Shilajit tablets: instructions for use, purpose and indications

  • September 5, 2019
  • dietary supplement
  • Karina D

Shilajit is a natural component rich in beneficial microelements, which allows it to be used for medicinal purposes. This substance is self-produced in rock crevices and is something like resin. Depending on the composition, the color of the mummy can vary from light brown to black. It has a characteristic smell and bitter taste.

It is known that this substance consists of unique macro- and microelements, metal oxides, essential oils and many other components. Thanks to its natural ingredients, mumiyo began to be used a hundred thousand years ago and continues to be popular in the field of medicine and cosmetology. He was mentioned in various treatises and scrolls of the peoples of Greece, China, Central Asia, India, etc. As you know, these countries have always been rich in excellent healers. Even in ancient times, scientists came to the conclusion that mumiyo is a remedy for ailments of the whole body, it can heal and give strength.

In this article we will talk about Altai mumiyo in tablets and the use of this product. It is one of the most commonly used in alternative medicine. Thanks to their low price, mummy tablets are available to everyone, which is an irrefutable advantage.

In pharmacies today you can buy tablets, as well as mumiyo in its pure form. You need to know that due to the specific production of tablets, auxiliary components are added to them, and accordingly, the medicinal properties of mumiyo are reduced because of this.


Both the properties and composition of mumiyo are quite complex.
Shilajit is a unique substance consisting of more than 80 different components. The composition of mumiyo is variable and depends on the natural conditions in which it originates. So, what are all kinds of tablets, ointments and medicinal tinctures made from?

The natural substance, purified from impurities, is an elastic, shiny biomass that looks like resin. Its color is uniform, ranging from brown to black.

The product has a specific balsamic smell, in which impurities of oil and dark chocolate are felt, as well as notes of wormwood and juniper. Its taste is bitter.

What does mumiyo consist of?

Chemical and spectral analysis of the natural mixture made it possible to identify in its composition such elements as cobalt, silicon, aluminum, manganese, lead, iron, magnesium, calcium, nickel, lead, titanium, and phosphorus.

It also contains essential oils, amino acids (including zoomelanoidic acid ), fatty acids , bee venom , vitamin P and B vitamins , resins, humic bases, as well as a number of substances, the properties of which remain unclear to this day. studied.

How to drink and dilute mumiyo correctly

There are many ways to use resin:

  1. Water solution. It is necessary to infuse 400 ml of water (warm) and 5 g of powder for 2 hours. After the specified period of time, the solution must be brought to 500 ml. High-quality raw materials give a clear solution without sediment, which can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.
  2. Alcohol tincture. To prepare the tincture, 10 g of raw material is poured with 70 ml of alcohol (20%). The solution should be infused for 7 days at room temperature. The tincture should be stirred every day. After a week, filter the solution and add 30 ml of alcohol. After 12 hours, strain again. The tincture is placed in a cool place for a day, filtered and brought to a volume of 100 ml.
  3. Water-glycerin solution. In a flask, mix 10 g of mumiyo, distilled water and glycerin in equal parts. You should get 200 ml of solution, which is boiled for half an hour, and then placed in a cool place for a day. After a precipitate has formed, the liquid is drained. The suspension is filtered and 200 ml of the mixture is added (water and glycerin in a ratio of 1:1).
  4. Ointment. Add a few drops of water to 5 g of powder to prepare a paste. Then it is mixed with 45 g of Vaseline.

Mumiyo is recommended to be drunk early in the morning and before bed, no earlier than 3 hours after eating. The course of treatment usually lasts from 10 days. After 10-12 days, you can repeat the treatment. The resin goes well with drug therapy.

pharmachologic effect

Shilajit belongs to the group of medicines that affect the state of the digestive tract and the course of metabolic processes.

The drug has a regenerating, immunomodulatory, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, detoxification, moderate bactericidal, mucolytic and secretomotor effect.

