinoisoquinoline; benzimidazole. Parasitic diseases are a pathological condition of the body caused by the activity of parasites. Parasites are organisms that live at the expense of other hosts, which they need for normal existence. Some of them do not affect the life of their owners in any way, others grow, multiply or invade organ systems, leading to the development of various diseases. Anyone can become a victim of parasites, regardless of race, age or social status. Pharmacies offer many universal remedies for parasites in the human body, which have a wide spectrum of action. Before purchasing anthelmintic drugs, it is advisable to get tested and visit a doctor.

Medicines for nematodes or roundworms

Nematodes include pinworms, roundworms, trichinella, whipworm, and toxocara. In terms of prevalence, pinworms and roundworms are considered the most common; other representatives are less common. Tablets for worms in humans, acting on roundworms that parasitize the intestines, are as follows:

  • Albendazole - Nemozol (price 120-150 rubles), Sanoxal (180 rubles), Vormil, Gelmodol-VM - suspensions, chewable tablets
  • Levamisole - Dekaris (70-90 rubles)
  • Mebendazole - Vermox 90 rub. Vormin 20 rub., Vero-Mebendazole, Vermakar, Mebex, Thermox
  • Piperazine 10-30 rub.
  • Pyrantel pamoate - Helmintox (80-120 rub.), Nemotsid, Kombantrin, Pyrantel (30-50 rub.)
  • Pyrvinium embonate - Pyrkon, Pyrivinium, Vanquin
  • Carbendacim - Medamin

For extraintestinal nematoses, other tablets are used, their names:

  • Diethylcarbamazine - Ditrazine citrate
  • Ivermectin - Ivermec (ivomek, baymek, ivermectin)

How to take deworming tablets? Since most anthelmintic drugs act on adults without having a significant effect on eggs and larvae, and also with pinworms, repeated self-infection is possible - after initial treatment, the course should be repeated after 2 weeks. Also, to effectively remove parasites from the intestines when taking certain medications, after taking the pills in the morning, you should give an enema or drink a laxative in the evening

Any medications, especially for tapeworms and flatworms, should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Anthelmintics are very toxic, the use of which must strictly adhere to the dosage depending on the weight of the patient, as well as maintenance therapy in a hospital setting (when expelling flat and tapeworms). Independent use of such funds is not permissible!


Now there are informative and accurate methods for diagnosing helminthic infestations - immunological studies of biomaterial, which make it possible to accurately determine the content of antibodies and antigens in the blood to different types of helminths.

Methods for 99% detection of worms in humans include:

  • ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for worms). The accuracy of the results of this method exceeds 90%. This study shows whether there are parasites and worm eggs in the body, their development cycle and the species to which they belong.
  • ELISA tests are specially designed tests that show the body's response to infection with parasites. This method is not stand-alone. It must be used with ELISA (laboratory microscopic examination).
  • Serological methods (RIF, RNGA, RSK, RAL). These methods are more often used to diagnose acute stage helminthiases.
  • Ultrasound, X-ray of internal organs.
  • CT (computed tomography), endobiopsy, endoscopy.
  • PCR – detection of body invasions by intracellular parasites and protozoa.
  • Bioresonance diagnostics is a study that allows, based on certain frequencies characteristic of parasites, to calculate them in the body at an early stage.

Modern diagnostic methods with high reliability of results can recognize not only the fact of infection of the body with worms, but also determine their type, age and stage of development, which significantly facilitates the task of doctors and speeds up the process of human recovery.

Medicines for cestodes or tapeworms

Cestodes include a wide range of different names for helminths - teniarinhoz, echinococcosis, coenurosis, alveococcosis, dipylidia, sparganosis, dwarf tapeworm (hymenolepiasis), bovine tapeworm (taeniosis), pork tapeworm (cysticercosis, taeniasis), broad tapeworm (diphyllobothriasis), etc. For For the treatment of such helminthiases, the following anti-worm tablets are used:

  • Niclosamide - Phenasal, used for intestinal tapeworms
  • Mepacrine - Akrikhin infestation with bovine, dwarf tapeworm, broad tapeworm, with giardiasis, cutaneous leishmaniasis, malaria.
  • Albendazole - Nemozol is effective both against nematodes and mixed helminthic infestations, echinococci, giardiasis, neurocysticercosis caused by Taenia solium in its larval form. Nemozol can be used against extraintestinal cestodiases.

