Relenza for viral diseases: instructions for use

Pharmacological properties of the drug Zanamivir

Antiviral agent. The mechanism of action is presumably due to the inhibition of neuraminidase of influenza A and B viruses and disruption of their aggregation and exit from cells. The use of zanamivir helps reduce the severity of influenza symptoms, shortens the duration of the febrile period, and reduces the incidence of complications. After oral inhalation, 4 to 17% of zanamivir is systemically absorbed. The maximum concentration in the blood serum is determined 1–2 hours after inhalation and ranges from 17 to 142 ng/ml after use at a dose of 10 mg. The AUC value ranges from 111 to 1364 ng•h/ml. Plasma protein binding is limited (≤10%). The half-life after inhalation is 2.5–5.1 hours. It is completely excreted unchanged in urine within 24 hours; no metabolites of zanamivir were identified. Zanamivir swallowed during inhalation is excreted in the feces.

Therapeutic effect

Cells of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx treated with Relenza do not allow viruses to enter, preventing the infection from developing. The fact is that viruses produce the enzyme neuromydiasis - it corrodes and softens cell membranes, facilitating the penetration of the pathogen into the cells of the human body. Relenza blocks the production of this substance, protecting cells from foreign objects.

The medicine also stops the spread of the virus if it encounters cells that have already been infected by it. Does not affect intracellular space.

Excreted in urine. Not subject to chemical reactions. Complete cleansing of the drug from the body occurs within 24 hours.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Zanamivir

The safety of zanamivir in patients with asthma and COPD has not been established. If inhalation of zanamivir causes the development of bronchospasm, its further use is contraindicated. The effectiveness and safety of prophylactic use of zanamivir during an influenza epidemic has not been established. The use of zanamivir should not influence decisions about influenza vaccination in accordance with current recommendations. There are no data from well-controlled clinical trials of zanamivir in pregnant women, so zanamivir should only be prescribed during pregnancy if the expected benefit to the expectant mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. Zanamivir can be excreted in breast milk. The safety and effectiveness of zanamivir in children under 12 years of age have not been established.

Composition and release form

The main active ingredient of the drug Relenza is zanamivir. In addition, the powder contains milk sugar monohydrate - lactose.

Since Relenza is used for inhalation, in addition to the powder itself and instructions, there is a special device called Dishacker. The main components of this device:

The outer body has a hinged lid with a needle on it. It turns out that the needle located on the lid pierces the blisters with powder, and inhalation can begin.

Rotadisks. Each of them contains 4 blister cells. 1 blister – 1 dose of medicine.

White pull-out tray with mouthpiece, clamps and wheels.

Drugs to enhance immunity and their analogues

Natural vitamins - berries, fresh fruits and vegetables - will help support immunity after illness or during increased stress. Sleep more and walk more often. And if your colleagues sneezed both you and the healthy fruits on a common platter, then you will have to improve your health, or rather your immunity.

Expensive MedicinePriceCheap analoguePrice
Herbal preparations
AflubinAustria 511 RUR for 50 mlEchinacea tinctureRussia 108 R for 50 ml
ImmunalSlovenia 341 RUR for 20 tablets
EngystolGermany 459 RUR for 50 tabletsImmunokindGermany 503 R for 150 tablets
Preparations of microbial and yeast origin
PyrogenalRussia 1219 R for 10 ampoulesImudonRussia 591 R for 40 tablets
Broncho-munalSlovenia 1340 RUR for 30 capsules
ReaferonRussia interferon alpha-2b 1735 for 5 bottles (r/r for injection)InterferonRussia interferon alpha 136 for 5 ml


The effectiveness of zanamivir has not been reliably proven.

Studies used by manufacturers to certify neuraminidase inhibitors in various countries have shown that the studies are of poor quality - they have design problems and these problems prevent any definitive conclusion. An analysis of these studies (26 studies on zanamivir and 20 on oseltamivir) showed:

  • in the treatment of influenza-like illness (unconfirmed influenza), a reduction in the duration of symptoms by less than one day was detected;
  • clinical trials for influenza prevention have shown a reduced risk of influenza symptoms in individuals and families;
  • there was no evidence of an effect on asymptomatic influenza or influenza-like illness;
  • information on the effect on influenza complications was unreliable;
  • in children with asthma there was no clear effect on reducing time to symptom relief.
  • Claims of oseltamivir's ability to interrupt viral transmission and reduce complications are not supported by any data. Review investigators' conclusion: "The manufacturer's proposed mechanism of action (influenza virus-specific) is inconsistent with clinical evidence, suggesting multisystem and central action."

In 2011, strains of the influenza A virus were identified that were resistant to zanamivir, including in people not treated with this drug.

Mode of application

As mentioned earlier, Relenza is used for inhalation. There are some standard dosages of the drug. They depend on the purpose of use of the product and the general health of the person. Typically, doctors recommend using antiviral medicine as follows:

  • for treatment: twice a day, two inhalations (daily – 20 mg of the active substance, i.e. one rotadisc or 4 doses); it is advisable to start therapy within 2 days after the onset of flu symptoms; the entire course lasts 5 days.
  • for preventive purposes: 2 inhalations every morning or every evening (1 time per day); The daily dose is half that for treatment, but you will have to use the product for 1.5 to 4 weeks, i.e. until the epidemiological situation improves.