It regulates metabolic processes and has a reparative and adaptogenic effect . Normalizes the state of humoral and cellular immunity , the level of cholesterol , hemoglobin , erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood plasma , and also increases the production of endogenous interferon and NK cells . Accelerates the fusion of bone tissue after injuries and liver cells after hepatitis (both viral and toxic), has a pronounced antioxidant effect and protects cell membranes from damage.

In the form of rectal-vaginal suppositories, mumiyo helps reduce the number of relapses in frequent inflammatory gynecological diseases, restores the microflora of the mucous membrane, has a positive effect on hemorrhoids , eliminates the causes that provoke pathological changes in the rectum , and also prevents the development of their negative consequences.


The natural composition of the product and its pronounced positive properties make the tablets universal and relatively safe. However, doctors warn about possible contraindications for therapy.

The only absolute contraindication is the patient's history of intolerance to the product or a tendency to such complications, as well as the patient's age under 3 months.

However, there are relative contraindications:

  • Internal bleeding due to damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.
  • Acute advanced pathologies of the liver and kidneys, accompanied by impaired organ functioning.
  • Poisoning of the body with toxic substances.
  • The rehabilitation period after surgery on the abdominal organs.
  • Acute cerebrovascular accidents.
  • Mental disorders in acute form.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • An uncontrolled form of arterial hypertension.

The drug is also not used if swallowing function is impaired, since suffocation is possible if the tablet gets into the respiratory tract.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The beneficial properties of Altai mumiyo are determined by the presence in its composition of a large number of micro- and macroelements, which are balanced in terms of the physiological effect they have on the human body.

The substance affects protein , lipid , water-salt , carbohydrate and mineral metabolism , as well as the course of redox processes .

The components contained in it take part in the processes of reproduction and growth of the body, in hematopoiesis and the processes of formation of immunity .

It is assumed that the stimulating effect of the substance manifests itself even at the cellular level and that its components accelerate the processes of division and increase in the number of cells, activate the exchange of nucleic acids and proteins , which is extremely necessary for a number of serious diseases.

Shilajit has the ability to accumulate in the body: the process of its elimination proceeds quite slowly, due to which Shilajit has a prolonged effect.

What are the benefits of mumiyo for the body?

The benefits of mumiyo are its beneficial effects on the body:

  • rapid restoration of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes, bone and muscle tissues;
  • elimination of headaches;
  • normalization of the functioning of the nervous system;
  • detoxification;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stabilization of metabolism;
  • excess weight loss;
  • treatment of arthritis;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • therapy of gynecological diseases and infertility;
  • increased hemoglobin, which is beneficial in the treatment of oncological pathologies;
  • increase in life expectancy.

For women

Shilajit is beneficial for women. The product has been used for many centuries as a rejuvenating balm.

Important! Altai mumiyo brings maximum benefit.

The beneficial properties of the balm are used to treat urological and gynecological diseases. Such therapy is also used for inflammatory processes, endometriosis, and infertility. The substance exhibits its beneficial properties in cystitis and urolithiasis.

The product is actively used in salon and home cosmetic procedures. Shilajit helps fight acne, stretch marks and sagging skin. This effect is due to its antioxidant and regenerating properties. The balm improves blood circulation in the epidermis. Constant use of masks and special shampoos allows you to smooth out even deep wrinkles, get rid of dandruff and hair loss.

For men

The beneficial properties of mumiyo for men are obvious. The product has a beneficial effect on health at any age due to the unique combination of components it contains. The benefit lies in normalizing the functions of the hormonal and cardiovascular systems. Regular use of the balm improves blood circulation in the pelvic area and erection.

The effect on the male body is complex. Immunity and sexual activity gradually increase. The emotional background becomes stable.

The benefits of mumiyo for men are enormous. Taking the product is indicated for men in case of oxygen starvation of the brain, increased concentration of sugar, and nervous disorders. The antibacterial and antiviral properties of the substance are also known.

For children

The product is useful in childhood due to its properties. However, compliance with the rules of admission is essential.

The substance can be used both internally and externally. The balm is taken to strengthen the body and improve immunity. The product is useful for allergies, sinusitis, diabetes and asthma.

Attention! The balm can be given to children over 3 months of age.