Tablets against helminths of flukes or trematodes, flatworms

This is the broadest class of helminths, which includes opisthorchiasis (cat fluke), fascioliasis (liver fluke), clonorchiasis (Chinese fluke), paraganimosis (pulmonary fluke), Watsoniosis (liver fluke), Dicrocoeliosis (lanceolate fluke), Cercariasis (swimmer's itch), and also Gastrodiscoidosis, Heterophiosis, Metagonimiasis, Methorchiasis, Nanophyetosis, Fasciolopsidosis, Schistosomiasis, Eurythremosis.

  • Chloxyl and Bithionol - used against extraintestinal flukes
  • Perchlorethylene - against intestinal trematodes
  • Praziquantel - Biltricid (price 6 tablets about 400 rubles) Cesol, Cysticide, Azinox - a broad-spectrum drug, these are tablets for many types of worms

General information

Modern anthelmintic drugs are used to treat people who suffer from various forms of helminthiasis .
All antihelminthic drugs used for humans are divided into drugs for broad-spectrum helminths and drugs for worms that selectively affect certain types of worms. But truly effective pharmaceutical anthelmintic drugs appeared relatively recently, and previously, mainly herbal products were used, such as garlic, pumpkin seeds, male fern extract, etc.

But now there are truly effective and safe anthelmintic drugs that demonstrate anthelmintic activity.

However, it is impossible to independently select specific drugs against parasites in the human body, since it is initially necessary to establish which worms are parasitic in the body. More than 70 species of various parasites are widespread in Russia, each of which can infect the body. And even those antihelminthics that help against all types of worms must be taken as prescribed by a doctor. After all, anthelmintic drugs for people with a wide spectrum of action have many contraindications, so in case of intestinal infection and other types of parasites, they must be taken strictly according to the regimen prescribed by a specialist.

Pinworms are the most common nowadays , affecting the majority of preschool children. Very often, in children, during the testing process, Giardia , which parasitizes the duodenum and is not a helminth, is also determined. Another common type of helminth is roundworm .

Modern pharmacologists offer ten drugs that effectively relieve a person from parasite infection. The most common helminthic infestations are treated with the drugs Vermox, Pirantel, Vormil, Dekaris, Nemozol . Below we will talk about how to take tablets for worms, what are the indications and contraindications for use, which of the existing medications is most effective. The latest generation of anti-worm medications are less toxic, but there are certain general contraindications. Therefore, any universal remedy must be prescribed by a doctor. Thus, treatment of helminths in adults and children cannot be practiced if the patient is diagnosed with acute intestinal infection , or any infectious, viral, or somatic diseases. Such tablets are not used during breastfeeding , and during pregnancy only Piperazine .

Parasites that can infect humans are divided into different groups. Each of them ( cestodes, trematodes, nematodes ) exhibits sensitivity to certain drugs. That is why a doctor should treat helminthiasis in adults and children after conducting all the necessary tests, prescribing either broad-spectrum antiparasitic drugs for humans or specific agents.

Is it worth taking anti-worm tablets for prevention?

If one of the family members has pinworms, preventive treatment is always carried out for the entire family. Considering that very often scrapings for enterobiasis are false negative, and among children of preschool and primary school age the level of pinworm infection is very high, in addition, the transmission of pinworm eggs occurs very easily - through household items, door handles, a handshake, pet hair, clothes of an infected child, bedding - many parents have a question - do they need to take anti-worm pills for prevention?