The likelihood of an overdose is low because the drug is strictly dosed and is used for inhalation and not orally. Even if a person triples the recommended dose (takes 64 mg of medication per day), side effects do not develop. The same applies to parenteral use of the drug for 5 days, 1.2 g daily.

Side effects

Side effects from Releznaya’s treatment were observed infrequently, but doctors still encountered the development of certain ailments in patients:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • bronchospasm;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • swelling of the face
  • hives;
  • skin rashes.

In addition, doctors reported disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system in patients with influenza against the background of Relenza: they developed delirium, convulsions, deviant behavior and hallucinations.

special instructions

Combination with other inhaled medications is undesirable. If a patient has chronic respiratory diseases, you should consult a doctor about the use of bronchodilators.

The use of Relenza by drivers is acceptable, since it does not reduce reaction speed and does not impair concentration.

Rotadiscs are not pierced before being installed in the dissackler. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the powder is lost.

Storage: terms and conditions

The rules for storing this antiviral agent are simple:

- the temperature should not exceed 30 degrees Celsius (i.e. in hot weather it is better to hide Relenza in the refrigerator);

— look at the production date (the drug loses its effectiveness after 5 years of storage);

- exclude children from access to all medications in the house.

Release from pharmacies

When purchasing medicine, you must have a prescription from your doctor.


A package of Relenza in 20 doses (5 mg each) costs about 1,100 rubles. This is an approximate cost. It may vary among different pharmacy chains. The drug can be ordered online or purchased at the nearest pharmacy or kiosk.


The main analogue of Relenza based on the active substance is Zanamivir. Its use, list of indications, side effects and contraindications are similar to Relenza.

There are cases when zanamivir-based antivirals are not suitable for a patient due to age, allergies or other reasons. Then he may be offered other anti-influenza medications:

  • Oseltamivir;
  • Arbidol;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Viferon;
  • Cytovir-3;
  • Bendazole.

They are produced in tablets, capsules, powders - various forms of release. Each of these medications prevents the proliferation of influenza viruses types A and B in the body and alleviates the condition of the sick person.

For the flu

Flu is a disease well known to mankind. It was described by Leo Tolstoy in War and Peace. In those days, of course, there was no specific treatment for the disease, so they used folk remedies. In the 21st century, there are effective antiviral drugs. One of them is Relenza. Some patients left comments online after the treatment, noting its advantages and disadvantages:

  • “an effective drug,” although “alas, expensive”;
  • “it helps immediately” (“after just two breaths of Relenza I felt better”), but “it’s hard to buy at the pharmacy even during a flu epidemic”;
  • “gets you back on your feet quickly, super tool”;
  • "expensive and useless."

Judging by these reviews, the medicine helped most people get rid of the flu, but not everyone. Taking this into account, a treatment regimen for influenza should be selected together with a therapist. Firstly, a person does not know all the features of his body, and secondly, what helped one person may be destructive for another (and vice versa).

"Zanamivir": patient reviews

What opinions do those who have used it for treatment or prevention have about the described medicine? Many people used this remedy during epidemics. Until recently, it could be purchased without a doctor’s prescription. Patients say that the drug Zanamivir is very effective. The medicine quickly has a positive effect on the body. It improves immunity and strengthens resistance. It’s worth saying right away that timely use of the drug after contact with an infected person does not allow a person to get sick.

We recommend reading: Aspirin for the flu: why you shouldn’t take it, benefits or harm

Also, many patients used the drug to treat the disease. The drug is prescribed for such severe and dangerous diseases as swine or bird flu. It is these diseases that often lead to complications and death. Consumers report feeling significantly better after starting therapy. Improvement was observed already on the second or third day. The general course of treatment was five days. In rare cases, the doctor recommended increasing the period of taking the medication.

Patients testify that the medicine "Zanamivir" is convenient to use. You can always take an inhalation device and rotadiscs with you. If you cannot go on sick leave and have to go to work, then this will be an invaluable advantage.

Remedies for ARVI and their inexpensive analogues

The best remedy for ARVI is warm drinks, rest and topical medications: vasoconstrictor drops for the runny nose, sore throat lozenges. The drugs that Russians who have a cold are so fond of are expensive, but cheap analogues of the drugs are also sold. It is better to spend the savings on buying fruits, juices and vegetables - they will help the body recover faster.

List of analogues of expensive drugs for ARVI:

Expensive MedicinePriceCheap analoguePrice
CycloferonRussia meglumine acridone acetate 353 RUR for 20 tabletsKagocelRussia Kagocel 242 RUR for 10 tablets
AmiksinRussia Tiloron 482 RUR for 10 tabletsTsitovirFinland thymogen sodium 325 RUR for 12 tablets
IngavirinRussia vitaglutam 491 RUR for 7 tabletsArbidolRussia umifenovir 142 RUR for 10 tablets
TamifluSwitzerland/Russia oseltamivir 1030 RUR for 10 capsulesOseltamivir-akrikhinRussia oseltamivir 596 RUR for 10 capsules
RebetolPuerto Rico/Belgium ribavirin 4341 RUR for 140 capsulesRibavirin-C3Russia ribavirin 290 for 120 capsules
ArbidolRussia umifenovir 813 RUR for 40 capsulesAfludolRussia umifenovir 554 RUR for 40 capsules




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