An effective sleeping pill for humans. How does sleeping pills affect a person?

When a person cannot sleep or often wakes up in the middle of the night, it affects the entire next day. If such problems happen regularly, it is called insomnia. Having noticed its signs, many begin to take sleeping pills. But it’s not for nothing that doctors consider them harmful to health and prescribe them only when necessary. What can take sleeping pills lead to? Why is an overdose of sleeping pills dangerous? The consequences can be severe. Therefore, it is better to do everything necessary to avoid such problems.

Causes of sleep disorders and types of disorders

A sleep disorder is an indicator that indicates a problem. In one case this is due to illness, in the other – to nerves or taking stimulants. Lack of rest harms the body, so you need to determine the cause.

Classification of sleep disorders

  1. Insomnia or insomnia. A person cannot fall asleep on time even when tired. In some cases, insomnia manifests itself in the form of short periods of sleep.
  2. Hypersomnia or drowsiness. This type is characterized by constant fatigue, which occurs after waking up. There is a lack of energy, mental and physical activity decreases.
  3. Violation of rest and wakefulness patterns. Typically for those who cannot go to bed on time (work, study, external factors). This also occurs in people who have switched to polyphasic sleep (several short periods of rest).
  4. Parasomnias. Manifests itself in the form of “sleepwalking,” epileptic seizures, and enuresis. This is a disruption in the phases of sleep, which results in incomplete awakening or unnatural motor activity.

Main reasons:

  • Abuse of stimulants.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Emotional overexcitement.
  • Heart problems.
  • Malignant brain tumors.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Violation of the regime.
  • Late dinner.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • External factors.

Why might it occur?

The inability to fall asleep at night is not a disease, but only an unpleasant symptom that indicates a problem in the body. It is impossible to cure insomnia. You can only eliminate the cause of this condition. In middle-aged people, this problem occurs due to chronic lack of sleep, night shift work, change of place of residence, or any other stressful situation. There is no need to immediately purchase sleeping pills for a person. You just have to solve the problems that have arisen, and sleep will be restored by itself. But if problems arise due to an irregular schedule, you should change jobs.

sleeping pills for humans
Very often, sleeping pills are needed for an elderly person. People over 50 have many health problems. Sleep can be disturbed due to diseases of the cardiovascular system, neuroses, and metabolic problems. Only a qualified doctor can determine the exact cause of insomnia. It will be necessary to take a number of tests and undergo an examination before a specialist prescribes a good drug to restore sleep.

The benefits and harms of sleeping pills

Any drug can both help and harm. Therefore, you should know about the pros and cons of taking psychoactive substances.

All sleeping pills are divided into two large groups: artificial and natural. Natural medications include herbal-based sedatives. Artificial ones are represented by chemical compounds that act on receptors.

The benefit is that after taking the pill, the process of inhibition of the central nervous system starts. Emotions and problems fade into the background, which makes it possible to quickly fall asleep. The action lasts about 6-8 hours. As a result, your body has time to rest and recover. After waking up, you feel lightness and a huge supply of vital energy.

The harm is due to side effects, namely:

  • addiction with long-term use;
  • dry mouth;
  • dizziness;
  • panic state upon refusal;
  • nausea;
  • depression;
  • short-term memory loss.

You should know that most of the “side effects” appear after taking artificially based pills. Sedative medications are not addictive, but their effect is short-lived.

Side effects from taking dream books

Any drug causes a number of side effects that impair the functioning of the body's vital systems. However, in the case of sleeping pills, it is very difficult to avoid the consequences, especially with constant use of the drugs. But why is this happening?

The fact is that the severity of side effects varies from one person to another and they depend on the number of pills taken, the compounds used in the pills, the health of the patient taking the medicine, etc.

Prescription and over-the-counter tablets tend to have effects on patients, including:

  • sudden death;
  • stopping blood flow from the heart to the brain;
  • health diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases;
  • permanent brain damage;
  • liver failure;
  • kidney damage;
  • ulcers;
  • regular fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • lack of thinking;
  • loss of coordination;
  • incoherent speech;
  • memory losses;
  • slow heart rate.