Here the opinion of experts is divided. Some believe that this is not advisable, since if you drink the medicine today, infection may occur tomorrow. In addition to observing the rules of personal hygiene, intimate hygiene, washing hands after using the toilet, before eating, after going outside, changing underwear daily in the morning, it is not advisable to carry out any preventive treatment of enterobiasis with tablets. Medicines for helminths are very toxic and it is not advisable to unnecessarily burden the body, especially for children. Except perhaps for eating raw pumpkin seeds or traditional medicine recipes with garlic.

Others insist that if the family has children of preschool and primary school age, Pirantel should be taken prophylactically every six months, since in close children's groups the infection with pinworms is very high, the reliability of scraping is weak, and the symptoms are sometimes mild. In addition, it is most often possible to teach a child to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene only by the age of 4-6 years, and constant reinvasion (self-infection) can occur.

If a scraping for enterobiasis gives a negative result, and the child sometimes complains of itching in the anus (1-2 days then after 2-3 weeks), nausea, abdominal pain, you can be tested for enterobiasis on the very morning when the child complained at night itchy and didn't sleep well. And repeat the scraping 3 times, every other day and after 2 weeks, then the result will be more reliable. If pinworms are detected in someone in the family, it is recommended that all family members be treated.

Indications for prophylactic use of drugs against helminths:

  • Availability of pets
  • Constant contact with the ground (playing in the sand, villagers)
  • If children permanently live in closed children's groups
  • Regular trips to exotic countries
  • Hobbies - fishing, hunting, beach volleyball, football, etc.

Tablets for worms during pregnancy

It is a well-known fact that every person can have worms, especially in weakened people. Even if a pregnant woman is found to have parasites, taking medications in the 1st trimester is contraindicated. The drugs are so toxic that the drugs themselves, rather than the helminthic infestation, can cause more harm. Tablets against worms during pregnancy can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor and only Piperazine is approved for use:

  • for roundworms - 2 times a day for 1 hour or 1 hour after meals for 2 days in a row, dose 1.5 -2 g.
  • for pinworms - the same dose for 5 days in a row, then a week break, 1-3 courses of therapy.

There is no need to worry if a pregnant woman is diagnosed with pinworms. If you follow the rules of personal hygiene, even when infected with these helminths, self-healing is possible, since pinworms live only a few weeks. If, after infection, hygiene is not observed, the risk of self-infection (reinfestation) is very high, and careful hygiene and steaming of underwear will save a pregnant woman from taking toxic drugs for worms. Therefore, to avoid infection or reinfestation with worms, you should:

  • wash your hands thoroughly with soap after using the toilet
  • wash your hands after changing underwear
  • immediately before a meal (even a snack)
  • after contact with animals
  • wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly


  1. Anti-helminth drugs are divided into several categories. It all depends on their effect on a certain type of parasite.
  2. Often, drugs suppress only one type of worm without harming other types.
  3. Many doctors prefer to prescribe a broad-spectrum medicine to their patients. Such medications are used when a person is infected with helminthic infestation. This disease is characterized by the presence of different types of intestinal parasites in the patient.

Deworming remedies are divided into 4 groups:

  • extended range of exposure;
  • a medicine that destroys flat fluke worms;
  • agents that suppress helminthiases caused by tape parasites of the flat category;
  • medications that kill roundworms.

Also, all medications are divided into adults and children. They differ in dosage. Children's tablets have a smaller volume, unlike adults. Antihelminthics are produced in different release forms. They are divided into the following types:

  • capsules;
  • pills;
  • medicines;
  • syrups;
  • tinctures;
  • powder;
  • paste.

The choice of medication, as well as the dosage and form, should be decided by the attending physician. Self-medication does not always help, and sometimes it can cause harm.

