Useful properties of burnt alum. Methods of using the powder

Burnt alum has a wide range of uses in medicine and cosmetology. In nature, this compound occurs in the form of a mineral formation called potassium alum. After heating above 160ºC, they burn out, forming a substance similar in consistency to a colorless powder with a crystalline structure. They can also be obtained through artificial synthesis.

Store alum in a tightly closed container, otherwise it will erode and disintegrate in the air. They also dissolve easily when exposed to moisture.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

To obtain this product, potassium-aluminum alum at a temperature of more than 160 degrees Celsius, which leads to a decrease in volume by almost 55%. Then the resulting substance is thoroughly ground into powder and sifted. Such manipulations make it possible to obtain a crystalline, inert, moisture-absorbing, chemically stable, odorless white powder. Burnt alum exhibits a drying, anti-inflammatory, cauterizing, antimicrobial, hemostatic and enveloping effect. This remedy also has an antipruritic effect.

What is alum

This substance cannot be called popular and many do not know what it is, how the product works and what it is used for. Alum is a pharmacological medicine, the name comes from the word “kysati”, which is translated from Old Slavonic as “to sour”. The substance is produced by processing sulfuric acid salts that have undergone hydrolysis processes. This method of obtaining forms the initial pharmacological form of burnt alum - powder.

You can buy alum at the pharmacy; the product has a number of useful properties that are valued in the treatment of dermatological pathologies. The substance can be used externally or it is part of other medications that are used to treat the mucous membranes of the human body. Scope of application of alum powder: cosmetology, gynecology, dentistry.


The buyer buys the drug in powder form, which is packaged in small jars. The composition of burnt alum includes heat-treated aluminum sulfuric acid salts. The substance is heated to 160 degrees, the original amount is halved. The resulting mass of burnt alum is carefully ground into powder, sifted, and an inert fine-crystalline product is obtained. The product perfectly absorbs moisture, is odorless and is chemically resistant. The composition of alum is very simple, so the substance is actively used in other medicines.

The girl holds in her hand a jar with the drug Burnt alum

Instructions for Burnt alum (Method and dosage)

It should be noted that the instructions for burnt Alum indicate that this product is intended for use as powders. At the same time, it is recommended to use the powder not every day, but only in cases of special need.

To treat ulcers or wounds, you need to prepare a special solution of alum. You will need half a teaspoon of powder and a glass of hot water in which the product is diluted. Wounds are treated with the resulting solution several times a day. It is also possible to apply a gauze bandage.

After applying the substance to a specific location, a colloidal film or albuminate , which protects numerous nerve endings.
This allows you to reduce pain or, for example, itching after insect bites.

Combine business with pleasure

How to use burnt alum if your whole body is sweating?

When you take a bath, add 1 tbsp. powder under running water. This will not only reduce sweating, but will also tighten pores and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Or you can make a light aromatic tonic:

  • 200 ml rose water;
  • 2 g alum;
  • 10 ml of 70% alcohol;
  • 5 drops of rose essential oil.

Heat the water a little and dissolve alum in it. Then add oil and alcohol. Mix everything well and pour into a dark glass bottle. Shake vigorously again.

Wipe your body with tonic or use a spray nozzle.

The result of such procedures will be:

  • freshness;
  • pleasant light aroma;
  • mild tanning and water-repellent effect.

If your face is sweaty and shiny, natural treatments will help.

In cosmetology, it is important to give preference to safe soft preparations. Facial skin is delicate and requires a special approach.

Alum, due to its anti-inflammatory and pore-tightening properties, will quickly put your face in order. It will become elastic, smooth and rejuvenated.

Instructions for using burnt alum:

A simple and effective mask that you can easily make at home:

  • 1 tbsp. pour alum into 100 ml of warm water;
  • stir until the powder is completely dissolved.

Soak gauze with holes cut out for the nose, eyes and mouth in the resulting solution, squeeze out and place on your face for half an hour.

You can improve the procedure and get better results.

First, prepare the herbal mixture by taking in equal parts:

  • dried lemon balm;
  • sage;
  • willow bark;
  • Potentilla erecta.