Possible consequences

  1. The body begins to resist the effects of potent medications. Women and men fight insomnia with the help of sleeping pills, and the initial effect meets expectations. But everything changes over time. After prolonged use, the human body begins to actively resist the effects of the pills. Over time, the effects of the sleeping pills have the opposite effect, which leads to an increase in the dose of a single dose, but the consequences can be irreversible, even fatal.
  2. Wrong behavior patterns. Some sleep medications cause parasomnia, a state of semi-consciousness that causes people to walk at night or suffer from amnesia. In most cases, people experiencing this effect do not remember the actions they performed during sleep.
  3. Constant sleepiness. Some people who take sleeping pills become dependent on them. They may still feel sleepy after waking up in the morning, a condition that persists for some time. This creates negative conditions for driving a car and significantly reduces the level of performance.
  4. These drugs can become addictive. Many people find it very difficult to fall asleep and maintain normal sleep if they are used to falling asleep only with a sleeping pill. This is what doctors call restorative insomnia. Medical intervention may be needed once this occurs. This is worse than general sleep problems.
  5. Frequent use of sleeping pills leads to heartburn. Thus, patients suffering from intestinal diseases should take any type of sleep medication with caution.
  6. The risk of early death and cancer increases. A number of studies have shown that people who often suffer from insomnia and resort to taking aids to fall asleep quickly die at a young age and are more likely to become patients in cancer clinics.
  7. High risk of memory loss. As adults, people who abuse sleeping pills experience memory loss. If you do not stop taking it for 3 months, then the development of Alzheimer's disease begins.
  8. Allergic reactions. This happens extremely rarely, but there are people whose bodies have a pronounced failure in some components.
  9. Mixing with alcohol. It should be remembered that the effect of sleeping pills will have the opposite effect if you take the pill immediately after drinking alcohol.
  10. Those who become dependent on the use of sleeping pills sometimes become irritable. Many also complain of mood swings.

What are the dangers of overdose?

Pharmacies offer many options for sleeping pills that help you sleep. Depending on the composition, the negative consequences will vary. For this reason, you should always read the instructions carefully.

Herbal-based sleeping pills do not produce a dangerous effect on the body in case of overdose. Even if you exceed the dose ten times, your condition will be stable. In this case, the reaction to stimuli will slow down, drowsiness and partial disorientation in space will appear.

With chemical-based drugs, things are much more serious. Older barbiturate-based drugs can cause death even at ten times the dose.

Modern sleeping pills are less dangerous, but uncontrolled use leads to hallucinations, loss of orientation in space, vomiting, and dermatitis.

USEFUL INFORMATION: How to take valerian for insomnia: dosage, action and reviews

Main symptoms of overdose:

  • apathy;
  • slow heart rate;
  • increased salivation;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • tongue sinking;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • coma;
  • stopping breathing.

TOP 3 best modern drugs

New generation drugs include three representatives on the drug market. The rating includes the following titles:


DreamZzz is a food concentrate, made in the form of drops, which has proven effective in the fight against insomnia, but the product is completely harmless, since the ingredients are herbal products. In addition to quickly falling asleep, the drug has proven itself to be an excellent assistant in restoring all vital systems of the body. It is acceptable for children aged 2 years and older to drink it because it does not contain any harmful substances.

This sedative drug gives results after the first use. Does not contain allergens. But this product will not be cheap.


This drug is created on the basis of plants and natural components, which are aimed at eliminating the cause of sleep disturbance. This product also normalizes sleep quality and reduces the time it takes to fall asleep.

Extracts of natural components of Sonilyuks are an unchangeable natural form of bioactive additives that are easily absorbed in the body and are bioavailable. The drug has been well recommended as a safe remedy for insomnia with rapid penetration into the blood and a decrease in the excited psycho-emotional state.

The drug does not contain any medicinal, psychotropic or genetically modified components, therefore it is recommended for children over 2 years of age.


Insomnia occurs not only against the background of a psycho-emotional state; it often happens that a spouse’s snoring often forces one to wake up in the middle of the night. To combat this problem, a girl or wife may be advised to drink 20 drops of Restox liquid.

You can only buy it on the manufacturer’s official website, but the effect is guaranteed. The order is made online, a relatively inexpensive means considering the positive effect it has.

For a person who has poor health, it is very important that this remedy does not cause any adverse reactions. However, the composition of the drug includes only natural ingredients that cause individual intolerance. You need to drink it at night.

The principle of action on the human body

Sleeping pills act on certain areas of the brain that are responsible for the cycle of sleep and wakefulness. As a result, the supply of impulses slows down, which leads to inhibition of the central nervous system. Alcohol and opiates work in a similar way.

