Feminal during menopause. How to take, contraindications, analogues. Reviews from women

“Feminal” is a dietary supplement that is prescribed to women during menopause when health problems arise. This is a good alternative to hormonal therapy. Even women who have endocrine diseases can use the nutritional supplement. To normalize the activity of the female reproductive system during menopause, it is recommended to take the homeopathic drug “Feminal”. Reviews from oncologists display the composition of the product as a set of components that are beneficial to the body of women with cancer.

Menopause is first accompanied by a strong decrease in the amount of hormones produced, and over time – by a complete cessation of this process. During this period, some changes in the physical and mental state of the woman are noted. Typically, sweating, attacks of tachycardia, facial flushing, severe anxiety, and increased irritability appear. In addition, during menopause, mood changes dramatically, the mammary glands become sensitive, and the skin becomes dry. The product copes well with such manifestations of menopause. Since the dietary supplement does not contain sugar, sweetener substitutes, or preservatives, women suffering from diabetes can safely use Feminal. Reviews from oncologists describe the composition of the drug as a mixture that does not contain chemical and synthetic components, which allows the use of gelatin capsules by women with oncology.


Feminal is a biological supplement that is indicated for women during menopause.

The dietary supplement contains natural plant components (isoflavones):

The action of all components is aimed at improving the well-being of women during menopause. In addition, they also prevent the development of cancer, osteoporosis and improve the functioning of the heart muscle. The result from the product should be expected no earlier than 7 days, since the substances have a cumulative property.

Isoflavones affect all functions of the body, including the hormonal background of a woman, leveling it during menopause.

In addition to the main components, the composition contains excipients:

  • silica;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • crystalline cellulose.

Feminal action

Menopause occurs in every woman's life. For most, this happens by age 50. The onset of menopause can be too difficult to bear physically and psychologically. Frequent hot flashes, heavy sweating, heart rhythm disturbances and mental instability lead to depression. There are problems with sleep and frequent headaches. Sexual activity decreases due to irritation and dryness of the vagina. For some, these symptoms are barely noticeable, for others they are pronounced.

According to statistics, almost 40% of women during menopause turn to specialists for osteoporosis, breast cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and other diseases associated with hormonal imbalance.

Taking medications that can replenish hormone deficiency helps to get rid of the symptoms of menopause and prevent complications. One such remedy is Feminal.

It is based on a unique plant that contains the maximum amount of phytohormones in microdoses:

  • Biochanin A
    (biocanin A);
  • Formononetin
  • Daidzein
  • Genistein

These isoflavones are similar in structure to human hormones, which eliminates the loss of estrogen without unnecessary side effects.

Release forms

Feminal - reviews from women during menopause indicate that the drug's release form is convenient - in the form of capsules, often also called tablets. The package contains two cassettes of 15 capsules each, which is enough for a month's course.

Feminal during menopause. How to take, contraindications, analogues. Reviews from women

The capsules are oblong-shaped and pink in color. If the capsules are opened, there will be a green powdery substance inside. The capsule shell easily softens under the influence of saliva or water due to the fact that it is made of gelatin.

Menopause and its symptoms

Menopause is characterized by a decrease in the level of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone.
At its first stage the following are observed:

  • hot flashes with bouts of sweating,
  • headache,
  • irritability, unstable mood,
  • sleep disturbances,
  • deterioration in performance,
  • due to the predominance of androgens and testosterone, rapid weight gain occurs,
  • problems appear in the gastrointestinal tract, with the heart and blood vessels.

Menopause occurs in the range of 40-55 years, this is due to hereditary factors, working and living conditions, climate, ecology, the presence or absence of bad habits and much more. By the time of postmenopause, the genitals become significantly smaller, which continues for several more years.

At this stage, the level of FSH and LH hormones is significantly increased and the following symptoms are not uncommon:

  • Dryness and itching in the vagina,
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Increased frequency of urination with pain.

At the same time, blood vessels change (risk of atherosclerosis, stroke, diabetes), bones become more fragile (osteoporosis), and weather dependence appears. Usually by the age of 60, in the absence of pathology, the hormonal levels stabilize, the primary signs of menopause disappear, but the secondary ones remain until the end of life. To mitigate their consequences, hormone replacement therapy is used using synthetic or natural herbal preparations.

Indications for use

The drug is used for early signs of menopause.

The components help eliminate the symptoms that accompany menopause:

  • nervous breakdowns and sudden changes in mood;
  • attacks of tachycardia that have periodicity;
  • increased sweating and hot flashes;
  • increased breast sensitivity, even when touched by clothing;
  • headache (recurrent);
  • dizziness;
  • restless sleep and anxiety;
  • discomfort in the intimate areas;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes.

