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Possible side effects from Nicorette patches, tablets and sprays
Now more and more modern smokers are coming to the idea of ​​quitting the deadly habit.
Anabolism, supplements
Ecdysterone B - description and instructions for use
Home ▸ Articles ▸ Sports supplements ▸ Supplements for anabolism ▸ Ecdisten Beta-Ecdysone (20-Hydroxyecdysone,
Mikoflucan: composition, indications and contraindications, dosage, side effects
Mikoflucan: composition, indications and contraindications, dosage, side effects
1116 Author of the article Evgeniy Nikolaevich Konoplev Reading time: 7 minutes AA Drug Mikoflucan
The structure of the nose in children
Indications for use of the drug Ectericide in the nose for children and its analogues
In medicine, the use of Ectericide is quite common; most often this drug is used to treat injuries
Pharmacological properties of the drug Risperidone Neuroleptic. Selective antagonist of 5-HT2-serotonergic and D2-dopaminergic receptors in the central nervous system,
How effective is Epigen gel in the treatment of papilloma: instructions for use, analogues, price of epigel
Composition of 100 ml spray for topical use contains: glycyrrhizic acid – 0.1 g (amount
Amitriptyline for depression
Amitriptyline solution d/iv and intramuscular injection 10 mg/ml amp. 2 ml No. 10 72583
Amitriptyline is a classic tricyclic antidepressant. Due to the fact that it was synthesized by one of
blood clots
"Cardiomagnyl": reviews from doctors, instructions for use
Recently, cases of heart attack or stroke due to the formation of blood clots in blood vessels have become more frequent.
What analogues of ketorol exist?
The best analogue of Ketorol: list of drugs and reviews
Today we’ll talk about analogues of Ketorol, because pain is a response to
Amizol packaging
Amitriptyline Nycomed – description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews
Write a review Reviews: 0 Manufacturers: Nycomed Danmark A/S Active ingredients Not specified. See instructions
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