In fact, the central nervous system, under the influence of psychoactive components, reacts mediocrely to external and internal stimuli, such as pain, fear, light, noise. This allows some tablets to be used as painkillers.

What sleeping pills can put a person to sleep instantly?

It is impossible to put a person to sleep instantly. It takes some time for the medicine to enter the bloodstream. The fastest way to do this is by inhaling a drug such as chloroform - it was once used for anesthesia. Today, chloroform is not used for anesthesia because it is too toxic. It is used only externally as an irritant as part of rubbing for severe neuralgic pain.

You can put a person to sleep fairly quickly when you administer a Phenazepam solution. With intravenous administration, sleep will occur within 3 minutes, and with intramuscular administration - after 5 minutes.

Types of sleeping pills by mechanism of action

The mechanism depends on the active components, so the following groups are distinguished:

  • barbiturates;
  • benzodiazepine;
  • zolpidem.

Barbiturates produce a quick effect even in severe cases, but they disrupt the usual physiological process. The action is aimed at GABA receptors, which, under the influence of active substances, acquire increased sensitivity. As a result, the influence of the brain stem on its cortex is inhibited.


Benzodiazepine derivatives are CNS depressants. The principle of action is identical to barbiturates. They have a tranquilizing and anticonvulsant effect. The main differences are the absence of dependence and sleep phase disturbances.

Zolpidem selectively acts on receptors (does not affect the peripheral part), which increases the deep phase of sleep. This allows for complete physical and mental recovery.

Vitamin complexes for insomnia

The body's susceptibility to stress with a deficiency of a number of vitamins increases. Taking biologically active substances, although it does not have a direct sedative or hypnotic effect, does help relieve insomnia. To achieve the desired effect, the patient is prescribed vitamins B, A and E. Additionally, it is recommended to take magnesium, calcium and potassium. Pharmacy vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed only by a doctor after assessing the patient’s general condition and checking the results of basic tests.

What you need to know before you take it

There are certain rules for taking psychoactive drugs that help avoid adverse reactions, as well as create an optimal regimen for use.

How long does it take for sleeping pills to take effect on a person?

Most medications come in tablet form, which means they first pass through the digestive tract and then enter the bloodstream. For this reason, the effect appears no earlier than after 20-30 minutes. In some cases you have to wait up to 1 hour.

Product manufacturers indicate in the instructions when the tablet will begin to act. It is important to understand that a possible delay of 5-10 minutes is associated with the characteristics of your body.

Effect duration

There are separate groups of sleeping pills with different durations of action.

  1. Short (3-4 hours). The drugs suppress only irritants without affecting receptors. As a result, natural inhibition of the nervous system begins and the person falls asleep. Herbal sleeping pills have this effect.
  2. Medium (5-8 hours). Medicines in this group not only eliminate irritants, but also initiate inhibition of the central nervous system. This leads to an increase in exposure time and eliminates spontaneous awakenings.
  3. Long-term (8-10 hours). Medicines strongly inhibit the nervous system, so they help with serious sleep disorders. They eliminate early and night awakenings.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Non-addictive medications for insomnia for older people

New items

Just a few years ago, barbiturates and benzodiazepines were popular treatments for insomnia.

These are tablets based on components such as zopiclone, zolpidem, zaleplon. In pharmacies they are represented by the following products: “Sonnat”, “Sonylux”, “Somnol”, “Rozerem”. The active substances of the compositions quickly penetrate the blood, exert their effect and are eliminated from the body within a few hours. Due to this, it is possible to avoid overdose, addiction, the development of drug dependence, and negative “morning” manifestations.

These types of tablets are not only safe, but also effective. They affect brain receptors without changing tissue structure. A positive result is achieved by improving the patient’s mood, making it easier to fall asleep, and increasing the depth of sleep. At the same time, there is a beneficial effect of the tablets on the condition of the heart, blood vessels, and endocrine system.

The active substance of Sonilyux quickly penetrates the blood.

What if sleeping pills don't work?

Medicines may not work at all, for which there are reasons.

Sleeping pills don't work

  • Firstly, regular use of tablets causes addiction to the receptors, and they do not respond to the active components.
  • Secondly, they simply do not work for many people, which is due to physiology.
  • Thirdly, in case of serious diseases, blocking receptors does not always work. All this suggests that psychoactive substances are not able to solve any problem.