    Feminal during menopause. How to take, contraindications, analogues. Reviews from women
    According to reviews from women, Feminal effectively suppresses the symptoms of menopause

Sometimes women during menopause do not experience discomfort, but still receive medical recommendations to take Feminal. This is due to the fact that menopause is a colossal restructuring of the body’s functioning, the relief of which requires auxiliary therapy, even if negative symptoms do not appear.

Phytoconcentrate Feminal

There is also a hydroalcoholic extract of Feminal, which is a phytoconcentrate from medicinal raw materials of nettle, centaury, hawthorn and calendula flowers, shepherd's purse, flowers and herbs of St. John's wort and celandine, oregano, and thyme. Its action is similar to that of the supplement described above.

Feminal Feminal instructions for use

It is prescribed as a prophylactic agent to prevent diseases such as polyposis and glandular cystic hyperplasia. The drug prevents the occurrence of tumors. The use of an extract reduces the symptoms of menopause, which occurs in a pathological form, facilitating its course.

The use of phytoconcentrate in drops reduces excess weight, corrects metabolic disorders, and improves the process of removing fluid from the body. The product works effectively for all diseases of the female reproductive system. It can be used both in treatment alone and in combination with other agents.

Liquid Feminal is recommended for use by girls during puberty to regulate the menstrual cycle.

The extract is taken daily 1-2 times in an amount of 30 to 50 drops, which are added to water with a volume of 50 to 100 milliliters (this depends on the degree of the disorder). Should be consumed 30 minutes before or after meals. If taken in combination with other medications, you need to take a break between doses.

If turbidity or sediment appears in the solution, do not think that this is a sign of its unsuitability or loss of medicinal properties.

If a woman is prohibited from using alcohol in medications, it can be removed from the solution. In order for the alcohol to evaporate, it should be dripped into hot water or a hot vessel. After a few minutes it will evaporate from the solution.

Feminal Feminal instructions for use

The homeopathic medicine and aqueous-alcoholic solution Feminal, its instructions for use and reviews indicate that it has a positive effect on the condition of a woman during menostasis. This is explained by the fact that it is produced from plant materials, which makes it completely safe when affecting the body.

Advantages and disadvantages

Feminal, reviews of women during menopause touch on the topic of a deficient state of hormones, helps to replenish the balance of necessary hormones. Doctors agree that Feminal is a harmless drug, but at the same time helps eliminate the symptoms of menopause.

Feminine has its positive and negative sides. Unlike synthetic hormonal drugs, Feminal affects the “levers” of the endocrine system, improving a woman’s well-being and having a beneficial effect on weight, allowing it to be adjusted downward.

Taking Feminal helps prevent the formation of cysts, endometriosis and other gynecological problems.

Feminal during menopause. How to take, contraindications, analogues. Reviews from women

The disadvantage of the drug is possible intolerance to the components included in the composition. Some consider the release form to be a disadvantage, since not everyone can take capsule medications.


Hormonal deficiency in the female body during menopause requires replenishment. The use of chemical hormonal drugs is associated with many contraindications and side effects. In addition, studies have shown that most hormones obtained from outside increase the risk of uterine fibroids and cancer. Taking phytohormones helps avoid these negative consequences. According to doctors, Feminal is a harmless drug that effectively reduces the symptoms of menopause.

A little about clover

Red clover is familiar to anyone who has walked through a meadow in the summer at least once in their life. This plant is widespread in Russia. Healers used red clover to treat cancer. A recipe for infusion of clover in milk has been known for a long time to restore vitality after illness.

In Ancient Rus', clover or stable was considered a symbol of beauty, youth and virtue.

The chemical composition of clover grass increases the body's resistance to stress. Decoctions and infusions from it help a woman easily survive menopause. The mild effect of clover and its rich vitamin and mineral composition, when used correctly, do not cause negative reactions from the body.

Mechanism of action

Feminal, reviews from women during menopause help evaluate the quality of the drug, is a homeopathic remedy based on a natural plant base. The main component of the drug (red clover) contains many useful substances that are aimed at eliminating the symptoms of menopause.


  • noticeable improvement in hormonal balance;
  • elimination of sweating;
  • suppression of anger and insomnia;
  • maintaining libido at the usual level;
  • prevention of dry vaginal wall syndrome;
  • blocking pain in the chest area.