Effective deworming tablets for children and adults - Pirantel, Dekaris, Vermox, Nemozol, Vormil


Active ingredient: Levamisole. Decaris tablets for worms have not only a destructive effect on helminths, but also an immunomodulatory effect, but use, especially for children, should only be for the intended purpose, since the drug has pronounced side effects. Indications: pinworms (enterobiasis), roundworms (ascariasis), hookworm (hookworm), intestinal eel (strongyloidiasis), necator (necatoriasis), whipworm (trichocephalosis), trichostrongylosis, toxoplasmosis. Contraindications: children under 3 years of age, breastfeeding, agranulocytosis, 150 mg tablets should not be taken by children. Use with caution in patients with liver and kidney failure, suppression of bone marrow hematopoiesis. Directions for use: Adults: 150 mg once. After eating in the evening, you should take 1 deworming tablet with a small amount of water.

  • Children 3-6 years old: 25-50 mg, that is, 1 or 0.5 tablets. 50 mg each,
  • children 6-10 years old 50-75 mg., that is, 1.5 -1 tablet. 50 mg each.
  • children 10-14 years old 75-100 mg, that is, 2-1.5 tablets. 50 mg each.

For treatment, a single dose is sufficient, after 2 weeks the course is repeated. It is not necessary to follow a special diet or take a laxative. Side effects: Nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, stomatitis, headache, fever, dizziness, confusion, insomnia, allergic reactions on the skin, uterine bleeding, impaired renal function.

Price: 70-90 rub.

Pyrantel, Helmintox

Active ingredient - Pyrantel Indications: Ascariasis, enterobiasis, necatoriasis, hookworm disease, trichocephalosis. These are the most effective and safe tablets against worms for children, especially for enterobiasis and ascariasis. Contraindicated: Hypersensitivity, with caution in infants under six months, during pregnancy and lactation, in case of liver failure. Directions for use: For pinworms and roundworms, as well as for mixed infestations by these worms, adults take the tablets once after breakfast at a dose of 10 mg/kg.

  • For children 0.5-2 years -125 mg
  • for children 2-6 years old - 250 mg.
  • Children 6-12 years old -500 mg.
  • For adults - 750 mg, over 75 kg - 1 g.

To avoid self-infection, the course is repeated after 2-3 weeks. For hookworm, or a combination of ascariasis with necatoriasis and other mixed infestations, take 10 mg/kg/day for 3 days or 20 mg/kg/day for 2 days. Once 5 mg/kg for isolated ascariasis. Tablets for worms in humans - Pirantel must be chewed before taking. Side effects: Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of appetite, urticaria, skin rash, headache, hearing loss, drowsiness or insomnia, hallucinations, increased liver function tests, confusion, hyperthermia, paresthesia.

Price: Pyrantel 50-60 rubles, Helmintox 80-120 rubles.

Vermox, Wormin

Active ingredient - Mebendazole Indications: multiple nematodes, enterobiasis, ascariasis, capillariasis, strongyloidiasis, trichinosis, hookworm disease, taeniasis, echinococcosis, alveococcosis, trichocephalosis, gnathostomiasis. These are quite effective, good tablets for helminths, especially pinworms and roundworms. Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, children under 2 years of age, liver failure, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, hypersensitivity to the drug. Directions for use: Vermox anti-worm suspension or tablets are taken orally, then drink a small amount of water.

  • For enterobiasis: for children 2-10 years old, 25-50 mg. once, for adults 100 mg. The course of treatment is repeated every 2-4 weeks
  • For ascariasis, hookworm, trichuriasis, strongyloidiasis, taeniasis and mixed helminthiasis - 3 days, 100 mg 2 times a day in the morning and evening
  • For trichinosis, 3 days, 200-400 mg 3 times a day, from 4-10 days, 400-500 mg 3 times a day.
  • For echinococcosis, 3 days, 500 mg 2 times a day, the next 3 days, 500 mg 3 times a day, then the dose is increased to a maximum of 25-30 mg/kg/day in 3-4 doses.

Side effects: Abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea, sometimes allergic reactions occur with long-term use, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, increased liver tests, anemia, leukopenia, eosinophilia, hair loss, cylindruria, hematuria.

Price: Wormin 20 rubles, Vermox 100 rubles.