Folk recipes

Sleeping pills folk recipes mainly include the use of various herbs and plant leaves:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water over fresh mint leaves (a teaspoon) and leave. Drink a tablespoon 5-6 times during the day.
  2. Brew chamomile baskets (1 tablespoon or 2 teaspoons) in a glass of boiling water, consume half an hour before bedtime.
  3. Pour a glass of boiling water over lemon balm leaves (5 teaspoons) and drink before going to bed.
  4. Before going to bed, dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warmed milk.

Folk sleeping pills can be used in addition to basic drug therapy. However, do not forget about the risk of allergic reactions and cross-drug interactions between the components of therapy. Also, traditional medicine methods do not give the expected effect in all patients: the effect of herbs is usually many times less than that of pharmacologically tested substances.

How to neutralize the effect of sleeping pills?

All drugs affect receptors inside the brain, increasing or decreasing their sensitivity. Neutralization requires substances that will affect the same receptors, but their effect will be the opposite.

Let us clarify that caffeine-based products are not suitable for these purposes, so do not use them under any circumstances. Coffee, tea or energy drinks will lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system and brain.

In case of drug poisoning, it is necessary to artificially induce vomiting and drink absorbents. Next, you should drink a lot of clean water at room temperature to speed up the elimination of substances.

If you need to cancel the effect of a sleeping pill, then you can’t do without injections. Flumazenil is administered intravenously at a dose of 1.5-15. It blocks the increased sensitivity of GABA receptors. The higher the dose, the stronger the effect. It is important to introduce the drug gradually.

Medicines available only with a doctor's prescription


Another drug that almost instantly solves the problem of falling asleep is Phenazepam. Refers to a number of tranquilizers. Among all sleeping pills, this medicine is considered to be the best. The hypnotic effect of Phenazepam can be expected 15 minutes after administration. It is recommended to take it for insomnia that appears due to fears, anxiety, and phobias.


Important! The fast-acting sleeping pill Phenazepam relieves anxiety and is used as an anticonvulsant drug.

It is prescribed in the following dosage: for adults, the daily dose can reach 6 grams. the main active ingredient (in difficult cases). The optimal single dose is 250-500 mcg.

Take 1 time per day before bedtime - half an hour before. Long-term use can cause withdrawal symptoms and dependence.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should be careful. It is not allowed to use the drug together with alcohol. Duration of therapy is 2 weeks, no more.

Upon purchase, the pharmacist requires a prescription from the doctor. Price – from 85 to 200 rubles.

According to reviews from doctors, Phenazepam is a last resort for insomnia. There are milder medications that will relieve restlessness, anxiety and irritability that lead to insomnia.


“What drug should I take to make me fall asleep instantly?” , many people ask at a doctor’s appointment. "Imovan" is a fast-acting sleeping pill. It is prescribed in the following cases:


  • for sleep disorders,
  • when the process of falling asleep is difficult,
  • with numerous awakenings during the night's rest,
  • for situational insomnia,
  • for chronic insomnia,
  • when sleep disturbances are associated with neurosis, anxiety, and unreasonable fears.

People with respiratory and heart failure, apnea, children under 15 years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women should not take Imovan.

A single dosage for people over 15 years of age is 7.5 mg. In severe cases, as prescribed by the doctor, it can be increased to 15 mg. Elderly people and those who suffer from severe renal impairment should start with a dosage of 3.75 mg.

Among the undesirable effects are disorders in the digestive tract, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system (head pain, drowsiness, blurred vision, hallucinations, scary dreams, confusion, dizziness).

You cannot combine taking Imovan and alcoholic beverages. The drug is dispensed only with a medical prescription from a doctor. Cost – 550-900 rubles.

According to reviews, “Imovan” really helps you fall asleep almost instantly. Only a few complain about the many side effects that manifest themselves in daytime drowsiness, as well as difficulty waking up in the morning.


"Ivadal" is included in the category of "sedative, fast-acting sleeping pills." The medicine is good to use when there are sleep disturbances, chronic lack of sleep, insomnia, and constant awakenings during the night.


Important! The next morning, drowsiness after taking Ivadal does not persist.

It is better not to take the drug for people with impaired gas exchange in the lungs, apnea, severe kidney pathologies, liver diseases, as well as children under 18 years of age, women expecting a child (in the first trimester) and nursing mothers.

Undesirable effects include disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, and allergic reactions. When taking the drug for a long time (more than 1 week), addiction develops.

The tablets should be taken a quarter of an hour before bedtime. Single dose – 0.1 g. The course of therapy is from 2 to 5 days. If the doctor has prescribed to continue treatment for more than a week, then the drug should be discontinued gradually.