The product is diluted with warm boiled water, goat and cow milk. For 5 g of mumiyo you should take 300 ml of water.

Indications for use: what treats mumiyo in various dosage forms

The use of mumiyo is advisable for a wide variety of diseases. It is used both as a therapeutic and as a prophylactic agent. lipid metabolism disorders , psycho-emotional and physical overload, and stress.

For debilitated patients, the elderly and children, taking the substance for preventive purposes can increase the body's resistance to adverse factors.

What does mummy in the form of candles help with?

In the form of suppositories, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of anal fissures , paraproctitis , inflammation of hemorrhoids , necrotic-ulcerative processes in the wall of the rectum.

The use of purified mumiyo in gynecology is indicated for inflammatory diseases that are accompanied by erosive lesions of the cervix .

Indications for the use of tablets and other dosage forms

The use of mumiyo in tablets and other dosage forms is indicated for the treatment of:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, wounds (including purulent and infected);
  • fractures, sprains, dislocations, bruises;
  • neuralgia associated with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system ;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive system and biliary tract ;
  • bone tuberculosis processes;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diseases of peripheral nerve trunks ;
  • periodontal disease;
  • deep vein thrombophlebitis;
  • intestinal atony;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • glaucoma;
  • gastritis;
  • breast inflammation;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • purulent otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • headaches;
  • conditions accompanied by symptoms of dyspepsia ;
  • stuttering;
  • diseases affecting the oral mucosa, teeth, gums ;
  • brain stroke;
  • decreased immunity and vitality;
  • paralysis;
  • burns, boils, acne;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • post-infarction conditions , etc.

It is also used to treat infertility in men and women, as well as to restore weakened sexual function and hyperaspermia in men.

Medicinal and beneficial properties

Mumiyo in tablets (the medicinal properties of the product are explained by its unique composition) has many beneficial properties for the patient’s body. For different age groups, their severity may differ slightly.

For women

For female patients, the product is considered very valuable. It has regenerating properties, that is, it helps restore tissue damage, stimulates cell renewal and prevents their premature destruction against the background of various disorders. The drug improves the condition of the skin, hair and nail plates, prevents hair loss, peeling, fragility and other changes.

The beneficial effect of the component on the body of pregnant and lactating women is noted. It not only saturates the patient’s body with important substances, but also prevents the development of complications in the mother and fetus. Shilajit slightly reduces the risk of spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth and promotes normal fetal development.

When taken during lactation, the patient's condition improves. The drug helps prevent the leaching of calcium and other components from the body, and increases vitality. Often during lactation, women talk about loss of strength, but mumiyo helps prevent such complications.

The product has a beneficial effect on the state of the reproductive system, prevents the development of hormonal imbalances, as well as infertility. There is a positive effect of the drug on the ovaries, uterus and other pelvic organs, even in the presence of pathologies in the anamnesis.

The product also improves digestion, vascular condition, and prevents the development of peripheral vascular pathologies. If there is a history of varicose veins or thrombophlebitis, there is an improvement in the condition and prevention of disease progression.

Shilajit also improves the functioning of the digestive organs and prevents the development of disorders in the presence of chronic pathologies.

For men

Mumiyo has a positive effect on the male body. The tablet product improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, which is especially important for middle-aged men, since in most cases they suffer from some kind of heart disease.

The medicinal properties of the product are extensive:

  • Shilajit prevents an increase in the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Facilitates the work of the myocardium, especially in the presence of a history of heart pathologies.
  • Improves the functioning of the pelvic organs, prevents the development of prostate pathologies.
  • Increases libido, prevents the occurrence of sexual dysfunction in patients of all ages.
  • In the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system, it alleviates the condition and reduces the risk of rapid progression.
  • Increases physical strength and endurance, improves the condition of muscles and the musculoskeletal system.

The beneficial effect of the product on the male body allows it to be used not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for preventive purposes.

For children

The natural remedy is considered beneficial for children of all ages. It is usually prescribed to patients over 2 years of age, but there are no clear recommendations regarding the patient's age. If necessary, it can also be used for children over 6 years of age.