Nemozol, Vormil, Albendazole, Aldazole

Active ingredient: Albendazole. Indications: nematodes (enterobiasis, ascariasis, hookworm disease, trichuriasis, necatoriasis), strongyloidiasis, toxocarosis, echinococcosis of the lungs, liver, peritoneum, the causative agent of which is the larval form of Echinococcus granulosus, giardiasis, mixed helminthic infestations, neurocysticercosis, the causative agent of which is the larval form of Taenia solium. Contraindications: Pregnancy, retinal damage, hypersensitivity, children under 2 years of age. Use caution during lactation, with liver dysfunction, or with hematopoietic disorders. Directions for use: Vormil or Nemozol anti-worm tablets are taken with meals.

  • For nemasodes, once, for children over 2 years old, 20 ml. suspension, adults 400 mg.
  • Tablets against worms for echinococcosis and neurocysticercosis are indicated for patients over 60 kg 400 mg twice a day, less than 60 kg at a rate of 15 mg/kg/day twice a day. The maximum daily dose is 400 mg 2 times a day, the course of treatment for neurocysticercosis is 8-30 days, echinococcosis is 3 courses of 28 days, with a 2-week break between cycles.
  • For giardiasis in children, the doctor prescribes Nemozol tablets 10-15 mg/kg once a week for a week.
  • For toxocariasis, children under 14 years old, 2 times a day, 10 mg/kg, up to 60 kg, 2 times a day, 200 mg, for adults over 60 kg, 2 times a day, 400 mg, course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Side effects: Impaired liver function, vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, meningeal symptoms, headache, dizziness, increased blood pressure, body temperature, allergic reactions, renal failure, leukopenia, pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia, granulocytopenia, agranulocytosis.

Price: Nemozol 170-250 rub.

First signs

The main symptoms of helminthiasis in adults are:

  • bowel dysfunction;
  • change in the consistency and color of stool;
  • excessive gas formation;
  • chronic constipation;
  • bad breath;
  • heaviness after eating;
  • insomnia;
  • the appearance of allergic rashes on the skin;
  • causeless weight loss;
  • increased appetite;
  • development of anemia;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • irritability;
  • weak immunity;
  • pain in the intestinal area of ​​unknown etiology;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • susceptibility to inflammatory processes.

The patient's pathological condition may be accompanied by one or a whole complex of symptoms. There may be a change in condition where symptoms disappear on their own.

Herbal anthelmintics

Tansy flowers

Application: as an anthelmintic for enterobiasis and ascariasis. Place 3 filter bags in a glass or enamel bowl and pour in 1/2 tbsp. boiling water, leave covered for 15 minutes, squeeze, bring to 100 ml. boiled water. 1-2 tbsp. spoons are taken orally 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Shake before use. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, hay fever, cholelithiasis, children under 18 years of age, pregnancy, lactation. Side effects: allergic reactions, in case of overdose - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Price: 40-50 rubles.

Centaury grass

Application: loss of appetite, dyspepsia, hepatitis, cholecystitis, constipation, anemia, helminthiasis (whipworm infestation). 100 ml 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals (20g of herb is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, infused, filtered). Contraindications: Hypersensitivity. Side effects: allergies Price: 50-60 rub.

Pumpkin seeds

Application: Helminthiasis (in case of infestation of broad tapeworm, bovine, pork and dwarf tapeworm).

Method 1: 2 days before treatment, an enema is prescribed in the morning on days 1 and 2 and a saline laxative the night before. On the day of treatment, an enema is given on an empty stomach. Then 300 g (according to age 75 -250 g) of peeled seeds are ground in a mortar, 50 ml is added. water, stir. Take the mixture on an empty stomach, lying down, in small portions, for 1 hour. After 3 hours, take a laxative and after 30 minutes. enema. You can eat only after stool.

  • adults 300 gr
  • children 3–4 years old - 75 g,
  • 5–7 l. - 100 g,
  • 8–10 l. — 150 g,
  • 10–15 l. — 200–250 g.