Make a healing mask as follows:

  • 1 tbsp. pour a glass of water over the herbs;
  • Place on the stove; as soon as the water begins to boil, remove from heat:
  • let it brew for 2-3 hours;
  • add a pinch of burnt alum and stir thoroughly.

Make applications using a cloth soaked in the medicinal infusion for two weeks.

Mask with honey: mix 1 tsp. powder with 1 tsp. natural honey and apply to face.

for about half an hour, then rinse with warm water. It will not only become drier, but also lighter and fresher.

How to accustom your armpits to alum?

If you've previously used chemical antiperspirants that clog your sweat glands, be patient. It takes time for your body to readjust and get used to a product that acts differently. This may take from two weeks to a month.

At first, it will seem to you that the sweat secretion has increased, because... Until now, under the influence of aluminum, more of it was produced.

In fact, it’s worth suffering some inconvenience for a while to switch to natural and safe protection!

It is best to plan the transition over the weekend. Let the glands be freed from chemical compounds:

  • Don't shave your armpits;
  • wash with natural soap and olive oil, if necessary, several times during the day;
  • do not use deodorants;
  • Wear cotton clothing that is breathable and absorbs sweat.

After two to three days of cleansing, take a bath or shower, wax, and you can start using alum.

The powder is not very convenient to apply to the armpit area, because... he crumbles. Therefore, it is recommended to make a solution:

  • dissolve 1 tsp. burnt alum in a glass of warm water;
  • add 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil;
  • pour into a spray bottle.

The fragrant natural antiperspirant is ready. It leaves no marks on clothes. You can spray yourself with your favorite perfume; there will be no mixing of smells.

In the beginning, it is better to treat twice a day for a while. Later, once will be enough.

Where else can I use it?

The use of burnt alum is not limited to neutralizing the unpleasant odor of sweat. This drug should be in every first aid kit.

It can be useful in cases where:

  • you accidentally cut yourself while shaving;
  • you experience irritation after depilation, alum also prevents such an unpleasant phenomenon as ingrown hairs;
  • you overdid it during the manicure and damaged your skin;
  • an adult or child was bitten by a mosquito, wasp, bee or other insect (for disinfection and relief of itching);
  • you got a sunburn.

One third tbsp. Dissolve alum in 100 ml of boiled warm water. Use the resulting solution to treat the skin. The wounds can be simply sprinkled with powder.

Burnt alum is used as an antiseptic, drying and soothing agent for:

  • eczema;
  • acne;
  • seborrhea;
  • fungus;
  • purulent ulcers;
  • dermatitis;
  • in the treatment of ingrown toenails.

Additional recommendations:

  • they can be used to treat the skin of children with diaper dermatitis (diaper rash), as well as prickly heat;
  • it will also come in handy in the kitchen - if after cleaning fish your hands smell unpleasant, wipe them with alum;
  • There are restrictions on liquid deodorants and antiperspirants that you can take on a plane in hand luggage (no more than 100 ml). You will transport alum from sweat without any problems;
  • always take them with you if you go with your child for a walk in the park, to the playground or to a picnic. For the slightest scratches or cuts, quickly treat the injured area. This will help not only avoid infection, but also stop minor bleeding. In such cases, it is more convenient not to use a powder, but a crystal or solution.

What to do when sweating is very severe?

If you are sweating excessively, which is unusual and distressing for you, try to find out why this is happening as soon as possible. You probably have some health problems

Consult your doctor. It is very important in this case to recognize or exclude the disease!

The result of the examination will show what the further treatment algorithm will be:

  • if it turns out that sweating is a symptom of some disease, i.e. secondary, the doctor will draw up a treatment regimen or refer you to the appropriate specialist;
  • if it turns out that you are healthy, and sweating in your case is of a primary nature, the tactics will be completely different.

Depending on the severity of hyperhidrosis, your doctor may offer you the following treatment options:

  • use of medical antiperspirants;
  • Botox injections;
  • iontophoresis;
  • curettage;
  • sympathectomy.