During the preventive course, the body is saturated with phytohormones, which helps it better cope with the symptoms of menopause (menopause).

pharmachologic effect

Isoflavones are the most effective phytoestrogens. Due to their structural similarity to estrogens, they are capable of actively binding to estrogen receptors in body tissues. Depending on the concentration of endogenous estradiol and receptor location, isoflavones can act as estrogen receptor agonists or antagonists. This selective ability to connect allows them to be classified as natural selective modulators of estrogen receptors. Red clover has significant advantages over other plants containing isoflavones, since it: - contains 4 isoflavones (soybeans contain only 2); — contains the largest amount of isoflavones (10-20 times more than in soy); — contains polyphenols with strong antioxidant properties; — is not a genetically modified product.

Instructions for use

According to the instruction card attached to the drug, it is recommended to take Feminal 1 gelatin capsule once a day. It is best to take it together with food. The duration of preventive treatment is 30 calendar days.


It is possible to take the drug for a long time; to do this, you need to consult with your doctor and find out the need for such prevention. If your doctor has prescribed you to take a biological supplement for a long time, you should definitely give your body a rest between courses.


Let's figure out how to use the Feminal product. The reviews recommend using them within 30 days, because... The capsules contained in the package are enough for one month. If necessary, the drug can be used for a long time. To improve well-being during menopause, it is recommended to take 1 capsule of Feminal daily. The drug should be taken with meals. You should definitely consult a doctor before using Feminal. Instructions for use and reviews make it clear that when using this drug it is necessary to take breaks for at least 3 weeks. Only in this case, taking a dietary supplement will bring the desired effect without harm to health.


The dietary supplement "Feminal" has a small number of contraindications. This drug can be taken even with diabetes, since its composition is devoid of sugar and its substitutes.

The use of biological additives is contraindicated:

  • if there is intolerance to the components contained in the composition;
  • during the period of bearing a child;
  • during breastfeeding;

    Feminal during menopause. How to take, contraindications, analogues. Reviews from women

  • men;
  • children under 16 years of age.

Tests for allergic reactions can be taken in advance with a referral from the attending physician; this will prevent the possibility of developing serious allergic reactions to the drug.

Indications for use Feminal

It is prescribed to improve a woman’s health and normalize her hormonal levels, as well as to eliminate complications of the menopausal period (hot flashes, tachycardia) in women before, during and after menopause.

Dietary supplement is used for the following symptoms:

  • Nervousness;
  • Instability of the emotional background;
  • Headaches and dizziness;
  • Tides;
  • Hyperhidrosis (increased sweating during hot flashes);
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Frequent mood swings;
  • Irritability;
  • Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • Depressive disorders, apathy.

It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Side effects

Women who are in the menopause period generally tolerate Feminal well, and side effects do not occur often. Among the side effects, patients experience allergic reactions, such as skin rashes, urticaria, skin swelling, and burning.

In case of overdose, women may experience symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • rash;

    Feminal during menopause. How to take, contraindications, analogues. Reviews from women

  • drowsy state;
  • trembling and chills.

In case of overdose, you should contact a medical specialist for symptomatic therapy. To avoid an overdose, you must carefully follow the prescribed instructions. It can be read on the card that comes with the drug.

Feminal action

The medicine has a positive effect on the female body, improving general condition and well-being.

Having decided to use dietary supplements, first of all you need to carefully read the instructions. It states that the medicine should be taken once every 24 hours with food. The course of treatment is one month. Thirty capsules are packed, this amount corresponds to one course. Often re-assigned. A gynecologist may recommend breaks between courses of twenty days.

Feminal Feminal instructions for use

It is necessary to ensure compliance with the doses, otherwise an overdose will occur, and along with it, nausea and dizziness, increased drowsiness, weakness and trembling may appear. If an overdose occurs, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and treat according to the symptoms.

When using the drug, the active substances help to remove not only the symptoms of menopause, regulating the presence of the hormone estrogen. If the drug is used regularly, it will be possible to eliminate or minimize the symptoms felt.

If we talk about side effects, the supplement has practically no side effects. But allergic manifestations and increased symptoms can be observed.


Feminal can be purchased at any pharmacy in any city. Its price varies in the range (513-850 rubles for 30 medicinal capsules). To save a little on the budget, a woman should purchase this drug in online stores, where it is sold at a lower price.

However, it should be taken into account that delivery costs may be added to the cost of the drug. The high price of the drug is justified by the fact that its therapeutic effect was recorded by both doctors and patients. Not every homeopathic remedy deserves positive reviews from medical specialists.