Method 2: grind the seeds with the peel in a meat grinder/mortar, add double volume of water without bringing to a boil, and evaporate in a water bath for 2 hours over low heat. Then the broth is filtered and the oil film is removed. On an empty stomach slowly for 30 minutes. The entire decoction is taken orally. After 2 hours, take a saline laxative.

  • For adults, a decoction of 500 g of unpeeled seeds,
  • 10 years - 300 g,
  • 5–7 l. — 200 g,
  • up to 5 years - 100–150 g.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity Side effects: allergic manifestations Price:

What worms are especially common in Russia?

Pinworms and roundwormsthe most common types of nematodes that are found everywhere, infection occurs very easily
Pork tapewormalso found everywhere, especially in Ukraine and Belarus
Wide tapewormthe main areas where cases of infection are frequent are areas near a large number of freshwater reservoirs; foci of infection are frequent in the north of Siberia, Karelia, the Far East, the Baikal region, the Volga region, the Baltic states, Kazakhstan, the Dnieper, Irtysh, and Ob basins.
Trichinellain the central, northern, eastern regions of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus
Whipwormin subtropical, tropical climatic zones with a humid, warm climate, infection often occurs when visiting resorts
Dwarf tapewormwidespread, most common in dry and hot climates
Bull tapewormeverywhere, especially in Central Asia and Transcaucasia
Liver flukeeverywhere, especially in the Baltic states, north-west Russia, Central Asia, Transcaucasia
Opisthorchiasis - Siberian or cat flukeintense outbreaks occur in Kazakhstan, Western Siberia, in the Volga, Kama, Irtysh, Ob, and Don basins
Pulmonary flukein the Far East
Chinese flukebasins of the Amur River, in the Far East
Echinococcosis, alveococcosisMoldova, Transcaucasia, Ukraine, Rostov and Volgograd regions, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Yakutia, Altai region.

Tablets with worms for weight loss

The fashion for a model appearance and the desire to lose weight sometimes pushes many women to take reckless actions that can be dangerous to health - these are strict diets (essentially fasting), which has contraindications and often leads to the opposite effect, as well as taking “Miracle” pills with worms . You should know that these pills are sold illegally, they are dangerous to health, and advertising of miracle diet pills is a scam and a deception.

Worms lead to intoxication of the body, poisoning with poisons that are formed during the life of parasites. Undoubtedly, intoxication leads to sudden weight loss, but also to nausea, vomiting, and the appearance of rashes and pustules on the skin. This exotic method of losing weight can undermine health during those 3 months of life of the parasites, sometimes leading to irreversible processes in the body - the development of cirrhosis of the liver, cholecystitis, etc.

The most optimal way for a woman to get rid of extra pounds (especially after pregnancy) is to practice Bodyflex for only 15 minutes a day, as well as avoiding flour, fatty and fried foods. The ideal diet is No. 5, which is prescribed to patients with pancreatitis and liver diseases (see what you can eat with pancreatitis).


Selezneva Valentina Anatolyevna physician-therapist

Symptoms of parasites in the body

Medicines for parasites - Signs of parasites in the body are:

  • increased appetite, desire to eat sweets. Parasitic worms are uncomfortable in sour and bitter environments;
  • poor condition of hair, skin, nails, as vitamins and microelements are absorbed by helminths;
  • intoxication of the body, which manifests itself as lack of appetite, nausea, general weakness of the human body due to toxoids secreted by parasites;
  • allergy to toxoids, which manifests itself on the skin in the form of rash, itching and peeling;
  • itching in the anus that occurs at night, when female parasites lay eggs in the anal area;
  • intestinal dysbiosis, frequent bloating, diarrhea, pain;
  • weakened immunity and low resistance to diseases, as parasites secrete substances called cytakins, which suppress the body’s defenses;
  • sudden change in weight. An infected person does not always lose weight; he may begin to gain weight, since helminths absorb vitamins, microelements and proteins, leaving harmful substances for the owner.
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