The drug improves concentration and memory, stimulates mental activity. With its use, there is an increase in mental performance, as well as physical activity. If a child plays any sport, his results improve.

The product has immunostimulating properties and helps prevent frequent colds and viral diseases during seasonal exacerbations. The drug stimulates the growth of the child, saturates the tissues with useful substances necessary for proper development. Improving the functioning of all organs and systems and having a positive effect on digestion makes mumiyo useful for children.

Instructions for use of mumiyo

Use of the product in the form of suppositories

Candles with mumiyo have an intense restorative effect. They are intended for both rectal and vaginal use. Depending on the diagnosis, they are inserted deep into the vagina or rectum.

In the acute phase of the disease, adult patients are recommended to take one suppository twice a day, at regular intervals. Treatment is carried out in two ten-day courses, with an interval of seven days between them.

Children over two years of age are administered one suppository per day. The course of treatment lasts ten days. It is repeated if necessary.

For adult patients, for preventive purposes, as well as if the disease is mild, it is recommended to administer suppositories one at a time for one month. Preventive courses can be repeated at intervals of 3-6 months.

How to take mummy in tablets?

Most doctors, in their recommendations on how to take the drug in tablets, indicate that the optimal daily dose is a dose equal to 0.2 g of pure substance.

There are many recommendations on how to drink mumiyo. Most often it is prescribed to take one tablet two or three times a day for 10-12 days with a repeat course after a 10-day break. It is optimal to take the tablets 20-30 minutes before meals.

The instructions for golden mummy in tablets note that the treatment of stomach ulcers involves a continuous course of taking the drug for 18-28 days. Depending on the severity of the disease, it is recommended to prescribe from 0.2 to 0.5 g of pure substance per day.

When treating ulcerative colitis, patients are prescribed to take 0.2-0.3 g daily, supplementing the therapy with enemas with a 1% solution of mumiyo. They are given every other day, the dose of the substance is the same as for oral administration.

Recommendations for the use of dosage forms for external use

When treating patients suffering from skin diseases , bandages with a 1-2% aqueous solution or 2-3% ointment are used.

Burns and abscesses are treated using 1-3% ointments or solutions. Affected areas should be treated as often as possible.

Therapy is often supplemented with the prescription of mummy tablets for oral use. The daily dose of the pure substance is 0.5 g. Treatment is carried out in ten-day courses, maintaining five-day intervals between them.

Many people are interested in how to breed mumiyo. It is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously, since for different diseases, the methods of diluting this substance, as well as the dosages of ingredients for preparing the medicinal mixture, differ significantly.

Inflammatory diseases of the ear are treated using a mixture of 0.35 g of pure substance, unripe grape juice and pure rose oil. The consistency of the mixture should be such that the proportion of the active substance in it is from 1 to 3% (depending on the clinical situation).

For the treatment of joint diseases (for example, polyarthritis ), 4 g of pure substance is mixed with 60 ml of water. Take the resulting mixture one teaspoon once a day (on an empty stomach). It is recommended to conduct four courses, with four-month breaks between them.

The use of mumiyo in combination with aloe is considered effective against all types of cancer. It is important that the plant is more than three years old. To prepare the medicinal mixture, 0.4 kg of aloe leaves are crushed through a meat grinder and mixed with a bottle (0.7 l) of strong red grape wine preheated to a temperature of 37 ° C and 0.5 l of honey. 2 grams of pure substance are dissolved in the mixture and left to infuse for a week in a dark, cool place. The finished medicine is taken for a month, one teaspoon three times a day, about an hour before meals, after which the dose is increased to one tablespoon. The frequency of receptions remains the same.

This dosage is taken for two months. In cases where this is necessary, the course of treatment is repeated. A prerequisite is that the wine must be natural. Red grape wine is harmful to cancer cells .

To treat hypertension , use a mixture of mumiyo (0.2 g) with wild rosemary (2 parts), cucumber (3 parts), motherwort (3 parts). The collection of herbs is heated in a water bath for 10 minutes, after which it is left for 3-4 hours and mumiyo is added.