The medicine is dispensed only with a doctor's prescription. The cost of the medicine is 830 rubles.

As for those who have tried the drug on themselves, the reviews are generally positive. Many people talk about the rapid action of the medicine. The drug is especially good for shallow sleep and frequent awakenings.


To quickly fall asleep, doctors often prescribe Reladorm to patients. The medicine has a combined effect. It begins to act within 15-20 minutes. It has the following effects on the body:


  • sedative,
  • hypnotic,
  • anxiolytic, that is, it relieves anxiety.

In pharmacies it is found only in tablet form. The medicine includes the following substances: calcium cyclobarbital, diazepam. Prescribed for sleep disorders caused by anxiety and neuroses.

People with:

  • glaucoma,
  • myasthenia gravis,
  • apnea,
  • depression,
  • mental disorders,
  • respiratory failure,
  • with thoughts of suicide,
  • renal and liver failure.

In addition, the drug is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children under 15 years of age, and elderly people over 65 years of age. Reladorm is prohibited for use in cases of severe alcohol poisoning and drugs that affect the nervous system.

Important! Doctors recommend being careful with sleeping pills and not using them for a long time due to the likelihood of developing dependence and withdrawal symptoms.

You need to take the drug 15 minutes before bedtime, ½ or a whole tablet orally. Side effects include digestive tract disorders, allergies, low blood pressure, dizziness, weakness, and fainting. Duration of treatment – ​​7 days (no longer possible, as there is a possibility of developing withdrawal syndrome).

The medicine is dispensed only with a doctor's prescription. The price varies between 380-600 rubles. Analogues are: “Sibazon”, “Relium”, “Seduxen”.

Opinions about this drug are divided. Some talk about its effectiveness, while others complain about a large number of side effects.


The main substance of Sanval is zolpidem. It is sold only in tablet form. The medicine is prescribed to people who complain of systematic and early awakenings during the night, as well as difficulty falling asleep.


The disadvantages of the drug include the inability to use in depression, as well as a negative effect on the central nervous system and digestive tract.

The optimal dosage of "Sanval" is 10-20 mg (maximum). Elderly people should take no more than 5 mg of the active ingredient. The tablets should be taken before bedtime. Duration of treatment is no more than 4 weeks. The withdrawal should be gradual.

The price of the drug is 350 rubles.

Many people speak positively about this drug. After using it, sleep comes quickly. However, there are also those who talk about undesirable effects, among which the most common are daytime drowsiness and short-term stomach pain.


Another good and quick medicine is Andante. The drug belongs to the group of pyrazolo-pyrimidines. It is considered one of the safest of this category. It is prescribed to help you fall asleep faster and prevent early awakening. The main component, zaleplon, begins to act within 15 minutes. Available in capsule form.


It is not recommended for people who are intolerant to the components that make up the drug, as well as for expectant mothers. In addition, there is no need to use Andante fast-acting sleeping pills for pulmonary and renal failure, as well as for girls breastfeeding and children under 18 years of age.

Among the advantages can be noted:

  • accelerating the process of falling asleep,
  • reducing the number of awakenings at night,
  • elimination of severe sleep disorders.

It is worth noting that the drug has several side effects: from the central nervous system, lethargy, passivity, headache, dizziness, short temper, aggressiveness, from the digestive tract - vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, pain in the entire abdominal area. In rare cases, skin rashes and allergies are observed.

Important! The fast-acting drug Andante is addictive if taken for a long time. With systematic use, withdrawal syndrome develops, which manifests itself in the form of increased symptoms of insomnia.

It is recommended that adults take the medicine orally with water. Single dosage – 10 mg. The duration of treatment should be no more than 2 weeks.

Price “Andante” – 470 rubles.

Many who have taken Andante talk about its immediate effect. However, there are those who claim that they will no longer take this medicine due to side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness and tiredness during the day.

Features of use in children and the elderly

The hypnotic effect manifests itself differently in people of different ages, so children and elderly citizens need special medications.

For children

In babies under 6 months of age, problems with falling asleep are caused by age-related characteristics. There are only two diseases for which sleeping pills are necessarily prescribed - cerebral hydrocephalus and postnatal encephalopathy. In all other cases, herbal decoctions (chamomile, mint, lemon balm, motherwort) or special mixtures with tryptophan are used. This is an amino acid that helps you sleep without any harm to the body.

