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Home > Symptoms > Pins and needles, goosebumps, numbness in the hands All kinds of unusual sensations in the hands
Diet 4 table is a therapeutic diet, the main purpose of which is to reduce the load on
The comfortable condition of the skin is inextricably linked to the degree of its hydration. Dry skin on hands and
Anyone can get eczema, regardless of gender or age. Even though she doesn't
A very large number of women have encountered such a problem as uterine bleeding. Mainly
Most people know from school where appendicitis is located in a person. The appendix is located
Blood pressure level is the force with which blood exerts on the blood vessels as it passes through
Achondroplasia (diaphyseal aplasia, congenital chondrodystrophy) is a genetic disease that results in growth impairment
Inflammation of the iris (lat. iris) and ciliary or ciliary body (lat. corpus ciliare), which are