Each method has its own disadvantages and advantages. Efficacy, potential risks and contraindications are also different.

In some cases, additional drug therapy and psychological assistance may be needed.

Don't forget about folk recipes. For mild degrees of hyperhidrosis, they are often very effective if used regularly.

Reviews of burnt alum

As numerous reviews of burnt alum show, they are widely used in the treatment of various dermatitis , eczema , diaper rash , stomatitis , vulvovaginitis , gingivitis and other disorders.

This remedy is often used in the presence of festering wounds and trophic ulcers. In this case, gradual drying of the wounds was noted, the injuries quickly healed and stopped bleeding.

But Alum burnt from sweat is especially often used; reviews of such use are of a very different nature. Some people have been using this product for many years and are quite happy with it. Other users report that the use of burnt alum for sweating is completely ineffective even in cool weather.

There are also reviews about the use of this product for ingrown toenails. To treat this disease, patients used Alum in dry form, pouring the medicine onto the affected area under the nail. Gradually the nail grows and needs to be trimmed carefully. After some time, according to patients, the problem of ingrown toenails completely goes away.

In addition, burnt alum is used in the treatment of sore throats as a powerful antiseptic.
To do this, dilute half a teaspoon in half a glass of boiled water and rinse the throat and mouth. The pain goes away almost immediately after the first rinse. For young children who cannot carry out this procedure on their own, the affected areas in the mouth are lubricated with this solution using a bandage or gauze. This usually helps soften your throat and relieve pain.

Application of alum

As a rule, this drug is part of medications or acts as an independent remedy to combat excessive sweating. The use of alum is due to its ability to absorb excess moisture. The second reason is the disinfecting ability of alum powder; the product stops the proliferation of bacteria, which solves the problem of unpleasant odor from the armpits.

When the product is applied to the surface of the skin, a thin film is formed that protects the nerve endings. This makes alum a good remedy against itching, burning and other unpleasant symptoms, including insect bites. The substance is also used to treat ailments that affect the mucous membranes and skin:

  • toxicoderma;
  • angina;
  • dermatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • diaper rash;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • eczema;
  • fungus (mycoses);
  • stomatitis;
  • festering wounds;
  • trophic ulcers.

Among people who tried burnt alum, this remedy became very popular. An inexpensive, natural remedy with a pronounced medicinal effect and low cost. It has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the component. The advantages of burnt alum include:

  • can be used for bronchial asthma;
  • Burnt alum is allowed for nursing mothers and pregnant women;
  • the product is an absolutely natural product, therefore safe for use if you are allergic to other substances;
  • Burnt alum is very easy to use.

The girl has a sore throat

Price of burnt alum, where to buy

In Russian pharmacies this drug can be purchased at a price of 130 rubles, depending on the volume and manufacturer.

The price of burnt alum in Ukraine varies between 50-70 hryvnia.

Many users are interested in the question of where to buy burnt alum in Minsk? However, as it turned out, this drug in its pure form is quite difficult to find in pharmacies in Belarus. Therefore, some people prefer to order it from Russian online pharmacies.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Powder Alustin to eliminate sweating Burnt alum 50 g LLC Alustin
    138 rub. order

Harm of potassium alum

Most medications have side effects or some negative consequences. After conducting clinical studies and in medical practice, the harm of potassium alum was not recorded. This pharmacological agent does not pose any threat to the human body. The only situation where a side effect may occur is personal intolerance and an allergic reaction to potassium alum. In this case, you should immediately stop using the product.

How to use alum in dentistry?

The effectiveness of the drug is explained by the ability to form colloidal films that help reduce pain. Alum for stomatitis helps to avoid local processes and stops the development of ulcers.

Alum instructions for use

Burnt alum: instructions for use:

  • It is necessary to spot-treat the affected areas of the mucous membrane with a dry product. You can apply it with your finger.
  • Thanks to alum, oozing wounds will dry out and the healing process will speed up.
  • Rinse throughout the day with a solution from the product. For 200 ml of water you need to take at least 4 g.
  • Carry out the procedure every 3 hours.