The finished medicine is taken three times a day, 0.5 cups (half an hour before meals). The drug is effective if the first or second stage of the disease is diagnosed, however, it should not be taken in case of heart failure and an increased risk of myocardial infarction .

How to drink mumiyo for fractures

For fractures, mumiyo is taken for three weeks. Treatment requires approximately 40 g of pure substance. To prepare a solution, 2 g of the substance is dissolved in 100 ml of water.

For ten days, the solution is taken orally, a tablespoon three times a day before meals. In the following days, the dose is increased to 1.5 tablespoons.

The instructions for use of Altai mumiyo also recommend another dosage regimen. Following it, for 7 days the drug is drunk one teaspoon three times a day before meals, in the next 7 days the dose is increased to a tablespoon, in the remaining 7 days - to two tablespoons.

It is also allowed to use mumiyo internally in its pure form for fractures. Take it for six days with a glass of milk. The daily dose is 5 g, the frequency of doses is 3.

Taking the drug for fractures in older people significantly accelerates the scarring of bone tissue , restores blood , normalizes calcium levels and effectively relieves inflammation .

It is recommended to supplement oral administration with the use of ointment or cream with mumiyo. It is also advisable for older people to take the drug from the Evalar company “ Mountain calcium D3 with mumiyo ”. It allows you to replenish calcium deficiency, which is observed in most elderly people.

Shilajit for allergies

For allergies, 1 g of the substance is dissolved in one liter of warm water. The product is taken once a day. The dose depends on the age of the patient: for children from one to three years old it is 50 ml, for children from 4 to 7 years old the solution is given 70 ml, after 8 years - 100 ml.

In case of severe allergies , another dose is added (in the afternoon), however, the dose is halved. To consolidate the effect of taking the solution, therapy should be continued for at least twenty days.

The effect of the drug is quite strong. Reviews of mumiyo for allergies indicate that the remedy even relieves severe swelling of the throat mucosa .

Shilajit for acne

For acne on the face and body, use a 3% mummy solution. To prepare it, 3 g of the substance is dissolved in 100 ml of boiled or distilled water. Apply it to inflamed pimples and blackheads as often as possible.

Reviews of mumiyo for acne indicate that no less effect from the product can be obtained by adding 5 g of the substance to your face cream. You can use it after a day (the cream needs to sit). Apply the cream in a thin layer with your fingers (preferably before bedtime), without rubbing.

How to use mumiyo for stretch marks (tablets and cream)

Shilajit has found its greatest use in the treatment of bone fractures , however, few people know that it is also a very effective remedy against stretch marks. There are quite a lot of tips on how to dilute it to prepare oily mixtures and creams with essential oils.

The most popular is the recipe with mumiyo and baby cream for stretch marks. To prepare the healing composition, you need to take mummy tablets (from 10 to 20 tablets of 0.2 g or from 2 to 4 g of pure substance) and dissolve them in a small amount of lukewarm purified water.

Next, the resulting concentrated solution is combined with baby cream and stirred well until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The cream for stretch marks with mumiyo prepared according to this recipe is intended for daily use. Apply the product evenly in a thin layer to the skin and rub in lightly. For best results, it should be used for three to four months. The finished cream is stored in the refrigerator.

Numerous positive reviews about the cream with mumiyo for stretch marks indicate that with regular use of this composition, stretch marks gradually lighten and become less noticeable.

Photos before and after using stretch mark cream with mumiyo tablets:

Photos before and after using stretch mark cream with mumiyo tablets
Application for hair

The use of Altai mumiyo in tablets for hair treatment can significantly improve the appearance of hair, eliminate the problem of split ends, reduce the amount of hair lost, and prevent premature baldness.

In reviews of Shilajit tablets for hair, almost everyone who has tried this product notes that by simply adding a few grams of pure substance to hair shampoo, you can achieve truly remarkable results: hair becomes smooth, silky and grows much faster.