At the age of 6 months to 1 year, the sedative medicine “Pantogam” is used. It improves blood flow to the brain and also does not cause negative effects. Prescribed exclusively for disorders of the nervous system.

Preschool children (2-5 years old) are given homeopathic medicines that normalize blood circulation and improve the functioning of brain cells. They help with stuttering and enuresis. The doctor may prescribe magnesium B6, the lack of which prevents the baby from falling asleep.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Medicine for insomnia for older people

Children under 14 years of age should not be given medications containing strong chemicals. Only mild sedatives and soothing teas are used.

For the elderly

The main feature of the body of older people is a slow metabolism. For this reason, the period of elimination of medications increases, which requires a dose reduction. Another important problem is early awakening, which makes herbal preparations useless.

In old age, it is dangerous to take pills whose active ingredients are barbiturates. They cause respiratory arrest during sleep, and the “side effects” appear many times more often. Also, tranquilizers should not be used, as they contribute to central nervous system dysfunction.

Doctors, as a rule, prescribe hormonal medications or those that block histamine receptors. The first option supplies the body with melatonin, which causes drowsiness. The second allows you to fall asleep in the presence of pain of varying severity or emotional disorders.

How to overcome insomnia without drugs

Even with a pronounced clinical picture of insomnia, you should refrain from using tablets until all less aggressive methods have been tested. This point is especially important for people with liver diseases, children and the elderly, pregnant women. Physiotherapy, traditional medicine, physical exercise, diet, and exercise can help normalize sleep.

The approach to getting rid of the problem must be comprehensive; in isolation, such methods will not give a lasting positive result.

Pharmacies offer a variety of insomnia pills, many of which can be purchased without a prescription. If the rules for treating insomnia are violated or the principles of sleep hygiene are ignored, such remedies will not give the desired effect. Doctors do not recommend relying only on them when a problem arises.

Choosing the right sleeping pills

Before choosing and purchasing medications, you must visit a doctor. This should be done not only to obtain a prescription, but also to make an accurate diagnosis. In the absence of diseases, there is no point in using strong sedatives, as they quickly lead to addiction. And if you have chronic insomnia, then such treatment will lead to addiction rather than solving the problem.

Choice of drugs

In fact, the choice is between natural and artificial sleeping pills. Natural ones will help with nervous overexcitation, and will not affect reactions (driving, dangerous work). They can be taken without fear of developing addiction. However, the effect is limited to calming, so they are not able to help sleep in severe disorders.

Artificially based drugs “turn off” the interaction between the central nervous system and the outside world. This allows you to solve any problem, but only for a short period of time. They should be used only during treatment of the disease that caused insomnia.

If problems with the regime are caused by flights, work or training, as well as emotional stress, then it is better to stop at the hormonal drug Melaxen. It is an artificial analogue of melatonin, which helps improve the functioning of the nervous system and brain in the shortest possible time. The body produces it after dark, which signals the need for rest.

In case of serious sleep problems, Sanval based on zolpidem is used. This is a strong remedy that has a minimum of side effects, but can be addictive.

Are sleeping pills useful or harmful?

For temporary insomnia, taking sleeping pills is not recommended. His help is sought only for chronic phenomena. But any drug of such action is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

A useful quality of sleeping pills is that they alleviate sleep disorders and eliminate fatigue. Their action is useful for diseases that interfere with proper sleep. They do not need to accumulate in the body to begin their effects. The effect of sleeping pills is quick and short-lived.

But experts do not advise taking sleeping pills without serious reasons. After all, they have a number of negative properties. The inhibited state from them can continue even after waking up. This affects performance and causes lethargy.

Important! Taking sleeping pills can affect a person's reaction while driving.

If you get carried away with these medications, you may experience depression, seizures, and hallucinations. This entails mental disorders. Abruptly stopping taking sleeping pills can cause insomnia. There is a possibility that, having gotten used to a certain drug, the body will stop responding to it. In addition to the above dangers, an overdose of sleeping pills is also possible.

Over-the-counter medications

  1. "Melaxen";
  2. "Donormil";
  3. "Sonmil";
  4. "Dormiplant";
  5. "Persen";
  6. "Phenazepam";
  7. "Novo-Passit";
  8. "Sonylux";
  9. "Phytosedan";
  10. "Glycine".

Insomnia is an indicator of problems, so you need to take this symptom seriously. The drugs discussed are exclusively symptomatic medications that do not solve the problem and do not eliminate the cause. It should be remembered that the active compounds can cause allergies, so preliminary tolerability tests will not hurt.

