Fibroids (fibroids) of the uterus are a benign tumor that is usually diagnosed in women from
Home » Health » Causes of constant drowsiness, apathy and fatigue: in men and women
Sexually transmitted diseases are infectious, that is, arising due to the introduction of various pathogens. They
Description Amenorrhea (ICD 10 N91) is not a disease, but a condition of the body that is characterized by
Pancreatic necrosis is one of the most severe diseases of the abdominal organs and in 1% of situations it serves
Cholera affects 3-5 million people worldwide and causes 100,000-130,000
A stool test for worm eggs is a standard medical test that is prescribed for adults and children.
Causes of thyroid cancer The risk group for thyroid cancer includes:
Each of us has faced a situation where medical attention is urgently required. For such emergencies
Lumbar protrusion is a disorder in the intervertebral disc, which consists of protrusion beyond the boundaries