Feminal price, where to buy

The price of Feminal in Moscow is 450-650 rubles. You can buy medicine in Ukrainian pharmacies for 28-32 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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Consequences of overdose

Patients who did not comply with the prescribed prescription complained of general weakness throughout the body, slight dizziness, drowsiness and a feeling of coldness.

Complaints of dispersion and gastralgia were rarely recorded. In such cases, gastric lavage within the walls of a medical institution and body-strengthening therapy are prescribed. It is imperative to read the instruction card before taking any medication, including Feminal.

Overdose of "Feminal"

Taking large doses of the drug at a time can lead to the development of the following phenomena:

  • slight dizziness and severe weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • chills.

In addition, the use of the drug in doses that significantly exceed those recommended by doctors can lead to gastralgia and dyspepsia. In this case, symptomatic treatment is necessary.

Feminal instructions for use reviews

It is important to know what to do in case of an overdose of Feminal. Reviews contain the following information: identifying symptoms of overdose requires stopping taking capsules and immediately washing the stomach, as well as visiting specialists who will select a more appropriate treatment option for complications of menopause.

Reviews from doctors

Feminal has collected many positive reviews from women, so before you start using the drug for menopause, you need to familiarize yourself with the opinions of not only people who took it, but also doctors.

Feminal during menopause. How to take, contraindications, analogues. Reviews from women

Most doctors assure that due to the presence of isoflavones in medications for the symptoms that accompany menopause, there is a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. They also normalize the estrogen level of the body and have been proven to reduce the symptoms of menopause.

According to medical experts, if you regularly take the Feminal biological supplement, you can get rid of such unpleasant symptoms as excessive sweating, chills, and discomfort in intimate areas. Doctors do not prohibit, and in some cases even prescribe long-term use of this drug. But between courses it is necessary to take breaks in order to give the body a rest.

In this case, you need to regularly visit your treating medical specialist. According to the recommendation of doctors, the drug can be taken to achieve the desired effect for several months or years, until the woman overcomes the transition period and the symptoms disappear.

According to reviews from doctors at oncology clinics, the use of the drug significantly reduces the formation of malignant tumors. This information was collected using statistical data provided by real patients.

Benefits of the supplement

Hormone therapy (HRT), widely used to improve menopause, has a lot of negative effects. The use of drugs containing components such as synthesized progesterone and estrogen increases the risk of the formation of tumors, the development of serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, and is accompanied by headaches, reactions from the digestive system, etc.


(manufacturer: Jadran Galenski Laboratorij, country: Republic of Croatia) is an excellent alternative to treatment with hormonal drugs.
Not only patients, but also doctors leave good reviews about him. Benefits of the dietary supplement:

  • contains hormones that are synthesized from ingredients of plant origin (phytoestrogens);
  • the basis of the supplement is isoflavones (4 types), extracted from dry extract of red clover;
  • in structure and properties, phytoestrogens of dietary supplements are as close as possible to the hormones that are produced in the body;
  • The dietary supplement is suitable for long-term use (from 3 months to 2-3 years), but with pauses;
  • the positive effects of the components have been proven by testing and clinical trials;
  • a minimum list of restrictions on use and adverse reactions;
  • natural composition;
  • acceptable cost.

Loss of fertility, deterioration of health, depression - this may be a consequence of insufficient production of sex hormones. A lack of certain hormonal substances is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms:

swelling of the mammary glands, shortness of breath, problems with blood pressure, deterioration of the emotional and psychological state. Feminal dietary supplement increases the level of hormones, normalizing the patient’s condition, helping to cope with the symptoms of menopause more easily. Homeopathic medicine is prescribed for monotherapy. It is often used for endocrine pathologies, because with the help of capsules you can increase estrogen levels.

Conditions for storage and dispensing from the pharmacy

The storage requirements for Feminal do not differ from the storage requirements for most pharmaceuticals. Capsules must be kept in the original sticker (packaging).

The drug itself is placed away from sunlight and humidity, and also where there is no access for children. The temperature in the place where Feminal is stored should not be higher than 25 ºС. If such conditions are not met, then there is a high probability that the drug will be unsuitable for use and will lose all its beneficial qualities.

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription from a medical specialist. The shelf life of Feminal is 24 months from the date of release from production.

Description of the drug

Feminal is a medicinal homeopathic preparation

Feminal is a medicinal homeopathic drug widely used in the field of gynecology. Its main component is isoflavone - the result of an extract of the active substance from red clover. The drug is a dietary supplement with a plant base, which means that feminal is safe in the treatment of menopausal syndrome. The substance has no hormonal components. Feminal is an alternative to hormonal treatment. But its use includes restrictions: it is prescribed only to women. Its use is prohibited for men and children.