Shilajit for hair can be added not only to shampoos, but also to decoctions of herbs traditionally used for rinsing hair (for example, to a decoction of burdock root or mint leaves), and to masks.

A warm decoction of burdock root (the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, because otherwise the mummy loses its properties) with 3-4 grams of the substance is an excellent remedy for dandruff. The decoction is used for rubbing into the hair roots or as a rinse.

Mumiyo for face

Mumiyo for the face - reviews confirm this - this is an excellent remedy that can improve skin color, increase its turgor, eliminate wrinkles, pimples and dark spots, and relieve inflammation. The use of mumiyo in cosmetology promotes skin rejuvenation, accelerates its regeneration, and also thoroughly cleanses pores and removes toxins.

For healthy color and elasticity of the skin, 5 grams of pure substance are dissolved in a tablespoon of lukewarm water and mixed with the contents of a hundred-gram tube of baby cream. The cream is applied to the skin of the face and neck with light circular movements (without rubbing) once a day.

For a face mask, the pure substance can be mixed with an egg (with protein for oily skin, with yolk for dry skin), honey, rose oil (this mask helps promote skin healing), calendula decoction (allows you to cure skin from acne), honey, jojoba oil , lemon juice (this mask is recommended for problem skin; in addition, it brightens the skin) and other ingredients.

To get rid of wrinkles, face masks must be done once every ten days.

A rejuvenating effect can be achieved by also using a facial tonic with wine. To prepare it, 2 g of pure substance is dissolved in dry red wine (0.5 cups). Before use, the mixture should sit for about half an hour.

Shilajit for cellulite

There have also been a lot of reviews about mumiyo for cellulite . You can get rid of unsightly bumps on the hips and buttocks by using mummy with baby cream (2 g of a substance diluted in water per 100 g of baby cream) or mixing it with a tablespoon of essential oil - rosemary, mint or orange.

Both the cream and the oil mixture are rubbed into the skin of problem areas once a day (in the evening, before bedtime).

Use for scars and scars

For scars and scars, use a mixture of 2 g of pure substance (previously diluted in a teaspoon of water), a small amount of baby cream (take enough to make a thick paste) and 2-3 drops of jojoba essential oil.

The composition can be applied to both the face and body.

How to take mumiyo?

Mumiyo is available in liquid and powder forms. Always take supplements as directed. If you purchase the supplement in liquid form, dissolve a grain- or pea-sized portion of the liquid and drink one to three times daily (depending on directions). Or you can take shilajit powder twice a day with milk. The recommended dose of mumiyo is 300 to 500 mg per day.

Mumiyo can be used by dissolving it in water, tea, milk, juices and honey, you can also use it externally in the form of lubricating sore spots and instilling it, and also if you mix mumiyo with juice, alcohol, honey, or add mumiyo to an ointment.

During the treatment of mumiyo, you should under no circumstances consume any alcoholic beverages or medications. It is worth recalling that mumiyo, if taken in large doses, becomes toxic, for this reason it is imperative to strictly follow the instructions.

Mumiyo in traditional medicine is used to treat diseases such as various diseases of the stomach, gastrointestinal tract, digestive system and bladder. It is best to consume mumiyo on an empty stomach, in the morning and evening, more precisely, before bedtime, in other words, 2 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 25–28 days.

If the disease being treated with mumiyo has been severely advanced, the course should be repeated 10 days after the first course of treatment. The required amount of mumiyo for a single dose is 0.2–0.5 g, it depends on the person’s body weight: up to 70 kg – 0.2 g, 80 kg – 0.3 g, up to 90 kg – 0.3–0, 4 g, more than 90 kg – 0.4–0.5 g. It is best to dilute mumiyo with milk (1:20) or water, you can add honey to the drink to taste, and mumiyo can also be diluted in various juices, such as grape, cucumber , or in infusions of herbs such as blueberries, cumin, parsley. Mumiyo is also diluted in egg yolks.

When undergoing treatment for mumiyo, it is very important to follow a diet and consume food in moderation. During this period, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited!