After using alum, all symptoms of stomatitis decrease and the person feels significant relief.

How to properly use alum in gynecology?

The unique qualities of the substance are widely used to treat women's diseases. It has a pronounced antifungal effect and has a positive effect not only in the treatment of diseases, but also during their prevention. The antifungal properties of the product help cure thrush.

Instructions for using alum:

  1. You need to dilute the powder in water. 1 teaspoon per 500 ml of water is enough.
  2. Apply to a cotton swab and treat the genitals externally.
  3. The same solution is used for douching for cervical erosion. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, then a week break. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  4. In the postoperative period, the suture area is wiped with an alum solution.
  5. To treat inflammatory diseases, women are recommended to use sitz baths with this substance.
  6. Treating the external genitalia with an alum solution reduces the unpleasant odor.

Due to its beneficial properties, the product is constantly used to treat gynecological diseases.

What can you combine with for maximum effect?

The chemical properties of burnt alum allow them to be used in combination with other drugs. They are often used together with boric and salicylic acid, talc, tannin and oak bark powder. These ingredients enhance the effects of alum.

To protect against friction and sweating, mineral powder is used, which in addition to alum contains salicylic acid and talc. You can also prepare an anti-sweating mixture at home. To do this, you need to mix burnt aluminum alum and boric acid in equal quantities. Hydrogen peroxide can be used instead of boric acid. Homemade powder is spread on problem areas and then washed off with water.

For your information! For brittle hair, you can make a mask based on alum. To do this, squeeze the juice from three onions and mix with 3 g of powder. After half an hour, the head should be rinsed with water.

Hair Mask

Consumer Reviews

After using this product, consumers leave only positive reviews. According to them, alum quickly eliminates itching and has a drying, hemostatic and cauterizing effect.

burnt alum for sweating

It should also be noted that consumers speak well of this product as a remedy against dermatitis, diaper rash, toxicoderma, eczematized eczema, neurodermatitis, dyshidrotic mycosis, gingivitis, balanitis, stomatitis, vulvovaginitis and blepharoconjunctivitis. Many people note a quick effect after using alum to treat trophic ulcers and festering wounds. According to them, this remedy is capable of tightening and drying wounds, as well as stopping bleeding.

One cannot ignore the fact that burnt alum is widely used by the fairer sex for cosmetic purposes. And this is not without reason. After all, large companies use them to produce powders and creams that have an anti-inflammatory effect, increase skin elasticity and significantly tighten pores.

Indications for use

Why is burnt alum needed? According to the instructions, this remedy is especially effective in the treatment of hyperhidrosis or so-called excessive sweating. According to experts, alum is able to quickly adsorb unnecessary moisture. In addition, their disinfecting and disinfecting properties make it possible to destroy those fungi and bacteria that are sources of extremely unpleasant odors. Thus, the adsorbing effect and the ability of this product to significantly reduce the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands make it possible to use it as an antiperspirant substitute.

In addition to the fact that burnt alum saves a person from excessive moisture and unpleasant odor during sweating, this product is often used to prevent skin irritation, as well as to heal minor wounds and cuts. It should be noted that this product has proven itself well among males who use it as an aftershave lotion.

Alum in the treatment of ingrown toenails

Many people face a similar problem after cutting their nails incorrectly. The pathology manifests itself with the following symptoms: pain when walking and redness in the affected area. If no steps are taken, the pain will intensify and suppuration may occur. The instructions for using burnt alum are as follows:

  1. Initially, steam the sore finger in hot water. Then dry the affected area thoroughly.
  2. In the area of ​​ingrown nails, a liberal layer of alum should be applied throughout the day. You can repeat the procedure for several days.
  3. Before going to bed, apply a loose bandage to the nail so that it does not come off.

Burnt alum instructions for use

By repeating the procedure for several days, you can completely get rid of pain and suppuration. If an ingrown nail has already occurred, the patient should consult a doctor for medical help. Alum cures diseases such as panaritium well. Within a short time after using alum, pain and inflammation decrease.

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