The only completely similar biological additive of Feminal is “Cleverol”. It is produced in the same pharmaceutical plant as the original. If we compare the compositions, even they do not have any distinctive features. The main thing that distinguishes the products is their price category. A package of the analogue (30 capsules) costs from 200 rubles, which is almost three times cheaper than the original drug.

On the pharmaceutical market you can find similar drugs, the action of which is aimed at reducing the symptoms of menopause:

  1. Borovaya uterus. Available in liquid form, dosed in the form of drops. This drug is also able to cope with the symptoms of menopause, but has a significant drawback - many side effects. Side effects extend to a woman’s cardiac system, and can also, in rare cases, cause hemorrhage in those patients who have problems with blood vessels. The biological additive is produced by the Altai Pharmaceutical Plant.
  2. Klimadion. It contains herbal active components that have a modeling effect on estrogen receptors. The dietary supplement is based on black cohosh, which promotes the production of its own estrogens. The drug has a weak sedative effect and supports the vegetative-vascular system of the female body. The drug is prescribed for the symptoms that accompany menopause (menopause). The results of therapy can be observed after 14 days, but not earlier. The drug can also be used to restore the menstrual bleeding cycle. Cohosh is not a toxic plant component, so the drug can be taken for a long time.
  3. Climaxan. This drug is available in sachets of medicinal granules and in tablet form. The product is odorless, the color of the tablet is white or beige. Climaxan is prescribed to eliminate symptoms in the premenopausal period and in the postmenopausal period. It has a calming effect on the female body. The main component of the product is snake venom, which acts as an immunomodulator. The drug has homeopathic properties and is not a drug.
  4. Menopace. The drug is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of menopause and is a combined action remedy. The effectiveness of the drug is achieved due to the active components of the composition in the form of a vitamin and mineral complex.
  5. Bonisan. It is a biological supplement used during the onset of menopause symptoms. In addition, the product slows down the aging of a woman’s skin and improves her appearance. The drug is effective in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Taking it also helps prevent the occurrence of malignant tumors.
  6. Lefem. The drug is made on a soy base, which is a source of phytoestrogens. The biological supplement is used to eliminate the symptoms that accompany menopause (menopause).
  7. Femiwell. This drug is a little similar to the natural remedy “Lefem” in that it has soybean extracts in its base composition. In addition to it, the composition is replenished with clover phytoestrogens. The product also has a preventive effect on the occurrence of osteoporosis and breast cancer. The drug has a beneficial effect on blood composition, thereby preventing the risk of heart disease.

    Feminal during menopause. How to take, contraindications, analogues. Reviews from women

Judging by the descriptions of similar drugs, Feminal, according to reviews from doctors and women, is the safest and most effective for menopause. The use of the drug will not cause unpleasant effects if you follow the instruction card that is attached to the biological additive. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the detailed recommendations given by the medical specialist who prescribed the remedy.

It is not recommended to prescribe or start taking the drug on your own . Ideally, before taking dietary supplements, you need to take a blood test to check for hormonal changes in the body, as well as check the general condition of all organs. After deciphering the results, the attending physician concludes that it is necessary to take Feminal.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Analogs of "Feminal"

There are no analogues of the dietary supplement that have the same structure as Feminal, since the drug is unique in the natural substances that are included in its composition.

Here is a list of Feminal analogues by pharmacological group. Medicines that help alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of menopausal conditions include: “Ethinyl estradiol”, “Estrofem”, “Estrogel”, “Estrovel”, “Estrimax”, “Cyclo Proginova”, “Cyclim”, “Chlorprothixene”, “Flogenzyme”, “Femoston”, “Triaklim”, “Sinestrol”, “Sibazon”, “Sagenite”, “Remens”, “Relanium”, “Proginova”, “Premarin”, “Pauzogest”, “Ovestin”, “Ovariamin”, “Nozepam” ", "NovoPassit", "Nikoshpan", "Nervohel", "Napoton", "Mikrofollin", "Menopace", "Krategus", "Krinon", "Cliogest", "Climodien", "Klimen", "Klimara", “Klimalanin”, “Klimaktoplan”, “Klimakt Hel”, “Klimaksan” (homeopathic), “Klimadinon Uno”, “Klimadinon”, “Indivina”, “Duphaston”, “Divitren”, “Divigel”, “Diazepex”, “ Dermestril", "Deprim", "Grandaxin", "Gynodian Depot", "Vitaprost Forte", "Vinpocetine", "Bravinton", "Beresh Plus" (drops), "Allitera", sedative sedative mixture.

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