Many studies have been conducted in animals or cells and should encourage further research in humans. Therefore, they should not be interpreted as absolute benefits for human health.

special instructions

All about mumiyo: mumiyo - what it is, how mumiyo is useful, medicinal properties and contraindications

As an answer to the question “What is mumiyo?” Wikipedia provides the following description: Shilajit is a product created by nature with a complex chemical structure, which is used to increase the body’s nonspecific resistance to various types of harmful influences (biological, physical or chemical in nature).

Shilajit is an excellent biostimulant . It has virtually no contraindications, but on the contrary, thanks to its protective and adaptogenic properties , it relieves fatigue and restores lost energy.

In folk medicine, it has long been used to accelerate the fusion of bone tissue in fractures . Clinical studies have established that this remedy is simply irreplaceable for bones - in patients who took the drug, a callus during fracture approximately two weeks earlier than in patients who were not prescribed mumiyo.

Benefits and harms of mumiyo

The benefits of mumiyo cannot be overestimated. Thanks to its composition, this natural balm allows you to treat a wide variety of diseases. However, this does not mean that the drug can be taken uncontrollably and without any regard for doses, because mumiyo has both beneficial properties and contraindications.

The substance has the ability to accumulate in the body (cumulate), and with prolonged use it can provoke undesirable, although quickly passing, effects.

In addition, the presence of any substance in the body provokes an enhanced reaction, which is associated with its processing and elimination.

Some people believe that shilajit should not be taken because it is radioactive.

However, the radioactivity of the substance is very insignificant, and, in addition, its insignificant dose accelerates the restoration of bone tissue in fractures , stimulates redox processes in the body , the process of interaction of hemoglobin with oxygen and hydrolytic reactions ; increases the physical and chemical activity of the substances that make up a living organism; normalizes the patient's condition with hypertension , flaccid granulating wounds , osteomyelitis , wound sepsis ; and also contribute to the activation of self-renewal processes of the body and its vital activity as a whole.

There is also an opinion that elderly people should not use the drug, since the biologically active substances it contains are potentially capable of developing cells of the suspected tumor, if it is present in the body of an elderly person.


There have been no cases of overdose of the drug, since it does not have toxic properties and does not lead to the accumulation of components in tissues and blood. However, doctors suggest that prolonged use of tablets in high doses can lead to a worsening of the condition and the development of associated abnormalities.

Some talk about stool upset, stomach pain and nausea. In others, an overdose is manifested only by signs of an allergic reaction in the form of acute urticaria or Quincke's edema. In this case, a rash appears on the body, swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat is noted. Such reactions may worsen if left untreated. They threaten not only the health, but also the life of the patient.

Mumiyo in tablets. Medicinal properties, instructions for use, reviews
Mumiyo in tablets

If negative symptoms appear while taking a large amount of the drug, you should immediately stop therapy and consult a doctor. You may need gastric lavage and the prescription of special medications to normalize the condition.

Reviews about mumiyo

All varieties of mumiyo (Altai purified mumiyo produced by the Evalar company, produced by the Indian company Dabur, Shilajit mumiyo, etc.) are an effective remedy for a huge number of a wide variety of diseases.

Reviews of the golden mummy “Evalar” also indicate that its use on the face (in particular, against wrinkles and acne ), against allergies , and against cellulite .

Shilajit is also effective for stretch marks (reviews of its use to combat this problem are entirely positive).

In reviews of mumiyo for hair, everyone who has tried this product notes that after using it, the hair becomes thicker, acquires a beautiful shine and begins to grow faster.

There are a lot of positive reviews about mumiyo for weight loss. Tablets help speed up the metabolism in the body, however, a greater effect from their use can be achieved by supplementing the drug intake with physical activity and proper nutrition.

Price for mumiyo

You can learn more about what mumiyo is and where to buy it, as well as where to order and how to store mumiyo, on the websites of pharmaceutical companies that produce medicines containing it.

Where is mumiyo sold?

Quite often you can come across the questions “Where can I buy mumiyo?” or “Where can I buy real mumiyo?” This substance is sold in tablet and ointment forms in pharmacies; in its pure form it can be purchased through online pharmacies.