How to take the drug so as not to get used to it

No drug should be taken without a medical prescription, especially sleeping pills. It is prescribed for a short period of time so as not to cause addiction - about a week. It also cannot be used daily; this leads to psychological dependence, when a person is afraid that without the treasured pill, sleep will not come to him.

The most important danger is overdose, which in the lion's share of cases leads to death.

Recommendations on what sleeping pills to take, in what dosage and how often will be given by your doctor. There are light herbal preparations that prevent insomnia and at the same time do not cause addiction or dependence:

  • Phytosedan (herbal mixture);
  • Persen;
  • Novo-passit;
  • Corvalol.

Safe preparations include valerian, motherwort, mint, lemon balm, hops, and passionflower. They do not have a sedative, but a calming effect, and are indicated for mild insomnia and increased nervous excitability, therefore they are suitable for patients whose problems with falling asleep are associated with an unbalanced emotional state.

In more serious cases, strong medications are prescribed, which should be taken strictly according to the schedule. As soon as improvement occurs, taking sleeping pills should be stopped.

Melatonin Alternatives

Alternatives to melatonin include natural sleep aids such as:

  • lavender
  • magnesium
  • Melissa
  • lemon
  • passionflower

However, like melatonin and other supplements, natural sleep aids are not regulated. People who do not want to use melatonin or other sleep aids can try the following sleep hygiene techniques:

  • Maintaining a sleep schedule by going to sleep and waking up at approximately the same time every day, even on weekends
  • avoid using electronics such as televisions, computers and cell phones in the bedroom
  • Do relaxing activities in the evening, such as reading a book, meditating, or taking a bath
  • avoiding eating large meals before bed
  • avoiding caffeine in the evening
  • exercise during the day
  • maintaining a comfortable temperature in the bedroom
  • falling asleep in a dark, quiet room

Causes of insomnia

The most common causes of difficulty falling asleep include:

  • change of time zones;
  • falling asleep late;
  • anxiety;
  • restless legs syndrome;
  • pain;
  • depression;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • mental illness;
  • somatic diseases;
  • endocrine disorders.

Short-term insomnia can last about a week. This condition occurs after experiencing stress and does not pose a health hazard. Consequences for the body occur if sleep disturbances continue for several weeks or months. In this case, examination and treatment with the prescription of sleeping pills is necessary.


Combined drug (melissa, mint, valerian).


The cost of a package of 20 capsules is 350 rubles.

The drug has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect, insomnia is mentioned in the indications. Has a mild antispasmodic effect. Unlike Novo-Passit, it does not contain guaifenzine, and unlike Corvalol, it does not have an intrusive odor.

Advantages : The “night” variety of Persen is specially designed for night use. It helps well to fall asleep if insomnia is caused by nervous excitability, that is, a changed mood background.

Disadvantages: There is no liquid dosage form. Usually the liquid form has the desired effect faster. The drug is not recommended for people with biliary tract diseases, as well as for children under 12 years of age. Long-term use may cause constipation.

From reviews of Persen: “It seems to me that only a course of treatment has a good effect, and a one-time dose does not improve sleep. But if you drink it for at least a week, your mood becomes even and it becomes easier to fall asleep.”

Corvalol (Valocordin)

Contains phenobarbital (tablets - 7.5 mg, 1.826 g per 100 ml).



Cost of drops (50 ml) – 40 tablets (No. 20) – 150

Corvalol (valocordin) is the only over-the-counter drug containing the barbiturate phenobarbital. This immediately puts this drug on a par with more serious competitors, and its low cost makes it very attractive to a wide segment of the population. It is recommended to take from 10 to 40 drops per dose.

Advantages: the drug has a characteristic odor, valerian and mint potentiate the effect of phenobarbital. Can be used as a distraction for pain in the heart area instead of validol; drops can be used in different, individual dosages. The drug has a mild antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of internal organs and is indicated for tachycardia (palpitations) and psychomotor agitation.


  • The characteristic smell of the medicine can permeate an entire apartment with frequent use.
  • Many people have a prejudice that Corvalol is a “medicine for the poor” - this is completely untrue.
  • Not recommended during breastfeeding.

From reviews: “Corvalol is the best sleeping pill. I've been taking it my whole life. Both my mother and my grandmother. In addition to helping with insomnia and palpitations, I apply it on my face in the summer - the medicine wonderfully repels mosquitoes, and does not contain terrible chemicals. A solid five!”

