Eosinophils are elevated in adults. What is it, causes, symptoms, tests and treatment
Eosinophils are elevated in adults. What is it, causes, symptoms, tests and treatment
Among the many blood cells, there is a population of white blood cells called eosinophils, which are markers that determine: allergies
Who is a nephrologist and what is used in nephrology to treat kidneys
Nephrology is a medical branch specializing in the study of the normal and pathological functioning of the kidneys and related
Why does my stomach constantly hurt? Causes of frequent abdominal pain
Why does my stomach constantly hurt? Some people have stomach pain every day for weeks,
Sjögren's disease: what it is, symptoms and treatment
Sjögren's disease or syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease also known as sicca syndrome. Disease
Rheumatoid factor: what it is, norms by age, causes of increased and negative values, diagnosis and treatment
Inflammatory disorders are divided into two large subgroups. The first is infectious. Actually septic diseases.
Hematocrit calculation
What does increased hematocrit in the blood mean: causes, symptoms and consequences, treatment and prognosis
Hematocrit is a barely noticeable to ordinary people, but extremely important indicator of the state of the blood. Indicator,
reasons for low testosterone
Be a male! 9 Simple Ways to Boost Testosterone
Information from the Internet was used in preparing this article. This article is for informational purposes only. People
What to do when your legs cramp? Causes and treatments
Muscle cramps are involuntary and intense muscle contractions without a period of relaxation. Almost every
Pain in the right side: 20 diseases that can cause it
Diseases of the liver and gall bladder Biliary colic rightfully bears the title of one of the most
biochemical blood test in St. Petersburg
A biochemical blood test will tell you everything about you - truth serum
Biochemistry analysis is taken when diagnosing various diseases, if there are deviations in the general analysis