Cost in Ukraine

The price of mumiyo in pharmacies in large cities of Ukraine (Kyiv, Lvov, Kharkov and Donetsk) is from 16 to 50 UAH (depending on the manufacturer). Golden mumiyo Evalar sells for an average of 33-45 UAH per package.

You can buy purified whole Altai mumiyo for an average of 7-10 UAH per gram.

How much does mumiyo cost in Russian pharmacies?

The price of mumiyo in tablets in Yekaterinburg is from 48 rubles, in Moscow and St. Petersburg - from 50 rubles. You can buy natural mummy in plates for an average of 25-30 rubles (price for 2 grams).

The average price of “Mountain calcium D3 with mumiyo” is 180 rubles.

Cost in Belarus

In Minsk and other cities of Belarus, the price of the drug in tablets varies from 11 to 46 thousand rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Rinse BC Pharma (Bisi Pharma) for the oral cavity with mumiyo Hilfen Gum protection Forte 250 ml LLC "Dental-Cosmetic-Rus"
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  • Valentin Dikul’s smart body cream “Mummy. Shark cartilage 125ml KorolevPharm LLC

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  • Valentin Dikul’s smart body cream “Mummy. Bee venom" 125ml LLC "KorolevPharm"

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  • Shilajit Golden Altai tablets 0.2 g 20 pcs. Evalar JSC

    102 RUR order

  • Shilajit Golden Altai tablets 0.2 g 60 pcs. Evalar JSC

    220 rub. order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Albadent Balm (for oral cavity with mumiyo 400ml) CBO at RAS Vita LLC

    115 rub. order

  • Mumiyo purified Altai tablets 200 mg No. 20 Evalar ZAO

    95 rub. order

  • Mumiyo (tab. 200 mg No. 30) Pharmgroup LLC

    72 RUR order

  • Mumiyo (tab. 200 mg No. 60) Pharmgroup LLC

    160 rub. order

  • Mumiyo shilajit (cap. No. 50)Dabur

    RUB 294 order

show more


  • Mumiyo 0.2g N10 candles PAT Monfarm, Ukraine
    50 UAH.order
  • Mumiyo purified 0.2g No. 60 tablets Aronia Pharm LLC, Kyrgyz Republic

    71 UAH order

  • Purified mummy 0.2 g N30 tablets TOV "Biovit", Republic of Kyrgyzstan

    38 UAH order

  • Mumiyo Shilajit asia 0.2 g No. 60 tablets TOV Ecosvit OIL, Ukraine

    73 UAH order

  • Mountain rescuer 40 ml Cream-balm mumiyo, sea buckthorn Elixir, Dnepropetrovsk

    20 UAH order


  • Mumiyo purified tablets 0.2g No. 60 Kyrgyzstan, Biovit

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  • Mumiyo purified tablets 0.2g No. 60 Kyrgyzstan, Altey

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  • Cream-balm Mountain rescuer mumiyo with sea buckthorn 75ml Ukraine, Elixir LLC

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  • Shilajit Asia purified 5g Ukraine, Ecosvit Oil LLC

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  • Cream-balm Mountain rescuer mumiyo with sea buckthorn 40ml Ukraine, Elixir LLC

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Side effects

Shilajit in tablets, the medicinal properties of which are explained by their rich chemical composition, can provoke negative reactions. They occur not only when instructions are violated, but also when all doctor’s recommendations are followed.

The most common complications:

  • Allergic manifestations in the form of skin rash, severe itching and burning.
  • Nausea and bouts of vomiting.
  • Stool disorder.
  • Headache, dizziness.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Increased irritability and decreased mental performance.
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Fluctuations in blood pressure.
  • Pain in the heart area, tachycardia and arrhythmia. Such reactions occur in patients with a history of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Weakness and fatigue, accompanied by loss of appetite.

Negative reactions are considered a reason to refuse to use the medicine and consult a doctor. Ignoring manifestations leads to the development of other complications, as does the use of medications without first visiting a specialist.

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