Signs of addiction to sleeping pills

Firstly, a person gets used to using pills to fall asleep or calm down. Without the medicine he can no longer do this. There is a need to increase the dosage or switch to stronger sleeping pills (sedatives). Also, a dependent person’s behavior is revealed by:

  • poor coordination of movements;
  • forgetfulness, inattention or absent-mindedness;
  • the person is “not present”, that is, he is hovering somewhere “not here”, does not support the conversation, his behavior does not correspond to the surrounding environment.

Emergency life saving

If one of your family or friends is taking a dangerous drug, you need to monitor how much the person has taken. It is especially important to control the dosage in older people who are prone to forgetfulness. It would be useful to learn the symptoms that indicate that you have taken a lot of the drug.

In any case, you cannot do without calling an emergency team. It is important to remember the name of the medications and not throw away the containers of the medications so that doctors can begin detoxification as quickly as possible and minimize the strong negative effect of poisoning.

While the ambulance is on its way, you should take a number of independent measures. In particular, if a person started using sleeping pills 30 minutes ago and is still conscious, you need to:

  • give as much water as possible to drink;
  • induce vomiting;
  • give sorbents (activated carbon);
  • pour sweet strong tea or milk.

If a person is unconscious, the algorithm of actions is:

  • open your mouth and check for tablets - a large amount cannot be swallowed at once;
  • if there are signs of breathing or heartbeat, place the patient on his side;
  • vomiting began, you need to make sure that the respiratory organs are not clogged.

In case of cardiac arrest, indirect massage is necessary. You need to know this if there is a seriously ill person in the house, whose treatment is carried out with injections or sleeping pills.

Chances of survival

With timely help, the result of poisoning can be reversible. It is only important that the right doctor or person who knows what to do is nearby. With all other factors, there is also a chance to survive, however, severe damage to the brain and internal organs will result in a series of diseases, mental disorders and other troubles.

Attention! The consequence of poisoning with sleeping pills is not always death, most often it is a wheelchair, immobility or degradation of mental abilities. This is something you need to think about before you eat a handful of pills at a time - not all medications lead to instant death, and more fatal consequences can occur.



Cost No. 50 - 49 rubles.

Glycine is a simple amino acid; its role is to regulate inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex. The effect of glycine is complex and complex: it should be used not only for sleep disorders. To improve sleep, it is absorbed under the tongue, since absorption into the sublingual vessels avoids passage through the liver portal system, which accelerates the effect.

Advantages: Since glycine (aminoacetic acid) is found in sufficient quantities in the human body, an overdose of glycine is unlikely to occur before serious complications occur. In addition, the drug has an anti-anxiety effect and simultaneously improves memory and memorization processes. It is used in therapy, neurology, and is widely prescribed to school-age children.

Disadvantages: the specific hypnotic effect of glycine has not been studied separately. The effect of the drug is reduced to restoring the imbalance between the transmitters of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system.

From reviews of Glycine: “I started using glycine on the advice of friends during a session, as I had previously abused coffee in order to remember a large amount of information. I started having breakdowns, memory impairment, irritability and poor sleep. A week after starting to take glycine, I managed to get rid of all the unpleasant sensations. Improved sleep and memory."

Careful handling of strong sleeping pills

A powerful sleeping pill helps you fall asleep quickly, but causes a lot of side effects. The likelihood of an adverse reaction due to improper use increases. General recommendations for dealing with strong hypnotics are presented in the list:

  • Take the tablets for no more than 10-14 days.
  • Be examined to exclude pathological factors if there are no results.
  • Forget about bad habits during treatment.
  • Do not take sleeping pills with other medications without the doctor's knowledge.
  • Avoid activities that require concentration.
  • Repeat the course only after receiving permission from the doctor and completing a month-long break.
  • Use hypnotics strictly according to the treatment regimen.
  • Tell your doctor immediately if you experience any reactions to the drug.
  • Consider possible side effects and contraindications.

Many forms of insomnia do not require treatment with sleeping pills. Taking heavy medications in cases where lifestyle adjustments and sleep hygiene can be done is not recommended.

Strong drugs with a hypnotic effect are used to treat advanced forms of insomnia. The attending physician should be responsible for drawing up the treatment regimen. Taking hypnotics on your own is dangerous to your health. The patient can cause an overdose, which promises serious consequences.

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